
Chapter 10: Hitomi


Eight thirty one at night.

Hitomi leaned against the edge of the table, looked at the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and then glanced at the phone.

She has made many calls, but her sister Huimi still hasn't answered. The loss of contact made Hitomi's chest tight and worried.

In fact, she went to De Yong's house to visit her sister two days ago, but at that time Mr. De Yong directly stopped her from the door and did not see her sister at all.

Now two days have passed, and my sister hasn't even called...

Countless bad thoughts flashed through Hitomi's mind, but the next moment she dismissed these bad possibilities.

"Impossible... Brother-in-law is so kind to sister, nothing will happen... Let's go and see tomorrow morning."

Hitomi gripped the phone tightly, secretly making up her mind.

"There is still half an hour to get off work... Go back and pack your things."

Hitomi shook off her worries and returned to her work floor via the stairs.

The sound of her high heels echoed extremely loudly in the stairwell, as if she was the only one on the whole staircase.

Soon, she returned to the working floor. She flipped through the messages on her mobile phone, and suddenly heard some strange sounds.

"Boom boom boom."

This is... the sound of a ball hitting the ground

Hitomi looked at the source of the voice... the women's restroom.

Is someone playing with a ball in the women's restroom

Hitomi grabbed the phone, walked lightly, looked around and walked into the toilet.

The moment Hitomi walked into the toilet, the sound disappeared.

What are you doing

There is obviously nothing in the toilet.

Hitomi breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and then she walked into a toilet cubicle, just in time to relieve herself.

"Kang Bang Bang" (flushing water)

Just when Hitomi finished untying her hands and was about to walk out of the cubicle, her phone rang. Hitomi saw clearly that the call was from Huimei.

Hitomi quickly connected, and then said hastily.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

"Zizizi~" (the sound of electric current)

"Hello? I'm Hitomi, may I ask who you are?"


Hitomi tried to communicate many times, but the other end of the phone was severely disturbed by the current. She could only hear a few monosyllables, followed by a long noise.

"The signal of this mobile phone is too bad..."

Hitomi complained that the phone had been hung up at this time, so she could only put the phone away and was about to leave the cubicle again.

Just as Hitomi walked out of the cubicle, the strange voice came out again, this time Hitomi heard it clearly, and it came from the next door.

"Boom boom boom..."

Hitomi approached the compartment over there unconsciously. The door of the compartment was closed tightly, and she couldn't see the inside at all. She could only confirm that someone was playing a football inside.

The knocking intervals were exactly the same, and Hitomi woke up suddenly after hearing the sound!

"What am I doing... I'd better get out quickly..."

But before Hitomi left, a rag doll was suddenly thrown out from the gap under the door.

This rag doll was wearing a red dress, with yellow braids, and stared at Hitomi with glasses.

No... Why do rag dolls stare at people

Renmei's mind was unconsciously attracted by the doll, she slowly squatted down, ready to pick up the doll.

At this moment, the door slowly opened...

Hitomi watched in a daze as the door slowly opened, and then the gap became wider and wider, and a black mass protruded from the door...

Hair... is hair!

A large clump of hair squeezed out from the gap in the door, and then a bloody hand climbed on the door, moving the whole body little by little.

ghost... ... .

There is a ghost!

Seeing this weird scene, Hitomi got up from the ground in fright, ran out of the bathroom, and rushed to the security room not far from the bathroom.

Fortunately, there was a security guard on duty in the security room. Hitomi calmed down a little after seeing the person, panting heavily while sitting on the chair in the security room, and looked back at her empty back from time to time.

Before the security guard could speak, Hitomi hastily told what she saw.

"Security...someone is playing a prank in the women's room..."

Ball sounds, dolls, hair...

Hitomi told the security guard everything, but it was all so mysterious that even the security guard couldn't grasp it for a while.

"Boom Donnie? Well, let me go and see."

Seeing Hitomi's terrified look, the security guard also felt that someone was playing a prank in the toilet. As a security guard, he had to go and check. If he didn't do anything, if someone reported him as sabotage, he would lose his job.

So the security guard picked up the flashlight and walked over to the restroom that Hitomi was talking about.

Hitomi didn't follow out, but looked at the surveillance camera, which happened to be able to see the corridor.

Hitomi stared at the surveillance camera with blue light, and soon the security guard appeared.

At this moment, the security guard was walking along the corridor with a flashlight, and then stood at the door of the toilet, looking inside.

etc... ...

What's that black thing

Hitomi's eyes widened, looking in horror at the black smoke spreading from the toilet door.

The security guard was still standing in front of the toilet, black smoke spread all over the security guard's body, the security guard's entire body was engulfed by the black mist, and then the black mist slowly returned to the toilet, and the security guard disappeared.

Hitomi witnessed all this, screamed in fright, then rushed out the door and left the security room.

Hitomi stepped up the stairs again, now only the thought of going home was left in her mind, her high-heeled shoes made a clattering sound on the stairwell, she went downstairs desperately, but found that the short-lived stairs on weekdays could not be walked at all now over.

"Tap Tat Tat."

There was the sound of a second person's footsteps in the stairwell.

Stairs... anyone else

Renmei stopped in her tracks, she just wanted to find someone to rely on at the moment, even if it was a wretched uncle whom she usually hated, or a female colleague who gossips, she would not dislike her now.

I beg of you, come and save me...

Hitomi pinned her hopes on the person who came down the stairs, and at this moment, the person also appeared at the corner of the stairs.

This person... is very familiar.

When Hitomi saw this person, not only did she not show a hopeful expression, but she was frightened with naked eyes.

Isn't this the security guard just now

Hitomi watched helplessly as the security guard was dragged into the toilet, but at this moment he appeared in the stairwell with a grin on his face...

Then there is only one explanation...

He is a ghost!

Hitomi was so frightened that tears ran wildly on her face, she flicked her high heels and ran downstairs desperately.

And the ghost security guard behind him let out a piercing laugh, and the baton he was equipped with knocked on the iron guardrail and made a bang sound. Every time the sound sounded, it meant that the ghost security guard was getting closer.


Renmei's face was full of frightened tears, her speed was obviously very fast, but every time she turned around, the security guards got closer.

Why... why do I have to encounter these things!

Dazed by fear and horror, Hitomi staggered down the stairs and finally rolled onto the platform on the next floor.

Renmei struggled to stand up, but when she looked up, the ghost security guard was already standing in front of her.

The ghost security guard looked at Renmei with a smirk on his face, his eyes were filled with blood tears, and the blood tears drew two blood-colored tear stains on his face, waving a baton in his pale hands, he approached Renmei step by step.

"Go away... who can come and save me?"

Hitomi cried hoarsely, with tears and snot running down her face, she backed up with both hands and feet, and soon hit the wall, unable to retreat.

The ghost security guard raised the baton in his hand, swung the stick, and smashed it towards Hitomi's head.


Hitomi screamed and closed her eyes.

But after a long time, the pain she imagined did not come. She tentatively opened her eyes and found that there was an extra person standing in front of her.

this... ...

This person obviously broke in through the door on the side of the floor. At this moment, he was holding a baton with one hand, and the other hand was against the elbow of the ghost security guard, locking the ghost security guard's movements.

Immediately afterwards, he exerted all his strength, and the ghost security guard rose into the air, and fell to the ground hard in Chen Lu's direction.

Chen Lu didn't give the ghost security a chance to breathe. One hand grabbed the ghost security by the neck, the other hand clenched into a fist, and slammed the ghost security on the face.

one time! Twice! Three times!

Chen Lu attacked with all his strength three times in a row. The fist wind was as fierce as a tiger descending a mountain. It directly dented Gui Baoan's head. Black viscous liquid flowed out from the back of his head. After a burst of convulsions, he stopped moving.

But Chen Lu didn't relax yet, he took out a small knife, and immediately thrust it into the ghost security guard's eyes.


The other eye of Gui Baoan looked at Chen Lu with hatred, but his body was locked by Chen Lu and he couldn't move.

"Let's go."

Chen Lu confirmed that the ghost security guard couldn't move for the time being, pulled Hitomi and ran downstairs.

This time the corridor did not loop endlessly, and they quickly rushed out of the office building and walked on the road.

"Are you looking for death? Looking for security to save you?"

Chen Lu didn't even catch his breath, so he scolded his head and face.

After all, this is the common sense that they force users to stand.

Only those who have worked as security guards know that security guards cannot protect anyone.