
Chapter 105: The emperor's new clothes


The situation took a turn for the worse, Wang Ren said anxiously:

"Hold on, I'll call Chen Lu!"

Wang Ren went to call Chen Lu, and it would take at least a minute for Chen Lu to arrive. They had to protect the victim within this minute before they could provide support.

Chen Lu once confronted invisible ghosts, so he represented hope.

Although one minute is very short, everyone felt great pressure at this time.

Song Xi held the scissors and looked around. Once she found the invisible man, she would use them without hesitation.


There were screams one after another in the distance, and it could be seen that the victim had already been attacked.

Song Xi's throat throbbed, and she became more and more nervous now, because the invisible ghost had not moved for a long time, which made Song Xi even more unpredictable.

Maybe, it is now standing in front of Song Xi, waiting for her to show its flaws.

"Wait...don't! Don't!"

Suddenly, Wu Xiaojuan began to struggle desperately. She shouted, looked at her body in horror, and twitched desperately.

"Don't... Please, Xia, don't, don't!"

"Help me, Song Xi, save me!"

"No, Song Xi, kill me, kill me, quick, I don't want to fall, kill me!"

Wu Xiaojuan's attitude changed wildly. Originally, she only wanted to survive, but now she wanted to die.

That means that something more terrible than death is about to happen.

"Calm down Wu Xiaojuan, don't die!"

Song Xi sternly reminded her that her ghostly hair was entangled with Wu Xiaojuan, but this time...


Song Xi hesitated whether to use the ghost scissors, but now she couldn't find the target at all, once the scissors went down, Wu Xiaojuan would also have to bear the attack of the ghost scissors.


Wu Xiaojuan's struggling tears flowed down, she begged Song Xi with a humble tone:

"Kill me... please... just save me."

"I'm going to die... I'm going to die!"

Wu Xiaojuan began to hit the floor with her head, the force was shocking, she really smashed herself to death.

"No... ... "

"I will not let you die no matter what."

Song Xi made a promise, and after that, without hesitation, she swung the scissors at Wu Xiaojuan's arm.


The ghost scissors started, and the ghost energy hit Wu Xiaojuan's left hand. With the click of the ghost scissors, Wu Xiaojuan's left hand broke directly, and the ghost energy penetrated into Wu Xiaojuan's body, and two ghost energy impacted Wu Xiaojuan's body.


Wu Xiaojuan was in so much pain that she didn't even have the strength to commit suicide. She curled up, foaming at the mouth and rolling her eyes.


Song Xi didn't know whether the rescue was successful now, she approached Wu Xiaojuan, and was about to forcefully suppress her with ghost hair.

But in an instant, Wu Xiaojuan disappeared.

Wu Xiaojuan disappeared in front of Song Xi.

She was taken away.

Song Xi froze in place, while the sound of fighting in the distance gradually disappeared.

Song Xi suddenly realized that she should not be in a daze now, she should go to other places to support, she rushed out of the room where she stayed behind, and saw the tragic appearance of other rooms.

The other ghost controllers don't have ghost scissors like Song Xi, so their condition is much worse than Song Xi's, and the people they protect have all disappeared.

Except Liu Li.

Chen Lu stood at the end of the corridor, and Liu Li hugged Chen Lu's leg, crying profusely.

And Chen Lu was still holding Wang Xiaoxiao in his arms, his eyes changed suddenly, and a ghostly aura rippling out of his body, relying on the gatekeeper's world, he barely saved the last Liu Li.

He even thought that Wang Xiaoxiao was also the target, so he would protect Wang Xiaoxiao first.

But Chen Lu couldn't really save everyone by himself.

Of six people, only two remained.

All the rest were taken away.

Before taking them away, they begged them to kill themselves, but all because of professional ethics, they saved their lives.

Such a move caused all the victims to disappear.

No one knows if they are still in the Security Service.

They may be directly obliterated.

But worse than the erasure, they were taken away.

Before they left, they knew what they would do after being taken away, so they were extremely frightened and wanted to die.

The patient who died in the mental hospital had given them a precedent, but they misunderstood it.

They mistakenly think that this is a ghost killing people, but they don't know that it is a person saving himself.

They all got it wrong...

The invisible ghost painstakingly grinds the victims into mental breakdowns, hoping to train them into something else...

What the hell is that

A sense of decadence quietly spread among the crowd, this time the protection work in the Security Bureau ended in failure.

Can they really deal with this ghost? Should I seek the help of a more advanced ghost master

At this time, their earphones buzzed, and Wang Ren's voice suddenly came out:

"Cheer up, bastards!! Don't be so sad, our mission is not over yet!!"

"Although our protection mission has failed this time, it does not mean that our mission is over. We still have to find out whether they are dead or alive. Even if they are corpses, they must be retrieved for me. Come!"

"They're still waiting for us to rescue them, don't look lost, go get the ghosts of the mission, hurry up!"

"All departments hold an urgent meeting, come to my office within a minute, within a minute!"

Wang Ren slapped the table and yelled out orders one after another, which made the originally dead security bureau move again, and everyone held back their energy, a wave of unwillingness.

Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to give the victim an explanation.

"Chen Lu... Come to the meeting room and bring Wang Xiaoxiao and Liu Li with you. Now they are the last survivors."



Chen Lu hugged Wang Xiaoxiao, who was still recovering, and dragged Liu Li to the meeting room. At this moment, the meeting room was silent, and he didn't dare to breathe.

Even Kim Jae-in, who has always been calm, had blue veins in his hands that swelled due to exertion, looking fierce.


Jin Zaiyin didn't interrupt his train of thought because of Chen Lu's entry, and continued to organize what he wanted to say in an orderly manner.

"Now this ghost has achieved its initial goal, kidnapping the victim and carrying out certain activities."

"At the beginning, we said that the action period of Li Gui is divided into incubation period, outbreak period, stable period, and advanced period."

"The behavior of ghosts is divided according to the action period. The incubation period is when a certain treasure acts as a virtual boyfriend. The outbreak period is when the victim is found and kills the people around him. The stable period is when the victim is killed one after another... Now it has come to the stage. stage."

"And once it passes through the advanced stage smoothly, it will enter the 'second reincarnation', and the second rule will be born."

"The second rule not only means that the conditions for ghosts to kill people are more relaxed, but also means advanced ghost abilities."

"We will deal with this ghost in the same way as we deal with the 'Second Reincarnation' ghost. This time the case is called..."

"The Emperor's New Clothes."

Chen Lu spoke slowly, telling Jin Zaiyin his thoughts.

Jin Jae-in was taken aback, looked at the original name of the plan in the notebook, and nodded after a while.

"This case is graded from A+ to S-."

"The case is filed as the Emperor's New Clothes."