
Chapter 114: Hard work


He stared at Chen Lu with lifeless human skin eyes, and there was a hint of greed in his empty glasses.

"Human skin... human skin!"

He coveted Chen Lu's human skin, and said absurd words because of it:

"As long as there is human skin, they are my people."

This is the second rule of the emperor.

As long as he sees someone with human skin, he will automatically violate his rules and be attacked by him.

There must be restrictions, maybe the human skin with rashes, or the human skin he doesn't like will be rejected, but there is no doubt that once he walks out of the courtyard, most people in the world will be attacked.

Because everyone has skin.

This is just a rule of attack, and his ability is also different from ordinary ghost new clothes.

"Kang Chi Kuang Chi."

The Ghost Emperor looked at Chen Lu greedily, and then the speed on his feet suddenly increased, and the sewing machine ran rapidly. Chen Lu felt a pair of hands climbing up his body, and there was an obvious separation pain between his skin and flesh.

The ghost emperor trampled faster and faster, and Chen Lu's pain became more and more obvious. Once Chen Lu's new clothes were woven, Chen Lu's human skin would also be handed over.

Can no longer observe, must take action.

Chen Lu didn't hold back any longer, and the gatekeeper's domain was launched brazenly. The gray-black domain rejected the ghost emperor's rules, making it impossible for him to attack.

Chen Lu's resistance was slightly effective, and the feeling of flesh and blood on his body quietly disappeared.

But this is only the first attack of the Ghost Emperor.

Realizing that the current attack was useless, he stopped sewing.

He stood up slowly, and sat down on the "dragon chair".

This dragon chair was an ordinary chair, which was simpler than all the dragon chairs Chen Lu knew, but because of this, the ghost emperor had a miserable atmosphere in vain.

"Subjects, your emperor is under attack, come out, come out and save him!"

With a hoarse voice, he wailed helplessly like a subjugated king, and amidst his wailing, ghostly auras condensed around him.

Following his call, Ghost New Clothes came.

But this time, they were out in force.

Chen Lu scanned the empty surroundings. Although there was nothing around, Chen Lu could feel the aura of hundreds of ghosts in new clothes. They no longer concealed their aura, and wandered around Chen Lu like a pack of wolves. Like hunting, staring at Chen Lu.

"Subjects! Your great and benevolent emperor allows you to take off the coat of the blasphemer before you. You can put on this coat and regain your freedom!"

"No joke, let's go, my people!!"

"Freedom...freedom!" The surroundings groaned in unison, and ghostly energy rippling out.

"Freedom, freedom!"

Not only inside the palace, but also outside the palace, there are still thousands of ghost new clothes, constantly whispering.

They call for freedom, just to get the only clothes.

This is the new clothes promised by the emperor - real new life.

These low growls seemed to have some kind of spiritual influence, which made Chen Lu tend to be in a trance. The two ghosts in his body were constantly resisting this mental pressure, barely protecting Chen Lu's spirit.

These new clothes have been assimilated to the point of losing their minds, and a small promise drives them collectively crazy, but they have forgotten that the culprit who caused them to look like this is their emperor.

Of course... It is impossible for Chen Lu to convince these ghosts by talking about it. They are ghosts now, and only by using brute force can they suppress everything.

So what should we do now

Should we eliminate the thousands of ghost new clothes first, or capture the king first after capturing the thief

Chen Lu's actions gave the answer.

He took a sudden step, and the gray-black field around him rippled out, and at the same time, a haunted house loomed behind him.

"Crash... blah."

The sound of the chain being dragged indicated that Chen Lu unreservedly erupted with the strongest power, and he wanted to defeat the enemy with one blow!

The new ability displayed by Jiaye is related to the shackles. The shackles slow down the speed of all the ghosts around, giving Chen Lu the opportunity to seize the opportunity. Chen Lu took two big steps and punched out, and he was about to hit the ghost emperor's people skin.

"call out!"

Chen Lu's punch missed, and then quickly turned around to block his waist.


The huge impact made Chen Lu back again and again, looking at the emperor in front of him with surprise in his eyes.

In a short confrontation, the ghost emperor's two abilities were exposed.

Teleportation, and fighting ability.

The limit of teleportation is unclear, but the fighting ability must be stronger than those of those ghost new clothes.

If it weren't for Chen Lu's slow ability to make his movements obvious, Chen Lu would definitely not be able to dodge this blow.

But the ghost emperor is not the only one around.

There are also ghost new clothes who are always ready to attack.

Right now, aiming at Chen Lu's gap, he sees every stitch and rushes in like a tide.

The ghost's new clothes crazily hit the domain, the domain was constantly torn apart by the ghosts, and the dark clouds in the sky of the domain became more and more dense, and a storm was approaching.


Chen Lu let out a loud roar, and the sound of the chain suddenly rushed, causing the ghost new clothes in the audience to slow down. Chen Lu keenly captured the impact around him, and then planted curses one by one.

Then, Kayako's curse was launched brazenly.

Pairs of eyes opened quietly, and at the same time Junxiong stretched out his ghostly hands, and there was a dense tearing sound around him, completely tearing hundreds of ghost's new clothes to pieces.

"Tear, tear, tear, tear!"

Chen Lu's toughness stopped the ghost's offensive a little bit. This time, they wiped out a large number of ghost's new clothes in one fell swoop. Now they have to raise more ghost's new clothes before they can launch another attack.


Chen Lu leaned over to breathe, a layer of cold sweat oozes from his forehead, using the three abilities at the same time, brought Kayako's recovery one step closer.

He now has only two methods to plant the curse, one is to use ghost eyes to materialize the curse through black light, and plant the curse on the screen, and the other is to capture the impact and plant it on the ghost, but obviously neither method is easy , the recovery of the ghost in Chen Lu's body was precarious.

He needs some time to rest...but apparently the ghost won't give him respite.

The aura of the surrounding ghosts continued to condense, and a more powerful aura struck.

The ghost emperor looked at Chen Lu contemptuously, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Chen Lu activated the domain again, and the sound of the chain moving was clearly visible. He swayed his body, raised his head, and looked around calmly.

The ghost emperor issued an order!

"Fight for your freedom!"

The horn of attack was blown again, and the ghost aura surged towards Chen Lu like a wave. Chen Lu's chains were running rapidly, reaching the maximum effect of the fourth and a half gears, but even so, the dense ghosts still made it difficult for Chen Lu to suffocate. Feel.


Chen Lu let out a loud roar, his left eye swelled, his right eye was slightly scarlet, the gatekeeper's aura swept the audience, and he was about to resist the blow of these ghosts!


With the sound of scissors, the ghost in front of him was cut open, and the feeling of suffocation disappeared immediately.

Chen Lu panted heavily, and looked at the figures at the door.

Finally came.