
Chapter 119: Post-processing by the Security Bureau


The Ghost Weaver was imprisoned by Chen Lu, which also meant that it would be completely sealed into the blind box.

As a result, the ghost weaver's domain world was destroyed, and all ghost stewards returned to reality and restored their memories.

Fang Chen's consciousness returned to the familiar courtyard, and everything that happened just now was like a dream.

He tapped his head, recalling what had just happened.

All he knew was that he had lost his memory, and then he was wandering around for a while. As he walked, a dangerous aura suddenly came from the distant palace. Bigger and bigger, they roared "freedom", making Fang Chen bewildered.

With the help of the call of the ghost in his body, he recalled a little memory, he remembered that he was going to solve a very important matter!

Fang Chen ran towards the palace based on his instinct. He thought that there must be something important in the palace waiting for him to solve it.

In the end, before he reached the palace, even before he saw the gate of the palace... he was actually teleported out! ! !

When the memory came back, he couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up.

It was really a good soy sauce.

He hurriedly wondered what happened, why the sudden incident was resolved

He glanced around, but when he saw the three people lying on the ground, Xin Mo, who was so excited because of the resolution of the incident, fell to the bottom of the valley.

This... Fang Chen looked serious, immediately pressed the earphone, and began to report:

"The incident has been resolved, but the three ghost controllers have entered the state of ghost recovery, namely Song Xi, Wang Xiaoxiao, and... Chen Lu."

What Fang Chen saw in front of his eyes was an extremely tragic scene. All three of them had physical changes due to the revival of the ghost.

In her twilight years, Wang Xiaoxiao hunched over, twitching constantly on the ground, her body was still aging, and a breath of death permeated her body.

On the other hand, Song Xi has white hair all over his head, and his ghost hair keeps growing, resisting the ghost scissors, while the ghost scissors seem to be controlled by someone, constantly trying to pierce Song Xi's neck, trying to pierce Song Xi's throat, if not The handle was wrapped around several times of ghost hair, and now the scissors should be stuck in Song Xi's neck.

And the weirdest one was actually Chen Lu.

Chen Lu opened his eyes at the moment, two lines of blood and tears flowed down continuously, bursts of black air overflowed, and the black air became thicker and thicker, and it was almost impossible to see Chen Lu's body clearly.

A gloomy house vaguely appeared in front of Chen Lu, but when Fang Chen wanted to see Chen Lu's house clearly, he suddenly remembered Chen Lu's warning.

This was what Chen Lu had said to him at the end of the Day Xiao Village incident.

"If you don't want to die, don't watch the haunted house."

As long as you take a look at it, you will be entangled by the ghost in Chen Lu's body.

Fang Chen came back to his senses in an instant, as if he had walked around the edge of a cliff just now, his entire back was soaked in sweat, he just came back to his senses, it turned out that he was so nervous just now.

He said quickly through the headset:

"Remember, the staff who come in must not look directly at Chen Lu's ghost, otherwise they will be entangled by the ghost."

Although Fang Chen had already used the earphones to warn them, it did not slow down their speed. After a minute, the staff rushed into the courtyard, but they all lowered their heads, not daring to look at anything.

The staff members acted very quickly. They swarmed in and rushed into the courtyard. You must know that every ghost slayer is at risk of recovery. At this moment, they are equivalent to saving their lives to save the ghosts.

At this moment, there is Kim Jae-in among the staff. As the youngest and most promising researcher of the Fengcheng Security Bureau, he stays at the first scene all the time to solve the problem of resuscitating the ghosts of the ghost hunters.

The handling of the case is not only as simple as the ghost master solving the incident, but also a series of aftermath work. The danger of the aftermath work is almost equal to the case handling. A slight negligence will kill all the people in the courtyard.

Jin Jae-in was expressionless, and the horrifying and tragic scene in front of him did not make his heart fluctuate in the slightest. He was very calm now, and walked to Wang Xiaoxiao's side first.

There is only one ghost on Wang Xiaoxiao's body, which is easy to recover and deal with. According to the rules of the Security Bureau, relatives cannot go on missions together, and once they go on missions, one of them must be rescued immediately.

Now Chen Lu's situation is more complicated, so Kim Jae-in first chose Wang Xiaoxiao, he walked up to Wang Xiaoxiao, and opened her eyes.

The eyeballs are cloudy, and there seems to be a figure grinning grinningly.


Kim Jae-in was a little surprised, but he didn't show it. Instead, he quickly gave a treatment plan.

"Three plans have been set up for Wang Xiaoxiao, now directly launch the most serious plan A, take it away!"

The staff quickly drove Wang Xiaoxiao on the stretcher, and when they touched Wang Xiaoxiao's old skin, they unconsciously worried.

It's just a kid... It has to be restored.

Kim Jae-in immediately gave Plan A because he discovered that Wang Xiaoxiao's body was a complete ghost.

General ghosts are parts or objects, and a complete ghost represents the possibility of human thinking.

Never underestimate the enemy, and fight against Wang Xiaoxiao like a ghost.

Kim Jae-in's work is not over yet, he still has two targets.

The next one is Song Xi.

"This time it is the recovery of the ghost scissors. The situation is better than expected. It seems that the mutated ghost hair has helped a lot... B-level treatment plan, balance the existence of two ghosts, rest one moon."

Song Xi can be said to be experienced, and has rich experience in solving incidents. She has greatly preserved her own recovery and has a lot of room for maneuver. The existence of the two ghosts is relatively restrained. She can basically escape the danger with a conservative treatment plan.

In the end it was Chen Lu......

For the first time, Kim Jae-in showed his embarrassment. Chen Lu's plan was the most difficult one, and there were very few treatment plans for him.

According to the data, Chen Lu revived several times through the ghosts he suppressed, and he has reached the point of proficiency in the use of the two ghosts in his body, which may be attributed to the unique skills he cultivated.

But this also meant that once Chen Lu and Chen Lu couldn't even suppress Li Gui's recovery, the situation would fall into a trough.

Kim Jae-in frowned, flipping through the documents in his hand.

But just as Chen Lu thought at the beginning, he entered the Security Bureau just to save himself a way out. If one day his situation is so bad that he can't even get into the movie, then it's up to the Security Bureau to take action.

Now, the Security Service is also doing its job.

"Block the surrounding area for one kilometer, keep Chen Lu where he is, get the ghost liquid, and activate the S-level treatment plan. We must ensure that the ghost that suppressed Chen Lu is revived."

"at all costs!"


The uniform reply expressed their determination, which is actually the reason why ghost hunters are willing to trust the Security Bureau.

Until you try your best, never give up a ghost slayer!

The external processing is continuing, and the struggle inside Chen Lu is also unfolding.

Chen Lu didn't lose consciousness, but now he was unusually sober. Pain filled his nerves. He felt that he was going to die soon, and he was soaking in the hot springs with half of his foot in the underworld.

The most obvious feeling was the cold. The extreme cold spread all over Chen Lu's body. Chen Lu was gasping for breath, but he felt that the air was getting thinner and thinner.

"Step, step, step."

Footsteps sounded, this footstep sound was very familiar, Chen Lu had heard it many times.

Kayako is here.

"Clatter, clatter..."

The sound of chains sounded, and Chen Lu felt his limbs being pulled. It was obvious that Jiaye was holding his limbs and was planning to pull him back to the haunted house. Kayako wants to drag him into the haunted house and cuddle together forever.

There was a sudden squall and rain around, and in this small world, the heavy rain almost wanted to soak everything.

Guiyan gripped the house tightly with his hands, not letting himself be excluded from the domain. You must know that this domain also has a part of him, and he is unwilling to be expelled.

Ghost Eye lowered his head, and the brim of his hat covered his resentment.

"Why don't you use me..."

Chen Lu couldn't hear Ghost Eye's complaints. At this moment, he felt the approaching ghost house atmosphere and just wanted to save himself.

Now how to do