
Chapter 16: 200 words super chapter)


Chen Lu stood in front of Koizumi, leaving only one sentence:

"Stay out of the closet."

Hearing Chen Lu's warning, Koizumi moved quickly and moved closer to Chen Lu's side.

Chen Lu had already felt the vibration of his phone, and he jumped into Koizumi's house through the window to trigger the sign-in task.

But now is not the time to check the mission, you have to deal with the ghost in front of you first.

And Chen Lu also plans to try the ghost eyes in the second gear!

After the effect of the inhibitory medicine, Chen Lu was able to mobilize the ghost eyes for a short time, only to see that Chen Lu's left eye suddenly enlarged, a circle larger than the right eye, and the left eye also turned into pure black.

This time there was no severe pain from using the ghost eye, but a tolerable itching.

Through the left eye of the second gear, Chen Lu saw the parasitic curse on the three female ghost students, and there was a pair of blood-red eyes at the position of their hearts.

This is the cursed seat!

Chen Lu's hands were as red as irons, and he couldn't help but use the tiger startling fighting technique, and rushed to the female ghost with a pounce.

Compared with Chen Lu, who was proficient in fighting skills, the stiff female ghost was obviously much weaker. Chen Lu hit the cursed place within a few strokes, and the cursed female ghost dissipated like black mist.

However, after two or three rounds, Chen Lu cleared out these little ghosts, temporarily out of danger.

Seeing Chen Lu clearing up the terrifying female ghost, Koizumi finally heaved a sigh of relief, and said tremblingly to Chen Lu in front of him:

"Arigato...but who are you?"

Chen Lu's left eye slowly changed back to its original shape. After that, Chen Lu didn't look back at Koizumi, but took out his mobile phone.

"My name is Chen Lu."

Chen Lu, while introducing himself. While checking the information on the phone.

And the applet also popped up a new message.

Complete the check-in and release the check-in task.

task: Help Koizumi to summon his soul.


Which one is this

Chen Lu was taken aback for a moment, and finally couldn't help turning his head to look at Koizumi.

At this moment, Koizumi was looking at him secretly, and immediately dodged after seeing Chen Lu's gaze.

"I, my name is Koizumi, thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome."

After Chen Lu responded casually, he continued to think about this mission.

Back to 40 minutes ago, Chen Lu chose Yuanshan's home when he chose the place to check in, and the reason for making this choice is actually not complicated.

If you go to the ghost house, it is obvious that you want to burn the ghost house down, and even the former Rika hates burning down his own house, let alone Kayako

So if he chooses to burn down the haunted house, he must be on the opposite side with Kayako. Wouldn't it mean that all the scumbag plans made before have been ruined

Well, although so far the scumbag plan has not shown any substantial results.

But out of respect for his own plan, Chen Lu chose to go to Yuan Shan's house to seek another development of the plot.

As soon as he arrived at Yuan Shan's house, Chen Lu traveled ten years later, and happened to discover that Koizumi was attacked.

So by mistake, he appeared in this way.

"Then what is the meaning of summoning the soul?"

Forget it... Anyway, if you want to understand it or not, you have to complete the task, so why make things difficult for yourself.

"Your name is Koizumi, right?"

Bending down, Chen Lu said to Koizumi curled up:

"I'm your father, Yuan Shan's friend."

"Are you my father's friend? But you are so young, my father has already..."

What Koizumi meant was that his father had been dead for ten years, how could he have such a young friend.

"Don't doubt it."

Chen Lu told Koizumi in an unquestionable voice:

"Because I came back from time travel ten years ago."


Koizumi obviously couldn't believe Chen Lu's nonsense, but after subconsciously vetoing it, he remembered Chen Lu's previous behavior of killing ghosts.

"Could it be... what is said in the novel is true? Will people really travel through time?"

"Are you still doubting me? It's okay, I still know a secret in your heart."

"You want to see your father again through the spirit call, don't you?"

Chen Lu slightly modified the information of the task that he signed in and turned it into his own prediction, which surprised Koizumi very much.

"How did you know!"

Koizumi said in surprise: "I didn't tell anyone about this..."

"I can help you."

Chen Lu's voice was deep and convincing.

"However, you must tell me your plan."

"Can you really help me?" Koizumi couldn't believe Chen Lu's words.

"Is it really possible for such absurd things like summoning souls to happen?"

Koizumi was not only questioning Chen Lu, but also himself.

Chen Lu didn't answer, it was up to Koizumi to figure it out at this time.

If she is not willing to summon the soul, Chen Lu will also force her to perform the ceremony.

After two minutes, Koizumi finally made up his mind.

"I can't let my mother continue to be sick like this. I believe that as long as she can see her father again, she will recover!"

Koizumi wanted to summon the soul, not only to let her see her father again for the last time, but also for her mother who was in a trance.

Chen Lu didn't care what Koizumi thought, but only cared about the result.

"Now that we've made up our minds, let's start now. You should have a way to summon your soul."

"Yes, I went to ask the witch to teach me."

Koizumi nodded, took out an exercise book from his school bag, opened the exercise book, there were dense pictographs written on it, and there was also a strange formation whose shape could not be described.

Then Koizumi took out a bowl, a chopstick, and a knife from his backpack.

"Shall we start now?"

Koizumi asked Chen Lu for his opinion.


Chen Lu nodded and raised his attention to the highest level.

Chen Lu had also heard about summoning souls. In the process of summoning souls, in addition to bringing back his own relatives, he might also recruit some lonely ghosts.

Are lonely ghosts rare in "The Grudge"

"Then I'll start."

Koizumi let out a long breath. She was also afraid of meeting other wild ghosts, but fortunately, having Chen Lu by her side made her feel at ease a lot.

"I remember what the witch taught me..."

Koizumi tore off the paper with the hieroglyphs and the strange magic circle on it, spread it flat on the table, opened a bottle of mineral water, wet the paper, and the paper became a thin layer, but the handwriting on it Still very obvious.

Immediately afterwards, Koizumi placed the bowl in the center of the formation, filled it with half a bowl of water, then picked up a chopstick and stuck it in the center of the bowl.

Koizumi closed his eyes and called out with his heart.

"The distant mountains...the return..."

"The distant mountains...the return..."

"The distant mountains...the return..."

Koizumi murmured and repeated over and over again, and she slowly let go of the chopsticks.

After losing Koizumi's help, the chopsticks did not fall down, but still stood upright in the water, which was very strange.

"The distant mountains...the return..."

Koizumi became more pious. At the same time, a gust of wind blew through the broken window.

Chen Lu moved his left eye slightly and looked towards the window.

Following Koizumi's calls again and again, a person came to the window.

It is a distant mountain.

Koizumi's call successfully attracted Yuan Shan for the first time.

Yuan Shan walked in through the window in a daze, and looked around blankly, until he saw Koizumi in front of him, his expression was moved.

"Are you calling me?"

Yuan Shan's voice was illusory and erratic, but it really reached Koizumi's ears.

"Far... ... "

When Koizumi heard his father's voice, the words in his mouth stopped abruptly.

"It's Dad, is Dad back?"

Koizumi turned his head tremblingly, and seeing the familiar face, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Dad, I miss you so much!"

"Are you... Koizumi?"

Yuan Shan's consciousness gradually recovered, and he remembered many things, including Koizumi.

"It's grown so big..."

Yuan Shan looked at Koizumi with doting and distressed eyes, then looked around and saw Chen Lu.

"It really hasn't changed is Mom?"

"Mom... Mom has been in a trance since you died, and she is not as capable as before. That's why I want to bring you back and let you and mom see each other for the last time."

"Why is Hui so stupid..."

Yuan Shan was moved in his heart, his home had undergone earth-shaking changes, but soon his complexion suddenly turned sour, and he realized that there was something wrong in Koizumi's words.

" did you say I got back?"

"I was recruited by you?"

"Yeah... I learned the spiritism from a witch.... If it wasn't for the spiritism I wouldn't have met you."

Koizumi pointed to the bowl on the table with chopsticks stuck in it, exactly the same as before.

exactly the same

Chen Lu suddenly realized that the ceremony had not been destroyed, and the spirit-calling ceremony was still in operation!

"Calling souls... Calling souls!" Hearing the word "calling souls", Yuan Shan turned pale, "Quick, run away! Don't stay here, Kayako will come looking for you! Run away!"

After Yuan Shan said this, his face suddenly became shocked. He made a struggle, but his hands stretched out from the glass and hugged Yuan Shan's abdomen.

Then with a gentle pull, Yuan Shan was dragged out of the room and disappeared from Chen Lu's sight.

Kayako is here.

As soon as Chen Lu's face darkened, he knew that summoning the soul was not that simple.

Seeing his father being taken away by a pair of ghostly hands, Koizumi also had a very bad expression, his eyes were full of fear.

Ordinary people should not touch taboo things.

The consequence is death.

Feeling the threat of death, Koizumi grabbed Chen Lu's trouser leg and desperately called for help.

"Help me, Brother Chen Lu, you must have a way to save me, I don't want to die!"

The surroundings are getting colder and colder, and bursts of chill rush out from all the cabinets.

"Save me, save me!"

Koizumi's screaming at this moment greatly affected Chen Lu's thinking. Apart from slowing down, Koizumi had no other effect.

But the summoning of souls is not over yet, and the sign-in task has not been completed, Chen Lu still has to ensure Koizumi's safety.

"Calm down... I will protect you..."

Before Chen Lu finished speaking, all the cabinets were opened.

Chen Lu didn't dare to speak anymore, he didn't even dare to move, he just stayed where he was, motionless.

"Chen Lu... what's wrong with you?"

Koizumi was also terrified when she found Chen Lu's strange behavior. She looked to the window and saw the face of her dead classmate again.

"Don't...don't, don't come here, ah!"

Koizumi kept retreating, desperately retreating, and she was finally unable to retreat.

She touched the cabinet.

She didn't know what was behind her.

Kayako slowly poked her head out from the darkness of the cabinet, revealing her pale body and blood-red eyes. She stretched out her hands and gently held Koizumi's head.

Then drag her into the cabinet little by little.

"Ah, save me, Chen Lu save me, please... please..."


The cabinet was closed, and Koizumi's voice stopped abruptly.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Lu finally couldn't help but relax his body and move.

After finding nothing unusual, he sat down on the bed with fear in his eyes.

It's not that he didn't save Koizumi.

But at that time he saw Kayako talking to him.

"One, two, three, don't move."

This is not a game, this is a threat.