
Chapter 17: Finally check in


Chen Lu walked out of Yuan Shan's house, and everything around him gradually returned to ten years ago as if fading.

Chen Lu's face was bloodless, looking at this gloomy house, he didn't want to stay any longer.

Walking on the road, Chen Lu took out his mobile phone, expecting to see a notification that the sign-in failed, but he did not expect to be prompted that the task has been completed.

Thinking about coming to this soul-calling ceremony, it is impossible to say whether it was a success or a failure, or this is the desired result of the plot.

The sign-in task is completed, the sign-in is successful, and the reward is distributed

Rewarded: Evening

Hair doll: The doll made of hair seems to be the same as the doll that Hitomi saw in the toilet. Apart from being able to withstand Kayako's blow, it seems to have other effects.


Chen Lu held the puppet in red clothes and yellow braids and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see any "other effects".

But just "resisting Kayako's blow" is already very good.

Chen Lu put the doll in his pocket and kept it safe, but then the phone vibrated again, and a red urgent message came.

ding dong

Final check-in: Ghost House

Please complete the check-in at the haunted house at twelve o'clock in the evening. Please note that this check-in is the last check-in of the "The Grudge" series, please be cautious

There are no additional tasks for this sign-in

Chen Lu put away his phone.

The last check-in is finally here...

The absence of additional tasks highlights the difficulty of this check-in itself.

But Chen Lu was sure, in the end it was his turn to lay the groundwork, and with this doll, Chen Lu was even more sure.

Now... it's time to find out...



Inside the hospital.

Rijia packed up her things and was ready to leave the hospital.

"Excuse me, is your name Rika?"

A man wearing a hat stopped Rijia. Rijia turned her head and looked over. He was holding a large bouquet of carnations in his hand, which was very eye-catching.

"This is a flower that a gentleman asked me to give you, saying that it is congratulations on your discharge from the hospital!"

Rijia took the bouquet in a daze, and when he looked again, the person wearing the hat had gone away.

Still puzzled, Rijia took out the card in the bouquet, and there was only a short line written on the card.

"Discharged smoothly."

The signature is Chen Lu.

Two blushes appeared on Rijia's face, without saying anything, after completing the discharge procedures, she left with a bouquet.



police station.

"What? Is the whole army wiped out? Are Yuan Shan and other police officers dead inside?"

Detective Kimura trembled while holding the phone. He couldn't believe what he heard. The ghost house wiped them all out, leaving only the police officers who stayed outside.

"Okay, let's withdraw."

Detective Kimura hung up the phone, his face was full of decadence and remorse. At this moment, he seemed to be twenty years older, with gray hair.

He picked up a card with Chen Lu's signature on it:

If you believe me, don't destroy the haunted house, but block it.

Long before the implementation of the plan, Chen Lu sent a letter, but Detective Kimura thought that Chen Lu was unwilling to help, and finally insisted on going his own way, believing his own judgment...

"Send down the order to block all the one kilometer around Tokunaga's house!"

Detective Kimura took off his work badge and his uniform after giving the final order.

"Inspector, where are you going? It's still working time."

"Don't call me Inspector, I've resigned."

Kimura knew that he was no longer worthy of being a police detective.

The time was six o'clock in the evening, and the sky hadn't completely darkened yet, but the surrounding street lights were still on one by one, and the breeze blew by, and the passers-by were in a hurry.

After Rijia was discharged from the hospital, she went home to rest for a while, and then went to an appointment with a good friend to meet in a restaurant with a good reputation.


Her friend Xiaohui waved her hand, bringing Rika back to her senses, and replied in a panic:

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you absent-minded, what are you thinking?"

Xiaohui took a sip of the juice, then asked:

"What happened recently, the Rijia I knew back then was not so lifeless."

"Recently..." Rijia's eyes flashed the recent experience, which is indeed quite complicated.

The Deyong family, Junxiong, Grandma Deyong, that white face... and Chen Lu.

But after thinking about it, Rijia still didn't plan to tell Xiaohui, but just smiled and said perfunctorily:

"Nothing... not sleeping well."

After saying this, Rijia continued to eat with her head down, holding the dishes on the table, thinking about other things...

Rijia raised Erlang's leg, but kicked something soft.


Rijia lifted the tablecloth, and a pale child squatted under the table, staring straight at her.


Rijia fell from her seat in fright, and Rijia's movement also attracted the surrounding diners to watch.

With just one glance, Rijia recognized the boy just now as Saeki Toshio.

Rijia looked under the table again, and Toshio had disappeared.

"Lijia, why did you fall? Get up quickly!" Xiaohui helped Lijia up, and Lijia sat back on her seat restlessly, but she lost her appetite.

"Xiaohui, I'm sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable, I'll go home and rest first..."

"Okay, you pay attention to rest."

Under Xiaohui's worried eyes, Rijia picked up her bag and left the restaurant.

Walking on the street, she could always feel a gaze staring at her, making her very uncomfortable, but looking around, there were only passers-by in a hurry, and no one noticed her.

She quickened her pace, and after returning home, her gaze became much weaker, which made Rijia breathe a sigh of relief.

She put the bag on the table and walked into the bedroom.

Even though she had already showered before heading out, she decided to take another shower.

The shower was turned on, and the mist enveloped the entire bathroom. In the haze, Rijia soaked her hair and put on shampoo...

A pale hand slowly climbed onto Rijia's head, but Rijia didn't know it, until her own hands touched the cold hand, she screamed in panic.

She turned her head and looked around, but there was nothing around her.

Rijia's face was no longer bloody, and the successive strange things made her a little scared, and the face of the tragically defeated woman flashed in her mind again, and this time the impression was even more profound.


Rijia turned off the hot water, walked out of the bathroom with the steam, locked the bedroom door, and then collapsed on the bed, without any strength.

It's all hallucinations... hallucinations.

Don't be afraid when you fall asleep.

That's how she comforted herself.

Her eyelids were clenched, and she gradually fell asleep...

With the sound of the clock running, the time came to eleven thirty.

Rijia, who was asleep, suddenly had a grim face, as if she was afraid. After a while, Rijia suddenly opened her eyes, looking at the snow-white ceiling, her eyes were filled with bewilderment.

Then she got up from the bed in a panic and looked around.

A large number of black cats are entrenched in every corner of her home, neither noisy nor noisy, just staring at her.

Why are there so many cats in the house

Rijia curled up and curled up beside the bed, fear and disbelief mixed in her pupils, the next moment, she yelled and rushed out of the room stepping on the open space.

During this period, the black cats didn't move at all, they just rolled their eyeballs with her movement.

"What the hell is going on in this world?"

Rijia choked up and said that she grabbed her shoes in a panic and was about to rush out of her home.

"Ring ring ring."

Rika's phone rang.

After seeing the notification of the incoming call clearly, Rijia connected immediately, and at the moment of connecting, there was a miserable cry from the other end.

"Rika, save me, I'm dying, save me!"

"Xiaohui, what's wrong with you? Xiaohui?"



The phone is disconnected.

"Xiaohui... Xiaohui!"

Rijia roared in pain, she fell to her knees and cried bitterly, and her cries echoed throughout the corridor.

"No... Xiaohui wait for me, I will definitely come to save you!"

Rijia struggled to get up from the ground, then ran out of the house and ran towards Tokunaga's house.

It must be there... Xiaohui must be there!

The long journey in the past is now terribly short. As soon as Rijia left the house, she saw the gate of Tokunaga's house.

Rijia didn't have time to think, pushed open the door and rushed in.

"Rika... help me!"

"Xiaohui, Xiaohui!"

Rijia followed the sound and pushed away the room where the sound came from.

The room was empty.

Rika looked around and could only see a wardrobe.

Yes... it must be in the closet!

Li Jia pushed the cabinet open with a click, but only saw Xiaohui's waving legs and Xiaohui's miserable cry.

Half of her body has disappeared, and now her body is also disappearing at a very fast speed.

"Help me Rika, help..."

Rijia was powerless and had no time to act. She could only watch helplessly as Xiaohui was pulled into the closet, and then the closet remained silent.


Rijia took a step back, feeling extremely cold.