
Chapter 206: start


The morning of the fifth day arrived as promised, the sun illuminated the whole city, and a new day began again.

As a freelancer, Chen Lu calmly slept until nine in the morning, completely worried that he would miss the exhibition.

In fact, Chen Lu thinks so, the only exhibition under the sun is set to start before nine o'clock in the morning, so according to common sense, there will be no danger at all.

So Chen Lu took it for granted and stretched his waist, and continued to lie on the bed for a while, until the whole person was awake and could no longer fall asleep, so he lazily got up.

It's already ten o'clock.

Hmm... the art of time travel.

Chen Lu walked to the mirror, wanting to see how long he had been sleepy, but found that there was an extra line of red words on the mirror.

Arrive at Villa 404 in the suburban villa area of Dongjiang before 5:00 p.m. and wait for the exhibition to begin

This line of writing looks like a blood book, but it is actually an oil painting. Those blood special effects are all painted, very realistic.

"Grass, the good mood in the morning is ruined like this."

Chen Lu rolled his eyes, and didn't rush to deal with the handwriting on the mirror. Instead, he walked to the toilet and started to wash. After a while, there was the sound of taking a bath again.

Chen Lu really loves to take a bath, even in winter, he has to take a bath every day, and before and after major events, he has to take a bath to soothe his fragile heart.

Five minutes later, he came out of the toilet steaming hot, only his body was wrapped in a bath towel, looking at the plump muscles of his upper body in the mirror, he was very satisfied.

These muscles did not come from the system for nothing. He has been practicing Rakshasa Kung Fu all the time, and he got them through a little bit of training. Only then can he get this body of muscles that are both powerful and not bloated.


Chen Lu touched his chest and abdominal muscles, and then walked out of the room contentedly.

The relaxation is over, and the seriousness must begin.

Chen Lu's eyes sharpened and he became more serious. He threw the towel on the bed, changed into a set of light-colored clothes, put on his backpack, picked up the keys, and left the house.

It's time for him to go to the Security Bureau and prepare to enter Villa 404 with them.

There are still six hours before five o'clock, but it must be earlier to avoid traffic jams on the road.

Maybe they still have some results to tell Chen Lu, so they gathered at the Security Bureau for the last time, and then went to the destination together.



Eleven o'clock was no longer the deadline, so Chen Lu arrived at the security bureau unimpeded, and even under the speeding of the driver, he was 15 minutes faster.

But even so, Chen Lu was still not the first person to arrive at the security bureau.

"Red Makeup", "Devil Boy", "Veterinarian" and "Invisible" have already arrived at the Security Bureau, and they are meditating in the rest room, adjusting the state of the ghosts, but **, Song Dabao, who broke his arms, has not yet arrived, This is also in line with their style, a prodigal son, a big fool.

Since the meeting hadn't started yet, Chen Lu followed the staff to a special lounge to rest and cultivate his body and mind.

During the period, it might be Sun Zhao's request, Wang Ren, Song Xi and other friends all came to visit Chen Lu, but Chen Lu didn't mind, and was even happy.

There was only one person who came to look for him.

It's his sister, Wang Xiaoxiao.

"elder brother?"

Wang Xiaoxiao pushed open the door and walked into the room.


Chen Lu was a little strange. Even the others were quarantined, but Wang Xiaoxiao allowed her to pass. She was just a ghost stalker. What's going on

Soon, Wang Xiaoxiao explained her doubts.

"Brother... Put on the earphones, if I can sense something, I'll let you know right away."

Chen Lu frowned, ** took the earphones.

"Don't use your abilities indiscriminately. The side effect of using your abilities is that you will be watched by ghosts. You won't forget it, right?"

"*This ghost is following you, and you only have one ghost, how can you survive?"

"Life matters, only your brother is safe."

After Chen Lu finished speaking, he was about to push Wang Xiaoxiao to leave, but Wang Xiaoxiao turned around and said:

"No, you heard me..."

"My recovery level has improved. Now I can sense the abnormalities around you through you, and then I will tell you through the earphones, which can help you warn."

"And be prepared, maybe it just won't find me?"

"Don't worry, your exhibition has already started, why is she still arresting me?"

Wang Xiaoxiao said it seriously, but Chen Lu shook his head. It was definitely not that simple, but he couldn't hold back Wang Xiaoxiao.

After much deliberation, he could only agree first. Chen Lu put the earphones in his pocket, then smiled and said to Xiaoxiao:

"Okay, then I'll accept it first... But you must* stop using ghost psychics casually."

"Okay, I will definitely not use it indiscriminately."

Wang Xiaoxiao nodded, then blinked at Chen Lu with her left eye, and trotted out of the room.

Listening to Wang Xiaoxiao's walking away, Chen Lu sighed and closed his eyes again.

The Raksha kung fu was running slowly, Chen Lu slowly adjusted his state and regained his composure.



An hour later, when it was two o'clock, Chen Lu finally received a notice that he was going to the conference room for a meeting.

They should have arrived early, but it was necessary to have a meeting so early, so they waited for a while, and now the time is just right, Chen Lu's body is also a little hot, and he is starting to get nervous.

Chen Lu stepped forward and walked to the meeting room, and then all the people arrived one after another and took their seats.

Right now, everyone's expression is tense. Even veterans who have experienced many battles can't help being nervous before going to the battlefield. This is human nature.

Sun Zhao came late, he walked to the main seat, even sat down, and began to narrate:

"Everyone, I have already learned that the exhibition will start in three hours. Everyone is a veteran, but don't underestimate the enemy. This time the enemy dares to challenge so many people, then it is your own rely on."

"But I believe in you, every ghost slayer in the Security Bureau will not be a coward!"

Sun Zhao knocked on the table violently, penetrating every word with the whip, inspiring people's hearts.

"And everyone must have known a bad thing. Our "Skeleton Knight" Inspector Song Jiang has been trapped in Villa 404 for two full days, but according to his strength, he must die so easily. So everyone can help if they can, and if you meet him, you must save him, and everyone should understand why you need to save him."

"Finally, everyone must keep in mind, don't ignore any details and illusions, these may be the key to life and death."

"Please remember that the Security Bureau will always be with you, always behind you, waiting for you."

"Please come back safely."

After Sun Zhao said this, the other staff raised their fists, pointed at the sky, and shouted in unison.

"Please come back safely!"

"Please come back safely!"

The whole building was deafening.

"Please come back safely!"

This is for them, the last practice song.