
Chapter 207: choose


Six cars were riding on the seven ghost hunters, and they headed for the villa area in a mighty manner.

**Moved her body, pouted her mouth, adjusted her posture again, and complained:

"It's crowded."

"Nonsense! Isn't it crowded for two people in one car? You can get a ride by yourself, but you still want to squeeze in with me. I don't know what you're doing wrong?!"

When Chen Lu heard his mother's complaints, he couldn't get angry, and directly sprayed his head with blood, which made her feel very embarrassed.

"Ham, it's alright, alright, haven't you been alone for a long time? Take this opportunity to discuss some countermeasures."

"Remember, you help me and I help you, so that everyone can survive, everyone takes care of each other, and everything can be easily solved."

** wanted to lean on Chen Lu's shoulder with his elbow, but Chen Lu dodged it so that ** almost fell into Chen Lu's arms.

"Okay, don't talk about these mother-in-laws, just don't separate after entering."

Chen Lu gave an exhortation and ended the topic.

** also clicked to the end, no longer bothering Chen Lu, leaning against the other side and dozing off.

The outskirts are far from the security bureau, so they arrived at the venue quickly.

According to the information they got, they want to arrive at the venue at five o'clock, but no one can be so tight, so they have to start entering the villa area ten minutes in advance.

Time passed quickly, and it was 4:50, which was the agreed time.

After Chen Lu got out of the car, he turned his head and glanced at the people behind him. The staff members were all watching them, watching them go forward.

Chen Lu didn't hesitate anymore, turned his head, and walked in towards the gate of the villa area.

The original mighty team, now there are only seven people lined up in a row, heading towards the villa area, everyone is silent, staring at the destination, not knowing what they are thinking.

At the moment, the villa area is quite normal except that one person is alone and it seems very quiet. They also encounter special obstacles along the way, and even the strange sounds are disturbed.

It stands to reason that it is already the agreed time, but ghosts still appear.

"Two minutes to five o'clock..."

The leader, Song Dabao, reminded him that he was standing at the forefront of the queue at the moment, acting as the vanguard.

This lineup was planned, and since Song Jiang was not around, Song Dabao, who had been to another world, would be in charge of it.

Because time was tight, Dabao led the team to trot, and the speed increased suddenly. Everyone saw the gate of Villa 404.

This villa was indeed the same as before, just as dilapidated, the yard was overgrown with weeds, and the police cleaned it up. They walked into the yard and pushed open the locked gate, and a rotten smell swept in.

Everyone in the house is still sleeping, and there is only one minute left in the time.

"What's going on? Are you kidding us?"

The red makeup girl frowned, covered her nose with her hand, and waved it, showing a look of disgust.

"**, I should wait for the time... It's still ** until five o'clock."

Devil boy Lei Tian crossed his hands, looking at the surrounding environment.

"Ten seconds left..."

"ten... nine... eight..."

Chen Lu looked around, what a special place, the surroundings were dirty, except... the paintings on the lobby.

Chen Lu raised his head and looked at this piece of unremarkable words.

The painting in the lobby shows eight people, these eight people... Wait

Chen Lu pointed at the painting and wanted to say something, but ten seconds passed quickly, and the bell in the lobby rang, indicating that it was five o'clock.


Chen Lu's body softened, and he felt that all his strength had gone out, his eyes were dizzy, and then he fell directly to the floor, losing his mind.

And the same goes for everyone else in the lobby, they all fell to the ground, unconscious.

The exhibition... has begun.



Chen Lu woke up suddenly, panting heavily, and looked around.

"How did I... fall asleep?"

Chen Lu still remembered seeing that painting in the lobby just now, but he arrived at five o'clock, and then passed out.

What ability is this? Even ghosts can't stop it

Chen Lu took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and looked at the surrounding environment.

This isn't a's a room.

This room looks like a European classical style, with a seven-story crystal lamp hanging on the top, and the entire bed is a large wooden bed. The entire room is filled with radiant light, which is extremely luxurious.

Why did you wake up here

Chen Lu couldn't figure it out, but he couldn't wait to die here anyway.

He got out of bed and wanted to leave the room.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, causing Chen Lu to pause.

Then the door opened by itself... revealing a man in a suit.

This person should be playing the role of a housekeeper. His hair is combed shiny, his body leans forward slightly, and he wears a professional smile. It is very standard and even a little sick, because he has been making other actions since he opened the door. .

"Sir, the exhibition is about to start, please come to the appointment in time."

Looking at this weird person, Chen Lu always felt some impression... Where did he seem to see it

"Are you Wang Dong?"

Looking at this person's appearance, Chen Lu finally blurted out and called out this person's name.

This is the owner of Room 403... Wang Dong!

Chen Lu had only seen photos before, but never saw the real face, so he almost remembered it, but now he finally has a memory.

So they're being kidnapped... for role-playing

"Wang Dongna is just my previous name, and now I'm just the master's housekeeper."


Chen Lu keenly grasped the point, and asked:

"Who is your master? Do you have many masters?"

"Please hurry up and get ready sir, the exhibition is about to begin."

Wang Dong urged again, and avoided Chen Lu's questioning.

Chen Lu understood in his heart that the current "Wang Dong" must have just died and turned into an NPC.

"Okay... so what should I do?"

Since it is an npc, there should be arrangements for the next step.

"Please come with me..."

Chen Lu glanced at Wang Dong again, then nodded, followed Wang Dong out of the room, and walked downstairs together on the stairs.

"Sir, according to the master's arrangement, the early stage of the exhibition is a gallery exhibition, and the final exhibition will be after the gallery exhibition."

"Now, you can choose a route for an exhibition, and when you're done, you can discuss and rest with other guests during breaks."

"Only after seeing the whole road can you be qualified to visit the exhibition."

"Now you can start choosing... ... look this way."

Wang Dong dutifully introduced, he raised his hand and pointed to the four doors in front of him.

"The door on the left leads to the comics exhibition, the door in the upper left corner leads to the prints exhibition, the door in the upper right corner leads to the oil paintings exhibition, and the last door leads to the sculpture exhibition."

"After you have made your choice, just walk through that door."

After saying these words, Wang Dong fell into silence, waiting for Chen Lu to make a choice.