
Chapter 211: Corpse Keeper


**Finally know why I see sculptures all the way**...

Because above the corridor, there are all sculptures hanging upside down, and these sculptures are doing the gesture of "raising their heads", looking at ** in unison.

Although these are all sculptures, their gazes seem to be real, staring closely at **'s body, refusing to look away.

They didn't hide their figures at all, but they didn't realize that they looked up before, so they found out.

**Looking at these sculptures, their posture is upright, but there is a thin silver line at the throat, strangling their necks and dropping them in mid-air, which is very weird.

Do you want to keep going

Looking at the deep passage ahead, ** hesitated a bit, but he had no choice, and finally decided to continue walking.

He wanted to see what was at the end of this passage.

** Holding the ghost candle, she walked forward, the faint blue light was not enough to illuminate the entire road, it could only cover half of **'s body, ** clinging to this weak sense of security, she continued to move forward.

He shouldn't have been so afraid. His strength was at the top of the crowd, and he was a ghost slayer from the zero world. But looking at this deep passage, he couldn't help but tremble.

This is the influence of ghosts.

** Speeding up his steps, he is now going to finish this road before the candles are extinguished, and after completing the task of viewing the exhibition, he will hurry back to the villa and meet up with the others.


It seemed that someone blew in **'s ear, and the cold wind made ** shiver.

But the next moment, his eyes were shocked.

Because the candle in front of him... was missing half.

The blowing just now was not an illusion, but a real ghost attack... The candle helped him resist an attack, and the price was directly reduced by half.


Those things in the sky must be playing tricks... ** suddenly looked up, but found a horrifying scene.

All the sculptures were facing towards him at this moment... And all the faces turned out to be naked.

These are unique sculptures.

You too will eventually become part of the sculpture.

"Playing tricks."

**Cold sweat oozes from his forehead, the half-short candle for no reason just now really made him feel dizzy, but he dare not extinguish the candle, *as soon as he extinguished the candle, they started attacking directly, what should we do

Fortunately, the three ghosts on ** are in balance. Even if the candle is burned out, the ghost will not be revived. What he is more worried about is, how many times will there be such attacks

** Quicken his pace, he must hurry up.

It may be because an attack has already been launched, the scene in front of ** finally changed, he saw some sculptures standing on the ground finally appeared in front of him.

These statues ** have seen before... because these are the sculptures of ***.

The sculptures of those who died in the five days are all standing here. They have calm expressions on their faces, but their postures are all with their hands on their chests. Their pious postures and calm expressions form A little contrast makes them feel very insincere.

They are praying.

At first, ** thought they would keep this posture forever, but their expressions changed at the same time in the next moment. A frightened expression appeared on their originally calm faces, and as time passed, their frightened expressions became more and more frightened. Deep, but correspondingly, their poses are increasingly reverent.

They even started to kneel stiffly, and their hands began to move in unison. This seemed to be some kind of ritual, and they were concentrating on praying.

There was a stark contrast between the expression on the face and the actions on the body, and it was this contrast that caused unprecedented tension and fear in **, this feeling of incompatibility was exactly the feeling of life and death.


**The candle in his hand suddenly began to burn faster, and the candle was rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. According to this speed, within three breaths, his candle would completely disappear, and then he would also face the revival of the ghost!

He must find a way to stabilize the candle immediately!

**Ghost energy erupted, and a ghost child appeared behind him. The ghost child tied his hands around **'s neck, crawled a little further, then stretched out a hand, and a drop of corpse oil fell on the candle.

This drop of corpse oil is the raw material that can regenerate candles. It was supposed to be slowly warmed in the body with corpse oil, but now the situation is urgent, so it can only be forced to continue life with corpse oil.

Under the influence of the ghost child's corpse oil, the burning speed of the candle suddenly stagnated and became stable again.

But in fact, this is not the expected effect...

According to the effect of the corpse oil, this candle should regenerate a complete candle, but now it just remains the same, which shows that the candle has actually burned a whole candle before stopping the surrounding attacks.

The puppets in front of them have completed all the movements, and now they are terrified, kneeling on the ground, clasping their hands together, and looking up at a forty-five-degree angle.

What the hell did they do to the fuck

** Frowning, he looked forward, a vague figure was completely different from the other sculptures, and it seemed... He was still moving.

This is a person? Or a sculpture that can move all the time

** His face was livid, what else could he do if he could act in this place

In addition to ghosts, other explanations have been accepted.

"It's good to be so open and aboveboard, so let's just touch him head-on."

** is also a little annoyed at being forced. If he drags on like this now, he will be the one who will die. It's better to meet the ghost in front of him for a while, and stop being intimidated.

**Thinking of this, although this idea does not match his usual cautious style, it is already the only way. He took a step and walked towards the figure in front of him.

During this period, he passed by those pious sculptures, and these sculptures did not attack because of his approach, so his vigilance seemed a bit frightened.

What kind of dragon formation is this

Knowing that ** was approaching, he realized that behind these sculptures was a formation with a classical charm. a sculpture.

**Pretty sure... he is the sculptor.

Because what he is doing now is sculpting, and what he is sculpting... is the model of **.

In this sculpture of **, the head and neck are separated, and the whole body is chasing that head, which looks extraordinarily funny, but all of this is placed on **, but ** cannot laugh.

This sculpture... is the death of the ****!

Presumably, when the sculptor completes the final sculpture, it is the time of his death...

**Shadow moved hard, and understood that now he must act first.