
Chapter 212: The road to comics


Now, only the details of the face remain in **sculpture**, but the other parts are exactly the same as **.

** He didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, and he didn't dare to step into the magic circle easily. He always felt that this was the sculptor's territory.

That being the case, then the **** simply attacked with the shadow directly.

**'s shadow moved slowly, and then, his shadow changed into the appearance of the sculptor, and the sculptor's shadow also began to freeze, no longer changing with the sculptor's actions.

Then, the sculptor's shadow began to leave the floor, and he stood up from the floor like a sticker, and began to reversely control the sculptor's behavior.

The shadow of ** has a controlling effect. If the sculptor can be stopped, he will be safe for the time being.

**I thought the shadow would work, but in fact, the moment the shadow came out, it was countered.

His shadow stretched out his hand, and was going to grab the sculptor's neck, but his arm was stuck in the air and he couldn't move. He even started to back up. The shadow's hand slowly pulled away, and then he did exactly the same thing as the sculptor. Volley carving.

The sculptor, like a normal person, still focused on his own behavior, constantly sculpting the body.

No... no!

** There is a voice in his heart warning him that once the sculpture is completely completed, he will die directly.

Even the ghosts will not have a chance to revive...

** took a step forward and walked into the magic circle. As long as he got close, the ghost child would be able to suppress the sculptor.

A ghost child is also a complete ghost.

But... The sculptor had already stopped.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at the work in front of him with a satisfied expression.

The sculpture of ** in front of him has been perfectly reproduced, every detail is as vivid as life, making it difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, as if the next moment, ** will jump out and hug her head.

"Well... ... "

An extreme killing intent came from the sculpture, and he felt the danger of life and death. The feeling was that the knife was already on the neck, and the body and the head would be separated in the next moment.

It was too late for him to interfere with the sculptor now... and the sculptor would not give him the chance to interfere.

**Falling to the ground with a "bang", he managed to control his legs, because his two legs had begun to petrify.

No... not right.

**Looking at her legs, and **turning into a sculpture, but the appearance of becoming a sculpture is very obvious.

He is not sculpting now, but replacing his body. His soul will be replaced into the sculpture made by the sculptor, and his body will not belong to him.

What does a sculptor want a body for

**Don't know, but he doesn't want to experiment with his own body either.

He's... dying now.

** Gritting her teeth, she found a candle with blue light in her hand. The flame on the candle fluttered with the wind, and it seemed that it would disappear in the next moment.

Then, **'s shadow appeared, took the candle from **'s hand, held it in his hand, the shadow surrounded the candle, and controlled the flame of the candle.

In the end, it was the ghost child behind the **. The ghost child suddenly crawled, lying on the back of the **, and then stretched out his hand, dripping corpse oil drop by drop.

This is the ** Three Ghosts and Ghosts Lock.

Corpse Keeper.

A check and balance force erupted from **'s body, and this force successfully pulled **'s consciousness back into his body.

Although ** is temporarily safe, he is also unable to move now.

This magic circle is restricting him, as long as he breaks the balance, he will immediately start to replace it.

Right now, he can only continue to maintain this state in order to ensure that he will not die.

But the sculptor looked at the strange state of her, with the reflection of blue flames in his eyes, and his expression was calm.

But soon, he started to move again.

"Wipe wipe."

His hands moved, and a new sculpture began to take shape.

This time, the sculpture is still the same... but with something more.

There are also three ghosts on **.

Since the three ghosts are contending, simply replace the three ghosts... all.



Chen Lu didn't know what happened in the other channel. At this moment, he looked tired, because he had just gone through two more comics.

In addition to warriors fighting for sex, there are blackened campus love stories and family horror stories.

The story of the blackened campus tells that Chen Lu became a rich and handsome man on campus, and was crushed by various women. But later, Chen Lu discovered that this was a bet among women. They were betting who Chen Lu would fall in love with in the end. , and then the winner will be rewarded by Chen Lu. No matter how she treats Chen Lu, she will get the full support of other women.

However, this comic was somewhat restrained by Chen Lu.

As soon as he entered the manga, Chen Lu's Sadako and Kayako woke up together, and a wave of rivals came directly.

The whole manga collapsed immediately, and those girls either died of horror on the ground, or were dragged into the cabinet, never to be seen again.

Chen Lu was terrified when he read it, and always felt that the cartoon was not trying to trick him, but the cartoon was hurting himself.

Because of Sadako and Kayako, Chen Lu quickly escaped from this cartoon.

This comic puts too much pressure on Chen Lu, and "Family Horror Story" actually puts no pressure on Chen Lu...

This story is about a derailment.

The old Wang from the next door came to the protagonist's bed, but was caught by the protagonist, who caught the old Wang next door on the bed.

The old Wang next door looked nervous, looking at the protagonist, he felt that he was going to be hammered to death by the protagonist in the next moment.

But in the end, the protagonist let the old Wang next door go and let him go back to his home. Afterwards, he sat on the bed and smoked a cigarette.

All of this seemed weird and strange, and the two who were supposed to be fighting each other just relaxed like this.

In the comic, another close-up is given to the protagonist. The master feels the warmth of the bed, and the vicissitudes and disbelief on his face reveal his shock.

Because the protagonist himself knows that...he simply cheated on his wife.

So who is the guy next door to Old Wang

How can they get into their own home

Chen Lu is the protagonist. He intervenes in this story at this time and becomes the unlucky "husband".

The sound of cutting vegetables came from the kitchen, and a gentle voice called Chen Lu.


When Chen Lu heard the "husband", he knew that this dungeon was no longer a problem.

A powerful ghost energy erupted from Chen Lu's body, and two female ghosts appeared behind Chen Lu again.

Zhenzi and Jiaye looked in the direction of the door with resentment in their eyes, and then disappeared directly behind Chen Lu.

And after the "wife" in the kitchen gave a gentle call, there was a horrific cry, telling Chen Lu.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with him...