
Chapter 217: The last event is over


The collector sat back on the chair again, quietly looking at the other side of the door.

"Right now, I want to add a few more collections."

"Sculptor, painter, caricaturist, it."


The oil painter stood up holding the painting plate, and the sculptor also pushed away his chair and looked at the four people seated.

On the other side of the door, two figures also appeared from behind the door. It was the cartoonist who was beaten by Chen Lu and turned into a line draft, and the printmaker that Chen Lu had never seen before.

At this moment, they all looked at the four people in front of them coldly, because it was these ghost hunters who knocked them in.

But for now they don't have to worry... As long as there are collectors, they can come out anyway.

Collector pushed back his chair slightly and stood up.

"Okay... let's do it together."


The four ghosts responded, and then a burst of ghostly aura swept out wantonly, and the aura continued to rise. The five ghosts blended with each other, and gradually became nothingness. Finally, the collector's aura continued to rise and turned into a ghost.

His body turned gray and black, his height swelled, and he suddenly turned into a two-meter-high giant. Then he looked in the direction of the door, his eyes flickering with gray and black light.

"Although my strength will be weakened after passing through this door, it is still more than enough to deal with you."

Chen Lu could feel that the strength of the ghost in front of him had at least exceeded three reincarnations. After all, it was composed of five second reincarnation ghosts, and its power now exceeded three reincarnations. This was the first time Chen Lu faced three reincarnations. .

"Chen Lu, don't be impulsive... On the other side of the world, if the ghost's strength is not suppressed, it will be very powerful."

Dabao came here, looked at this door with fear in his eyes, and told Chen Lu, who had never had any experience in the door, to be cautious.

But Chen Lu took a look at their state and kept silent.

Apart from him, the other three ghost slayers were seriously injured. Almost every one of them was on the verge of the ghosts' recovery, and they probably wouldn't last long in the face of battle.

And... there are two teammates on the other side of the door.

A stern look flashed in Chen Lu's eyes, he stood up from his chair, and walked to the other side of the door.

"Chen Lu? What are you doing?"

Dabao wanted to stop Chen Lu from sending him to death, but Chen Lu moved too fast? In just three or two steps? He had already reached the door.

The collector looked at Chen Lu approaching? Surprised eyes? But more interesting.


"Do not worry."

Chen Lu looked at the collector? There was a determination to win in his eyes.

Chen Lu took a step forward and stepped through the door.


The originally calm ghost energy in the body began to become disordered, and the strong ghost energy from another world clashed with Chen Lu's body, becoming manic and restless.


Chen Lu exhaled deeply, performed Rakshasa Kung Fu, to appease the raging ghost energy in his body, then his hands turned white, he took a step forward, and punched the collector.


Chen Lu slammed it out, but the collector suddenly disappeared on the chair. Chen Lu only smashed the chair

Afterwards, the collector's figure appeared behind Chen Lu like a painting? His figure quickly solidified, and then he punched Chen Lu on the back of the head.

But Chen Lu had expected it a long time ago? He bent down, then turned his body 180 degrees, with blood and tears in his right eye, and directly planted the curse of Kayako on the collector.

When the curse fell on Collector, his expression was obviously a little surprised.


When this curse was fulfilled, he instantly understood that even if he turned into a sketch, there was no way to escape.

Chen Lu seized the opportunity of his astonishment, grabbed his hand in an instant, and then did a backflip. The threatened collector wanted to turn into a sketch and escape, but Jiaye's eyes prevented his figure from completely hiding , and those ghostly hands made it impossible for him to escape.

With a backflip, Collector was slammed on the chair hard, unable to move, and then white fists fell on Collector like raindrops.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!"

The continuous sound of beatings made the whole room piercingly heard, and everyone outside the door trembled when they saw the erupting Chen Lu.

Chen Lu in front of him was more like a demon, suppressing the collector Menghammer.

The collector couldn't stand the continuous attacks, and now he turned into a stone sculpture, immune to Chen Lu's attacks.

However, Chen Lu was still reluctant to let go of this sculpture, and his continuous fists rained down on the sculpture, cracking the stone sculpture every inch of it, and was actually smashed into pieces.

It wasn't until the sculpture was completely turned into pieces that Chen Lu let go of his hand, stood up, looked in another direction, and said softly:

"Where do you want to go?"

Four chains shot out violently. This time, the door behind him opened, and a woman in white came out of the haunted house. She had two lines of blood and tears hanging from her eyes, and she was holding the chains tightly with both hands, very enchanting.

The four chains flew towards the designated collector, pierced fiercely into the wall, bound the collector, and the chains locked his limbs, pulling him back from the wall.


The collector was terrified, but he still couldn't resist the absolute rules. He was pulled from the wall to the ground, his limbs were tied with chains, the disdain in his eyes had completely disappeared, and now only fear remained.

The ghost on this man... why is he so strong!

But all this is not over yet, Chen Lu wants to completely destroy this collector.

Chen Lu gently rubbed the ring mark on his left hand, the mark revealed a little warmth, and a completely different ghost energy circulated in Chen Lu's body.

A more powerful force erupted in Chen Lu's body, and a dry well was reflected in front of him. In the dry well, another girl in dirty white clothes got out of the well. After crawling out of the well, she stood in front of Chen Lu next to him, staring closely at the collector in front of him.

Collectors simply cannot escape.

Because his pupils had already started to reflect terrifying images, as if a dry well was reflected in his eyes, and then his body began to twitch, and he fell to the ground, unable to control his body.

Chen Lu took a step, walked in front of the collector, squatted down, and then his left eye swelled suddenly, and a phantom of a man lingered in his eyes, walking towards the outside of the eyes.

Start trading.

"For the rest of my life...don't walk out of this door again."

After Chen Lu said these words, the man in the eyeball took off his hat, and a cruel smile appeared on that burnt face.

"as you wish."


The collector started to roar, the ghost energy in his body was dissipating bit by bit, leaking out continuously, the aura dropped little by little, and finally from the third round, back to the second round, and then back to the first round...

He lost.