
Chapter 23: Seventy-two


Chen Lu walked to the corpse, no matter whether it was tactile or visual, there were indeed two corpses.

But why didn't the two of them revive the ghost? Or did the ghost in the body escape

Chen Lu strolled in this room, through the ghost eyes, he could see a faint ghost aura in the room, but this room was not like a haunted room, there was not even a blind box, if not for the two corpses still lying On the ground, it is an ordinary warm little home.

Sometimes what is too normal is also abnormal.

Chen Lu exited the room, and then the ghost eyes swelled up again. The second gear of ghost eyes could see through the illusion, but Chen Lu still only saw a faint layer of black air and two corpses.

"Ghost gas... corpse..."

Chen Lu murmured softly, then looked towards the elevator.

The elevator was also shrouded in a faint ghostly aura, exactly the same as 602.

"It turned out to be like this..."

The elevator is a ghost, so is this room

Only by returning to the original room can the confusion be broken.

A handsome puppet appeared on Chen Lu's shoulder, and then Chen Lu's hands turned pale. He stretched out his hand, held it on the doorknob, and opened the door of 602 again.

The moment Chen Lu touched it, a thin layer of black mist receded away, and 602 underwent a slight change.


The movement of the door startled the people in the room. Chen Lu saw a girl with long hair in a uniform. She should be a staff member. Her complexion was very bad, and she was staring at Chen Lu vigilantly at the moment.

"Song Xi with ghost hair?"

When Chen Lu saw the iconic long hair, he recognized Song Xi at a glance. Beside her was a faint young man with a camera hanging on his chest. It was Jiang Zifan.

Chen Lu could call her name, but she was relieved, and her vigilance was much reduced:

"Yes, I'm Song Xi, are you the security officer sent to support?"

"Yes." Chen Lu nodded, "It seems that you are already in danger?"

"That's right." Song Xi nodded and began to talk about what happened.

"I found Jiang Zifan in 601 who was on the verge of reviving the ghost. After I pulled him out of 601, his recovery condition declined. Then we entered 602 to observe the situation. As soon as we entered, we felt Great crisis."

Song Xi's face darkened, and she whispered her most intuitive feeling.

"It's a crisis that's hard to's like being replaced."

"I activated the ghost hair when I felt the danger. The sense of danger was much less, but Jiang Zifan was still unconscious, and the door couldn't be opened."

Speaking of this, Song Xi's eyes flashed with confusion, she murmured: "What is the killing rule of the blind box?"

What did she do to trigger the killing rules

Chen Lu walked to the door, touched the doorknob, looked at the black air around him, and already had a guess in his mind.

"I may already know the killing rules of the blind box..."

"Should be a replacement."


Song Xi's confused eyes flashed a little light, and the situation just now was indeed very similar to the replacement.

Chen Lu asked, "Do you know what the blind box can open?"

Song Xi thought for a while and replied casually, "It's just some hand-made dolls?"

"All the blind boxes on the market can basically only open three types of items, one is common dolls, the second is props, and the third is scenes."

"In my opinion, the blind box will automatically analyze the surrounding scenes, and then generate similar figures. When the blind box is opened, it will be replaced automatically."

"Of course, if there is no similar item, it will stay in the blind box and wait."

After listening to Chen Lu's analysis, Song Xi's eyes lit up.

"So the reason why Jiang Zifan revived the ghost is because the camera figure in the blind box tried to replace it."

Chen Lu added,

"Not only that, this room and the elevator are mutant ghosts produced after being replaced by scene blind boxes."

"The reason why our earphones failed is probably why they were replaced."

"It makes sense." Song Xi also agreed with Chen Lu's analysis in her heart. She picked up Jiang Zifan and urged, "Then let's get out now."

"Don't worry, we have already suppressed the rules of this room, there will be no danger for a while."

Chen Lu looked around, carefully groping for the strange things around him, and then continued to talk to Song Xi,

"Now it's time to think about how to solve this incident."

sixty two...

Chen Lu murmured softly, and suddenly thought that 702 was above 602, so Chen Lu immediately looked at the ceiling, his left eye swelled slightly, and the second ghost eye scanned the ceiling to see the abnormal phenomenon at a glance.

"I think... I have found the body position of the blind box ghost."

Chen Lu's handling of the case was so fast that Song Xi couldn't react at all. She only had time to ask,

"Where is the ghost of the blind box...?"

"At seven zero two."

"How are you sure?"

"See for yourself."

Chen Lu turned on the flashlight, illuminating the ceiling of the living room

Song Xi looked at the ceiling, but got goosebumps all over her body.

There are densely packed holes in the ceiling, and in each hole, there is an eye made of a button. The eye stares at the three of them through the hole, spying on their every move.

"Let's go, don't waste time."

"But what about Jiang Zifan?" Jiang Zifan was still in a coma, and if he was left here, he might be attacked again.

"Huh?" Chen Lu looked at Song Xi suspiciously, "Don't you know how to do it?"

"Now immediately, carry him out of the community, and I can deal with the next incident by myself."

"Are you crazy? Don't know how dangerous supernatural events are?" Song Xi felt that Chen Lu was crazy, and wanted to solve the blind box ghost alone

"Don't make me say it again, you will only be a burden if you stay here." Chen Lu's ghostly eyes swelled suddenly, and the aura of a tiger suddenly appeared from his body. He was using his aura to oppress Song Xi. refute.

"Don't follow."

Chen Lu looked at Song Xi and Jiang Zifan coldly, closed the elevator door, and drove slowly towards the seventh floor.



The reason why Song Xi and Jiang Zifan were not brought along was because they were obviously on the verge of Li Gui's recovery, and they were easy to be replaced, so it would be even more dangerous to bring them along.

It would be better for Chen Lu to come up alone. Apart from being isolated and helpless in his mentality, he has more advantages in other things.

When the elevator door opened again, it was already on the seventh floor. Chen Lu looked towards the corridor and frowned.

The scene was more serious than he imagined.

The ground was densely covered with a layer of dolls. Their button eyes stared at the sixth floor through the gaps in the corridor floor. Now that Chen Lu's movement caught their attention, they straightened up slowly and stared at Chen Lu. land.

Once these puppets are all run out of the seventh floor and start to be replaced collectively, then things will be very serious.

At this moment, a cold air emerged from Chen Lu's spine, which was creepy, as if a cold hand was trying to drag him into an unknown space.

The puppet on the ground stretched out a pair of small hands, moved like a worm, and moved towards Chen Lu Huilong little by little.

Chen Lu's eyes became dazed, and a murmur sounded in his heart.

"You can't escape..."

This is the curse of the blind box, and the curse has not been eliminated. As long as he appears on the seventh floor again, the curse will be awakened again.

One by one dolls grabbed his clothes and trouser legs, climbing up, densely packed dolls covered him, but Chen Lu remained motionless, still staring blankly ahead.

If this continues, Chen Lu will be completely replaced and become another person.

At this moment, two dolls appeared on Chen Lu's shoulders.

The big baby restrained the little baby, and sat on Chen Lu's shoulder. The Kayako baby slightly tilted his head and leaned against Chen Lu's head.

Chen Lu's right eye slowly turned red, and a tear of blood swirled in his eye socket. Misery and resentment were hidden in his eyes, and the power belonging to Kayako spread from it.

Chen Lu regained his consciousness, looked at his body and the puppet in the distance, expressionless.

All dolls seen by the right eye have a tiny blood-red eye appearing on them, indicating that they are marked locked.

As long as he is seen by Kayako, he will be cursed by Kayako.

This is the ability that belongs to Kayako.


Then the little baby raised a small hand dumbly, and grabbed it lightly.

"Bang bang bang."

From near to far, with the little doll's light grasp, the figurines seemed to be pinched by two hands, and then there was a soft cracking sound, and ghostly spirits overflowed, and the dolls disappeared one by one.

This is the combined attack of Jiaye and Junxiong, which helped Chen Lu resolve the danger this time. These puppets are not strong individually, and Jiaye can handle them.

But it doesn't come without a price.

Behind Chen Lu was a gloomy atmosphere, an ancient Japanese-style house was looming, and the quaint door was slightly opened with a gap. In the gap, a blood-red eye was staring at Chen Lu closely, and the slightly upturned eyes could still be seen. The corner of the mouth is secretly smiling.

whee. oh.


The phantom disappeared, and Jiaye and Junxiong hadn't reached the stage of recovery yet.

Cold sweat oozes from Chen Lu's forehead. Compared with the puppet's murderous intent, Jiaye's murderous intent is more direct and terrifying.

All this stemmed from his carelessness. He thought that it would be dangerous to enter 702, but he didn't expect that so many dolls had accumulated on the seventh floor.

Following the wave of Gayako's clearance, the corridor was empty, and Chen Lu cheered up again. Since Curse returned, he has become a little careless and arrogant.

But not anymore.

Now he will be on the highest vigilance in the face of all events.

Just in case, Chen Lu mobilized Junxiong's strength, one hand turned pale, and then pushed open the door of 702.

This is a very ordinary 702.

The echo machine on the table was playing music from the 1970s, and the family of three was busy greeting new guests.

"Yo, why are you here so early?"

Wang Gang sat on the chair and looked at Chen Lu. Because of his excessive movements, his bloated body exposed cotton wool and some flesh and blood.

"Have any of our guests come?"

Wang Gang's parents came out of the kitchen, their bodies were stained with blood, they were holding a kitchen knife, and their cotton mouths were constantly being torn apart by needlework. The ridiculous cotton body was extremely horrifying at this moment.

They were all dolls, and they were all staring at Chen Lu with eyes made of buttons.

Welcome to... come, seven zero two.


Something is wrong.

Why... ...

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