
Chapter 24: Desperate situation


Within sixty-two.

Song Xi watched the elevator close, and after struggling for a while, she failed to catch up with Chen Lu.

He was right...she and Jiang Zifan were just two burdens now, and the strength Chen Lu showed was already terrifying enough.

What she has to do now is to rescue Jiang Zifan, so as not to cause another ghost in the blind box incident.

After distinguishing the situation, Song Xi immediately picked up Jiang Zifan and was about to leave the building. Chen Lu had already said that the elevator's killing rule was interference, so as long as he didn't move around, there would be no danger.

Song Xi left 602 with Jiang Zifan on his shoulders and walked towards the elevator.

But after walking a few steps, Song Xi's face turned cold.

Why... Her seat hasn't changed

She is still at the door of 602, and the elevator from the elevator has not changed at all.

Song Xi looked around with cold eyes.

Strange changes occurred in the surrounding environment, the surrounding walls began to rot and deform, pieces of rotten wall skin fell off, the sound of rustling friction was creepy, and even the floor began to soften, Song Xi couldn't stand still, and fell on the ground.

She immediately crouched on the ground, shaking Jiang Zifan desperately.

"Jiang Zifan, wake up, the ghost is coming."

It's just that Jiang Zifan's condition is very bad at the moment, his face is pale, his brows are frowning, and he seems to be struggling in a dream.

The camera on his chest turned on automatically, and a slightly blurred full-body photo was printed on the screen, showing Jiang Zifan struggling to escape. Behind Jiang Zifan, a person holding a camera appeared vaguely, as if he was about to start shoot.

Once the clarity of the photo reaches the highest level, Jiang Zifan revives Li Gui.

damn it... ...

Song Xi couldn't worry about Jiang Zifan any more, and now she had to find a way to break the situation before death came.

She had a hunch that her ghost hair might not be able to resist the current scene.

Song Xi took a deep breath and calmed down a lot.

The ghost's rule of killing should be substitution, as long as a substitute is found and eliminated, the danger can be eliminated.

Jiang Zifan's replacement is a camera figure, which is likely to remain in 601.

What about her Song Xi's

There is no way to think now, she has to help Jiang Zifan solve the crisis first, otherwise Jiang Zifan's ghost will recover, and she will die too.

Her waist-length hair spread again. This time, she didn't climb up the nearby wall, but wrapped Song Xi around to create a safe area.

Each strand of hair wrapped around Song Xi's body, her time was running out.

With the help of Guifa, Song Xi could barely move her body, but the short distance between 602 and 601 made her body wrapped in a lot of hair.

Song Xi walked into 601 with difficulty, and saw the conspicuous blind box. She approached with difficulty, but found that there was nothing in the blind box.

Where did the figures go

Song Xi glanced around to find the whereabouts of the camera, she only hoped that the figurine of the camera could still be at 601, otherwise she really couldn't last that long.

Where is it

Under the table

Behind the TV

Song Xi's hair was getting longer and longer, flying all over the sky, entangled Song Xi's body one by one, Song Xi's face became pale, and her body was about to be unable to withstand the damage of Li Gui.

Fortunately, her physical fitness is good, otherwise she would have been unable to carry it.

"found it!"

Finally, after Song Xi searched around, she finally found a substitute for Jiang Zifan. The camera was very small and fell into the gap between the sofa and the wall. Song Xi turned sideways and grabbed the camera from the gap.

The ghost hair climbed onto Song Xi's hands, and then covered the camera along the hands. Layers of ghost hair tightly wrapped the camera, and then, under a burst of squirming, the camera was completely swallowed by the ghost hair.

After finishing all this, Song Xi seemed to have reached the limit after running with a heavy load, panting continuously, and her face was terribly pale.

She couldn't hold it anymore.

But it's done...

When Song Xi returned to the corridor, Jiang Zifan's complexion really improved a lot, Li Gui's recovery was suspended.

Song Xi took a long breath, she couldn't stop now, there must be something to replace her.

sixty two...

Song Xi remembered the false news about Jiang Zifan that he was trapped in 602. The purpose of this news was to lure her to 602, so there must be her replacement in 602.

And she did feel the crisis of being replaced in 602 before.

Song Xi speeded up, her hair had already wrapped around her waist and spread towards her chest.

The door of 602 was closed tightly, which made Song Xi stunned.


Song Xi remembered that the door of 602 was not closed at the beginning.

Song Xi's throat rolled, and she realized a terrible thing.

Isn't the upstairs the source of the curse

No time to think, Song Xi twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open.

The echo machine on the table was playing music from the 1970s, and a bloated puppet was sitting on the sofa facing the door, grinning, as if it was laughing or talking.

He's saying... welcome to seven zero two.

Song Xi felt as cold as falling into an ice cave, and she finally realized the weirdness of the problem.

Why did the elevator go to the seventh floor after Jiang Zifan and Song Xi went upstairs.

Why did Chen Lu open the elevator door as soon as he pressed it

Why are those puppets lying on the ground looking at this room...

The puppet is not monitoring them, it is monitoring 702.

They were deceived by the ghost elevator, this is the seventh floor, the ghost replaced the seventh floor with the sixth floor, just to hide themselves, or tricked people to go up to the eighth floor, where there are a lot of replacements.

Even though she had thought of this, it didn't help.

What made Song Xi even more desperate was that there were no less than ten camera figures in this room, and the camera she just destroyed was useless at all.

What about her

What will she be replaced by

The puppet stood up from the sofa, looking very stupid. He inserted one hand into the cotton body, and then with a burst of drumming, he pulled out a small blind box from the body.

He waved his bloated hand, opened the blind box, and picked up a delicate little doll.

The little doll is very small, and what does not match it is the long black hair. Its hair is so long that she has to step on her long hair when she walks.

"elder sister... ... "

Song Xi heard the doll's heartfelt words.

"Sister... You have lived for so long, can you let my sister live once?"

"My sister promises to take good care of your body, please..."


The long-haired puppet stretched out its hand and made a grabbing motion towards Song Xi. Song Xi's pupils dilated instantly, and a pair of hands grabbed her.

Immediately afterwards, Song Xi's eyes flickered for a while, and finally became lifeless and empty.

She felt like she was sinking into the ocean, falling, falling, and still falling.

There is no end, only sinking.

Her long hair stretched crazily, enveloping her, resisting this infinite pulling force, but unless the ghostly hair and ghost revived, it would only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

"Don't worry, when you become a figure, I will cherish you..."

The corner of the doll's mouth is upturned, and she is only a film away from Song Xi's body. When the ghost hair is completely suppressed by the blind box ghost, Song Xi will become a new ghost.

"I'm about... I can't hold it anymore."

Song Xi felt that she was short of oxygen, her body was gradually not belonging to her, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't move, she couldn't even think.

Her last thought at this moment is...

"I really tried my best..."


This is the sound of the fire door of the stairs being pushed open vigorously.

Song Xi used her last strength to look at the other side of the door. He recognized Chen Lu, but now the scene was irreversible. Her last professional ethics drove her to say to the man:

"Sorry, hurry... run away."

"You woman, you let me escape when you are about to die. Could it be that you...?"

Chen Lu shook his head helplessly, then looked at the puppet with a cold look in his eyes.

"These tricks are quite skillful."

"Just relying on those puppets upstairs and the three puppet ghosts, and the ghost on the stairs trying to hold me back by hitting the wall? It's too cerebral!"

Then Chen Lu walked up to Song Xi and blocked her body. He turned his head and glanced at her, then at the puppet.

"Your name is Song Xi, right?"

"Remember, don't say sorry in the future..., sorry is useless, in this case, I suggest you hug me."


What kind of tiger-wolf word is this

Song Xi felt a sudden discomfort in her stomach. She wished she had lost her hearing, but she didn't.

Why in 0202, there are still people who can speak earthy love words so confidently...

The smile in Chen Lu's eyes disappeared, and he looked at the doll with icy eyes. The next moment, he rushed forward, and his pale hand instantly grabbed the doll's neck, and the long-haired doll was caught by Chen Lu's other hand. Crushed directly by hand.

Song Xi's substitute was crushed, and she panted violently, like a drowning person finally breathing air, lying on the ground panting heavily.

"Don't be dazed, quickly find a blind box filled with white powder, that is the main body blind box."

Chen Lu described to Song Xi the box he saw at Wang Gang's house, and Song Xi looked around the next moment, then stood up and opened Wang Gang's room.

As a result... the room is full of blind boxes!

Song Xi swallowed her saliva, if she searched for them one by one, she would be able to use them as her own urn...

"That's too much..."

"I'll carry it here, hurry up and find it!"

Suddenly, the puppet Chen Lu was holding turned into a cloud of black mist, scattered away, and then condensed on the other side of the room, temporarily out of Chen Lu's control. Then, he pulled out the puppet from his chest. A blind box.

The blind box was opened, and there was a male figurine inside, with a huge eye, staring at Chen Lu.

This is Chen Lu's substitute.

"Want to replace me?"

Chen Lu's eyes froze, two dolls, big and small, appeared on his shoulders, and then a small eye appeared on the figure, and a small pale hand followed like a shadow, crushing the substitute from behind.

Chen Lu's sense of crisis of being replaced disappeared, and he continued to attack.

The puppet has a bad sense and wants to run away again, but a tiny blood-red eye appears on the puppet's chest.

He is locked!

"Give me... come back!"

Chen Lu's hands were pale, and with a volley of claws, he grabbed the scattered puppets out of the black mist.

Locked down, scary as hell!

"found it!"

Song Xi rushed out of the room, holding a blind box with white powder in her hand!

Chen Lu grabbed the blind box, without any hesitation, rubbed the puppet into the blind box, the puppet's face was stuffed and deformed, and the flesh and blood in the body splattered out, Chen Lu was using brute force to stuff the puppet raw back!

Finally, Chen Lu slammed the cover, and the puppet let out a mournful whine, and then there was no more sound.

A layer of mist sprayed out from the blind box and filled the entire community. All the dolls and figures in the community disappeared, and finally returned to calm.

Chen Lu and Song Xi panted heavily and looked at each other speechlessly.

And the forgotten Jiang Zifan was finally out of danger of recovery.

The blind box incident is over.