
Chapter 3: The Grudge sign


Chen Lu frantically clicked the button to go downstairs. Fortunately, the elevator door opened before Wang Gang chased him out.

Chen Lu's mind is in a mess now. Before he left, he heard Wang Gang's curse, which made him feel that something bad would happen.

Chen Lu pressed the door four or five times in a row to close the door. The elevator finally started to run and reached the first floor unimpeded. After the elevator door opened, he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no ghost in the elevator.

He walked out of the elevator quickly, but his pupils shrank, and he saw a strange black box placed at the door of the elevator.

This is obviously the kind of thing called "blind box".

Chen Lu guessed that everything that happened at Wang Gang's house was related to the "blind boxes" piled up in the room, but now Chen Lu didn't want to solve the case, but to escape.

So Chen Lu bypassed the blind box and left it to the professionals to solve the ghost problem.

Chen Lu ran out of the residential building, but the scene of the neighborhood made Chen Lu gasp.

Three or four blind box vending machines are located around the community, and inside are blind boxes that are exactly the same as Wang Gang's house. Not only that, blind black boxes are placed all over the community, and many blind boxes are half-opened, emitting a trace of black air.

With the help of Niu Tear perfume, Chen Lu could see all of this, but he didn't stop it.

He hurried out of the community, and he didn't even hear the guard calling him.

"Boy, why are you walking so fast..."

Seeing Chen Lu running so fast, the security guard also muttered and complained.

"Forget it, let's see what good things can be opened in the blind box..."

The security guard held the "One Yuan Blind Box" that had just been promoted, and his eyes were shining brightly.



"Finally home..."

Chen Lu hurried to the shower room. There is nothing better than a comfortable hot bath to relieve one's fatigue.

Chen Lu was taking a shower, and the heat spread in the toilet cubicle. His tense nerves were finally relieved, and he let out a long sigh.

"By the the sign-in system updated?"

He remembered that he had already become an official player and was still updating the data at that time, so it should have been updated by now.

Chen Lu turned down the hot water, picked up the mobile phone beside him, and opened the applet.

Chen Lu was right, the system had been updated, and with his third sign-in, he became an official player.

You've become an official player and are in the process of determining your first official check-in location.

After confirmation, please go to the haunted house of Kayako in the suburbs of Tokyo, Japan, to sign in before tomorrow.

"This location is... what the hell?"

"Are you kidding me? You want me to fly to Japan to sign in at Kayako's haunted house?"

Chen Lu was dumbfounded, then rolled his eyes, and left the phone lock screen aside.

Is this little program crazy? Jia Yeko's haunted house is clearly a scene in the movie "The Grudge", how did he time travel to the movie

Chen Lu complained about the unreliable idea of programmers, but he didn't completely disbelieve it in his heart.

Then again, it seems that this small program is quite outrageous.

Chen Lu swung a punch in the air, the wind of the punch was astonishing as a tiger rushing to eat.

This tiger-scaring fighting technique was passed directly to his head.

"Could it be that this small program can really let me slip into the curse?"

Chen Lu clenched his fist, his arm was full of strength. He liked this feeling very much, but hesitation appeared in his eyes, and he quickly shook his head again.

"Forget it, Wang Gang's family's check-in is enough to infiltrate people. Is there any chance of surviving if I really travel through the curse and get targeted by Kayako?"

"It's better to be an ordinary person honestly."

Chen Lu breathed a sigh of relief. Although he felt a little unwilling, safety was still important.

Then Chen Lu thought about Wang Gang's family.

"By the way, what happened to the blind box?"

Chen Lu frowned again, and the turbulent thoughts in his mind made him wash his head again.

It was the first time Chen Lu had seen a ghost, but it was not the first time he had heard of a ghost.

As early as 20 years ago, officials had already emphasized the occurrence of "unnatural forces" in the world. The probability of unnatural events was extremely low, but the officials attached great importance to it and set up a special "abnormal event investigation team" to solve unnatural events. event.

By the way... What's the number for the police report? I have to investigate later and report the information about Wang Gang's family.

"Hmm... so comfortable."

Chen Lu turned off the hot water, stretched himself, then took out the towel to wrap his body, and walked out of the shower room.

I'm a little tired today, let's go to bed early...

Chen Lu walked towards the bedroom, his extreme exhaustion made him want to lie directly on the soft bed and enjoy his dreams.

So he went to the bedroom and turned on the light.

But just after he saw the bedroom clearly, his body froze.

There was a box on his bed.

He promised that he had never bought a black box, let alone put him on the bed.

This box... is clearly a blind box!

Chen Lu looked nervous, opened the cabinet, walked to the living room, looking for any place to hide people.

Not a single person.

The door was not opened, and the windows were closed.

No one can enter the room.

Chen Lu vaguely remembered what Wang Gang said back then.

Do you think you can escape

"So I'm cursed..."


Chen Lu swallowed, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly recovered, took his clothes and rushed out of the room.

His eyes gradually changed from panic to calmness, and his mood changed from fear to calmness.

Perhaps he didn't realize it himself, but he handled emotions better than he thought.

"Calm down now, the box hasn't been opened, the curse hasn't exploded yet, you must not scare yourself, no matter what, stay away from the black box first."

He didn't think about approaching the black box foolishly, throwing him away or destroying it, not to mention that these two actions may directly open the black box, just because the black box can appear in his room for no reason, it is not so Easy to throw away.

Chen Lu put on his clothes, picked up the suitcase, then turned on his cell phone and dialed the report number.

His eyes were full of coldness, since he was being targeted, he must not sit still.

"Hey, this is the report number of the abnormal event investigation team. If you encounter a supernatural event, please press one. If you are afraid that you will not be able to sleep at night, please press two. If you are watching ghost movies and feel that the surrounding area is scary, please press three."

"I hit a ghost."

Chen Lu's tone was terribly cold, and he used the most concise sentences to describe all the process he encountered.

When I went to Wang Gang's house, a blind box appeared in the community, and a blind box appeared in the house.

One after another, the voice of the hippie smiling face on the phone became cautious,

"Okay, we will find someone to confirm what you said. In order to ensure your safety, please come to the guest house at 203 Bao'an Road to stay temporarily. We will have someone to protect you."


Chen Lu hung up the phone, and with a wave of his hand, a taxi stopped.

"Master, go to 203 Bao'an Road."

The taxi drove fast, but the closer it was to the destination, the more flustered Chen Lu felt.

It stands to reason that professionals can definitely protect his safety, so there is no need to be so flustered, he took a deep breath, trying to calm down the ups and downs in his heart.

"Ding dong."

Chen Lu uploaded a new message from the applet on his mobile phone.

Ghost Encyclopedia: According to professional statistics, the survival rate of those who report unnatural events is less than 4.7% (significantly reduced according to the degree of outbreak), and more than half of them were killed by ghosts under professional protection, and 44% People were killed by ghosts on the way.

Chen Lu's eyes turned cold.

Play tricks.

Chen Lu looked out the car window, watching the lights of the city receding continuously, his mind was in a trance.

The old taxi driver glanced at the rearview mirror inside the car and smiled.

"Young man, you are very fashionable."

"Huh?" Chen Lu was taken aback, "Brother, why do you say that?"

"Damn! Isn't that blind box next to you? My son also likes to play, but it costs money, and he always produces puppets and stuff."

"Blind box?" Chen Lu murmured, "Where is it?"

"Young man, are you confused? Isn't that little black box right next door to you?"

Chen Lu looked at the seat beside him, and there was a blind box on the empty seat.

What's more terrible is that the black box has opened a gap, even though there is only one gap, it made Chen Lu smell the danger.

Chen Lu remembered what Wang Gang said again.

"Do you think you can escape?"

"Ding dong."

Li Gui Encyclopedia: The development of unnatural events is divided into incubation period, outbreak period, stable period, and advanced period. Li Gui often makes a qualitative leap according to the changes of the period.

Chen Lu put the phone back in his pocket.

"Master, I won't go to Bao'an Road."

"What, where are you going?"

Chen Lu glanced at the black box beside him, his eyes flashed fiercely.

"Let's go to the airport."

Life has to be held in his own hands.