
Chapter 31: Choices that cannot be chosen


At six o'clock in the evening, on the way to the suburbs.

Wang Dachun was on his way to the factory with his mobile phone in his hand.

Just now, he received a call from his workshop director, telling him to go to the closed suburban factory to explain something.

Wang Dachun is very familiar with this road. He was an employee of this factory before. This factory was previously a steel structure factory, but due to urban planning and pollution problems, it was ordered to suspend work for a month.

He didn't know what the director wanted him to do, he only heard the words "Come to the factory, I need to find you", and quickly hung up.

"It's all shut down, and I'm asked to come without salary... This is squeezing!"

Wang Dachun secretly complained, but his body still practiced honestly, whoever called him the director, Wang Dachun was an employee, unless he didn't want to do it anymore, he still had to follow along.

What's more, the boss still has a backlog of wages, for the sake of money... he still has to swallow his anger.

"When I get full salary, I will quit and go back to the countryside to farm."

Wang Dachun secretly made up his mind, and then he saw the familiar suburban factory.

Wang Dachun stood at the door, pushed open the door with great effort, and the rotten and turbid air came over him. He held his breath subconsciously, and then walked into the factory.


As soon as he opened the factory, Wang Chun heard the familiar sound of the assembly line running.

Strange... Isn't the factory shut down? Who opened the assembly line

Did the director open it

Wang Dachun was puzzled. He walked along the assembly line and saw the director at one end of the line. The director turned his back to him, wearing a welding mask and holding a welding torch. He was welding on the work table, with flames flying everywhere.

"Director... why did you call me here?"

The boss gave his hands a pause, then continued welding immediately, and said at the same time:

" are here..."

The boss's voice trembled, as if crying.

"Help me... help me."

"Save you?" Wang Dachun got closer, he didn't understand what the director meant, but then he saw the things on the table, and his face turned pale instantly.

"Director... are you crazy? You murdered..."

On the stage was a torn corpse. All four limbs of the corpse had been severed, and the director... The director was using a welding gun to re-weld these limbs back to the body.

He knew that the director was mean, but this bloody scene made Wang Dachun fearful, he vomited uncontrollably, looked at the director, his eyes seemed to be looking at a pervert.

Wang Dachun was so frightened that he lost his mind, he took a step back, his eyes were frightened, and he kept murmuring:

"The director killed... The director killed..."

"Dachun, it's not what you think... There are ghosts, ghosts are forcing me."

The director is wearing a mask and can't speak clearly. Right now Wang Dachun can't listen to anything, he just wants to escape.

Wang Dachun turned around and was about to flee the factory, but the gate of the factory was closed at some point. He tried to pull the gate of the factory, but it was useless.

how come... ...

"Dachun, it's can't escape."

"Come back and weld the corpse with me, or we'll all die..."

"Come back quickly... The ghost is coming, the ghost is coming!"

Accompanied by the boss's yelling, footsteps appeared behind Wang Dachun.

"Step... step... step."

Anyone else in the factory

Could it be that the director is here

Wang Dachun turned around, the person in front of him was not the director.

This is a girl in a uniform. She has a pale face, no shoes, and walks barefoot on the cold floor with a sign on her chest.

Wang Dachun has never seen this woman before, could it be that the director tricked a woman into coming in


Wang Dachun hurriedly told the woman in front of him that he could not let her be killed by that pervert:

"Run, there are murderers here, the director is a pervert, let's run away!"

Wang Dachun ran over to grab the woman's hand, and was about to rush to the back door of the factory, but he couldn't pull the woman at all, and the woman froze in place, motionless.

"Don't be lazy... work."

A little impatience flashed in the woman's eyes, and she withdrew her hand.

Wang Dachun couldn't take it anymore, is this woman a fool? Can't see someone killing someone

"Forget it, I don't care about you..."

Wang Dachun no longer cared about women, but went to the back door alone.

"Slacking off at work, trying to leave early... fine."

The female boss said this mechanically, and then Wang Dachun felt a pain in his right leg, and then he fell to the ground, and he looked back... His right leg was amputated, and blood gushed out from the cut , the broken leg still maintained the inertia of walking forward.

Because of the woman's words, his leg was broken...

Fear and pain completely occupied Wang Dachun's head, he looked at the woman as if he was looking at a devil.

"Last chance... to work."

Listening to the woman's words, Wang Dachun finally realized that if he doesn't go to work... he will die.

He doesn't want to die.

He began to struggle, dragged one leg, and climbed towards the director's seat. Fortunately, the director's seat was not far away. After many attempts, he finally reached the workbench.

The working table is very low, even if he is lying on the ground, he can reach it.

Where is there any work now... The only work that can be done is what the director is doing.

Welded corpses.

Wang Dachun's tears were left uncontrollably due to panic. He sobbed, picked up the welding gun, and started welding on the corpse.

"Director... what's going on with this woman?"

Wang Dachun could see the director's frightened face through the mask, obviously he was also threatened by the woman to work.

"Don't stop, as soon as you stop working, this woman will punish you."


Wang Dachun agreed, but looked at the director with resentment in his eyes.

why... why are you dragging me into the water...

I clearly did nothing wrong.

The woman walked to them and watched their actions quietly without saying a word, but the two of them did not dare to stop their actions at all, as soon as they stopped, they would be attacked strangely.

"Director... Will she let me go as long as I finish my work?"

"I don't know... I can only try."

"My leg hurts... Director, if I don't give treatment, I will bleed to death."

The director was wearing a mask, so he couldn't see his face clearly. He could only see that his movements were trembling. I don't know if it was because he heard Dachun's words, or because he was not skilled in welding operations.

The director did not respond to Wang Dachun, but just continued his work silently, covering his face and not seeing his expression.

Seeing the director's silence, Wang Dachun burst into tears, but he was still working hard.

He didn't want to die...he really didn't want to die.

Obviously I can go home after finishing work today...

No... I'm not going to die, I can go as soon as I finish helping the women...

Wang Dachun's heart was churning, he was indeed an old employee, very skilled, even though he was welding the corpse, he did it very successfully, the broken parts of the corpse were all blocked by the weld seam, and the welding was completed in a short time.

That's done... can we leave

But after they finished their work, the woman did not leave, she still looked at the two of them, and then said in cold words:

"The following new job will be issued: welding the corpse into a sealed iron box, ten minutes after the time."

Why... why is there a job!

Wang Dachun was desperate, he couldn't procrastinate any longer, he had already started to look fuzzy, and if he didn't stop bleeding, he would really die.

But there is still time to rest... You can escape the time to rest.

"Director, let's take advantage of this rest time and escape quickly."

"I can't escape."

After the boss heard the woman say that he could take a break, he put down the equipment in his hand.

"Did you hear about his quest... probably only when we complete all of her quests will there be a way out."

"But... Director, I'm so dizzy. If I do this again, I will bleed to death. Help me... Director."

In Wang Dachun's current situation, he couldn't get out of the factory at all. If it wasn't for the pervert in front of him who could ask for help, he would never have said that.

Wang Dachun swore secretly that after he went out, he must call the police and arrest this man.

"Dachun... I'm sorry for you, I'm a scumbag, I'm a pervert."

The director's sudden confession made Wang Dachun feel that something was wrong, but he couldn't control it anymore, he was really about to bleed to death......

"Director, it's okay, I forgive you, help me, we can escape."

Wang Dachun struggled to grab the director, but the boss didn't reach out.

Then, the boss raised the welding torch and looked at Wang Dachun condescendingly while wearing a mask.

"Wang Dachun, I'm sorry, we really can't escape."

"If you look like this now, it's a burden to go out. Why don't you fulfill me? I have a wife and children. If I die, the whole family will be gone... I have no other choice. I have to live. I'm afraid of death." .”

"Wait... Director, you can't kill me... You can't kill me!"

Wang Dachun watched the director walking step by step holding the welding torch. He shouted desperately, but it was of no avail.

The welding torch was activated, until it was inserted into Wang Dachun's flesh and blood, and then it made a piercing sound, intertwined with Wang Dachun's howl, and resounded throughout the factory.

The shouting stopped, and the factory returned to silence, except for the panting of the director.

The director took off the mask, his eyes were red and swollen, there were obvious tear stains on his face, and even the snot was hanging on his face.

His tears had dried up, and now he couldn't cry at all.

He had to kill Wang Dachun.

Because every task assigned by the ghost boss must use a fresh corpse, and the previous corpse cannot be reused, so one of them must die.

This was the seventh worker he called, and he too died.

He really wanted to be free, even to die... But he couldn't help it.

The director took out his cell phone.

There are three options on his mobile phone, and he can only perform these three options.

Who will you call next

A. Chen Hui B. Jiang Xiaoming C. Chen Daguang

In fact, he has no choice at all. Option A is his wife, option B is his children, and option C is his co-workers.

If he doesn't choose, he himself will die. After he dies, he will immediately pick up a phone number and continue to make calls.

"I'm sorry... I'm really sorry."

The director pressed the dial button, and his voice slowly returned to normal from trembling.

"Hey, is it Daguang? Come to the factory right away... yes, right away."

After hearing an affirmative reply from the other end, the boss put the mask back on.

The blinding sparks came back on, ten minutes had passed, and he had to get to work right away.

The job this time was to weld Wang Dachun into a sealed iron box.

He has to be strong.

He can't die.