
Chapter 32: boss


Inside the Federal Security Bureau, Wang Ren answered the phone.

"Report to the person in charge, Dongjiang District has received a report of a suspected supernatural event, and the details have been sent to your mailbox, please check."

Wang Ren opened the mailbox, and the email contained a video, which was an interview about the report.

In front of the camera, a woman and a child are sitting. The woman hugs her child tightly, with helplessness in her eyes.

"I'm going to husband is missing."

"Two days ago, my husband Jiang Feng received a call to go to the factory. He said he would be back soon. I asked him what happened, and he said his boss was looking for him."

"As a result... Now a day has passed, and I haven't waited for him... Then I called him, but it showed that he was not in the service area, and I called my husband's boss again, and I found out that we The boss never called Jiang Feng at all... "

"He won't run away from home... His ID card is still at home, where can he go? He must be missing, please help me find my husband... .. . Please."

The video ends abruptly with the woman pleading for help, followed by a document.

"According to the woman's description, we sent people to the factory in the suburbs to look for it, but after entering the factory, the three staff members disappeared in the factory... The staff have all undergone professional training, and now they have no sound at all. None of them have been issued, and the possibility of abnormal events is very high, we hope to send ghost hunters to rescue."

After Wang Ren read the information, he frowned.

Every day... Why are there more and more abnormal events...

Just hope it's a minor incident.

Wang Ren sighed, and then called the ghost hunter in Dongjiang District.

"Li An, now go to the suburban factory in Dongjiang District. There are suspected supernatural events there, and they have been blocked."

"No way...Brother, Dongjiang District is not doing well recently? Why are there so many supernatural events?"

"I'm not a ghost, how do I know? Go, pay attention to safety, I suggest rescue first, and escape if you can't solve it."

"Okay... then I'll go now."

Li An on the other end hung up the phone and left from the department store. After saying goodbye to his girlfriend reluctantly, he took a taxi and went straight to the factory in the suburbs.

Although on weekdays he has a playful smile and roams around the flowers, but when something unusual happens, he is still very cautious.

Dealing with abnormal events is like dancing on swords. Although he has two ghosts, he has not formed a ghost lock, but has just touched the threshold of the ghost lock, and there is still a long way to go before his strength advances by leaps and bounds.

Fortunately, with the help of this rescue reward, I should be able to achieve the ghost lock...

Soon, he arrived near the factory in the outskirts, and a cordon had been set up around it. People from various departments kept vigilant, and when they saw Li An, they all voluntarily gave way.

Li An adjusted the equipment and was about to enter the factory. At this moment, a worker came to the blocked factory.

"Ouch... what is this doing..."

The worker spoke in a dialect, watching all this in bewilderment and fear.

"Stop, who are you? Why are you here?"

"I... I'm Chen Daguang. The workshop director of our factory called me here. What's the matter? Has the factory committed another crime?"

Chen Daguang looked at these uniformed personnel, and immediately spoke timidly, he had never seen such a big battle, he thought he was involved in some bad things...

Li An found Chen Daguang, walked up to him, and asked some questions:

"Chen Daguang, right? What's the name of your workshop director?"

"My workshop director is Jiang Feng, what's the matter? Do you want me to call him?"

Chen Daguang stood there awkwardly, thinking in his heart that it must be Jiang Feng who committed the crime... Don't drag me down!

"Well... you stay here first, don't go in, there is a problem inside."

"Ah? Okay, hey, I will definitely listen to the organization's arrangements."

Seeing Li An's gloomy face, Jiang Feng didn't dare to breathe, and stood obediently, not daring to enter the factory again.

Are the people in the factory still in touch with people outside...

Li An said with a cold face, "Investigate all the employees in this factory to see who has received Jiang Feng's call... I suspect that many people have died."

What the hell is going on with the phone

Is it only Jiang Feng who is attracting people by phone

Ang Lee must enter the factory immediately. There are too many mysteries here, and he needs to experience it himself.

"Ready to enter the factory."


Li An pushed open the door, and the other side of the door was covered in deep darkness. The staff outside watched Li An's figure disappear into the darkness, and then the door made a sound of moving, and it was closed heavily.

Good luck.

The factory is not completely dark, the machines in operation will emit a little light to illuminate the surrounding environment, Li An walked along the factory, observing the strange surroundings.

"The machine that works, is it controlled by someone?"

With doubts, Li An followed the sound from a distance, and soon, he saw three people.

One was wearing a dirty white shirt, another was wearing a staff uniform, and a third was wearing a factory uniform.

"Chen Daguang? Why are you here?"

"I... I don't know! I was sitting outside just now, but after a moment of confusion, I appeared here."

Li An's face darkened, he knew that Chen Daguang must be telling the truth, and then he looked at the person in the white shirt on the other side.

"Are you Jiang Feng?"

At this moment, Jiang Feng seemed to have lost his soul, slumped on the ground, looked at Li An dully, and nodded after hearing Li An's words after reacting for a long time.

In the end, Ang Li looked at the staff member on the far right. He had a name on his chest, Zhang Nai.

Although Zhang Nai had a terrified look on his face, he could obviously control his mood. He should be able to clearly tell what happened here.

"Anna, right... where are the other two staff members?"

"Safety Li...they are all dead."

Although Zhang Nai's voice was trembling, he was still calm. His eyes showed reminiscence, and then panic.

"There is a female ghost here who will issue tasks. Once we accept the order, we must work. If we don't work... we will be killed by it!"

"He... He forced me to weld the corpses of my team members... My other team members resisted, and he died..."

Li An looked at the workbench behind Zhang Nai, and there were two corpses on it, both wearing uniforms...

"It wasn't me... I didn't kill him, it was a ghost, it was a ghost!"

"Damn me, I'm guilty..."

Jiang Feng suddenly knelt on the ground and slapped himself, his behavior was extremely strange.

This is the most common mental breakdown after experiencing an abnormal event. Although it is a normal phenomenon, it also represents how painful they have experienced.

Li An regained his spirit and continued to ask Zhang Nai.

"Where is the female ghost now? How many rules do you know?"

Zhang Nai licked his lips, ready to speak, but the next moment footsteps sounded from behind Li An.

Li An looked back, it was a young girl walking on the ground with bare feet, her eyes were dull, her raised head fell, and she was facing Li An.

Her face seemed to have been scratched many times by a knife, and two words were vaguely written, but she couldn't see clearly.

"Welcome to... my factory."

"I'm the... boss of this factory."

It's a ghost.

Li An could feel the strangeness on the woman's body, which was a dangerous aura. Just in case, his right palm moved hard, and the ghost was ready to revive at any time.

"Who are you?"

This ghost can speak human language, can it communicate

But the next moment, Li An knew that he was thinking too much, and the female ghost ignored Li An at all, and continued to speak on her own.

"Next, a new mission will be dispatched to weld these two corpses together."


Li An would never complete such a weird task, he planned to use the ghost fetus to rescue people first.

He opened his right hand, and a sharp-toothed mouth appeared in the palm of his right hand. This was Li An's first ghost fetus.

The palm mouth can resist the curse by biting and gnawing, and can swallow a small amount of ghost body when it comes into direct contact with the ghost body, and judge the degree of devouring according to the strength of the ghost.

Li An showed his palm mouth, and his mouth began to chew crazily. It had already begun to resist the curse.

But the woman remained expressionless and asked again.

"Aren't you going to work?"

"I work for your grandma!"

"Li An rushed towards the woman, no matter what, take a bite first before speaking.

But at the next moment, Li An felt a biting chill.

Suddenly, Li An felt that his body was going to be torn apart. Once he disobeyed the female ghost's order, he would be attacked by her, and the result was... dismembered.

At this moment, Li An's palm and mouth suddenly began to twitch wildly, and his mouth protruded from his hand, biting desperately.

As the ghost mouth lost its power, the feeling of being torn apart gradually disappeared. Li An survived, but the price was that the palm mouth became bigger and bigger. When the palm mouth was big enough to swallow Li An, Li An would revive the ghost.

"Aren't you going to work yet?"

"not going to... ... "

Li An struggled to speak, but his body froze.

Behind the woman, figures appeared one by one.

There were obviously broken parts on these figures, but they were all reconnected by welds. Their bodies were rejoined, and they stood crookedly again. They only did one thing, and that was to look at Li An, and then opened their mouths and said:

"It's not too soon to work."

"It's not too soon to work."

"It's not too soon to work."

These re-welded people appeared behind the female ghost, and kept uttering the same words, and their words could continuously amplify and amplify the influence of the ghost boss.

Li An felt that his ghost was ready to move, and felt great pressure on his palm and mouth, and he had already started to revive the ghost.

"Ah! It hurts, it hurts, I work, I work, please let me go!"

Chen Daguang went crazy. He picked up the welding gun and started welding the corpse on the ground.

Even Zhang Nai and Jiang Feng started to pick up welding guns and continue welding.

Unlike Chen Daguang, Zhang Nai and Jiang Feng worked not only because they were afraid of their bodies being split, but because of... instinct.

Yes, they seem to have almost instinctively followed the instructions of the ghost boss.

No longer out of fear, but out of sheer obedience...

And how long can Li An last

The ghost boss' voice was full of sarcasm, and he gave another order.

"Everyone, dial the next number."

"I still need more workers and corpses to help me create more overseers."


Desperate and lifeless voices came from all over the factory, and those people... were all living people.