
Chapter 33: Strike hard


When all this happened to Ang Li, Wang Ren had just finished dealing with the attack on Chen Lu and was about to go to the factory in the suburbs.

He didn't know why, but he was always restless, secretly feeling that the factory incident was not that simple.

"There should be no problem with Ang Lee... I hope it's just my illusion."

Li An hoped that it was just his own illusion, so he got in the car and prepared to go to the factory.

Just then, Wang Ren's phone rang again.

This day, the phone keeps ringing!

When Wang Ren answered the phone, it was Qi Mulituo's voice.

"Help, save! The incident at the factory has gotten worse."

"The ghost slayer, Li An, can no longer be contacted! And the employees who were blocked around began to disappear one by one. Before they disappeared, they all received calls from colleagues who entered the factory. They suspected that they were pulled into the factory!"

"And we have also found cases of missing workers along this line of the factory. There have been 56 cases so far, and the number is still increasing. It seems that all of them have been pulled into the factory... Things can't be suppressed."


Wang Ren slapped the table and said in shock.

"Pay attention to stop the loss, we can't die anymore, you evacuate quickly, I will send the ghost hunter to solve the incident now."

Wang Ren hung up the phone and let out a long breath.

how so…

Wang Ren rubbed his head, this is already the most serious incident recently, and it must be resolved immediately.

There are a total of three ghost slayers in Dongjiang District, Li An has already entered, and there is another ghost stalker who is easy to talk to and is definitely willing to enter the factory.

But right now, the impact of this incident has reached B-level, and a ghost slayer has also been captured. At least two ghost slayers must be dispatched together to be safe, or the gourd baby will save grandpa.

But... Chen Lu just promised not to let him go to the incident, and he experienced the attack, and his mentality exploded. Wouldn't it be easy to lead to a poor mental state and revive the ghost if he is sent abroad now

Another ghost slayer in Dongjiang District has just implanted a ghost embryo, and the situation is still unstable, so it is more risky to go on a mission alone...

Wang Ren scratched his hair and looked sad.

In the end, he still called Chen Lu. After all, he was the security officer of Dongjiang District, so he had to ask him first. At worst, he should be humble. If he really refused, he would have to pay a high price to find foreign aid.

The phone was dialed, and Chen Lu answered it.

"Chen Lu... what are you doing?"


"I'm fucking you mua."


"If you have anything to say, I will only listen to you for three sentences, and I will hang up after three sentences."

"Okay... Chen Lu..."

"One sentence."

"Ah, I haven't finished my sentence yet!"

"Two sentences."

Wang Ren took a deep breath, and then said:

"There is an abnormal incident in the Jinjiao factory that needs your help. I know you are in a bad mood, but the situation over there is very dangerous, so I hope you can support me. Including the compensation for the previous attack, I will apply for a mid-level ghost item and I have three hundred. I hope you agree."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and he didn't hang up immediately.

"A mid-level item plus ghost dice and rotten stick, five million. If you agree, I will leave immediately."

"These... three props... are you a lion?"

Wang Ren frowned, even if he was looking for an expatriate, he only needed two rotten sticks to get him here, and now he needs to use a middle-level prop to find Chen Lu...

Mid-level props are relatively rare, and they may not be able to apply for a few in a year.

"I don't want to talk so much, can you say a word, please don't bother me to take a shower!"

Wang Ren sighed, Chen Lu was indeed attacked, although he was the one who beat the others to the ground, he did not lose... But after all, he was the victim in name.

Gritting his teeth, Wang Ren still agreed.

"Okay, Chen Lu, one mid-level item plus two low-level items, five million, I'll buy you a forgiveness and set off."

This account... must be deducted from the four ghost hunters who caused trouble!

"make a deal."

Chen Lu hung up the phone.



Chen Lu had just finished taking a shower at this time, so he quickly changed his clothes and was about to go out.

"I'll go with you."

Li Anna already knew Chen Lu's purpose, and now she also planned to go to the factory in the suburbs together. Of course, she would not go into the factory to die, and would only stay nearby.

"No need, attacks have already started near the factory, you should go home first."

Chen Lu went out quickly, leaving Li Anna at home alone, and took a taxi to the factory.

Sitting in the taxi, Chen Lu closed his eyes and rested his mind. Although he just encountered a very annoying thing, he didn't seem to be in a bad state.

In fact, instead of being annoyed, he was a little happy.

These cerebral palsy sent them to the door without even considering their own strength. Not only did they save Chen Lu Liwei's time, but they also made Chen Lu a fortune. You must know that he had never even heard of mid-level ghost props before. , can be obtained suddenly right now

What's more, those ghost controllers didn't dare to kill Chen Lu at all. They were more timid than Chen Lu. If they really dared to revive Chen Lu's ghost, they wouldn't be security guards if they had this kind.

In the final analysis, isn't it because Chen Lu hasn't proved his own strength and established himself? It is inevitable for a brat sitting in this seat to be eye-catching.

Chen Lu has no special features, just a big heart, this kind of thing is normal, isn't it just an old colleague provoking a new colleague...

Another reason is the seat of the suburban factory.

This is Chen Lu's sign-in location.

Chen Lu had two purposes for this trip.

One is Liwei, telling everyone that he is qualified to sit in this seat.

The second is to complete the sign-in and get the poster.

Although Chen Lu didn't want to enter the movie world to sign in, it was too dangerous, and he wouldn't enter unless it was absolutely necessary.

But this check-in system seems to be able to predict his needs, whether it is a real-life check-in or a movie check-in, it has his role.

Does that mean that there is a reason for Chen Lu to enter the next movie

Chen Lu, who always felt this way, still decided to hold the tickets in his own hands first. Multiple options are Chen Lu's consistent choice.

He had a vague feeling that something bad was about to happen, and this feeling would always make Chen Lu twitch from time to time since the disappearance of the ghost, with an ominous premonition.

Chen Lu took a taxi and immediately went to the suburbs, arriving at the destination very quickly.

At this moment, the Security Bureau has sealed off the factory, and the surrounding staff have moved away from the factory by a distance of one kilometer, fearing that they will be pulled into the factory again, but it is not known whether the distance will be of any use.

He approached Wang Ren to discuss the incident.

"Is the number of people decreasing..."

"Yes." Wang Ren's eyes were very gloomy, "and the noise of this factory's operation is getting louder and louder. I don't know what things are being produced."

"Did you bring the rot stick? This is a tough battle, and it's all up to you."

Chen Lu had a cold face. This was the second supernatural event he had experienced, and now he saw the danger of this industry. The people docked outside were already alive. What about the ghost hunters who went deep into the factory

But fortunately, he has Kayako and Ghost Eye to protect him. Leaving aside the unknown origin of Ghost Eye, Kayako is the ancestor of horror movies, so there must be no big problem.

"I'll do my best, did An Li send back any information?"


Wang Ren turned on his phone, and there was a video on it, which was shot with a tiny camera.

The camera only recorded the workers welding on the workbench, and then stopped abruptly.


"That's it?"

"There are only so many, boy, come on."

"Fine… "

Chen Lu put on the earphones. He is not too scared now. He has already experienced the blind box and the Gacoko incident, which has improved his courage. What's more, he has just tortured three ghost hunters, and his confidence is bursting.

"By the way, this time you have another security officer from Dongjiang District as your companion, you have met him before."


A clean voice came from behind Chen Lu. Chen Lu turned around and saw Song Xi's signature long hair.

Right now, she is slightly different from her original appearance. Her hair is hanging down, reaching her hips, and it is already very long, but there seems to be something swimming inside, restraining the growth of her hair.

Song Xi experienced two C-level supernatural events one after another, and one quasi-B-level supernatural event, plus the implantation of the second ghost fetus, and successfully became the ghost hunter of Dongjiang District.

"Hello, Chen Lu."

Song Xi saw Chen Lu again and took the initiative to say hello.

"Long time no see Song Xi, everyone takes care of each other this time."

Chen Lu was also a little more modest, although he felt that he was the only one to take care of him...

"Of course... I really remember your teachings."


Chen Lu was stunned, when did he teach Song Xi

"Sorry... I'm a scumbag, I forgot what I said. Chen Lu was very straightforward, and Song Xi laughed out loud.

"you forgot?"

"It's okay, as long as I remember."

"It's just that men can't say sorry, just hug me."



Why are these words so familiar...

Is this being teased?!

Also... why are the same words so provocative when I say the same thing from my little sister's mouth!