
Chapter 39: Last chance


The Ghost Warrior Hospital is next door to the Federal Security Bureau. Chen Lu quickly arrived at the Ghost Warrior Hospital and went to Wang Xiaoxiao's ward.

"Get out of the way."

Wang Xiaoxiao's ward was a bit crowded. Five or six doctors piled up in the ward to observe her situation. Chen Lu walked through the crowd aggressively and squeezed to Wang Xiaoxiao's side.

"Xiaoxiao... Xiaoxiao?"

Chen Lu called softly, but Wang Xiaoxiao didn't respond. She was lying flat on the bed with no obvious wounds, but her breath was weak.

Chen Lu could feel the death energy in Wang Xiaoxiao's body. Her vitality was bleak and she couldn't last long.

"Wang Xiaoxiao was rescued half an hour ago. At that time, she was just in a coma, but now she is almost dying..."

Chen Lu remembered the voice of this explanation, he turned his head and saw Kim Jae-in.

Jin Zaiyin is the leader of the scientific research institution, and his understanding of ghosts must be far better than that of Chen Lu, but when he saw Chen Lu's hopeful eyes, he shook his head helplessly.

"Wang Xiaoxiao's very strange."

"Her situation is different from ordinary curses... She was cursed by ghosts, but unexpectedly she didn't die, but... evolved in the direction of ghosts."


Chen Lu frowned and muttered, could it be that Wang Xiaoxiao will become a ghost

"But according to the current data, there is no necessary connection between ghosts and people. Although ghosts are reasonable, they can't break the rules and turn people into ghosts. At most, they can't be ghosts. Wang Xiaoxiao's body will not be able to bear it." , die automatically."

Chen Lu's eyes were heavy, he would never sit idly by, he wanted to save Wang Xiaoxiao, he couldn't just watch his cousin die like this.

"What's the solution? Is there a chance to save her?"


Jin Zaiyin sighed softly, glanced at Chen Lu, and then said:

"Ghost's reasonable ability is very strange. The usual methods to solve the curse are all invalid. Currently, there are only two methods left."

"First, completely solve the ghost rationale. Generally, curses and ghosts are related. There is an 80% certainty that if the ghost rationality is resolved, the curse on Wang Xiaoxiao will disappear automatically."

"But the ghost's ability to hide reasonably is so terrifying that we don't know where he is hiding until now..."

Chen Lu's heart sank, he didn't even know where the ghost was, so how could he deal with the incident? Even if it is really resolved, Wang Xiaoxiao... Will she last until then

"Secondly, implant a spirit-type ghost embryo to become a ghost slayer, but ordinary spirit-type ghost embryos can't resist special ghosts at all, and the current ghost embryos in stock are not suitable for Wang Xiaoxiao's implantation."

"For example, the ghost maggot and Wang Xiaoxiao's resistance to foreign substances has reached 93%, which means that the success rate of implantation is only 7%, or even lower."

"Perhaps it is also because of Wang Xiaoxiao's strong nerve resistance that he was able to survive the unreasonable attack until our rescue team arrived."

Chen Lu silently listened to what Kim Jae-in said, then sat on the chair, leaned forward, and looked at Wang Xiaoxiao.

"That is to can't save Wang Xiaoxiao..."

Seeing Chen Lu's distraught look, Jin Zaiyin couldn't say "yes", after a long time, he nodded and admitted Chen Lu's statement.

"I'm sorry... our team failed, and we... are sorry for you."

Jin Zaiyin bowed deeply, he completely exposed himself in front of Chen Lu, if Chen Lu wanted to attack, he would definitely not be able to hide.

But he really blames himself.

He asks, if this is his family...

He didn't dare to think about it.


Chen Lu smiled, his face was full of powerlessness and exhaustion.

"I know you tried your best."

What else can I do

It's not the Federal Security Bureau, he can't even see Wang Xiaoxiao now, maybe it can only be attributed to a disappearance, but in the ward, Kim Jae-in has done his best, and they have done their duty.

"Chen Lu..."

Jin Zaiyin couldn't bear to look at Chen Lu. In his opinion, Chen Lu should have collapsed. Even if he didn't cry, he should have closed his eyes and given up completely.

But to his surprise, Chen Lu seemed... not to give up.

There was light in his eyes.

It is the light of desperate struggle.

"Chen Lu... There is still a 7% chance... Are you going to try again, or... leave Wang Xiaoxiao intact."

Jin Jae-in thought that Chen Lu wanted to win the 7% chance, so he suggested that he would definitely try to perform the operation.

But Jin Jae-in really couldn't speak, his words made the people around him frown, and they all thought it would irritate Chen Lu.

"Can you go out first?"

Chen Lu's voice was hoarse and hysterical.

His request was not excessive, and in fact it was useless for them to stay on the scene.

"good... ... "

The people around rushed out of the ward, and Jin Zaiyin looked back at Chen Lu for the last time.

Then he was taken aback.

He saw Chen Lu's mouth shape.

"Wait for me outside the door."

Jin Zaiyin closed the door, leaving only Wang Xiaoxiao and Chen Lu in the ward.


"I will not give up."

Chen Lu's voice was a little hoarse, and he remembered the time when he was in school.

He is a year older than her, but Xiaoxiao is much more naughty.

Although Chen Lu was good-looking, he had never been in a relationship since he was a child, because Xiaoxiao would hide his love letters every time, and said:

"Now... is the time to study hard."

"Silly girl." Chen Lu smiled, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

"Do you think I haven't hidden your love letter?"

"The love letter you wrote to the school grass, and the love letter written to you by the school grass, I fed them to the rhubarb next door and ate them."

"And... and Xiao Ming from last time, Xiao Jun from last time..."

Chen Lu talked to himself, but Wang Xiaoxiao didn't respond, and the dead air on his body was even heavier.

Chen Lu's voice stopped, and after a few seconds, his eyes changed to firmness.

"I won't let you die."

Chen Lu took out the ghost jade from his bosom.

He actually thought of ghost jade very early, but he was afraid.

He was a little scared, what if the ghost jade is useless? Even the ghost jade can't help, does he still have time to rescue Wang Xiaoxiao

The paper piercing man can only be used before it happens. If the ghost jade doesn't work, he can only use ghost eyes and ghosts to recover and save Wang Xiaoxiao.

Chen Lu licked his dry lips, and then placed Guiyu on Wang Xiaoxiao's chest.

Gotta make it, please...

"Cough cough."

Suddenly, Wang Xiaoxiao coughed violently, as if she was about to cough up something.

The white ghost jade began to absorb the dead energy in Wang Xiaoxiao's body, Wang Xiaoxiao's condition began to improve, and the trend of becoming a ghost stabilized.

Ghost jade is useful!

But it's not enough, the ghost jade is gradually turning black, it can only resist limited curses, but it is not omnipotent.

Chen Lu's use of ghost jade did not intentionally cover the camera, and of course it was not necessary. At this time, he could only reveal his hole cards.

But it's still possible, after all, Wang Ren also knows that Chen Lu is a player who came back from Japan, and he has some unknown adventures.

Then, he took out his phone from his pocket and opened the applet.

The applet data is being refreshed, please wait a moment.

Chen Lu sent a message on the mini program with a cold face.

Is there a way to save Wang Xiaoxiao


Chen Lu's heart was shocked, and he looked at the next message from the small program.

Enter the next movie to sign in, there is a way to save Wang Xiaoxiao in the movie.

Then I'm going to enter the movie check-in now

Are you sure to abort the data? Tip: Currently, only half of the data is refreshed, and some mixing will be carried out.

stop, stop now

Chen Lu needs to get into the movie right away, and Guiyu can't last too long.

Pause data refresh

The applet responds and immediately sends a new message.

ding dong

new movie check in

This movie check-in is a joint check-in. The movie was formerly "The Shining" and "Kun Chi Yan".

Movie name: "The Shining Kunchiyan"

Please go to the Rocky Mountains of the United States to start the check-in

I wish you... Happy signing in.

Chen Lu put away his mobile phone, picked up a piece of Wang Xiaoxiao's hair, put it on a paper tie, and closed it in a drawer.

Then he rushed out of the ward and saw Kim Jae-in who was still standing at the door.

"If... I mean if."

Chen Lu's voice was slightly hysterical, but more abruptly calm.

"If I can find a suitable ghost... Can you do your best to save Wang Xiaoxiao?"

Chen Lu's words surprised Jin Zaiyin a little. Chen Lu's appearance didn't look like wishful thinking, but more like... fighting hard.


Kim Jae-in responded quickly.

"I'm sure, if you can find 70%... no, 50%, I will activate my devil-know-how ghost and find the last way to survive."

"good... ... "

Chen Lu looked at Kim Jae-in, and said heavily:


Then Chen Lu rushed out of the hospital. The United States is not in the Asian Federation, but fortunately he has Wang Ren, so he can get a visa as quickly as possible and fly to the United States.

And Wang Ren was also the only one who knew that Chen Lu would fly to a foreign country to find life, so he would guess what Chen Lu was thinking.

Time is racing against time, and he can only start signing in with his understanding of the two movies in the past few days.

But Chen Lu had no thoughts of fear this time.

He also has to be successful.