
Chapter 40: Danny


Looking at the hotel in the United States in the 1980s.

Jack Transit walked into the Overlook Hotel, looked around, and then walked into the office under the welcome of the manager.

"Mr. Terrance, hello."

The manager politely motioned Jack to sit down, and Jack carefully sat on the chair, shrugged his shoulders, and straightened his suit.

"Hello, manager... I'm Jack, who was introduced by a friend to apply for the winter administrator."

"Of course I do, Jack."

The manager is very enthusiastic, and it can be seen that he is very optimistic about Jack.

"Then let me briefly introduce the situation of the winter administrator."

"You know, our hotel is located in a high mountain, and there are few people in winter, so we will be closed for half a year every winter. At this time, we need a winter administrator."

"First of all, the winter caretaker is very leisurely, you just need to check the pots, pans and various equipment every day to ensure that they can survive this difficult winter... However, the biggest difficulty is the intense loneliness Feeling that you can only spend this long winter with your family."

The manager's tone was a little regretful, but Jack quickly took over the conversation.

"You may not know it... I'm a fiction writer."

Jack smiled confidently, "I'm used to loneliness, so don't worry about it."

"That would be great...I think you'd be a good fit for the position of Winter Caretaker."

"I think I'm very satisfied with the job as well."

Jack thought to himself that the considerable salary of this job could improve their family's poor life caused by writing novels.

"But Mr. Jack, I have to tell you one more thing."

The manager's tone suddenly became a little heavy. In fact, it was for this reason that many people rejected the job.

"Seven years ago, an administrator at the Yaowang Hotel went mad. He hacked his wife and a pair of twin sisters to death with an axe, and finally committed suicide by swallowing a gun. The doctor's diagnosis was that he was suffering from depression and depression due to long-term loneliness. He went into a manic episode and killed his own family."

"I don't know... if Mr. Jack minds."

"Of course... In order to avoid such a thing from happening again, I will hire another administrator. Although this will cost more, it can also ensure the safety of both parties."

Jack didn't care about such things at all. Although he was a little frightened, money was the key to life.

"Oh! I'm sure I can live with something like this, and I think my family and my son will support me."

Jack spread his hands out, expressing his confidence.

"That's great... now we can sign the contract."

Jack readily signed his name on the contract, then got up, ready to go home immediately to tell his wife and son the good news.

"Then we'll see you later."


Jack picked up his briefcase and was about to leave the Overlook Hotel.

Before leaving, he could vaguely hear the manager talking to other people.

"Hello! Mr. Chen Lu, are you here to apply for the winter administrator?"



Jack's house.

At this time, Jack's wife Wendy and his son Danny were having breakfast at home, waiting for the news of Jack's interview.

Danny looked ahead, sipping the sandwich bread in his hand, then he hesitated for a while and asked his mother.

"Mom, if Dad passes the interview for the winter caretaker, will we have to stay in that hotel all day?"

"Yes child."

Wendy put down the coffee in her hand, and turned her eyes from the book to Danny.

"But... I don't have anyone to play with me when I'm there." Danny pouted, a little unhappy.


Wendy thought for a while, put down her legs shrunk on the chair, and faced Danny head-on.

"What does Tony think, is he looking forward to going to that hotel?"

After hearing what his mother said, Danny stretched out the index finger of his right hand. The index finger shook back and forth slightly, and then changed his voice, saying while eating bread.

"No, I don't like it there, Mrs. Terrance."

Danny's voice is like a duck's voice that a child deliberately squeezes out. It sounds cute, but it's also a little penetrating.

"Son, don't worry, I'm sure we'll have a good winter there."

"Okay mom."

Danny was a little unhappy, and then jumped off the chair and went to the bathroom. Wendy gave Danny a strange look, but didn't intervene, and chose to continue reading.

In the bathroom, Danny pushed a chair and stood on it so he could look into the mirror.

Danny looked in the mirror and asked suspiciously:

" you think Dad will get that job?"

Immediately afterwards, Danny stretched out a finger, and replied in a drake voice:

"He's got it."

At this moment, the phone in the living room rang, and Wendy heard a surprise voice from the living room.

"Oh Danny, Dad passed the interview!"

Danny didn't have any surprises, but was a little frustrated. He stretched out his finger and continued to ask Tony.

"Tony, why don't you want to go to that hotel?"

His index finger started to twitch, and Danny's eyes in the mirror looked like a different person.

"I have no idea."

"Tony, you sure know, but you don't want to tell me..."

"Yes, I didn't want to tell you."

"Come on Tony, please, tell me, you know, you're my best friend."

"Okay, Tony... tell me."

After finishing this sentence, Danny stopped his fingers, and then his eyes became empty, and in his sight, he saw another scene.

This is a corridor... There are checkered armchairs on both sides, and an elevator in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, the elevator began to open, and a large amount of blood rushed out of the elevator. The blood spread throughout the corridor, washed every place in the corridor, and finally rushed to Danny.

Danny was frightened, but there was another flash in front of his eyes. A pair of twin sisters in sky blue clothes were holding hands. They stood in front of a window, staring at Danny. The sister on the left was smiling, and the sister on the right was smiling. The younger sister was expressionless.

Immediately afterwards, the screen switched back to the elevator. The elevator had been half opened, and a large amount of blood flowed towards Danny. Danny had no way to dodge, but could only watch the blood flow towards him. His vision was blurred by the blood. It was red and turned into pitch black.



in the bedroom.

Danny slowly opened his eyes, and in front of him was the doctor invited by his mother.

"The child is awake."

The doctor nodded to Wendy, Wendy was terrified, with tears in her eyes, her hands on her face, looking very anxious.

"Don't worry, I will diagnose clearly."

The doctor started asking Danny:

"Danny, are you feeling better?"


The doctor nodded, and then continued to ask:

"Do you remember... what was the last thing you were doing before you passed out?"

"I..." Danny's eyes were blank for a while, and then he said, "I'm chatting with Tony."

"Tony? Who's Tony?"

"Tony is the little boy who lives in my mouth."

"Tony is Danny's imaginary friend."

Wendy explained aloud.

The doctor nodded, his eyes were a little dignified, but he continued to ask with a smile:

"Then now you open your mouth, can I see Tony?"

"Can't..." Danny's eyes drifted to the other side, "He hid in my stomach."

"It doesn't matter."

"So did Tony ask you to do anything?"

Danny thought about it carefully for a while, and finally shook his head.

"I don't want to talk about Tony anymore."

The doctor was not angry, and ended the topic following Tony's words.

"Okay, then you have a good rest, and your mother and I will go to the living room to chat."

Danny nodded, and then the doctor and Wendy left the room, went to the living room and sat on the sofa.

The doctor put his hands on his legs and began to give Wendy an explanation about Danny.

"Mrs. Terrance, Danny is in perfect health."

"Although his behavior is a bit weird, most of what happens to children are unexplainable things. This is not a disease, but a trance similar to self-hypnosis, which will slowly disappear as they grow up."

"By the way, when did 'Tony' appear?"

"Hmm..." Wendy panicked suddenly. She picked up a cigarette, put it near her mouth, and lit it with a lighter.

After taking a deep breath, she said:

"One time Danny got hurt and didn't go to kindergarten, that's when he found out."

The doctor nodded, and then continued to ask:

"How was the injury caused?"

Wendy took another breath, and the smoke bypassed her flustered eyes. She felt that this matter was a bit difficult to tell, but after thinking about it, she forced a smile and began to explain to the doctor:

"One time... Jack came home drunk."

Wendy lowered her head and began to recall the past.

"That night, he was not in a good mood, but Danny still threw his manuscript all over the room. Jack, who couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed Danny and was about to teach him a lesson, but he didn't expect to use too much force... It hurt the shoulder."

"But it also became a lesson for Jack, he regretted hurting the kid so much, he assured me he would never do it again, which he did, he hadn't had a drink in five months .”

Wendy played with the nails on her hands, her voice fluctuated from loud to soft, feeling a little preoccupied.

Danny was fine, so the doctor left quickly.

And the days passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it was time to go to the hotel.