
Chapter 44: Omissions



Wendy was overhauling equipment in the basement when suddenly he heard a scream...

It's Jack's voice!

Wendy was startled, and she immediately left the basement and ran to the hall. At this time, Jack was collapsing on the ground, his body trembling, his eyes terrified.

"Jack... Jack! What's wrong with you!"

Wendy helped Jack up, and Jack was still in shock, with a flustered face.

"Wendy, I just had a nightmare..."

It turned out to be a nightmare...

Wendy felt relieved, as long as nothing happened...

"Jack, you are so tired that you fell asleep while writing."

"No! Wendy, that dream just now was terrible."

Jack grabbed Wendy's arm, his pupils dilated, and his voice squeezed through his teeth.

"I just dreamed that I killed both you and Danny...with an axe, I killed them all!"

"It's okay Jack, it was just a dream..."

Wendy put Jack's head on her shoulder, and gently comforted Jack, and Jack's breath gradually calmed down, as if he had settled down.

"Alright, Wendy, you stay with me... stay with me for a while."

Jack closed his eyes, feeling much calmer.

But at this moment, footsteps were heard in the distance.

Wendy followed the footsteps and saw that Danny was limping into the living room.

Did Danny hear Dad's cry too

Wendy smiled slightly, and wanted to send Danny away:

"Danny, Dad is fine, it's just a nightmare, you go play with toys first."

Danny was still walking, his eyes blank and empty. He touched the left side of his neck and approached Wendy step by step.

"Danny... Danny?"

Wendy felt something was wrong, she stood up and approached Danny.

"Danny, what's wrong with you?"

Wendy trotted for two steps, but saw the clear claw marks on Danny's neck. She froze for a moment, her lips trembling slightly, then knelt down and hugged Danny.

"Danny... why are you hurt so badly and who did it?"

Danny didn't answer, he stood where he was, still quietly looking in Jack's direction.

Immediately afterwards, Wendy seemed to remember something, and she suddenly looked at Jack angrily.

Could it be that he was having nightmares because he hit Danny

"Jack... Did you hit Danny again? You promised me... you would never hit Danny again!"

She glared at Jack, but surprisingly, Jack didn't make any excuses. He began to look at Wendy numbly, and sat on the chair without saying a word.

Seeing that Jack didn't defend himself, Wendy became even more angry, scolded Jack, and finally said:

"Jack, I will never forgive you..."

Wendy picked up Danny, then turned and left the hall.

After Wendy left for a long time, Jack slowly made a sound.

"I didn't hit Danny."

"But Wendy doesn't believe me."

"I obviously didn't hit Danny."

"But Wendy doesn't believe me at all..."

He stood up and left the hall.



At this moment, Chen Lu was in the room, lying on the bed with a pale face.

So cold... so cold.

Using Kayako three times in 307 made Kayako recover even more.

He felt a pair of hands behind him, ready to pull him into the haunted house at any time.

Because of his poor condition, Chen Lu's plan was missing an extremely important link.

He should have appeared in front of Wendy first, and told Wendy that there was a ghost in this room, so that Wendy would not quarrel with Jack, and the conflict between Jack and Wendy would not deepen... But the body The deterioration of the disease made him have to go back to the room to suppress Kayako, unable to carry out the plan.

He endured the cold, sat cross-legged on the bed, and began to perform the Nine-Rank Shahu Gong over and over again.

"Hoo... hoo."

A stream of warm currents began to wash over Chen Lu's body, and a small fire defended Chen Lu's last sanity.

Chen Lu slowly opened his eyes, the blurred world in front of him gradually merged, and the piercing and dangerous aura behind him gradually disappeared.


Right now, Gayako is temporarily suppressed, but Chen Lu clearly feels that even if he doesn't use Gayako anymore, Gayako will recover quickly within a week.

Chen Lu propped himself up to prevent himself from falling down, he couldn't rest yet, he still had things to do.

One of his hands turned pale, and then he ruthlessly clawed at his neck, and a blood-red mark appeared.

This should do the trick...

Chen Lu packed up the scene, just when there was a knock on the door.

Chen Lu opened the door and found that it was Wendy.


Wendy was originally furious, but seeing Chen Lu's sluggish expression and the scar on her neck, the doubts in her heart disappeared immediately.

Wendy left the hall before, but when she calmed down, she felt that something was wrong. Her husband had obviously reformed himself, so why would he beat the child for no reason

So she began to suspect that it was not her husband who injured the child.

If it wasn't the child Jack injured, it could only be Chen Lu.

But Chen Lu in front of him was in a mess, which made Wendy sway again...

"I know what you're suspecting."

Chen Lu spoke directly, and some misunderstandings must be cleared up immediately.

"I didn't hurt Danny, and neither did Jack."

"It's a ghost."

"There are ghosts in the house."

Chen Lu bit the word "ghost" very hard, and his tone was very gloomy.


"Chen Lu, are you sick? Do you want to rest? Staying alone in a hotel will lead to wild thoughts..."

"Don't you understand?"

Chen Lu approached step by step, he wanted to make Wendy aware of all this.

"Can Jack alone give me a wound like that on my neck?"

"Let me tell you the truth. In fact, I am not an ordinary administrator."

"It's an exorcist from a foreign country!"

Chen Lu's words completely shocked Wendy, and Wendy froze in place, unable to recover for a long time.

"Danny once entered room 307, and I discovered it, so I followed him in and saved him. The wounds of me and him were injured by the ghost of 307."

"And... Don't you find that Jack is weird recently?"

Chen Lu said coldly, causing Wendy to change her mind and start to doubt this place... Is there really a ghost

"He is inexplicably familiar with this place, and his personality is getting more and more strange. He gets angry from time to time, and he has no excuse for your questioning."

With the help of his advance knowledge of the movie, Chen Lu began to lobby Wendy.

"Chen Lu... It may be that there are outsiders in our house, and someone is hiding... We call the police immediately, and the matter can be resolved by calling the police."

Wendy still stayed in her own world view, but she stuttered a little. She actually began to believe in Chen Lu subconsciously.

"It's okay Wendy, I'm an exorcist, I can prove myself."

Chen Lu obviously had grasped all of Wendy's ideas, and finally, he took out a paper figurine.

"If I'm not wrong, Jack has a tendency to be invaded. This is a paper man. When you put a hair on the paper man, Jack will not recognize you at all and will only stare at the paper man. people."

"Of course, you can also go to the calling station and call the police for rescue."

"It's just... the calling station is probably already out of order, just like the phone."

Chen Lu's voice was low and steady, making people unconsciously trust him. Even if it was something that subverted Wendy's world view, it made Wendy hesitate.

"Time is running out... come to me when you can trust me."

Chen Lu left the last sentence, and then closed the door.

Wendy stood outside the door with a cloudy expression on her face. In the end, she tied the paper and left Chen Lu's room.



On the other side, Jack came to the banquet hall alone.

At the beginning, Wendy promised to come to the banquet hall to have a party, but in fact, they never came to the banquet hall once.

He was quite decadent at the moment, sitting alone in front of the bar in the banquet hall, with his face propped up, looking at the table sadly alone.

"Why... why don't they believe me?"

"I've obviously changed it, I said I won't hit Danny again, I won't drink anymore..."

"But they still don't believe me..."

Jack's sad eyes suddenly became resentful, and his beard grew longer, covering his entire chin.

"Jack... it looks like you're unhappy."

Jack raised his head and looked towards the front of the bar. There was a bartender standing in front of him, and there was a dazzling array of wine in front of him.

"Would you like a drink?"

Jack stared at the front stupidly, and didn't think of a thing at all.

There will be no alcohol in the ballroom... and there will be no one.