
Chapter 48: Chasing and killing


Early in the morning, Chen Lu heard Wendy's voice.

"What's wrong with you, Danny? Don't scare mom?"

Chen Lu walked quickly to Danny's room, and found Danny sitting on the bed, muttering "redrum".

Seeing this scene, Chen Lu was relieved. Danny was telling the black uncle about the hotel through his shining ability. Soon the black uncle would come to the hotel and send them a snowmobile.

"It's okay, Wendy."

"Danny needs a break right now, trust me."

Wendy heard Chen Lu's words, and her hanging heart slowly eased.

"Alright Chen Lu... then I'll go get some food first."

Wendy calmed down, she had experienced so many things these days that her whole body was frightened.

Wendy left the room, but Chen Lu did not leave.

"Are you Danny or Tony now?"

Danny turned his head slowly and looked at Chen Lu. There was a strange light in his eyes. Then he stretched out his fingers and said slowly in a drake voice:

"Mr. Chen Lu, I am Tony now."

"Tony, have you thought about the next two conditions now?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen Lu, I have already thought about the second request."

"I want you to help me kill that alcoholic Jack, who is now a puppet invaded by evil spirits."


Chen Lu agreed, but hesitated a little:

"Tony, are you sure Danny won't be mad... I mean, is he okay with his daddy dying?"

Chen Lu's question made Tony silent for a moment, but Tony didn't change his mind:

"Chen Lu, Danny is just a five-year-old child... He doesn't know what domestic violence is, what alcoholism is, what should be done, and what should not be done."

"Although Jack has been invaded by evil spirits to produce such a change, I can feel the tyranny hidden in Jack's heart. Even if there is no evil spirit, he will break out sooner or later. It may be because Jack's grades in elementary school were not good. Maybe it's because he fell in love with him when he was in middle school, maybe it's because he didn't follow the path that Jack designed in the future."

"There are only zero and countless times of domestic violence... I was born because of the domestic violence five months ago, just to solve Danny's inner pain."

After listening to Tony's words in silence, Chen Lu finally nodded.

"I see."

He didn't judge Tony's words, because he was just an outsider, and it was not his turn to judge whether to give Jack a chance to be a man again.

He just needs to fulfill Tony's request and take Tony away.

He never forgot his purpose, not to save any movie, what he wants to save is only himself.


Chen Lu went to Wendy's room with Tony's request. He wanted to kill Jack directly.

But suddenly, Chen Lu felt something was wrong.

Isn't it morning

Chen Lu looked out of the window, but outside the window was the setting sun.

Time... jumped

Did only Chen Lu's time jump, or did the whole house jump

Coincidentally, Wendy also walked up to Chen Lu at this time, her eyes were terrified, and she obviously noticed the jump in time.

Since it is not unique to Chen Lu, it means that inexplicable changes have taken place in the house.

With a cold face, Chen Lu opened the lock, but the room was empty.

"how come... ... "

Time sped up.

"Danny... Danny!"

Wendy suddenly thought of Danny. She opened the door opposite, but found that there was no one there.

"Danny is gone!"

"Chen Lu, Chen Lu! Danny is gone, where did he go!"

"Did he get caught by that bastard..."

Wendy collapsed by the door, her eyes were full of helplessness and despair.

"Wendy! Calm down!"

Chen Lu shook Wendy's body, "The matter is not over yet, we must find Danny."

"Right now... only we can save Danny."

"This hotel has shown its true colors, and Danny must not be allowed to die."

Looking at Chen Lu's firm eyes, Wendy finally came to her senses and regained her composure.


"We, we must find Danny."

"Yes... then let's go..."

Chen Lu was talking, but suddenly, there was no one in front of him.

"Wendy... Wendy!"

Chen Lu called around, but he didn't wait for Wendy's answer.

Wendy was gone too.


Originally, Chen Lu would not let the two of them be alone... But things developed much faster than his plan.


Chen Lu's cell phone vibrated, he took out his cell phone, and a new message came from the cell phone.

New check-in location refresh: banquet hall

Chen Lu put away his phone with a gloomy expression.

It is very likely that the place to sign in is also giving him a reminder.

Danny is in the ballroom.

Anyway, gotta go see it first.



Slight footsteps sounded, and Wendy's frightened face appeared at the corner of the stairs.

"Chen Lu...are you still there?"

Wendy's voice was crying, and it could be heard that she had reached her limit.

It's not her fault, the matter has gone beyond what an ordinary person can accept.

Because just now, she clearly looked at Chen Lu in front of her... But in a flash, Chen Lu disappeared...

Now she is the only one left to meet the fear of the unknown.

Fortunately, Chen Lu's last words had an effect, so Wendy didn't break down and wait for death. Holding the rotten stick given by Chen Lu in her hand, she began to fulfill her mission as a mother.

She wanted to find Danny who was hidden, and Danny must not be killed by Jack.

She walked in the hotel step by step, still calling softly.

"Danny, Chen Lu, can you hear me?"


Wendy yelled over and over again, but there was no answer. Her body trembled a little, but the persistence in her heart kept her from falling down.

Danny walked to the first floor and came to the lobby.

This hall is where Jack writes manuscripts.

Wendy came here, searching for Jack, Chen Lu, or Danny.

Is there no one in the lobby

Wendy walked gently, and suddenly noticed Jack's manuscript on the table in the hall.

Wendy gently picked up the manuscript and read the contents inside.

"All work and no play makes Jack a fool."

"All work and no play makes Jack a fool."

"All work and no play makes Jack a fool."

Wendy flipped through the pages one by one, and her movements became faster and faster.

Although these manuscripts were typesetting like novels, they only repeated one sentence.

"All work and no play makes Jack a fool."

Jack has written for so long and only wrote this sentence.



Wendy screamed and looked behind her. Jack turned from the shadows and looked at Jack quietly.

"Wendy, what are you doing here?"

Jack looked very haggard, bloodshot under his eyes, his beard covered his entire face, and he was still smiling.

Wendy forcibly calmed down, holding a stick in her hand, and stammered an answer:

"I just wanted to talk to you... Jack."

"Oh?" Jack flipped through the blank manuscript paper, and then approached Wendy step by step: "Then what do you want to talk about?"

Wendy backed away and didn't answer for a while.

"I know if you don't answer."

Jack had an air of knowing, his voice cadenced like a theater actor's.

"I guess you want to talk to me about Danny, tell me, what do you want to do with him?"

Wendy couldn't hold back her tears anymore, and she wept as she stepped back, crying out her last request.

"I just want to take Danny away, Jack..."

"Then have you ever thought about how I feel!"

Jack's voice suddenly amplified, startling Wendy.

"Have you ever thought about my responsibility to my employer! The owner of the hotel trusts me so much, we signed a contract, and I promise to take care of the hotel until May, do you have even the slightest understanding of me?"

"Have you thought about how leaving without authorization will affect my future?"

"No... no, don't talk about Jack."

Wendy couldn't cry at this moment, she walked to the edge of the stairs, trying to escape.

"Why can't you say it? This is all your problem, and I'm not wrong."

Jack pressed harder and followed the stairs.

"Wendy, I love you, and I love Danny, but you guys betray me time and time again."

"You actually had an affair with Chen Lu while I was writing!"

"No, I don't have Jack, you trust me, we're just helping you!"

Wendy retorted loudly, but it was of no use.

Jack showed a weird smile, and then said:

"But it's okay, Wendy, someone has already taught me how to correct your behavior. Soon, we will be back together again."

An ax appeared in Jack's hand, with black rotting blood on it.

His eyes were completely red, and then he raised his ax and was about to chop at Wendy!


Wendy yelled, and threw out the rotten stick in her hand, hitting Jack. The rotten stick instantly turned into ashes and flew away, while Jack fell back from being hit by the rotten stick, and rolled down the stairs.

" actually want to resist me."

Jack turned his head at an unbelievable angle, looking at Wendy on the stairs. His clothes were scratched due to the fall, and black palm prints were also exposed.

kill her... kill her!

There was only this sentence in Jack's mind, which was playing over and over again.

Wendy finally came to her senses, she rushed out of the hall with weak steps.

"Hide... hold Jack."

This is the only thought in Wendy's mind, and now she pins all her hopes on Chen Lu.

Please, Chen Lu!

"Wendy, Wendy!"

Behind Wendy came the sound of Jack urging his life again. He dragged the ax and scratched the ground harshly.

Jack's speed was so fast that Wendy couldn't outrun Jack at all. She hurriedly opened a room, hid in it, locked it, and then hid in the toilet, completely locking the toilet door.

After doing all this, Wendy hid sideways behind the door, leaning against the corner, holding a knife in her hand, staring at the door.

The toilet window was too small, she couldn't get out at all, so she could only... wait to die.

The only hope is that Jack doesn't see her hiding in this room.

"Please...don't find me, don't find me."


Suddenly, she heard the door lock being opened.

Why... She obviously locked the door...

Wendy covered her mouth and let out a small cry.

"Wendy? Wendy?"

Jack's tone was raised, very relaxed, he wandered in the bedroom, calling Wendy's name constantly.

"Wendy, I know you're here."

Wendy still didn't dare to speak out, she covered her mouth and said silently in her heart,

"Please... please..."



Wendy let out a helpless scream, and she watched the ax slam on the door, repeating it over and over again.

One click, two clicks, three clicks.

The door panel was gouged through, and the hole was getting bigger and bigger.

"Please Jack, please, let me go! Let me go!"

Wendy begged in pain, but the ax was still falling, and her pleading didn't have any effect.

"Hmph, hum, hum."

Jack's humming and Wendy's screams were extremely inconsistent, and he didn't stop until the door panel was gouged enough.

Immediately afterwards, Jack stuck his head into the door panel, his head just stuck on the door panel, his eyes rolled, and he saw Wendy hiding behind the door.

"This is Johnny Piggy!"

Jack smiled and said this irrelevant sentence, then retracted his head, stretched out a hand, twisted the lock, and was about to open the door.


Wendy screamed and slashed Jack's hand with a knife.

"Don't come in... don't..."

"Oh!" Jack deliberately made a painful sound, then retracted his hand, and said in a playful voice, "Wendy, you are so naughty."

"But my body has been transformed, and I am no longer afraid of these..."

Jack stretched his hand in again. There was a bruise on his hand, but there was no bleeding. A black pustule covered the entire wound.

"no no."

Wendy begged bitterly, but the fact seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

What else, what else can save me...

"Chen Lu, Chen Lu, where are you?"

Wendy's tears fell weakly, and there were two obvious tear stains on her cheeks.

Chen Lu... Chen Lu.

Suddenly, Wendy was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, a final light flashed in her eyes, and she groped out a paper pricked figure from her body.

This is Chen Lu's paper prick, Wendy forgot to return it, and kept it on her body...

Wen Wen took a deep breath, then pulled out a piece of hair and put it on the paper piercer. At the same time, the door lock was opened.


Jack kicked the door open and made a surprise move.

At the same time, the paper pierced man ran quickly and ran to the window.

"Oh Wendy, are you trying to escape through the window?"

Jack stared at the paper figure by the window, talking nonsense to the paper figure. In his eyes, the paper figure was Wendy.

But the real Wendy held her breath, hid in her original seat, held up the knife, not daring to make a sound.

"It's so naughty."

Jack approached the paper piercer step by step, and the seat behind him continued to expand until it was enough for one person to pass through.

Wendy stood on tiptoe, leaned against the wall little by little, and moved slowly.

"I got you!"

Jack pounced on the paper piercing man, but soon, his expression changed.

And the real Wendy seized this opportunity and escaped through the door.


"But you can't escape."

Jack showed a weird smile again, held the ax and walked out of the bathroom.