
Chapter 49: Banquet


Chen Lu followed the instructions of the sign-in system and ran on the way to the banquet hall.

Along the way, he was thinking about what happened to Danny now. Danny's state had a great relationship with him, and no matter what happened to Danny, nothing happened.

Just as Chen Lu was thinking wildly, he met a boy squatting on the ground around the corner.


Chen Lu stopped slowly and called softly.


Danny groaned, then turned his head, his empty eyes began to focus, and there were two obvious tear stains on his face.

When he saw Chen Lu, he couldn't control it anymore, and cried out with a loud cry, pulled up his calf, and threw himself into Chen Lu's arms.

"Uncle Chen Lu..."

His helpless and painful voice made Chen Lu feel the same way.

"Danny, where have you been... What's the matter? Take your time and don't worry."

"Uncle, you must help me..."

Danny wiped his tears and began to tell his experience during this time.

"This morning, I didn't see you when I got up, and then two sisters appeared in front of me and said they wanted to play hide-and-seek with me, so I agreed... We played two games, but in the third game , but I can't find them no matter what..."

"I said I gave up and asked them to come out, but they didn't come out, there was no sound at all... I, I asked Tony to help me find it, so Tony sent me a picture."

"There is a long shackle on the necks of the two sisters. They are locked in a corner of the banquet hall, and their bodies are covered with scars..."

"Uncle, can you help me save them, they are really in pain..."

Danny's words kept choking, and it could be seen that his emotions were broken. Chen Lu also learned that Danny was not kidnapped, but went to play with the young lady.

"So you came here to save them?"

Chen Lu asked, Danny nodded, but shook his head quickly.

"Uncle... Tony told me it's scary inside, don't go in..."

Chen Lu breathed a sigh of relief, and various thoughts flashed through his mind quickly.

"Then Danny, do you want to save them?"

Danny hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily.

"they are my friends."

"Then do you trust uncle?"

Chen Lu asked again, Danny looked at Chen Lu's firm eyes, and nodded again affirmatively.

"Okay... Uncle will help you rescue the two sisters, but only with your help can uncle succeed."

"If you're afraid, then we'll go, if you dare, then we'll go in."

"You dare?"

Chen Lu looked into Danny's eyes, he only wanted to hear an answer.

Danny was stunned for a while, but he quickly reacted, wiped away his tears, and his voice calmed down a lot.

"My sister told me... I'm already a man."

Chen Lu listened to Danny's words and smiled knowingly.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Lu whispered to Danny how to proceed with the rescue plan this time...



Danny walked into the banquet hall timidly, his eyes dodged, not daring to look at everything in front of him.

In his eyes, this place does not look like a banquet.

The rotting corpses were wearing black suits, raising glasses to drink black blood. They gave off bursts of stench that made people want to vomit, and there were chains on the wall, locking up many rotting corpses. Black blood dripped from the corpse continuously, becoming wine in cups of hands.


Danny made a timid voice, which attracted the attention of the audience.

"May I ask where my dad is?"

"Daddy...what daddy."

"I don't know... this is a human child, the blood must taste better than ours."

"I'm looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to it..."

The surrounding discussions frightened Danny, but Danny remembered Chen Lu's words and gritted his teeth without flinching.

Soon, a gentleman came out from the crowd.

"Keep your mouth shut, gentlemen."

It's Grady.

"This is our new member, Jack's child, Danny."

Greddy had a weird smile on his face, but he had no killing intent towards Danny.

Since Danny came to his door, it was the best choice to hand Danny over to his father.

"Danny, you sit here now, after your father completes his task, he will bring your mother here..."

"good... ... "

Danny nodded and followed Grady to the bar.

At the same time, Chen Lu saw the timing and took out the ball mask. The moment he put it on, his breath sank, his body gave off a rotten breath, and he became a member of the banquet.

He quietly stepped into the banquet without attracting anyone's attention.

Two sisters must be found first...

Chen Lu remembered what Danny said, the two sisters were locked in a corner.

If Grady hated the two sisters so much, they must have been locked away in an inconspicuous place, and in a corner, the four corners of the banquet.

Chen Lu looked around, and saw the twin sisters in the upper left corner.

Thick chains were tied around their necks, and they looked very haggard.

Chen Lu walked along the wall and was about to go to the seats of the two sisters.

And Danny's task is to ensure that Chen Lu will not be discovered. When Chen Lu saves the two sisters, he will take him away.

"Danny, you look so good, not like my two naughty kids."

Every time Greddy spoke, he spit out a huge stench, which made Danny very uncomfortable.

"Did you know...the two of them didn't follow through on my order, so they're being punished now."

"You must listen to your father in the future, or you will be locked in like them..."

Greddy was talking, and suddenly he was about to turn his head to look at the two sisters. Once he turned his head, he could just see the conversation between Chen Lu and the two sisters.

Danny must stop Grady's behavior.

This is also the task Chen Lu assigned to Danny, so Danny attracted attention.

"Mr. Grady! Do you have any toys... I want to play with them."

Danny's voice was a little low, and after holding back for a long time, he only thought of this reason.

Grady frowned suddenly, and although he stopped turning his head, the scene became more serious.

"Danny, our kids never play with dumb toys...

"Also, when I'm talking, absolutely, absolutely don't interrupt!"

Greddy, annoyed at being unexpectedly interrupted, turns back to give Danny an example:

"Otherwise, I'll lock you in a corner, just like my two daughters..."

Greddy was about to turn his head again, but Danny's face was flushed. Once Greddy turned his head, he could just find Chen Lu who was talking!

He must not let Chen Lu be discovered, otherwise everything will be ruined in his hands.

So say something, do something, and bring Grady back to him.

Please... Please, please, have a flash!

Danny's face flushed, and at the last moment, a sentence blurted out.

"Grady, you are much uglier than I imagined, your hairline is as smooth as an apple."

The whole place froze.

Danny had only one thought in his mind.

"What did I say, my mother!"


Grady's face turned green, he stopped turning his head, and looked at Danny indifferently.

"Danny, it's very disrespectful for you to talk like that... We don't welcome children with bad manners here."

"Jack and I are good friends and I don't think he would mind teaching you about manners..."

Grady's face became darker and darker. He stepped down from the chair, clenched his fists, and made a sound of moving his muscles and bones, preparing to punish Danny.

At this moment, Chen Lu had finished chatting with the two sisters, and learned that the key to unlock the shackles was either carried by Geridy or placed in the bar counter of the bar.

At the same time, Danny's words also reached his ears. Unlike Danny's panic, Chen Lu smiled slightly, obviously confident.

Danny's childish behavior at the moment is just right for his age, and it is also easy to justify him from the perspective of a bystander.

Chen Lu calmly walked into the crowd and said:

"Children, Tongyan Wuji, are really cute enough."


Grady suddenly blushed. Hearing this, he remembered that he was a gentleman.

He glanced over and saw only a group of people staring at him.

He frowned, obviously thinking that everyone was waiting to see his joke.


"that's right."

Greddy gritted his teeth and nodded, but finally withdrew his fist.

"Danny, I hope you can sincerely apologize to me so that I won't sue your father."

There were sporadic applause around, which made Geridy look better.

Of course, this was also brought up by Chen Lu.

Chen Lu took a deep breath, and walked up to Geridy, looking at his pockets.

There was no sign of keys on the trousers, and the pockets of the suit didn't feel like they were falling down. It might be that the keys are too light, but it's more likely to be the bar counter... Chen Lu decided to go to the bar counter first.

But there is a wine guard at the bar, and you will definitely be found if you go in.

Chen Lu walked around behind Geridy just in time for Danny to see him. He raised two fingers, imitating the villain's walking, and pointed to the bar.

"Sir...would you like a glass of wine?"

Chen Lu's strange behavior caught the attention of the bartender, and the focus shifted from Danny.

"Oh sir, can I have a glass of juice?"

Danny's innocent voice spread throughout the audience, helping Chen Lu attract attention again.

Instead of apologizing to Grady, he asked for juice instead, which made Grady very upset.

"We will only be given juice by well-behaved children here, but you, no."

Afterwards, Grady snapped his fingers and ordered the bartender:

"Give Danny a glass of the bitterest."

"Good sir."

The bartender took out a cup, filled it with a cup of black blood, and pushed it in front of Danny.

"Danny, if you finish drinking, I'll reward you with a glass of fruit..."

Before Greddy finished speaking, Danny raised the cup and raised it, splashing all the blood in the quilt on Greddy's body.

"Oh shit!"

Grady stood up abruptly, his pupils filled with shock, watching Danny in disbelief for such a move.

"Danny, you are too much!"

Danny immediately stood up from the chair and ran towards the door of the banquet. He didn't want to escape, but to pull the others out of the bar.

"Danny, stop!"

At this time, the bartender also left the bar. He was holding a square towel in his hand, and was going to help Grady wipe his clothes.

good chance!

Chen Lu lowered his body and sneaked into the bar counter quietly.

There was a huge grid on the bar counter, on which were placed two keys. Chen Lu remembered that the shape of the hole was similar to that of a key.

Chen Lu put it in his arms and looked towards the center of the venue.

Danny was blocked in the center of the venue at the moment, and Grady looked down at Danny with anger in his eyes.

"Danny, this is the second time you've offended me..."

"Even a gentleman can have a temper. I will arrest you and send you to your father!"

Danny's throat surged, and a little sweat leaked from his forehead, but he didn't cry.

He believed in Chen Lu and would not leave him alone.

"Mr. Grady has such a bad temper . . . he's getting into a fight with a kid."

This time it was replaced by a sharp male voice, his voice was very small, but it happened to be heard by the audience.


Grady scanned the room, seeing only faces staring at him.

He has reached the peak of his explosion at this moment, but the corrupt gentleman's demeanor in his bones restricts his behavior.

He can't listen to other people's gossip, and he doesn't allow others to question his gentlemanly demeanor.

He tried to find the gossiper, and he had to be punished in private no matter what!

At the moment, Chen Lu who was hiding in the corner smiled slightly.

All I want is you pretending to be a gentleman!