
Chapter 5: Contacts


I can't get out the door... I have to find another way to get out.

At this moment, Meijia also walked to the cubicle in the living room, and pushed open the door with great effort.


Rijia stepped back suddenly and looked in her direction, an old hand crawled out from the crack of the door.

"Grandma Tokunaga..."

Rijia quickly opened the door and saw Grandma Tokunaga struggling on the ground.

Rijia supported Grandma Tokunaga. At this moment, Grandma Tokunaga looked demented and could only murmur meaninglessly.

Grandma Deyong was delirious, no matter what Rijia asked, she couldn't speak, so in desperation she could only help Grandma Deyong to the small courtyard to rest.

On the other hand, Chen Lu was glad that he had made sufficient preparations before, and he had already figured out a way in advance.

In the original plot, it was Rijia's boss, Hirohashi who opened the door at the end and rescued Rijia.

If Chen Lu had called Guangqiao in advance, Guangqiao would have arrived at the house in advance and left the haunted house before things got serious!

He must find a way to get Rijia's mobile phone, only Hirohashi's phone is stored in it.

"Chen Lusang, where did Deyong and his wife go? Why is there only Grandma Deyong at home?"

Rijia asked Chen Lu worriedly, pulling Chen Lu back from his thoughts.

Hearing Rijia's question, Chen Lu immediately climbed up the pole.

"I don't know, I think we must call Hirohashi-san now and tell the Tokunaga family about the strange situation!"

Rika's eyes lit up,

"What Chen Lusang said makes sense! Then you should inform Guangqiao-san immediately. If I'm... just help Tokunaga's house clean first."

Sure enough, Rijia was the same as the original plot, cleaning up first, but the difference was that now it was Chen Lu's turn to call.

Chen Lu scratched his head, showing an embarrassed expression, "Li Jiasang, my phone is out of battery, can I borrow your phone?"

"Ah~ Chen Lusang, you are so careless, this is my mobile phone, take it!"

Rijia took out the phone from the bag, unlocked it, opened the address book, and handed it to Chen Lu.

Chen Lu got the phone easily, he couldn't believe it went so smoothly!

Now he only needs to find Mr. Hirohashi's number in the address book, Mr. Hirohashi...

Chen Lu swiped through the address book, but he didn't make a call for a long time. He frantically swiped through the address book, and his face became more and more ugly.

Mr. Hirohashi

Mr. Hirohashi!

Why is it still Mr. Hirohashi!

"Chen Lusang, what's wrong with you? Still not calling?"

Li Jia's tone was a little low and strange, which made Chen Lu's heart shudder.

Chen Lu raised his head, but saw a horrifying scene!

At this moment, half of Rijia's face turned into the appearance of a pale female ghost, especially her eyes filled with blood and tears, staring at Chen Lu strangely, showing a horrified smile.

"You didn't call because you couldn't find Mr. Hirohashi?"

"How could you not be able to find Mr. Guangqiao, I have already cleared the remarks!"

"Or, what you and I see is not the same world?"

"hehe... ... "

Rijia chuckled, and Chen Lu got goosebumps all over his body.

Chen Lu believed that if Mr. Guangqiao's number could not be found, he would die.

But, but these are clearly all the same remarks!

Chen Lu murmured, recalling Rijia's words just now, and suddenly woke up.

world seen

Could it be that my eyes were blinded


The sound of a heartbeat came from the left eye.

Wait... Why did Ghost Eye activate itself without waiting for me to control it!

Chen Lu's left eye suddenly enlarged and instantly turned into pure black, with a bright red oozing out from the center of the pure black. At the same time, the haunted house in front of him was changing back to its decayed and mottled appearance.

Rijia's mobile phone is also stained with the traces of time at this moment, it is very old and tattered, Chen Lu stared at the address book, the names of the people in the address book overlapped one by one, and finally only one name remained.

Mr. Hirohashi.

found it!

Chen Lu seized the opportunity and dialed the number. The dialing sound came from the mobile phone, and his left eye gradually returned to normal.

Looking at Rijia again, at this moment Rijia was concentrating on cleaning, and didn't pay attention to Chen Lu at all.

But Chen Lu believed that if he couldn't find Mr. Guangqiao's number, he would be killed by Jiaye immediately.

Kayako has quietly entangled him, and this attack is the ironclad proof!

"Hello?" Guangqiao's voice came from the phone, and Chen Lu let out a long breath. Guangqiao was his savior.

"Hirohashi-san, I'm Rika's friend, and we visited the Tokunaga family together, but the Tokunaga family is a bit strange now..."

Chen Lu said how serious the incident was, just to get Hirohashi-san to rush to Deyong's house to open the door for him.

"Really? I'll come over right now."

As Chen Lu expected, Guangqiao was ready to come immediately after hearing Chen Lu's description, but the community was still some distance away from Tok Yong's house, and he wouldn't be there for a while.

"Chen Lusang, what did Mr. Guangqiao say?"

"Mr. Hirohashi has already started to deal with it." Chen Lu replied to Rijia who was sweeping the floor, and then picked up the broom, "Let's clean together."

"Thank you! Chen Lusang, let's work together!"

Rijia bowed at ninety degrees, showing a struggling look, and started to clean vigorously.

And Chen Lu is the legendary oily time, sweeping east and west, until the arrival of Mr. Guangqiao.

Of course, Chen Lu still touched his left eye from time to time, and he always felt that his left eye had changed after using it once.

One of them was in the east, and the other was in the west, and the division of labor began, and it was rare to be peaceful for a while.

"Li Jia-san, what do you do besides volunteering?"

Chen Lu chatted, but the main purpose was to delay Rijia's cleaning time.

"Me? Chen Lusang, do I look old!" Upon hearing Chen Lu's words, Rijia turned around with an angry look, and retorted with her hips on her hips, "I'm still a college student!"

"No... I just thought you were kind."

Chen Lu is now a soldier, if Rika gets angry and changes in place, then there is no need to continue filming the movie!

Fortunately, Rijia was not as fragile as Chen Lu thought, on the contrary, she blushed suddenly, a little shy.

"Chen Lusang, what do you think of me..."

"Hmm... ah!"

Chen Lu's pupils trembled, what is this unfolding? !

Seeing Chen Lu's appearance, Rijia became even more flustered:

"Chen Lusang! What are you thinking! I already have someone I like!"

"I mean, does a girl like me deserve to have love?"

"Yes... I'm sorry! I was too abrupt to say this suddenly..."

"Let's clean up quickly!"

Rijia was talking to herself, but she didn't let Chen Lu intervene.

However, Chen Lu had already known in advance that Rijia had a crush on a boy in college, but she felt inferior and cowardly, and did not have the confidence to confess.

So Chen Lu added firmly:

"Rika is amazing! She's the best girl I've ever seen!"

When Li Jia heard Chen Lu's abrupt opening, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and said in a soft voice:


The atmosphere between the two of them has eased a lot compared to before, which cheered Chen Luzhi up. His scumbag plan will soon be launched!

The two were silent one after the other, so they moved faster. It didn't take long for Rijia to clean up the toilet on her end.

"Chen Lusang, I've finished cleaning here."

"Do you want to clean the attic on the second floor first, and I will clean the first floor?"

Chen Lu's body froze, and this sudden sentence made Chen Lu smell dangerous again.

He turned to look at Rijia, but saw a completely different Rijia.

At this moment, Rijia looked at Chen Lu with a dazed expression, and smiled with a dazed expression.

She was possessed again.

"Do you want to clean the second floor?"

Chen Lu pursed his lips, not daring to refuse, but also not daring to agree.

Because he knows that there are...