
Chapter 54: The end of The Shining


Chen Lu threw the dice, Jack's eyes were suddenly blank, his mouth opened slightly, and he spoke the first word after he came out of the hotel.


This is the ability of ghost dice, the opponent must answer a number.

Jack guesses that the Ghost Dice will roll a three.

If the ghost dice rolls to three, the ghost will be revived.

The dice landed, and the face up was two, which meant that when Chen Lu obtained a new ghost dice and used it again, two would also become the recovery number.

But this time the ghost dice did not revive the ghost, and it worked.

"you guessed wrong."

The ghost dice fell to the ground, and soon dissipated as ghost energy, while Jack froze and couldn't move.

The ghost dice created an opportunity for Chen Lu. Chen Lu seized this opportunity and tried to regain the disadvantage. He waved his pale fist and slammed it hard at Jack's face.

One punch, two punches, three punches!

"Bang bang bang!"

The fist was in close contact with Jack's head. Jack was hammered one after another, his face was dented, and his skull was deformed. The black palm prints on his body were constantly being cut and faded, indicating that his "salary" was being cut rapidly.

It wasn't until ten seconds later that the ghost dice slowly disappeared, and the effect of the ghost dice completely faded, and Jack paid nearly half of the black palm prints on his body for this!

Only ghosts can deal with ghosts, and the three ghosts pose a huge threat to Jack.


Jack's nose snorted, and his eyes were full of anger. Although his entire face was deformed by the beating, his strength was still not reduced by half!

Jack, who broke free from the ghost dice, raised his ax again and slashed at Chen Lu.

This time, Chen Lu had no more props, and the battle came to the final tug-of-war.

Chen Lu's body was covered with bruises, and Jack was also covered with bruises.

In the maze, there was only a muffled sound, and there were streaks of blood.

As time passed, Chen Lu's condition became worse and worse.

The pattering rain sounded in Chen Lu's ears, the sound of the leather shoes was getting closer, and there were murmurs from the haunted house behind him.

The scene in front of me began to feel dizzy, with blurry double images from time to time.


Chen Lu was hit by the ax again, and he was sent flying to the ground. This time, he struggled for a long time before standing up staggeringly. He wanted to attack, but he threw a punch, but it hit the air.

Jack grinned and swung the ax again. Chen Lu retreated and managed to dodge, but his feet were unstable and he sat down on the ground.

It's too much...

This was the first time Chen Lu took the initiative to fight a ghost. He originally thought that it would be possible to make a 50/50 split with two ghosts, but even if the ghost dice threw a good number, Chen Lu was still a little worse.

The palm prints on Jack's body were already very sparse, but the last palm print made Chen Lu feel a little out of reach.


Chen Lu raised his fist again and hit Jack, this time only one palm print was removed.

He was so tired, almost out of strength.

"Come on, Chen Lu! He only has seven palm prints left!"

Chen Lu was taken aback. It was Danny's voice.

There are seven more...

There are only seven left.


Jack's left hand clenched into a fist, and he hit Chen Lu's abdomen with one fist.

If it wasn't for Chen Lu's ghost state, he would have been in a coma long ago.

Attack... Attack! ...

Chen Lu wanted to clenched his hands into fists, but found that...he couldn't hold them anymore, he was really reaching his limit.

Danny looked at Chen Lu with a strange light in his eyes.

Chen Lu told them not to make a move. This is not a battlefield they can participate in, so they hid behind and watched Chen Lu risk his life.

But Chen Lu seemed to be in a bad state.

He can't last long.

The seven palm prints, like stings from the sky, blocked the boundary between life and death.

"Chen Lu..."

Danny couldn't help shouting, but Chen Lu murmured strongly:

"Danny...don't worry, I haven't lost yet."

Chen Lu was slurring his speech, but Danny heard it clearly.

Chen Lu has not conceded defeat yet.

Nor can he admit defeat.

Danny finally made a move.

"Tony... help him."

Danny held up a finger, and at the same time another voice answered him.

"In this way I will occupy your body."

Tony is a ghost, and there is a price for letting a ghost do it.

Tony's words have no emotion, he's just a ghost, and it's Danny who makes the decisions.

"Oh...would that hurt?"


Danny was afraid of pain, but he felt that Chen Lu was in more pain.

Everyone is afraid of death.

But some people's actions are desperate to live, and some people would rather wait for death.

Danny remembered that when Chen Lu first appeared in front of him, Chen Lu told Danny to make friends.

The second time, Chen Lu helped Danny put on the pajamas of the little dinosaur, and advised him on making friends.

For the third time, Chen Lu helped Danny rescue the twin sisters and guarded the banquet hall alone.

And many, many times.

He is really good.

Danny, can you give it just once? Even if... you will die.

It might work.

Danny stretched out a finger, aiming lightly at Jack.

Jack swung the ax again and slashed at Chen Lu, but this time he only hit the air.

A faint mist appeared in front of his eyes, and there was a small palm.

Ghosts cover their eyes.

Chen Lu turned his head to look at Danny. Danny had a ghostly aura and looked a little older.

Danny also looked at Chen Lu and asked the question that has been bothering him:

"Chen Lu...why do you want to help me make friends and fulfill Tony's three conditions?"

Danny's voice was very strange, his voice and Tony's voice began to merge, half male duck voice half child's voice, this is a sign of the ghost's recovery.

"Why... ... "

Chen Lu remembered one thing.

That might answer Danny.

"A long time ago, I met a little boy just like you."

"He has been hiding in the cabinet for many years. The cabinet is very narrow and uncomfortable, but only the cabinet can give him a sense of security."

"He told me that the farthest place he has been to is the elementary school one kilometer away, the place he looks forward to the most is the small shop next door, the place he stayed the longest is the cabinet at home, the place he most wants to go It's an amusement park."

The puppet on Chen Lu's shoulders trembled slightly, listening to what Chen Lu said silently.

"I didn't answer at the time because I knew it would be irreparable anyway."

"But I'm not wood, I will feel distressed."

"I can no longer just watch another little boy fall before my eyes, suffer domestic violence, and repeat the same mistakes."

"What's more, I have a younger sister."

Chen Lu grinned:

"If I don't, she will be very disappointed in me."

People are complex aggregates.

Although Chen Lu's original purpose was to take Tony away and save Wang Xiaoxiao, but now that he said these words, he couldn't tell whether they were true or false.


Danny didn't cry this time.

He is already a man.

"Chen Lu, do you still have the strength?"


Chen Lu stood unsteadily, this time he did not fall down again.

He walked up to Jack step by step and raised his fist.


First punch.

Jack started to panic. He glanced around but couldn't see Chen Lu's figure. He swung the ax but could only hit the air.


Jack started growling, and the little palms that covered his eyes moved away, and he was resisting.


Chen Lu didn't care, he punched again.

Danny gritted his teeth, he was in pain, his fingers twitched wildly, suppressing Jack.

Chen Lu clenched his fist for the third time.

This is the final punch.

His hand was terribly white, whiter than ever... because it was Toshio's punch.


Jack staggered two steps and sat down on the ground. All the palm prints on his body disappeared. Although his strength did not fade, he had already fallen into a temporary crisis.

Jack will remain that way unless there is a new deal.

"Hoo... Hoo..."

The only sound left in the maze was their heavy breathing.



Chen Lu panted heavily, restraining the ghostly energy surging in his body.

The sound of rain and leather shoes in the ear became more and more clear, and the sigh of the haunted house in the body seemed to be in the ear.

His body was cold and hot at the same time, neither Ghost Eye nor Kayako would just fall into such a deep sleep, they had already reached the verge of recovery, waiting to occupy Chen Lu's body.

Chen Lu knelt down on the ground, propped himself up, his dead air was so exaggerated that the two ghosts almost fought in his body.

You must immediately come up with a stable ghost lock mode to stabilize the ghosts in your body.

Dick also reacted, the battle seemed to be over.

He rushed out of the maze with Wendy on his back, put Wendy in the car, and drove the car closer.

This time the car was able to move, but Danny and Chen Lu couldn't move their feet.

Danny and Chen Lu are both on the verge of reviving the ghost, Danny is aging, and Chen Lu's body is collapsing.

Chen Lu did not admit defeat, he was still struggling.

As long as the ghost lock is formed... he can succeed.

How can Ghost Eye and Kayako restrain each other

Turn ghost eyes into locks to lock the door, or put ghost eyes into ghost houses

No... Neither, these two ghosts are high-level ghosts, such thorough suppression will cause one of them to lose control.

There has to be a balance...but useful.

Chen Lu's consciousness was not very clear, and in desperation, he could only come up with the most possible method he had ever thought of.


Chen Lu began to imagine this scene in his mind.

There is only one lonely house in this world, and there is nothing else.

The door of the house was thrown wide open, and a woman was about to go out.

But there is nothing in this world, what is the purpose of going out

She couldn't go out because there was nothing outside the door.

A man in a suit was facing the gate, he held up an umbrella, and the world began to rain lightly.

Rain appeared because of his presence.

The woman couldn't go because there was a gatekeeper at the door.

The janitor couldn't leave either, because he had to watch the gate.

This is the "gatekeeper".

The janitor is watching the door, but in fact the haunted house is also watching the world.

Because this world is the "quartet" of ghost eyes.

They are all "gatekeepers".

"Hoo... Hoo..."

Chen Lu came to his senses, the degree of recovery in his body was stuck at an acceptable point, but once this fragile balance was broken, one party would recover completely.

Although his body was still half cold and half hot, Chen Lu still crawled to Danny's side.

At this moment, Danny's young body is curled up in the snow, his face is very old, because Tony has consumed too much of his life.

"Danny... Danny!"

Chen Lu shouted, Danny can't die, this is his purpose of entering the movie world.

"Danny, can you hear me?"

Chen Lu shook Danny's body, and Danny barely opened his eyes.

Not dead yet.

"I'm... Tony."

" am I going to save you now?"

Chen Lu went straight to the topic, there was no need to exchange pleasantries.

"Remember... the three conditions that made you agree to me?"

"Remember...but can you let me save you first?"

Chen Lu was speechless, he was still doing these fancy things these days.

"My third condition is... get me out of here."

"Go to your world."

Chen Lu was taken aback, but now was not the time to ask Tony why he knew this.

"Okay, I'll take you away, but how?"

"Take out your... mask, the mask you saw at the banquet before."

Chen Lu took out the mask in his arms, but luckily he didn't throw it away.

Then "Tony" stretched out his finger and pointed at the mask.

A ghostly spirit poured into the mask, and the mask became Tony's new carrier.

And Danny, who lost his ghost, also began to return to normal, and his aging face was slowly recovering.

The Shining... is over.