
Chapter 65: In the world


The sound of ping-pong balls came from all around, and I couldn't tell the direction, and I didn't know where it was.

Chen Lu's heart throbbed with the beating of the ping-pong ball, and a sense of danger emerged spontaneously.

Without hesitation, Chen Lu's left and right eyes changed at the same time, and the ghost aura swept out of his body, and he could enter the gatekeeper mode at any time.

Following Chen Lu's outburst, although the sound of the ping-pong ball did not stop, at least it was no longer approaching. He kept a certain distance and kept beating.

Chen Lu knew what table tennis meant.

It means the appearance of the dean.

Kunchiyan's last ghost.

He had seen a photo of the dean playing table tennis. Ironically, in that photo, the dean didn't even hold the racket in the right posture. It was an obvious posing.

Of course it doesn't matter.

A faint light came from the front, and Chen Lu squinted his eyes to see the scene in front of him clearly.

An old woman in a sweater sat on a chair with her head bowed, her hands flat on her knees, her neck hung up, looking very strange.

This is the rumored dean who rushed all the patients to 402 and killed them all, and then committed suicide.


The dean slowly raised his head, accompanied by the sound of bones moving.

She hadn't moved for a long time, until Chen Lu appeared.

She raised her head, her pure black pupils were very obvious, and there was still a weird smile on her mouth. She was the same as all the dead people, the only difference was that she didn't have that long scar on her chest.

Because she is not a victim, she is a perpetrator.

Inexplicable whispers appeared in Chen Lu's ear again. Chen Lu turned his head, and there were rows of ghosts standing behind him, staring at him with black eyes.

Blood dripped from the sky like rain.

The sound of ping-pong balls approached again, and the dean's smile became colder.

"You shouldn't have come in."

The dean's voice was sharp and hoarse, not like a human voice:

"I tried my best to cover up everything that happened in Ward 402 and prevent you from entering 402, but you still came in."

Prevent? Chen Lu frowned.

Could it be that the dean and the patient are opposites

Chen Lu immediately figured out the reason. This was not a confrontation, they were still in the same camp.

It's just that the patient hopes to pull everyone into Room 402 to save them, while the dean prevents others from entering Room 402 in order to cover up the truth of the massacre, and kills everyone who enters Room 402 at the same time.

Although the motivations are different, it constitutes an ingenious cooperation.

The ghost aura on Chen Lu's body became stronger, and the ghosts around him smelled the danger, and retreated immediately, and the whispers were much farther away.

Chen Lu was using the two ghosts on his body to forcibly fight against this environment.

Temporary safety gave Chen Lu time to verify his conjecture, Chen Lu said coldly:

"You are using me to arouse their fear, thereby invading them mentally and manipulating them."

"The reason why this is a mental hospital is because you can only manipulate people who are mentally abnormal."

"But if this is the case, why do you think that the ghost I made with my own hands can kill me?"


The dean didn't respond right away, she tilted her head to the right, ignoring that terrifying face, and might even be a little kind.

As Chen Lu thought about it, he guessed that Kun Chiyan's murderous intention was to repeat his scaring tactics and double the feedback.

Chen Lu was confident that it would not be difficult to solve the ghost he created himself.

But is it really as natural as he thought

"You think too much."

The dean's hoarse voice could not hear any emotion, but it made Chen Lu feel dangerous.

"Just because you woke me up."

Chen Lu had no intention of caring what the dean was talking about, he had to find a way to get out.

Chen Lu originally thought that as long as he entered 402, he would be able to activate a hidden check-in and check-in task, and he would be able to leave after completing the task, but now there is no prompt.

Then Chen Lu had to escape by himself.

But there is no door in 402, where can he get out

Chen Lu opened his ghost eyes to see if the door was hidden.

There is no door.

Chen Lu finally looked at the dean.

If there is no door, that's how the Dean controls the way out.

Let's fight.

Chen Lu clenched his fists, his body was full of ghostly aura, his eyes changed, and two ghosts possessed him at the same time.

The recovery of the fierce ghost made Chen Lu's strength continuously increase. Chen Lu walked towards the dean with strides. His speed was very fast, and he appeared in front of the dean in the next moment. Chen Lu raised his fist and was about to suppress it with the ghost in his body. Dean.

All of a sudden, the rain in the sky became heavier and heavier, and the sound of the pattering rain suddenly became distant and near, like a sound from another world.

Chen Lu's figure paused, his eyelids suddenly became extremely heavy, and even Ghost Eye and Kayako had a tendency to be suppressed.

This is not something that can be described as sleepy, it's more like floating. Chen Lu couldn't resist the continuous pull, he just felt dazed, as if he had entered another world.


Chen Lu's expression was startled, and he looked around.

This... Where is this

Chen Lu looked at the hospital gown on his body, and then scanned the surrounding environment.

This is a hospital, everything is stained with the dark yellow of the age, doctors wearing masks are scattered around, at this moment Chen Lu is in the middle of a line, ready to enter Ward 402.

"I don't want... I don't want to go in!"

Chen Lu stretched out his head to look at the front of the line. He saw a patient clutching the door with both hands, refusing to enter 402. He had a haze around his mouth, his eyes were lax, and he only knew how to shout desperately:

"I don't want to go in..."

"Come in for me!"

The doctor took out a whip and beat the patient severely. The patient groaned in pain, and a bloodstain oozes from the place where he was beaten.

Chen Lu trembled, but he soon wondered, why should he be afraid

He didn't seem to have been beaten.

Because he is very obedient.

Chen Lu chuckled, and it took a long time before he realized that his saliva was drooling.

Strange... how can I drool

"Chen Lu, what are you doing? You don't have to stand forward, there are already long seats vacant in front of you."

Chen Lu looked at the people around him, naturally a little afraid, stepped forward two steps in succession, and caught up with the queue in front.

"Next, Chen Lu!"

Chen Lu was called by name, and after a little hesitation, he walked into the room.

Chen Lu walked into Ward 402. Ward 402 was surprisingly large, with many patients standing densely.

"Take off your clothes."

This sentence is not called Chen Lu, but the last patient.

"yes... ... "

The patient nodded dully, and then took off his hospital gown. Chen Lu saw a long scar on his chest, and the inside was slightly bulging, as if he had undergone an operation.

The doctor nodded, and was about to let the patient put on his clothes, but when he turned around, he saw a woman walking straight into the ward with a serious expression.

"Hello, Dean."

The dean ignored the doctor, but went straight to Chen Lu.

"Take off your clothes."


Chen Lu immediately took off his hospital gown, obedience is his nature.

Chen Lu's smooth chest was exposed in the lobby, attracting attention and discussion from others.

"How come he doesn't have a scar...why doesn't he have one?"

strangeness... ...

Chen Lu touched his chest, wondering why he didn't have a scar.

"Why don't you have a scar?"

"I have no idea."

Chen Lu replied sternly to the dean's words.

"It's okay not to know... We all have scars, just open one on you."

The dean smiled and said terrible words, took out a scalpel, and walked in front of Chen Lu.

"Don't worry, just one touch will do."

Chen Lu froze, lowered his head, and looked at the dean.

"I do not want."

Chen Lu shook his head stiffly, and took a step back.

The dean's smile froze on his face, and he looked at Chen Lu with narrowed eyes.

Chen Lu was more difficult than she imagined.

"I do not want!"

Chen Lu's voice became louder and louder, so that his voice spread throughout the room, attracting everyone's attention.

Chen Lu's eyes became more and more clear, and a touch of pure black also covered his left eye.

Crutches, leather shoes, red umbrellas, drizzle.

Ghost Eye began to recover.

The fourth level of ghost eyes made Chen Lu break free from the control of the dean. His eyes changed from empty to vigilant. He actually fell into the illusion of the dean...

No, not an illusion.

No matter what kind of illusion it was, Ghost Eye would respond in advance, but this time Chen Lu was directly drawn into this place.

Moreover, the revival of ghost eyes did not make Chen Lu feel any sense of security.

The dean saw that Chen Lu had returned to normal, and without the slightest hesitation, he plunged the knife into Chen Lu's chest.


The sharp scalpel pierced into Chen Lu's body. Chen Lu never thought that even if he regained his consciousness, he would still be hurt.

That means it's really not an illusion.

This was not an ordinary scalpel, this was Kun Chiyan's attack. Chen Lu felt his mind was in a mess, as if he was about to become a patient again.

This is the "formalism" of the dean. As long as you have the same wound on your body, then you are a patient.

But the next moment, Chen Lu also exceeded the dean's expectations.

A secluded house appeared behind Chen Lu, the door of the secluded house was opened, and a female ghost in white stood in the house, looking at Chen Lu from afar.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of gray-black light enveloped Chen Lu, and Chen Lu felt as if he had entered another dimension.

Although he was still standing in this hospital, the feeling was different.

At this moment, Chen Lu finally knew what the mechanism of Kun Chiyan's 402 ward was.

This is no illusion.

This is the real world.