
Chapter 77: The second way to die


Wang Meili caressed this beautiful ceramic pot lightly. This pot should have been placed here by someone else because it was out of tune with the surrounding environment.

"Who put it here..."

Wang Meili looked around, and on the other side of the fence, she saw an old woman walking step by step with a cane.

It shouldn't be her...

How could an old woman with limited mobility go around the fence to put the pot and then leave quickly...

Wang Meili laughed at her own thoughts, then put down the ceramic jar, then turned around and walked back to the middle seat in the vegetable garden.

She didn't notice that after she left, a black handprint slowly appeared on the ceramic jar.

Exactly the same as her palm.


Wang Meili and the others picked vegetables very quickly. They chose the dishes they wanted to eat in ten minutes and returned to the hotel.

In the hotel, Xiaopang and Brother Wang had already prepared things and set up a hot pot in the room.

There are all kinds of meat on the ground, plus other vegetables, it can be considered rich.

Everyone ate with gusto, but Wang Meili felt a little nauseous and couldn't eat.

Tonghua immediately felt Wang Meili's strangeness, and she asked worriedly:

"Wang Meili, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Wang Meili nodded, her expression was pale, her eyes drifted, and she said reluctantly;

"I have... a little uncomfortable..."

"That's it..." Zhenghuan's companions, who were still eating, looked at Tonghua, thought for a while, and then quietly said to Wang Meili:

"In this way, you go back to rest first, and I will tell the team leader to let you rest for the next action, so as not to delay the shooting of tomorrow's sunrise... "

Wang Meili wanted to insist, but she couldn't bear the pain in her head, so she nodded.

"Let's go."

Tonghua supported Wang Meili, returned to the room, and then let Wang Meili lie flat on the bed, covered with a thin blanket.

"Did you eat something wrong? Do you want to see a doctor?"

"No... no need."

Wang Meili waved her hand and rejected Flush's proposal. Even though she was pale and in a bad state, she still didn't want to drag the team down.

"There's no doctor in this deep mountain... I'm fine. Everyone took a hard time to come here, so you can't mess up your plan because of me."

"Cough cough."

Wang Meili coughed twice, her face became even uglier.

Flush straightened Wang Meili, and hurriedly urged;

"Okay, stop talking, take a good rest... I'll ask the people in the village where the doctor is later, and let the doctor come and show you."

"You may have eaten something wrong... Everything is really not going well."

Um? Everything goes wrong

Tonghua was suddenly a little curious about why he said that, but quickly threw these trivial thoughts out of his mind:

"Okay, you hurry up and rest, I'll go out first."


Wang Meili murmured softly, and then fell silent, as if she had fallen asleep.

Tonghua closed the door gently, and walked to 402 next door.

"Wang Meili is sick, don't call her after the event, let her have a good rest."

Brother Wang picked up the Coke and took a sip. After drinking, he frowned and said in a dull tone:

"Are you sick... Maybe Wang Meili is not acclimatized, so we will act with six people later."

"It's five people, how can there be six people?"

"Oh yes, five people... The five of us went to collect scenery around. I saw that the surrounding environment is pretty good, not polluted, and the photos taken are not bad."

"Remember to film it in the form of a vlog. It should be funny. It should not be too contrived, it must be natural."

"Okay, pack up, let's go."


Xiaopang was the first to respond when he was full. He looked around subconsciously, but he didn't see anyone who responded.

Strange... ... Usually, there is always someone who responds together

Why is everyone so dull today

Xiaopang scratched his head, and began to move his body to clean up the hot pot.



Wang Meili clutched her stomach, looking pained.

There was a rustling sound from the next door, accompanied by the sound of closing the door.

Have they set off yet

Wang Meili swallowed, her mouth was a little dry, but she didn't want to move because she had no strength in her body.

how so

Wang Meili felt that something was wrong. Everyone ate the same food, so why was she the only one who got sick

But this feeling is very weird... This is the feeling of strength passing.

It seemed that it all started when she touched the ceramic pot. After she left, her body became weak.

Just for a moment, she had fallen asleep, but soon woke up because of the noise from the next door.

When she woke up this time, she couldn't fall asleep again.

The feeling of emptiness in her body tormented her, and she curled up and wrapped herself in a ball.

"So sad... ... "

Wang Meili didn't even have the strength to turn around, but she felt more and more thirsty, thirstier...

so thirsty...

She felt that the water in her body was constantly losing water.

No, I need a sip of water.

Fortunately, before Flush left, he poured a glass of water and put it on the bedside cabinet.

As long as she stretches out her hand, she can reach the glass of water.

Not difficult... not difficult.

Wang Meili sighed secretly in her heart, she had to cheer herself up for such a simple matter...

She reached out to reach for the glass of water on the table.

She squinted her eyes, her eyes were distracted, and she saw three double images of the water glasses on the table.

She narrowed her eyes a little more, and finally saw the glass of water on the table.

But at the same time, she also saw her hand. hand.

Wang Meili opened her mouth, making a choking sound of surprise.


Is this Wang Meili's hand

She saw the hand, blotched and wrinkled, the skin of the arm layered together and bony.

"What's wrong with me...huh? My voice?"

Wang Meili questioned weakly, but her voice was hoarse like an elderly person, and she couldn't even feel the existence of her teeth.

What's wrong with me

Wang Meili suddenly gave birth to a little strength, she rolled out of bed, supported the edge of the bed, and walked to the vanity mirror step by step.

And it was this small stretch of road that consumed all her energy.

Panting heavily, Wang Meili looked into the mirror, but when she saw herself clearly in the mirror, she was so shocked that she couldn't breathe.

Wang Meili's face is as mottled as old tree bark at the moment, her face is drooping and she can't see her eyes. She only has one or two blackened teeth, and she is carrying her back like an eighty-year-old lady.

"'s not me..."

Wang Meili stroked her face with rough hands, her eyes filled with disbelief.

"How can I be so old..."

Wang Meili looked at the mirror again, and she was even older in the mirror.

She was aging at an alarming rate.

And if she gets old, she will definitely die...

no, do not want!

"Who can save me... help me!"

Wang Meili dragged her heavy body towards the door. She opened the door with all her strength, but this action had exhausted all her strength.

"Help me, Flush, Brother Wang... help me."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Wang Meili walked staggeringly, moving her body like an old tree, she stretched out her hand, and walked out of the room little by little.

But the aging of the body cannot be suppressed at all.

Her moisture is constantly passing away, her eyes are becoming more and more blurred, and she no longer has the strength to support her to stand.


She fell to the ground suddenly, making a heavy impact sound, and following the loud noise, her body began to turn black and rot, and in just a moment, she turned into a mummified corpse.

"Tap Tat Tat."

The old man guarding the hotel went up to the fourth floor. He looked at Wang Meili's body with a bad expression.

"Can't wait."

Can't wait.