
Chapter 82: Ghost mate


A gray-black world quickly enveloped the world, and the sky was lightly gray with rain. Behind him was an ancient house looming, and a woman in white stood in front of the door.

Chen Lu's left eye was glowing black, his right eye was wet with blood and tears, his hands turned pale, and a gray mist shrouded Chen Lu's side.

"You can can hear!"

The ghosts only know to repeat this sentence, they open their mouths numbly, repeating again and again.

Chen Lu could feel his hearing being gradually deprived, which was the result of being influenced by ghosts.

"You can hear..."

"I can hear you hammer!"

Without hesitation, Chen Lu punched Fang Fan's head. Fang Fan's head was sunken and he couldn't say a word.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding ghosts also brazenly launched an attack. They climbed out of the jar and rushed towards Chen Lu.


Chen Lu stretched out his two hands, and the Kayako puppet on his shoulders smiled strangely.

The curse fell.

Pairs of red eyes fell on the ghosts, which meant that they had been cursed by Kayako.

These ghosts didn't know what was going to happen next, they rushed towards Chen Lu blindly, wanting to assimilate Chen Lu, they walked stiffly, still muttering the same sentence in their mouths.

"It's noisy."


Chen Lu snapped his fingers loudly, and following the snap, the eyes on the ghost villager's body beat like a heart.


The jars suddenly started to vibrate, and with the vibration, a pair of pale hands protruded from these jars, silently embracing the waist of the ghost villager.


Chen Lu grinned, turned and left.

He no longer needs to look at the scene behind him, because a real man never looks back at the explosion.

The ghost villager wanted to catch up, but was surprised to find the hands embracing him.

The ghost's hand was violent, and the ghost villagers were pulled back into the jar without exception.

But this time, they couldn't come out again.

No one could spread the news that Chen Lu could hear, and Chen Lu was safe for the time being.

But Chen Lu didn't have time to rest. He immediately left from the trough and rushed to the hotel. Not everyone was like Chen Lu, and the two ghosts were top-level. They couldn't even break through the reasonable settings of the ghosts.

Chen Lu must find them quickly to avoid more ghosts from resuscitating.



Inside the hotel.

Deng Zifan came to 402 according to the mission goal, and in 402, he saw a person.

He recognized this person, he was the captain of the filming team, Brother Wang.

At this moment, Brother Wang was looking at the camera screen with a numb face, doubt and despair reflected on his face.

Deng Zifan walked into 402 gently, listening to the voice from the camera.

"Hello! I'm Fatty!"

"Hi everyone, I'm a smoker."

"I'm your old friend, Flush!



"Hello! I'm Fatty..."

The camera played it over and over again, and every time it was played, the doubts on Brother Wang's face became heavier.

"I didn't come here alone... This is not Xiaozhou Village, I obviously came to Day Xiao Village..."

"Where are my teammates? Where are they going? Why are they not in my memory?"

"No... I obviously came alone."

"No, how can I carry so many things by myself, and how does this video tape explain it?"

Brother Wang murmured over and over again, the tears on his face slid down his beard and fell to the ground.

He clearly remembered that he came alone, but why did his heart still hurt so much when he saw this video

Deng Zifan quietly walked to Brother Wang, he had to make sure that Brother Wang was not crazy.

I am Deng Zifan from the Federal Security Bureau, how are you doing now

Deng Zifan waved the note in front of Brother Wang, who turned his head numbly.

"What's up?"

Deng Zifan was startled, and immediately wrote a series of words on the paper.

Don't talk, as soon as you talk, you will be discovered by ghosts.

"Oh, so that's the case."

Brother Wang looked at the camera screen again, and this time it happened to be playing Flush's self-introduction.

"I remember... Flush was killed by ghosts because he could hear ghosts talking."

"same color... ... "

Brother Wang murmured softly, another line of tears fell silently.

Don't talk! ! !

Deng Zifan frowned, Brother Wang is not crazy now, but the situation is worse, he just wants to die now.

Deng Zifan looked around, he was worried that Brother Wang's actions just now attracted the attention of ghosts, but luckily no ghosts appeared.

Shouldn't have heard it...

Deng Zifan didn't plan to take care of Brother Wang for the time being, as long as he wasn't around, Brother Wang would stay in a daze like this, maybe it was the safest thing to do.

He should go to his teammates on other floors now and tell them this information.

In fact, after Deng Zifan entered the village, he felt a depressive atmosphere shrouded in the four of them.

His three teammates, Song Wei, Fang Xiao and Chen Chen didn't pay much attention to him.

Although there is a reason for not being able to speak, their communication with pen and paper is also much less.

They walked to the hotel silently and assigned the fourth floor to Deng Zifan.

So Deng Zifan came here alone and found Brother Wang.

Deng Zifan was about to leave when he heard Brother Wang's voice again.

"Why are you the only one who came to save me?"

Deng Zifan was taken aback, and turned to look at Brother Wang, but when he saw Brother Wang's silly eyes, he thought it was Brother Wang's murmur.

"Think about it again, will your memory be tampered with... In such a dangerous place, why... do you have to split up?"


What Brother Wang said made Deng Zifan a little vigilant, he felt that what Brother Wang said was correct.

Always be cautious.

Deng Zifan was filled with ghostly aura, and a small notebook appeared on his chest. This notebook was very thin, with only five pages left.

Now, these five pages are densely packed with words.

From the time they entered the village and saw the weird villagers, until they came to this hotel along the way.

Suddenly, there was a sentence that aroused Deng Zifan's suspicion.

"Song Wei", "Fang Xiao", "Chen Chen" and Deng Zifan came to this hotel together, they decided to split up and Deng Zifan went up to the fourth floor alone.

Why... the names of the three of them are in double quotes

Moreover, it was not until this page that the names of the three of them appeared, and Deng Zifan's own name was the only one along the way.

Something is wrong.

Deng Zifan felt that something was wrong, and footsteps sounded at the stairs.

Soon, three "persons" appeared at the gate of 402.

When Chen Chen saw Deng Zifan, he tilted his head and signaled Deng Zifan to leave quickly.

But Deng Zifan stepped back. Although the three people in front of him didn't look weird at all, they aroused Deng Zifan's suspicion because of Brother Wang's words.

Without hesitation, Deng Zifan took out "Remnants of Ghost Stories".

If ghost stories don't work for them, stop, and if they do drive them away, they're ghosts.

When they saw Deng Zifan's actions, the three people standing at the door frowned, raised their feet, and prepared to enter the room.

But Deng Zifan's voice had already fallen, the paper of the ghost story trembled slightly, and invisible ripples rippled around.

Ghost Story continued to activate the dispersal function, and the three "teammates" heard Deng Zifan's voice, tilted their heads, moved their mouths slightly, and made the same sound.

"Can you hear..."

Deng Zifan's face darkened, and chaotic memories appeared in his mind.

He began to question why he came here. The three people in front of him were obviously ghosts, but what about his teammates

Did he come here alone

Ghost stories cannot restore Deng Zifan's memory. Once the ghost stories fail, Deng Zifan will fall again.