
Chapter 83: nonsense


The words on the ghost story are constantly being reduced, and in about one minute, the ghost story will be completely invalid.

Deng Zifan is still struggling with his own mind. Although he can't remember who his teammates are, he has now tacitly accepted that he has teammates.

"I must have teammates..."

We must find a way to report...

Deng Zifan was reading a ghost story. Now that he has exposed the fact that he can hear, other ghosts will soon surround him.

Soon, Deng Zifan came up with a solution.

He picked up the video camera placed on the ground and slammed it on the stripped window.

One click, two clicks, three clicks.

With the last touch, Deng Zifan threw the video camera in his hand, and the glass made a crisp sound, which resounded throughout the village.

Blood was drawn on Deng Zifan's hand by the glass, but he didn't care. He raised the camera and smashed it against the glass again.

Seeing Deng Zifan's strong actions, Brother Wang couldn't help but say:

"It's... it's expensive..."

If it wasn't for Deng Zifan who was still reading ghost stories, he would have sprayed Brother Wang to death.

Life is gone! Also expensive!

After I go out, I will reimburse you and buy you a hundred units!

Deng Zifan didn't dare to call for help, and now this action was on the verge of hearing the rules of ghosts. If he really roared, he would be playing in the rules of ghosts.

Please...someone help me.

Deng Zifan's voice stopped abruptly.

He found that the words on the fragments of ghost stories had completely disappeared.

He has finished reading.

"You can can hear!"

The ghost's voice lingered in Deng Zifan's ears again, his ears could only hear the ghost's voice, footsteps, breathing, and Brother Wang's voice, all of which gradually became smaller.

The three ghosts had already entered the room and approached them, only a few steps away, when Deng Zifan could not hear at all, he would die.

Deng Zifan gritted his teeth and tore off the latest page of the notepad, and the three ghosts were forced to retreat.

But the three ghosts just retreated out of the room, and now they don't enter the room because of the weak repelling effect activated by the notepad.

Deng Zifan's face was ugly, and the shadow of death enveloped his whole body.

The current notebook can't restore the fragments of the ghost story. Right now, he can only rely on tearing up the notebook page by page to support himself, but when all the notebooks are used up, he will still have to die.

Help me... I will definitely have teammates.

Deng Zifan did not despair because he always believed that he would be rescued.

Never give up easily.

"You can hear me."

Deng Zifan was startled, and the ghost at the door walked in again.

Deng Zifan's hearing began to weaken again, forcing him to put his hands on the notepad, ready to tear it off at any time.

And now he only has four pages left, and he can only use it up to three times.

Just as Deng Zifan was about to tear off the notepad, a woman's voice came from the door.

"You didn't find didn't find out."

With the sound, the eyes of the three ghosts at the door were suddenly in a trance, and he looked at Deng Zifan with a trace of hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, a woman in a red T-shirt appeared at the door. She covered her mouth with her hand and made some strange and unpleasant noises.

"Let's go."

Among these ugly voices, there is also a crisp female voice.

When Deng Zifan came back to his senses, he grabbed Brother Huang, followed the woman and left 402, and went to the stairs.

After making sure that Deng Zifan had escaped, the woman also followed Deng Zifan.

"Run away, my 'nonsense' can only blur their rule judgment for a period of time, and it won't last long."

Deng Zifan looked at the woman beside him. Now that the woman didn't cover her mouth, Deng Zifan could see her lips with lipstick on her chin.

"What are you looking at? Have you ever seen someone put lipstick on ghosts?"

The woman dragged Deng Zifan and ran faster.

"Are you Qianqian?"

The three of them have reached the third floor at this moment, and they are still running wildly. There are dense footsteps behind them. It seems that the woman's "nonsense" can no longer confuse the ghosts.

"You know me?"

Qianqian was a little puzzled, but now is not the time to pursue these matters.

"My ghosts have been exhausted, do you have any more? Don't hide them."

Deng Zifan's face turned red, he didn't have any other ghosts except the fragments of ghost stories.

The previous ghosts were all consumed in the incident, and the Security Bureau didn't have so much inventory anymore, so he couldn't allow him to pay on credit.

"I still have a notepad, which can be torn up at critical moments."

"Don't be stupid, you tore that notepad and the two of us have to go backwards, just now I was at the door and you tore it back..."

There was no other way right now, they were running wildly, and although the footsteps behind them were still very loud, it seemed that they had really pulled the distance away.

There is hope for them to escape!

Thinking so, Deng Zifan ran faster and rushed to the first floor.

But soon reality hit him hard.

At the door, stood an old man. He drooped his cloudy eyeballs and looked at the three people in front of him.

With a hoarse voice, he said the familiar words.

"You... can hear."

He speaks as fast as an old tortoise, but the deafness effect of what he said is very great.

Deng Zifan and Qianqian felt that their hearing was constantly decreasing, and all the sounds around them became silent, and gradually they could only hear the old man's constant murmurs.

"You can hear... so you must die."

"Do you have any other teammates? It's impossible for the Security Bureau to send you a weak chicken in?"

"Who are you calling weak? I don't remember if I have teammates? Are you not my teammate?"

Qianqian understood that the man in front of her was completely affected.

You have to rely on yourself.

The mouth on Qianqian's chin opened slightly, and the strange and obscure voice came out again. He tried to rely on nonsense to resist the attack of the ghost.

But this time, her nonsense was suppressed.

She opened her mouth and found that she couldn't make any sound suddenly.

"It happened."

This is the last thought of the two of them now.

Even if you use the notepad, if you can't find another way to escape, you will still die...

what to do.

The two of them looked at each other, seeing despair in their eyes.

It seems... There is really no other way.

Suddenly, a drop of water fell on them.

The light rain fell in the hotel. This scene was very strange, but it made the three of Deng Zifan gasp.

With the bursts of light rain, their hearing gradually returned.

They looked towards the door, and in the darkness, a figure was vaguely printed.

"Chen Lu."

Deng Zifan thought of one of his teammates.

Chen Lu......

"Sorry, I came too just in time."

Chen Lu looked at the three people and the four ghosts in the hotel, and smiled slightly.

"Next, let me take over the hotel."

Chen Lu's right eye flickered fiercely, and the four ghosts present were enveloped by Kayako's curse.

The next moment, a pale fist hit the old man's face.