
Chapter 89: Solve the blind woman


Chen Lu could feel the battle happening behind him, so he quickened his pace and had to deal with the blind ghost woman as soon as possible.

Chen Lu got closer and closer. Along the way, he avoided many things that seemed to be curses, but in the end it was inevitable and he stepped on the curse.

Chen Lu raised his foot, and he saw a black footprint on the ground.

"Is this blind woman walking on her can even touch the floor."

Chen Lu guessed that the blind woman might have fallen while walking.

A chill from the soles of his feet interrupted Chen Lu's thoughts. Chen Lu looked up and saw the blind woman standing up staggeringly on crutches.

The items in the grocery store vibrated slightly, echoing the blind woman.

Chen Lu's ghost eyes opened slightly, and he saw a phantom walking out of the blind woman's body.

This explains the so-called delay, which is actually the time it takes for the phantom to enter the body.

Now that Chen Lu was so close to the blind woman's body, the phantom made Chen Lu grow old with almost no effort.

Chen Lu has the ability to completely erase the phantom, but now he wants to use the second method.

Avoid phantoms with domains.

His left ghost eye and right eye Kayako activated instantly, and two dolls sat on his shoulders, tilting their heads and looking ahead.

The haunted house loomed behind him, and Kayako's figure walked out of it, looking at the front complainingly.

The janitor held up an umbrella, and it began to rain faintly.

Chen Lu didn't hold back, and directly entered the gatekeeper's domain.

Chen Lu stared intently at the phantom in front of him. The phantom of the blind woman kept moving forward, and soon touched Chen Lu's gray area.

An indifferent repulsive force came from between the two, and the blind woman's raised foot was delayed.

Phantom couldn't find the target.

She couldn't enter Chen Lu's world.

The Gatekeeper's world is immune to curses.

Chen Lu's plan initially succeeded, but he remained calm because this was only the first step.

Chen Lu moved forward without pressure, and the phantom was still at a loss. Although the two were getting closer, they could no longer affect Chen Lu.

It wasn't until Chen Lu reached the door of the hut that he finally stopped.

He was only one step away from stepping into the grocery store, but at this step, he felt repulsive.

This grocery store is also considered a field.

The blind woman has figured out every place in this hut, and she knows exactly where everything is placed.

So this became her domain.

Is Chen Lu going to enter her field

After a moment of hesitation, Chen Lu stepped into the grocery store.

He had to enter this room no matter what... not only to complete the sign-in, but also the first condition to shake the ghost blind woman head-on.

Chen Lu completely entered the grocery store.

As Chen Lu entered the grocery store, the utensils in the room roared, every place here was touched by the blind woman, and countless curses wanted to be cast on Chen Lu.

Chen Lu deployed the gatekeeper's domain to intercept and temporarily resist these curses.

The domain is not invincible, and Chen Lu can clearly feel that the recovery of Li Gui is increasing.

Chen Lu's mobile phone vibrated three times in a row, telling Chen Lu that the sign-in was successful, but Chen Lu didn't have time to check it yet, and the danger was already approaching.

For now, although the phantoms around him couldn't attack Chen Lu, the blind woman could.

She started to walk staggeringly, looked ahead with empty eyes, then raised her hand and touched Chen Lu's domain.

A gust of wind blows, tilting the rain.

An inexplicable sense of fatigue appeared on Chen Lu's body, and the moisture in her body began to flow away, showing signs of aging again.

But the moment Chen Lu was attacked, he also launched an attack brazenly.

He took a step forward, ignoring the changes in his body, and punched the blind woman in the face.


The old blind woman screamed, and at the same time, the broom beside her suddenly snapped off.

Chen Lu was taken aback for a moment, but then quickly realized that he punched the blind woman in the waist again.

A kettle fell to the ground.

The ghost hand attacks the blind woman and can destroy her domain.

Although Chen Lu had already discovered this problem, his body was aging faster.

Although the blind woman was beaten badly, she was not actually affected. She attacked Chen Lu one after another, which accelerated Chen Lu's aging process.

While attacking, Chen Lu was thinking about one thing.

The task of Ghost Painting is to find the "eyes of the blind woman".

Now Chen Lu can confirm that the blind woman does not have real eyes.

The pupils of the blind woman are empty, so there must be other references.

So what exactly acted as her eyes

Chen Lu punched the blind woman again, but the blind woman was not affected too much, but the complicated objects around were destroyed again.

Chen Lu backed away from the blind woman for a while, and looked around.

Although the blind woman took so many punches, she was still alive and well, and she didn't seem to be affected. It should be that the damage was shared with the items.

Is the direction is wrong

Chen Lu thought quickly, but the blind woman didn't want to give him a chance to think. She groped with her hands again and staggered into his world.

This time, Chen Lu didn't resist anymore. He turned sideways and passed the blind woman's touch, but the blind woman still touched his domain, and his domain began to crumble.

The Blind Woman is attacking his domain...

Chen Lu's eyes flashed.

She can attack Chen Lu's domain, so can Chen Lu also

Must try.

Chen Lu raised his pale hand and slammed his fist on the table. The broken wooden table collapsed instantly, and the things on it fell to the ground.

And it was this blow that brought about a huge change to the blind woman.

Her body became older, more lifeless, and her body was no longer so natural.

it works!

A stern look flashed in front of Chen Lu's eyes, and red teardrops glistened in his right eye, falling on these complicated items.

The curse of Kayako, cursed everything in this room.

Before the blind woman could react, Chen Lu raised his hand and squeezed it lightly.

Countless pairs of little hands grabbed these old items and destroyed them mercilessly.

"It's time to disappear."

Chen Lu whispered softly, these are all items from the past, and the items from the past have become the power of the blind woman.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

There was a sound of cracking everywhere, everything was being destroyed, and the blind woman was getting old and tired.

Chen Lu finally looked at the blind woman.

At this moment, the ghost blind woman is more like a real old woman, moving slowly, like an old man in twilight.

But as long as the ghost blind woman is not imprisoned, she can still find out a domain that belongs to her again.

Chen Lu walked up to the blind woman. The curse on her body was still happening, but it was no longer a cause for concern.

He also found the eyes of the blind woman.

It was the old hands of the blind woman.

Everything about her is guided by these hands.

"Your hand... I will keep it for you in the future."

Chen Lu stretched out his hand and gently broke the blind woman's two arms.

"Well... ... "

The ghost blind woman's body dissipated, leaving only these hands. Chen Lu put the blind woman's hands into the blind box, and relied on the blind box's curse to suppress the arms.

Chen Lu had to take this box of arms back to Guihua on a mission, so he didn't intend to show it to everyone.

The beating was loud outside, but Chen Lu still had one important thing to do.

He took out his mobile phone, ready to check the sign-in rewards.