
Chapter 99: Peeping


The news of Wu Zisang's suicide came out of nowhere and gave everyone a blow.

"Didn't I ask you to protect her? Why did she commit suicide?"

Wang Ren urgently needs to know the reason. He must know that Wu Zisang's environment cannot constitute suicide.

The young man stuttered because of nervousness, and couldn't speak clearly. Seeing this, Chen Lu who was standing by the side patted him on the back, telling him not to be nervous:

"It's okay, take your time..."

The young man's throat surged, and then he finally began to explain what happened smoothly:

"When we received the order, we went to the psychiatric hospital as soon as possible, preparing to protect Wu Zisang, and we have reported to the hospital in advance, explaining Wu Zisang's situation..."

"But when we went to the hospital, Wu Zisang was already dead."

"In the toilet of the hospital, she hit her head against the toilet wall and died..."

When the young man said these words, he still had lingering fears, presumably he had seen that scene before.

"This is a photo sent back by the staff."

The young man took out his mobile phone, and Chen Lu saw the direction clearly.

This photo was taken at the door of the toilet cubicle. In the photo, Wu Zisang leaned her head against the wall on the left and knelt on the ground. Her forehead was bloody and her eyes were wide open.

Kim Jae-in asked a timely question, and Xiaonian quickly answered.

"Are you sure it was suicide instead of being hit to death by grabbing your head?"

"According to the forensic examination at the scene, it was determined to be suicide."

"However, according to Wu Zisang's attending doctor, Wu Zisang's mental state has stabilized, and it is almost impossible to commit suicide suddenly, unless he is again greatly stimulated."

Everyone in the conference room was silent, and each department had its own considerations.

Time is running out, and the remaining victims must be quickly protected and the investigation started immediately.

Wang Ren frowned, and began to issue orders one by one, and all departments left quickly to start their own work.

But Chen Lu and Wang Xiaoxiao stayed where they were in embarrassment, waiting for Wang Ren's order.

"Apart from Wang Xiaoxiao, have the other two Ghost Controllers from the Intelligence Department arrived?"

"They are already waiting in the interrogation room."

Wang Ren nodded, and then said to Chen Lu and Wang Xiaoxiao:

"Okay... Wang Xiaoxiao, Chen Lu, follow me to see Liu Li in the interrogation room."

"The purpose of this interrogation is to initially identify what the so-called invisible ghost is through the ghost womb of the ghost hunter."

This step is essential because none of the victims in this incident could tell what a ghost looked like.

There are many forms of being invisible, it may be an object that does not attract attention, it may be a creature hiding in a blind spot of vision, or it may be their own body being controlled.

So invisible is just a concept, which must be defined by professionals.

Now Wang Xiaoxiao's psychic ability can come in handy, and the other two ghost slayers are ghost slayers from the original intelligence agency of the Security Bureau.

Their task is to spy on the corner of the ghost.

Take the elevator to the third floor, where there is a special interrogation room, and the staff are already in it.

And Chen Lu also saw Liu Li at a glance.

Liu Li's complexion was extremely bad, her hair was disheveled, her eyes were misty, and the chair was not big, but Liu Li curled up in the stool and looked at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

Wang Ren went straight to the topic:

"Hi Liu Li, I am the person in charge of this case, Wang Ren."

"I know it's not your fault, please relax now, we're going to conduct some tests on you to get ghost data."

Liu Li raised her head tremblingly, her body was trembling violently, she glanced at Wang Ren, then couldn't help but look around, her body twitched from time to time.

"He's still here...he's still here."

"It's just that I can't see him...he's always by my side."

Wang Ren frowned, looked at the form, and asked the staff:

"How long has she been like this?"

"It started when I entered the interrogation room... Maybe it's because of the atmosphere in the interrogation room."

It is indeed possible.

"Then let's start directly. Her current state should not be a big problem."

"Zhang Zhang, you come first."


A handsome guy with a shaven scar on his temples stepped forward, took the staff's seat, and faced Liu Li.

And his ghost is called Ghost Mark.

Zhang Zhang stretched out his hand to hold Liu Li's hand, then took out a piece of white paper and laid it flat on the table.

"Relax, it's okay... It's safe here, let me feel the scariest thing you've ever seen."

With Zhang Zhang's communication again and again, Liu Li finally calmed down. She stared blankly ahead with empty eyes.

The skin of Zhang Zhang’s left arm bulges inexplicably, like a bug wriggling under the skin, the bulge slowly advances, and enters Liu Li’s body through the palm of his hand. After staying for a while, he walks back to the left hand, this time directly right hand.

The information obtained by Ghost Mark will be reproduced on this piece of white paper.

"Chen Lu, if you find a ghost, you can shoot directly...Be careful."

Wang Ren casually mentioned that, in fact, he also felt that the possibility was unlikely. In this building, there were quite a few ghost hunters. If a ghost were to enter the security bureau, it would definitely attract the attention of the ghost hunters.

Chen Lu nodded, he didn't find anything special.

The ceremony was still going on, but something happened to Zhang Zhang.

His right hand vibrated, but nothing was left on the paper.

After a while, Zhang Zhang shook his head.

"No... nothing found."

"My ghost marks did not capture any traces of ghosts on Liu Li.

"In other words, Ghost Mark thinks that... there are no ghosts."


Hearing this sentence, Liu Li reacted the most.

She raised her head abruptly, shock showing in her pupils.

"Just clearly said that I was attacked by a ghost, what do you mean now?"

"Are you suspecting me of murder now?"

Chen Lu frowned. She found that Liu Li's reaction to the "no ghost" was extremely excited. It seemed that as soon as she suspected that there was no ghost, she would think that she killed the person.

"No, it's not... We have confirmed that it was a ghost, and now we are just looking for traces."

Wang Ren explained aloud, but Liu Li's spirit was not normal. At this moment, she was startled and started crying again.


"Don't worry, Liu Li."

Wang Xiaoxiao spoke abruptly, she took a step forward, and grabbed Liu Li's hand. Wang Xiaoxiao looked directly at Liu Li with firm eyes.

"Don't worry Liu Li, I will definitely help you find that ghost."

"I trust you."

"Woo woo woo..."

It seemed that Wang Xiaoxiao's unconditional trust gave Liu Li spiritual support and calmed her down a bit. She stopped talking, but shrank her feet and let out a small cry.

Wang Ren seized the opportunity and dispatched a second ghost hunter.

"Sister Huan, come and try."

"Sister Huan, come on."

Wang Xiaoxiao raised her small fist to cheer, the two of them should have known each other in private.


Sister Huan stepped forward, without talking nonsense, and started the test directly.

She summoned her ghost fetus.

Ghost auscultation.

Ghost auscultation can hear the voices belonging to ghosts.

A black stethoscope appeared around her neck. Sister Huan put the stethoscope on, and then stuck the iron piece on Liu Li's chest.

Can Miss Huan hear her voice this time

Everyone breathed subconsciously and looked at Sister Huan, but after a while, Sister Huan also shook her head.

"no... ... "

Sister Huan didn't dare to speak halfway through her words, for fear that what she would say would hurt Liu Li.

But these two words already mean everything... She didn't find a ghost.

"this... ... "

They have begun to wonder... Can ghosts really be found

What the hell is this? Not even ghosts can find it.

"I come."

Wang Xiaoxiao's voice raised everyone's low morale, and they almost forgot that Wang Xiaoxiao's ghost also had this ability.

The incident in Xiaoxiao Village at that time was discovered by Wang Xiaoxiao through psychic communication.

Then this time, will she find out

Or...she can't either

"Come and try."

Wang Ren said in a low voice that these were the last three ghost slayers in the bureau who could detect ghosts. This special type of ghost stalker was hard to find, and it was difficult to survive from supernatural events.

But Wang Ren has never seen Wang Xiaoxiao's ability, so he doesn't expect much from her.

Just a little... just a little clue.

Wang Xiaoxiao didn't think about it so much, she went straight to Sister Huan's seat, sat on the chair, and looked at Liu Li.

"Liu Li, hello."

"Hello... ... "

When Liu Li faced Wang Xiaoxiao, her emotions were rarely calm. She had no expression on her face now, and just looked at Wang Xiaoxiao dully.

Wang Xiaoxiao didn't start immediately, but asked in a low voice.

"I trust you, do you trust me?"

Liu Li shook her head, she whispered:

"But...even if it's you, can you see that ghost?"

"No... ... "

Wang Xiaoxiao shook her head.

"Please trust me, and trust yourself."

"You are not a lunatic, all this is not your doing, but the ghosts around you."

Hearing Wang Xiaoxiao's firm words, Liu Li's eyes recovered a little, and it was the first time that she said something in agreement.

"good... ... "


Wang Xiaoxiao was also ready, took a deep breath, and started immediately.

This is also the first time she has actively used her ghost fetus, Ghost Shining.

Or called... Tony.

Wang Xiaoxiao stretched out the index finger of her right hand, the index finger was slightly bent, and then began to tremble.


Wang Xiaoxiao was not talking to Liu Li, but to Tony.

The next moment, Wang Xiaoxiao made a sound like a drake.


Tony responded.

The people around watched all this miraculously without taking their eyes off it.

Wang Xiaoxiao is still going on.

"I want to know what the ghost that haunts Liu Li... looks like."

Wang Xiaoxiao asked a question, and the scene fell into a moment of silence.

After a while, "Ghost Xiaoxiao" spoke:

"You don't want to know."


Those present were excited.

Because it doesn't say "I don't know", it says "You don't want to know".

"I would like to know."

Wang Xiaoxiao replied immediately, his attitude was very firm, no matter how many times he asked, she would always answer like this.

Unexpectedly, "Ghost Xiaoxiao" didn't stop her but answered directly.


"But whether you can see it or not is not up to me, but to you."

"at me... ... "

Before Wang Xiaoxiao could taste the meaning of this sentence, "Ghost Xiaoxiao" had already started to "psychic".


A TV-like electric current flashed in front of Wang Xiaoxiao's eyes, and then the screen began to flash.

These pictures are all pictures that Liu Li has experienced.

First screen:

Liu Li was in the bathroom, and there was a handprint on the bathroom door.

Not this scene... this scene has no ghosts.

Wang Xiaoxiao was extremely focused, but the picture still flashed too fast. She didn't even make a judgment, and the picture had already flashed by. In just a split second, the two pictures passed by.

Wang Xiaoxiao's heart sank, she missed two pictures that may contain ghosts... which means that ghosts may have missed it.

Next is the fourth screen:

Liu Li looked at the knife in her hand in surprise, while the roommate in front of her slowly fell down.

After the screen was played, Wang Xiaoxiao blurted out the annoyance in her mouth.

"Why not..."

The sentence was not finished, but everyone knew what she meant.

why are there no ghosts...

She still hasn't found the ghost.

Wang Ren's heart sank to the bottom, and he planned to make Wang Xiaoxiao give up.


Wang Xiaoxiao did not give up, she said firmly again:

"Let me take another look at the last picture..."

"You don't want to see..."

"Let me see!!"

Wang Xiaoxiao roared again, her hair was scattered, and even Liu Li in front of her was frightened and dazed because of Wang Xiaoxiao's crazy appearance.

"good... ... "

The hoarse voice no longer obstructed it, and it decided to follow Wang Xiaoxiao's wishes.

Wang Xiaoxiao focused on concentrating, and as she wished, she entered the psychic again.


The screen flashed by, and the channeling ended.

"see it?"

Chen Lu took a step forward and couldn't help asking, no matter what, it was impossible for him to let Wang Xiaoxiao perform psychic communication again.

Although Wang Xiaoxiao's psychic psychic does not seem to have any obvious side effects at present... But there must be side effects, but they have not been discovered.

And concealment represents danger.

He couldn't let Wang Xiaoxiao take any more risks.

Wang Xiaoxiao was panting heavily, her momentum had already weakened.

The psychic has ended, and she does not plan to enter the psychic again.

Wang Ren sighed, and opened his mouth to comfort Wang Xiaoxiao.

"It's okay, this ghost is good at hiding itself, it's definitely not your problem..."

Sister Huan knew that this was Wang Xiaoxiao's first psychic psychic, and even the recovery of the ghost fetus was not high, so the failure was expected, and she immediately comforted her:

" are already very good, we all saw the performance just now."

"I saw."

Wang Xiaoxiao interrupted Sister Huan's consolation, she was a little hoarse, but more excited.

"What... what?"

"What did you see?"

Chen Lu's tone slowed down. This kind of memory is inherently unstable. When excited, people can easily forget things suddenly.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Wang Xiaoxiao to tell her information.

Wang Xiaoxiao opened her mouth, her expression seemed not too firm, but she still expressed her thoughts after a while.

"I'm not sure either... because it's all my guesswork."

"I originally looked for information from each picture, but the last time... I gave up this behavior, and instead, I looked at the whole picture."

"And this time, I made a discovery."

"Although there is nothing strange about this picture, looking at it as a whole, I suddenly had an illusion for a moment. Looking at this picture, it was like watching..."

"Look at a dress."