Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 13: Smell empty stage


Xia Xun stayed in the corner for too long, arousing Zhi Gui's vigilance, she stepped forward slowly, and said softly:

"My lord, what do you want to do? Will this slave help you?"

Xia Xun immediately stood up:


He kicked a few times, kicking back the soil dug out by Yuzhu, covering the exposed wall.

Qi Hui was standing ten steps away from him, holding a knife hanging on his waist, and responsibly guarded him.

It is impossible for Xia Xun to bring Yuzhu back to Xiafu under the supervision of these two people, he must wait for the opportunity.

He thought of the drugs given by the barbarians.

Yuzhu refused to give up and walked back and forth along the base of the wall.

Xia Xun picked it up and went straight back to the room, pretending nothing happened.

At dinner time, Zhi returned to Bu Cai, and he asked her:

"Is Qi Yan back?"

Zhigui replied:

"My lord hasn't returned yet, but the young master is looking for something?"

Xia Xun shook her head and didn't mention it anymore.

Zhigui served him a bowl of soup, and he looked outside the house in front of her, and said:

"Except for Qi Hui, why is there no servant in the yard?"

Zhi Gui told him:

"My lord said earlier that he likes to be quiet, so my lord withdrew everyone else, leaving only the servants to wait in front of you, and Qi Hui is responsible for your safety."

Xia Xun settled down.

He pretended not to be distracted, drank a few mouthfuls of soup, then put down the spoon, and asked Qi Hui who was standing by the door:

"Where did your adults go?"

Qi Hui said that Qi Yan was invited by others and went to the banquet.

Xia Xun casually stirred the soup in the bowl:

"He is running around, why don't you serve around?"

Qi replied:

"After last night, my lord is very worried about your safety. I ask my subordinates to stay close to you and take good care of you, and..."

He looked at Xia Xun's face:

"With all due respect, in the hearts of adults, you are much more important than himself."

Xia Xun ate the dishes from Zhigui's folder, without saying a word.

When the dinner was over, Zhigui took away the dishes, and the night came completely, and the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard melted into the night.

Xia Xun let her in to make tea.

Zhigui hesitated slightly:

"Young master, drinking tea at night may make it difficult to fall asleep."

Xia Xun said: "Don't pay attention to the many things, just get the tea leaves."

She did as she was told, set the tea set on the table, and turned to look for the tea caddy.

Xia Xun tightly held the medicine bottle given by the barbarian, and while Zhigui returned to fetch tea, he quickly opened the bottle cap, held his breath, and blew on her gently.

The barbarian didn't lie to him, Mixiang took effect much faster than he imagined, but in the blink of an eye, Zhi Gui had collapsed to the ground.

The sound of her falling to the ground startled Qi Hui, and he ran in in two or three steps:

"what happened?!"

Xia Xun blocked the mouth of the bottle with her fingers and said in surprise:

"I don't know, she passed out suddenly!"

Qi Hui attached himself to check, and Xia Xun repeated his old tricks.

It took a long time for Mixiang to take effect on Qi Hui. He felt dizzy at first, so he stood up while holding his temples, and wanted to look back at Xia Xun.

Xia Xun had time to see half of his face, and the next moment, he fell heavily on the ground just like Zhigui.

Xia Xun didn't dare to procrastinate, picked up Yuzhu and rushed out, not forgetting to close the door.

In this way, if a servant accidentally came in, he would not immediately see Zhi Gui and Qi Hui lying on the ground, and it would also buy Xia Xun some time.

After leaving the small courtyard, he hugged Yuzhu tightly, and ran forward with his waist bent.

Mixiang's effect may pass soon, and Qi Yan may be on his way back home, and his time is very limited.

All the way along the promenade, there are actually servants all around.

However, it was pitch black, and Xia Xun kept stooping and walking among the bushes, using the vegetation as a cover, but no one noticed.

When he came to the corner of the wall, he put down the jade beads and took out a copper spoon from his sleeve.

This is what he just secretly hid while Zhigui was not paying attention.

He dug away the soil at the base of the wall with his hands, exposing the plastered wall, and gropedly inserted the copper spoon into the gap in the wall.

This dog hole was originally filled later, and there was a gap with the original wall. When he pried it with a copper spoon, the mud on the wall crackled and fell down.

Yuzhu became interested and let out a muffled cry, her eyes much brighter than before.

Xia Xun said to it in a breathy voice:

"Shh... don't bark, don't be found out."

Enduring the pain in its joints, it moved to Xia Xun's body and licked off the mud on the back of his hand for him.

Xia Xun praised it softly: "Good dog."

He didn't dare to breathe, and he didn't dare to stop his hands, desperately digging out the dog hole.

Not long after, the moon came out from the clouds, and under the bright moonlight, he finally pierced through the last piece of mud blocking him.

The original dog hole is completely exposed.

He sent the jade beads out first, and then got in himself.

The dog hole is very narrow, if it were him in the past, he might get stuck.

But in the days in Lingnan, he lost a lot of weight, and without much effort, he got out from the other side of the dog hole.

There is Xia Mansion.

It used to be the place Xia Xun was most familiar with.

Today, the huge house has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is mottled everywhere. There are not many tiles left on the wall, and all the walls and walls are in ruins.

Xia Xun picked up Yuzhu, took a deep breath, stepped on the broken bricks everywhere, and walked into his long-lost home.

Qi Hui was woken up by being splashed with cold water.

Agitated by the coolness on his face, he suddenly woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Qi Yan covered in blood.

He was so frightened that all three souls and seven souls were displaced, and he stood up abruptly, his eyes tearing apart:

"My lord! What happened to you?! How did you get hurt—?! Who hurt you?!"

Qi Yan's face was stern: "It's okay, these are other people's blood."

Qi Huihuan looked around, the guards who accompanied Qi Yan to the banquet were also covered in blood.

He was dumbfounded, unable to speak properly:

"How... so? What the hell is, what happened?!"

Qi Yan was assassinated on the way back to the mansion.

The assassin approached fiercely, and as soon as he got close to Qi Yan's carriage, he hacked to death the two tall horses pulling the carriage.

The guards rose up to meet the enemy, and the two sides fought quickly.

Qi Yan planned to keep a few survivors for careful interrogation, but the other party's moves were all killer moves, and they killed him.

He was forced to take action himself, and he and the guards tried their best to fight back, but in the end, none of them survived, and they all died under their swords.

Qi Yan was worried that the mansion would also be attacked, so he ordered one person to report to the officials, and hurried back with other attendants.

As soon as he entered the mansion, he ignored everything else and rushed straight to the main room where Xia Xun was.

There was blood all over his clothes. He was afraid of scaring Xia Xun, so he didn't rush into the room immediately, but stopped outside the door to watch.

The room was quiet, not even a candle was lit.

Qi Yan suddenly felt weird.

"Xia Xun!"

He called a few times, but there was no answer.

He didn't wait any longer, and pushed open the door.

Zhi Gui and Qi Hui who fell on the ground suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Qi Yan stepped forward to touch, and the two still had a pulse.

Regardless of their safety, he anxiously looked for Xia Xun in the room:

"Xia Xun?? Where are you??"

Xia Xun is not here.

The guards and servants immediately went to look for him, and they dug the Qi mansion three feet into the ground, but there was no sign of him.

Qi Yan ordered sharply:

"Wake up Zhi Gui and Qi Hui!"

Hearing that Qi Yan was assassinated and Xia Xun disappeared, Qi Hui's legs softened and he knelt down.

"It's all my subordinate's incompetence! How could this subordinate... how could he faint—?! This—"

Qi Yan suppressed the churning emotions and asked:

"What happened before you passed out?"

His voice was hoarse, with a slight tremor, worried to the extreme.

Qi Hui hurriedly said:

"This subordinate remembers that before he fainted, there was no abnormality in the mansion! The young master had just finished his dinner, and Zhigui was staying with him—this subordinate remembered! It was Zhigui who fell to the ground first! This subordinate came in to check, and turned around I felt dizzy at the waist, but in the blink of an eye, I fell to the ground! I woke up at this moment! Thinking about it now, I must have been drugged!"

Qi Yan was so upset that he clenched his hands into fists and raised them to his forehead.

Xia Xun's exile was sentenced by the emperor himself, and the emperor knew his death very well.

He didn't know if the one who assassinated him and the one who took Xia Xun away were the same group.

But he knew very well that if Xia Xun's identity was exposed, he would definitely die, and there was absolutely no chance for the second fake death to escape.

He slowly put down his hands, walked into the room, and paced back and forth.

He tried to find clues to tell him who took Xia Xun away.

There was no sign of a fight in the room, and everything was in its place, except—

He suddenly asked:

"Where is Yuzhu?!"

The servants all said they didn't know, and said that they searched the house just now, but they didn't find Xia Xun or Yuzhu.

Qi Yan stood still suddenly, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart.

It is impossible for the person who kidnapped Xia Xun to bring the dog with him.

If someone really sneaked into the Qi Mansion without anyone noticing and wanted to take Xia Xun away.

According to the situation in the house, Xia Xun should have voluntarily left with that person, and before leaving, he hadn't forgotten to bring Yuzhu with him.

There is only one person in the capital who can make Xia Xun so trustworthy.

—He Cong.

Qi Yan murmured:

"Could it be him?"

At this time, Zhigui also woke up.

Her words made Qi Yan more certain that it was He Cong who took Xia Xun away.

Zhigui said:

"Young Master insisted on drinking tea at that time, but the servant persuaded him that the night was dark, and it was easy to fall asleep after drinking tea. He told the servant to ignore it, just make tea, and the servant went to get the tea, and then, for some reason, the servant lost consciousness it's..."

Qi Yan's heart tightened.

Perhaps Xia Xun was not taken away, he may have known that He Cong would come to him tonight, so he cooperated with him inside and outside, fascinated Zhigui and Qi Hui, and took the opportunity to escape.

Qi Yan couldn't tell what mood he was in, there was only one thought in his mind.

He will never let Xia Xun leave him again.

Qi Yan's face was gloomy, and he ordered Qi Hui:

"Take someone with me, I'm going to find He Cong!"

He Cong was sitting on the bed, telling a story to his son and daughter.

His brother-in-law is getting married recently, and his wife rushed back to her mother's house to help her mother organize the wedding. These days, the children can't see their mother, so they are very attached to He Cong, their father.

He Cong didn't have half a story in his stomach to tell, and every time he took the storybook and told it according to the script, telling the good plot so boringly that people just wanted to sleep.

He is not a story-reader, the few scripts left at home were given to him by Xia Xun.

The Xia family's family education is very strict, and the children are not allowed to read these books. Xia Xun bought a few books out of curiosity, but was severely reprimanded by his father and ordered him to throw them away.

He was reluctant to throw it away and gave it all to He Cong.

He Cong held up the book and finished speaking like a sutra. When he looked up, the two children fell asleep, and no one was interested in listening.

He was not angry either, he tucked the quilts for the two little guys, blew out the candles, and tiptoed out.

Before he returned to the bedroom, the guard at the door hurried over and shouted at him from a long distance away:

"My lord! Master Qi Yan is here again! He has brought a lot of people with him! Go and have a look!"