Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 17: Yibo turn


It was a rusty kiss.

As soon as Qi Yan's lips touched her, Xia Xun bit her hard.

Xia Xun used a lot of force, but Qi Yan kissed him tightly as if he was unconscious.

Xia Xun tilted her head back, but there was a table behind her head, and there was nowhere to hide.

Qi Yan's warm breath intertwined with his, he grabbed his hand very hard, Xia Xun's arm might have been scratched and bruised.

But Qi Yan's kiss was as gentle as before, and the fragrance on his body was still Xia Xun's familiar smell.

The special smell of this expensive spice lingered in his memory for years.

Whenever Xia Xun recalls Qi Yan, the first thing that comes to mind is this smell.

It appeared in every happy or painful dream of Xia Xun, and these dreams were all related to Qi Yan.

Although Xia Xun refused to admit it, he knew in his heart that after meeting Qi Yan, he was involved in all his joys and sorrows.

Xia Xun hates the reality he recognizes clearly, and also deeply hates herself who is trapped in it.

The man had never liked him, not at all.

Struggling desperately, he overturned everything on the table, and they fell to the ground one after another, making crackling sounds one after another.

There was no movement outside the house, not even the sound of footsteps.

After the kiss was over, Qi Yan backed away slightly, Xia Xun was panting violently, eyes staring with anger.

He was out of breath and scolded regardless of his image:

"Let go! You can do whatever you want with whoever you want! Don't come to me! Let me go!!!"

Qi Yan turned a deaf ear and raised her hand to remove the hairpin from Xia Xun's head.

He asked: "He Cong gave you this hairpin? Did he also comb your hair for you?"

His eyes were crazy, immersed in Liaoyuan's jealousy.

When he thought that Xia Xun might like someone else, his heart was so sour that juice could be wrung out, and the root of his tongue was soaked with bitterness.

He couldn't hear what Xia Xun was saying.

The only thing he wants is to see only him in his eyes, only look at him, and no one else exists.

Xia Xun's hair was completely loose and spread on the table.

Qi Yan kissed him again.

Xia Xun was at a loss for what to do, and randomly grabbed something on the table. In a panic, he actually caught something for him.

— tea cone.

Before Xia Xun poured Zhigui with incense, she asked her to make tea for herself. Zhigui fetched the tea set and put it on the table, including the tea cone for tea.

After Xia Xun disappeared, the mansion was in chaos, and no one came to collect the tea sets, which had been kept here.

Most of the things on the table were pushed to the ground by Xia Xun, except for this tea cone.

The tea cone is similar to a small knife, and there is also a blade on the top, which can remove the tea leaves from the tea cake, but it is blunt.

Xia Xun didn't care about all this, she held the tea cone in her backhand and swiped at Qi Yan vigorously.

A bloodstain instantly appeared on Qi Yan's face.

He was in pain, but still refused to let go of Xia Xun. He let go of Xia Xun's lips, tilted his head and licked his neck.

The blood vessels on Xia Xun's neck jumped between his lips and teeth.

His hand went up Xia Xun's waist, stroking his back all the way.

Xia Xun couldn't bear it anymore.

He exerted the greatest strength in his life to push Qi Yan away.

Before Qi Yan could bully him again, he raised the tea cone high and swung it down heavily on his neck.

The blade of the tea cone pierced his skin, cutting a long gash, and blood flowed profusely immediately.

"Xia Xun!!"

Qi Yan's eyes were about to burst, and she rushed forward with all her might.

Xia Xun held the tea cone across her chest and roared hoarsely:

"do not come!!!"

As soon as he roared, more blood flowed from his wound.

Qi Yan was very anxious:

"Put it down! Watch out for your injuries!"

Xia Xun held the tea cone and refused to let go, as if holding the only life-saving straw:

"I don't need your pretended concern! I just want you to stay away from me! Don't come close to me!"

Qi Yan was extremely anxious, but he could still restrain his temper and coax him softly:

"Okay, okay, I'll back off, you put it down first!"

He steps back.

Xia Xun breathed a sigh of relief, slowly put down the tea cone, leaned against the table and tried to stand up.

Just when he was a little relaxed, Qi Yan suddenly stepped forward.

Xia Xun panicked and couldn't avoid it, so she rolled sideways.

The table was only so big, and he rolled it casually, and it rolled down.

He couldn't keep his balance, his body swayed, and he was about to fall to the ground.

Waiting for him on the floor were broken porcelain pieces everywhere.

If it fell on it, all the sharp tiles would dig into his back.

Xia Xun had no time to react, the only thing he could do was to turn his head and look at the tiles.

His back had been injured before, and the pain from the piercing of the porcelain fragments must have been much less painful than it was back then.

How painful can it be? It's nothing more than adding a few more scars.

Xia Xun thought this way and closed her eyes.

The severe pain he was waiting for did not come, and he did not fall on it in the end.

—Qi Yan hugged him.

He covered the back of Xia Xun's head with both hands, turned him in a circle in the air, put himself under him, and fell on the tile for Xia Xun.

That blow should have been painful, even if she was as strong as Qi Yan, she couldn't help but let out a low "huh".

Xia Xun was not spared from being injured either, and his forehead hit the chest of drawers beside him heavily.

His head buzzed, and the sharp tinnitus sounded loudly, and he couldn't retreat for a long time.

He was dizzy, his eyes went black, he was so sick that he wanted to retch, he fell to the ground unable to move, his mind was in a mess.

Qi Yan didn't help him up, he lay down on the broken porcelain on the ground, and hugged Xia Xun tightly into his arms.

He buried his head in Xia Xun's shoulder socket, and gradually tightened his arms.

"Don't go to others..." His words were mixed with too many inexplicable emotions: "Don't... like others..."

Xia Xun couldn't hear what he was saying at first, he could only feel a burst of intense pain, conveyed from Qi Yan's words, hitting him.

It took him a long time to hear what Qi Yan said.

He closed his eyes and made no sound.

His silence was expected by Qi Yan, he sat up slowly, picked up Xia Xun, and sat in his arms.

He took out his handkerchief and pressed it on the wound on Xia Xun's neck. With the other hand, he still held Xia Xun tightly.

The pain in his forehead made Xia Xun lose his strength and couldn't stand up. He leaned on Qi Yan's shoulder, half unconscious and half awake.

Qi Yan's cheek was pressed against his forehead, and he even patted Xia Xun's back with his hand.

He said softly:

"...Xia Xun, have you forgotten? Today is your birthday..."

Xia Xun opened her eyes with difficulty and looked out the window.

There is a faint ray of light in the sky, and it is a new day.

Qi Yan murmured:

"Xia Xun... you are twenty-four years old."

The blood of the two flowed together, mixed and intertwined.

Xia Xun saw something familiar in the bloody smell they emitted together.

—It was a small wooden waterwheel, only as big as a palm.

It was placed in a chest of drawers before, but the door was knocked open by Xia Xun's head, and it fell out.

It completely imitates the real waterwheel, the sprocket on it can rotate, and a bird is engraved on the top of the waterwheel.

It was the first birthday gift Xia Xun received in this life.

No one remembered Xia Xun's exact date of birth, and Xia Hongxi didn't even remember when he was born.

With an extremely vague impression, he randomly chose a day as Xia Xun's birthday.

This day, it didn't come in handy either.

Ever since Xia Xun could remember, no one had celebrated his birthday.

Xia Hongxi would celebrate the birthdays of his eldest brother, second brother, and even his sister who married out of the family. The children would also celebrate their parents' birthdays in turn.

Whether it was a birthday banquet or a gift, Xia Xun didn't deserve it.

Shao Bo once wanted to celebrate Xia Xun's birthday.

As his maidservant, she is far less rich than other maidservants in the courtyard.

Those people could afford their own money to buy presents for their masters, but Shaobo couldn't.

She can only do it by herself.

She knew that Xia Xun liked to eat pagoda leaves parfait, so she prepared the ingredients in advance. On Xia Xun's birthday, she ran to the kitchen and wanted to borrow the stove.

The women in the kitchen and the red-topped whites often do things that harm others and benefit themselves.

Seeing that Shaobo was a girl in Xia Xun's courtyard, they didn't take her seriously at all, not only refused to borrow it, but even scolded her.

Shaobo was so angry that he had an argument with them, and all the ingredients for making snacks that he had prepared were overturned during the argument.

It was Brother Xia Xun's wife who passed by by chance and helped her out.

She ordered the group of women to lend Shaobo the kitchen, and let Shaobo use the ingredients at home as he pleased.

After a lot of tossing, Shaobo lost his mind when making dim sum.

In the end, the pagoda leaf parfait was not made, only a piece of ordinary hair cake was steamed.

She returned to Xia Xun's room with the cake and told him what had happened.

While eating pastries, Xia Xun asked:

"Should I thank sister-in-law in person?"

Later he thought, his elder brother Xia Wen never wanted to see him, and he probably didn't want him to bother his wife either.

After all, my sister-in-law is in poor health and can't have children. In order to cure the disease, she has to drink the frighteningly bitter soup and medicine as water every day.

She once thought about reconciling with Xia Wen, but Xia Wen loved her very much, and she would not agree with anything, nor would she accept a concubine.

He only said that when Xia Xing gave birth to a child, he would be able to adopt one for him.

The elder sister-in-law was always kind to Xia Xun, much better than the elder sister who never turned a blind eye to him.

Xia Xun didn't want to bother her, so she gave up.

A year later, it was Xia Xun's birthday again.

At that time, he had only known Qi Yan for a few months, and he had a good conversation with him, and every day he had to go over the wall to find him.

Xia Xun thinks that Qi Yan is so good-looking, with a graceful and luxurious appearance, how could he live in such a shabby place

He often took things from the mansion to Qi Yan, and he didn't have any good things himself, but he was more particular than Qi Yan's family.

Qi Yan even broke the cup she drank tea from, and would cut her tongue if she was not careful.

The wooden waterwheel was placed on the shelf in his house at that time.

On his sixteenth birthday, he took it home as a gift from Xia Xun.

On the day Xia Xun was imprisoned, he didn't take anything with him. The wooden water cart should still be in his room.

He thought it had decayed long ago, but he didn't expect it to be placed in Qi Yan's house in good condition, not even a speck of ash fell.

Enduring the pain, Qi Yan stretched out his hand to grab it and put it into Xia Xun's hand:

"If I knew it was your birthday earlier, I would have prepared better things for you..."

His words sound like a sad sigh.