Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 22: Floating osmanthus


Xia Xun walked over slowly and sat down beside Qi Yan.

Qi Yan asked: "Which one did the master take?"

Xia Xun said it was "Yin Gong Year".

Qi Yan said:

"Zheng Boke, Duan Yuyan? Zheng Zhuanggong's mother, Mrs. Jiang, didn't like him, and favored his younger son. Later, she even—"

Xia Xun hurriedly said:

"I know what it says! Although I can't memorize it, I can understand it! Don't underestimate me!"

Qi Yan said gently:

"I didn't underestimate you, I didn't think you wouldn't understand, I thought you just didn't like it."

Xia Xun nodded repeatedly.

Qi Yan is persuasive and persuasive:

"After you read it, what insights do you have?"

Xia Xun pouted:

"I don't want to say... If I did, you'd laugh at me!"

Qi Yan repeatedly assured that he would never do it.

Xia Xun's voice was like a mosquito:

"I just think... Mr. Zheng Zhuang is quite pitiful..."

Qi Yannahan said:

"Mr. Zheng Zhuang is very talented in fighting against the outside world, how can you feel sorry for him?"

Xia Xun patted the table:

"Look! I told you you'd laugh at me!"

Qi Yan apologized to him.

With a wave of her hand, Xia Xun graciously forgave him.

Qi Yan asked:

"You haven't said yet, why do you have such sentiments?"

Xia Xun faltered and stammered:

"It doesn't seem right to say it's pitiful, that's right... I just didn't expect that my own child would be disliked by my parents... I thought that my mother didn't like me because I wasn't her own..."

Qi Yan didn't comment, nor did he laugh at Xia Xun, saying that what he said was childish.

He pulled Xia Xun's deliberately let down hair behind his ears, revealing the wound he had hidden.

Xia Xun stared blankly at him, Qi Yan's eyes were full of pity.

Xia Xun's chest suddenly felt warm.

No one has ever looked at him with such eyes, Qi Yan is the only one.

At that moment, the grievance in Xia Xun's heart disappeared, and he couldn't even feel the pain from Qi Yan's treatment of his wound.

He suddenly felt that it was no big deal to be injured, and it was no big deal to be punished to kneel in the ancestral hall. As long as Qi Yan could look at him like this, everything would be worth it.

What's more, Qi Yan was so handsome.

Xia Xun stared at him eagerly, trying to read more distress and pity from his face.

Qi Yan raised his eyes lightly, the sparkle in his eyes almost burned Xia Xun:

"What are you looking at? Doesn't it hurt?"

Xia Xun stared at the mole in the corner of his eye infatuatedly, and murmured:

"Has anyone ever told you that you look good?"

Qi Yan laughed:

"When is it, and you still say this kind of thing, have you finished copying the fifty articles that you were punished for copying?"

Xia Xun scratched her head in distress:

"Where can I finish writing! Let's turn on the lights tonight and fight at night, I don't know when I will copy it!"

Qi Yan asked again:

"Did Master tell you what the next chapter is about?"

Xia Xun recalled:

"It seems to talk about "Warring States Policy", and Chu Long said about Queen Mother Zhao."

Qi Yan sat up straight and said eloquently:

"Qin Guo's soldiers left Zhao Guo, and the Queen Mother Zhao asked Qi State for help. The King of Qi agreed to send troops, but the condition was that the Queen Mother Zhao would let her most beloved son, Mr. Chang'an, into Qi State as a hostage. The Queen Mother Zhao..."

Xia Xun interrupted him:

"I know what it's talking about! I've read it! I understand the truth, but I just can't memorize it! My brain is too weak, even if I eat the book, I can't memorize it!"

Qi Yan thought for a while, found a pen and ink, and spread a piece of paper in front of him.

He dipped the pen in ink and handed it to Xia Xun: "Write a few words."

Xia Xun exaggerated:

"You don't think I can't read, do you?!"

Qi Yan put the pen into his hand and insisted:

"Write a few words, whatever you want."

Xia Xun took a pen and wrote down Qi Yan's name stroke by stroke on the paper. One was not enough, he wrote five or six "Qi Yan" in a row.

Qi Yan smiled indulgently, and patted the back of his hand:

"Okay, okay, I don't have much ink at home, so I won't be able to write any more."

Xia Xun refused to let go.

"What's the matter, I'll bring you a few inkstones tomorrow! You gave me a gift, and I haven't returned it yet! I just took out the pen and ink, so I'll draw a goldfish for you!"

While talking, Xia Xun kept moving her hands and drew a chubby little goldfish with just a few strokes.

Qi Yan praised:

"As expected of a hand that can do woodcarving, painting is so vivid."

Xia Xun asked with some hope:

"Really? Don't you think I'm not doing my job properly? Don't you think these things are only done by lowly poor people?"

Qi Yan asked him back:

"Did your father say these things?"

Xia Xun muttered:

"These words are used by my father to scold me, and there are even worse things, I'm afraid it will dirty your ears..."

Qi Yan pursed her lips tightly, and the lines on her neck were visibly tensed.

After a while, he gradually adjusted, and said softly to Xia Xun:

"You go back, your father is in a fit of anger, and if he doesn't find you, he will throw a tantrum again. You have been obedient for the past few days, don't touch the wood carvings, and don't provoke him."

Xia Xun said "oh", and reluctantly stood up.

Before leaving, Qi Yan told him:

"You don't have to worry about copying, I will solve it for you. You will wait for me under the fence of your house tomorrow morning."

Xia Xun looked back at him.

Qi Yan's face was obviously worried:

"Be careful when you go back, don't walk here these days, don't come here before your legs get better."

Xia Xun opened his mouth to speak, but Qi Yan stopped him, and there was a sense of blame in his words:

"Your knees are swollen like steamed buns. Do you still want to turn over the wall and climb up and down the trees? These days, you have carefully applied medicated oil, and you are not allowed to come see me until the knee swelling subsides. "

In order to express her dissatisfaction, Xia Xun planned to pretend to be angry and walked out with heavy steps.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she stood up, her knees suddenly hurt, her legs softened, she fell backwards, and fell directly into Qi Yan's arms.

Qi Yan held him tightly, his hair brushed against Xia Xun's face, and his warm breath fell on his neck.

There was a nice smell on him, which Xia Xun had never smelled before.

He sat on Qi Yan's lap, looked at his face from a close distance, and breathed his unique fragrance.

His face was hot, and he thought the tips of his ears must be red.

Qi Yan supported him, and said in a good temper:

"Don't you want to wake up?"

As soon as he spoke, the vibration in his chest spread to Xia Xun.

Xia Xun didn't respond for a long time.

There is a little bit of Qi Yan on his forehead:

"Back to the soul."

Xia Xun's head popped up, bounced up, and said incoherently:

"I, I'm leaving!"

He didn't feel the pain in his knees, and he didn't feel reluctant to leave. He strode out and couldn't even remember how he got back to the room.

On the second day, before leaving for the academy, Xia Xun came under the wall as promised.

He completely forgot about Qi Yan's instructions, and climbed up the wall in two or three strokes.

The crabapple tree by the wall was in full bloom, he parted the branches, poked his head out from among the flowers, and waved to Qi Yan.

Qi Yan wanted to reprimand him a few words, but couldn't bear it.

He handed Xia Xun a stack of papers.

Xia Xun took it over and saw that Qi Yan had copied all the fifty articles for him.

Of course he was very moved, but he also felt that Qi Yan was a little silly.

"Your handwriting is different from mine, Master can tell at a glance!"

Qi Yan looked at him with a smile and asked him to look carefully.

Xia Xun looked down, and every word on it was exactly the same as his handwriting.

He was dumbfounded.

He only wrote a few words in front of Qi Yan last night, and he was able to learn his brushwork so similar that even Xia Xun himself couldn't tell the difference.

"You—you're too powerful, aren't you?!"

Qi Yan said flatly:

"Go to school quickly, this time the master will ask you again, you have to answer it with your heart. If you have any more serious insights, just tell me alone. How can those ordinary people understand you?"

Xia Xun put the copied article under her arm.

"Aren't you going to force me to recite it? If you ask me, I will definitely try my best to recite it, and I will use all my strength!"

Qi Yan shook his head:

"It's just a few articles written by people who have long passed away. Why bother to embarrass you like this? It doesn't matter if you don't memorize it!"

Xia Xun remembered that when he heard what Qi Yan said, he showed a big smile.

The wind blew, and the petals of the Begonia fluttered, falling on Qi Yan's shoulder, and one piece fell on his lips.

Taking advantage of his inattention, Xia Xun picked up the petals and hid them deep in her sleeves.

Seven years later, in the Binzhou inn, Qi Yan wrote the word "Xie", but Xia Xun really couldn't remember that he had seen this word before.

The water marks on the table slowly disappeared, Qi Yan was still handsome and handsome as before under the flower tree.

The years have taken nothing away from him.

He's much thinner than he used to be, but that just makes him tougher.

When he was silent, his whole body was enveloped by an aura of calmness and self-prestige, which was dignified and inviolable.

At this moment, under the reflection of the dim candlelight, his originally sharp eyebrows softened a lot.

In a daze, Xia Xun seemed to see him in the past again.

Qi Yan Shiran said:

"After all kinds of quarrels, Zheng Zhuanggong and his mother reconciled as before. When the two met, the mother expressed her joy in her heart and said, 'the joy is also vented', and 'venting' means happy."

Xia Xun sneered:

"No wonder I don't know you. I can't be happy in the same room with you."

Qi Yan was not annoyed, and said to Xia Xun gently:

"You lost, go to bed and sleep."

Without waiting for Xia Xun to answer, Qi Yan sat down on the quilt room on the floor by himself.

The floor was hard, and the act of sitting down must have involved the wound.

Seeing him close his eyes, Xia Xun presumably was trying to bear the pain.

He stopped looking at Qi Yan, and lay down on the bed with his back to him, covering his head with the quilt.

After a while, he couldn't bear it any longer, lifted the quilt with all his strength, and asked self-defeatingly:

"What do you want to get from me now that you are putting on all kinds of behaviors? I have nothing now, only this life left! If you want it, just take it, why bother to be hypocritical in front of me and play tricks with me! "

Qi Yan's voice sounded low:

"... It's not fake... I have never been hypocritical to you..."

Xia Xun sat up abruptly:

"Enough! You still want to lie to me now? Do you believe what you said?!"

Qi Yan was lying on the ground, covering his eyes with his arms, Xia Xun couldn't see his expression clearly.

The two stalemate in silence for a long time before he spoke with difficulty:

"There are so many things going on here, I don't know where to start, if you want to hear, I can tell you all." He took a deep breath: "... A long time ago, I—"

Xia Xun suddenly stopped sharply: "Don't talk!"

Qi Yan put down his arms and looked at him suspiciously.

He couldn't see it, but Xia Xun could see it clearly.

Right behind Qi Yan, only a few steps away from the corner of the wall, a black and gold viper poked its head out faintly.