Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 26: go at night


With tears in his eyes, Shao Bo applied medicine to Xia Xun.

Xia Xun spread out her right hand, and she picked up the ointment with a small spoon. Her hand stayed in the air for a long time, but she didn't apply it.

Xia Xun asked her what happened.

She said, "Young master, I dare not paint."

Xia Xun lowered his head and took a look. A large blister was burned out on the palm of his hand. There was still blood in the blister, which was red and frightening.

"I will do it myself!"

Xia Xun took the ointment, picked up a big lump and put it on the palm of her hand, then poured out some and applied it on the inside of the arm, where the burnt edge of the brazier was.

Shao Bo has been crying silently, she loves Xia Xun, and is even more worried about her future.

After Xia Xun finished applying the medicine, she asked timidly:

"Will the second young master come again? He, he will still want me—"

Xia Xun comforted:

"Don't worry about it! I won't agree! I'm more worried now, what about Qi Yan's birthday?!"

Xia Xun promised to celebrate his birthday a long time ago, and now there is only more than one hour left before the agreed time to meet, he must not have time to make another wooden rabbit.


Xia Xun looked in the mirror.

His jaw was so swollen that he couldn't cover up such an obvious injury. He might not be able to see Qi Yan for a few days.

Distraught, he scratched his hair and thought for a long time without a good idea.

I can only say to Shaobo:

"I can only deal with it for me. You can go to Qi Yan later and tell him...just say that the master has assigned too much homework today. I really can't spare myself and I can't keep up with the appointment. There is also his present. , I can only give it to him in a few days."

He asked Shaobo to wipe away his tears:

"Your makeup is all gone, remember to touch it up later, don't let him see the clues, his eyes are sharp."

Shao Bo nodded, and a big tear slipped down again.

Xia Xun sighed:

"Oh, don't cry! I was hurt like this, I lost the fight, I didn't cry! Don't be afraid, I won't let you be his concubine. What is he? How can he be worthy of you!"

Shao Bo pressed his eyes with a handkerchief, and said miserably:

"Young master, don't speak nonsense, this slave is just a house slave, a slave is not worthy..."

Choked up again.

Xia Xun deliberately murdered her:

"Okay! Don't cry anymore! When you go to see Qi Yan later, you have to smile happily!"

Shao Bo clutched the handkerchief, nodded, got up and went to make up.

Xia Xun looked at the wooden rabbit in distress.

He wanted to mend it too, but his hands were covered with ointment and were hot and painful.

Those tools were all burned by Xia Xing.

"Forget it!" He put the rabbit aside: "When I recover from my injury, make a new one, and then apologize to Qi Yan!"

At the time of You Shi, when it was dusk, Shao Bo dressed up properly, put on a new dress, and became the original pretty girl again.

Xia Xun repeatedly emphasized that she must control her emotions, forget everything that happened today, and don't let Qi Yan see it.

Shao Bo was puzzled and asked him why he refused to tell Qi Yan.

Xia Xun said:

"He is already down and out! Just look at the courtyard where he lives and you can see that his situation is worse than mine! Besides, what can he do if he knows? There is nothing he can do, but it will only increase troubles. Why bother?"

Shaobo's mind was full of worries, his eyes were filled with gloomy clouds.

Xia Xun couldn't stand it anymore:

"How can this expression work? Come on, smile!"

Shao Bo pulled the corner of his mouth reluctantly.

Xia Xun is dissatisfied:

"No! Laughing is uglier than crying! Come again!"

Shaobo managed to force a smile.

Xia Xun praised:

"Very good, very good, when I see Qi Yan, I have to be more natural than this."

Shao Bo regained his composure, touched the earrings and strands of hair, and walked away with the hem of his skirt.

Xia Xun held Yuzhu in her arms and waited in the room in fear, for fear that she would screw up her performance.

After about half a stick of incense, she came back.

Her expression was much calmer, and she told Xia Xun that Qi Yan was not suspicious.

Xia Xun asked anxiously:

"Then he knows I can't keep the appointment, what's his expression? Is he very angry with me?"

Shaobo said no.

She recalled:

"Mr. Qi is not sullen, but... I was disappointed to see him. He said, today is the full moon, and a crabapple flower in the courtyard bloomed. He thought it was dead, but he didn't expect it to bloom so blooming." .

"He also said... He also said that he wanted to watch the moon and flowers with you, young master. He knew that you don't drink alcohol, so he specially prepared a pot of good tea and snacks for this purpose. If you can't go, he will have to go to the moon. Going to drink alone."

Xia Xun also felt very sorry when she heard it, and asked her:

"anything else?"

She thought about it, and said:

"Young Master Qi also said that he is looking forward to your gift. After all, he hasn't received a birthday gift for several years."

Xia Xun immediately felt very guilty.

He could imagine that Qi Yan's expression when he said these words, he must be standing under the tree, with an unconcealable loss on his face.

He must have been looking forward to it for a long time, right? Unexpectedly, Xia Xun missed the appointment...

Xia Xun felt like frying in oil.

Qi Yan was honest with him, but he didn't dare to tell the truth, and even made up lies to deceive him.

If Qi Yan finds out that he has been cheated, will he ignore him in the future

The more Xia Xun thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she couldn't sit still:

"No! I have to go see him! Even if I don't tell him the whole story, I have to apologize to him face to face!"

Qi Yan was sitting under the crabapple tree, leaning against the tree trunk, stretching his long legs, with an elegant and stretched posture.

With one hand on his lap, he held the teacup to his mouth with the other.

The translucent glass cup with cracked ice was filled with a light green liquid, so Xia Xun knew that what he was drinking was wine, not tea.

The jade-pink petals fell into his cup, he didn't care, and drank the petals and wine together.

The moonlight shrouded him thinly and densely, and his whole body exuded a hazy halo.

Xia Xun called his name, and he looked back slowly.

When Xia Xun saw him, she forgot everything.

He ran over: "Qi Yan! I'm coming!"

Qi Yan was surprised:

"Why are you here? Finished your homework?"

Xia Xun said, "Sorry, I have to apologize to you first."

He handed the rabbit to Qi Yan.

"This is the gift I made for you... I accidentally dropped it into the brazier and burned it like this... Just wait and see, I'll make a new one in a few days!"

Qi Yan picked up the burnt rabbit from his palm:

"Why redo it? I think it looks good, that's all I like, this one is enough."

He looked at it fondly for a while, put it in his arms cherishingly, and said:

"Since you are here, try the tea I specially prepared for you. This tea soup is light in color and tastes—"

Xia Xun didn't want Qi Yan to see the injury on her face, and wanted to leave as soon as possible while the night was dark.

He rebuffed:

"No, no, no! I have to go to the academy tomorrow, so I'll go back and endorse!"

Xia Xun turned around and wanted to leave.

Qi Yan stopped him: "Wait."

He walked up to Xia Xun and looked at it by the moonlight, his expression suddenly changed.

"your face-?"

It was still seen by him.

Xia Xun sighed inwardly, and rubbed her chin with the back of her hand.

"Ah? Oh! This... I just fell, otherwise how could the rabbit fall into the fire! It's okay, I'll go first!"

He jumped forward a few steps as if fleeing, Qi Yan grabbed his shoulder and pulled him over.

Qi Yan's expression is no longer questioning, his eyebrows are upside down, and the anger in his eyes is ready to come out:

"Your father hit you again?!"

Xia Xun felt guilty when he watched him, and when he was not paying attention, his mouth became uncontrollable:

"No, no, it's my second brother—no, no! I fell, fell..."

Qi Yan became even angrier:

"Aren't you telling the truth?! Why did your second brother beat you?!"

Xia Xun stammered:

"I... beat him too! I, I beat his nose until it bleeds...!"

He quickly hid his right hand behind his back.

Such a subtle movement, Qi Yan still noticed it at a glance, and immediately asked:

"What happened to your hand?!"

Xia Xun pretended not to understand:

"Ah? What hand? My hand is pretty good!"

Qi Yan fixedly looked at him: "Then show me your hand."

Xia Xun didn't move, and didn't dare to look at him:

"What's so interesting? I don't have one more finger than others—hiss... it hurts!"

Qi Yan grabbed his wrist and forcibly turned his hand around.

As soon as Xia Xun cried out the pain, he immediately let go, but he had already seen the injury on his hand.

Qi Yan was shocked and angry:

"What's going on?!"

Xia Xun faltered and hawed for a long time, but couldn't make it up anymore, so he just broke the jar and told him:

"It's my bastard second brother! He's coming to find fault with me again!"

He also didn't care about the choice of words and sentences, he used a hammer here and there, he said whatever he thought of, and told Qi Yan everything that happened during the day.

After finishing speaking, he snatched Qi Yan's glazed cup, poured a whole cup of tea, drank it all in one gulp, and wiped his mouth carelessly:

"That's it! You know now!"

Qi Yan stood quietly, supported Xia Xun's wrist, stared at the wound on his palm, and did not speak for a long time.

Xia Xun felt that the wound was too ugly, and wanted to withdraw his hand, but he wouldn't allow it.

After a long time, Qi Yan asked him:

"Any other injuries?"

Xia Xun originally wanted to say no, but then she rolled up her sleeves and showed him the blisters on his arms.

Shao Bo said that burns should not be wrapped in bandages, and the wounds should be exposed to the outside to heal quickly.

Qi Yan raised his arm to look at him, grabbed his wrist, and brought him back into the house.

He rummaged through the box, found several bottles of ointment, put them side by side on the table, and took off the lids one by one to smell them.

After smelling it around, he picked out a few bottles and poured the liquid in the bottles on Xia Xun's wound at one time.

Xia Xun saw the locust leaf parfait in the food box beside her, took out a piece bluntly, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed it.

I didn't take a few bites, the injury on my chin was pulled, and I took a few breaths in pain:

"Hiss... hiss..."

Qi Yan has finished treating the injury on his hand, and is applying medicine to the blister on Xia Xun's arm.

He blamed:

"Aren't you able to bear the pain? What are you calling now?"

Staring at his face, Xia Xun laughed slowly.


The annoyance on Qi Yan's face did not retreat, the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed.

He asked in a deep voice:

"What are you laughing at? I said you, but you still laugh?"

Without any scruples, Xia Xun said bluntly:

"I know, you love me!"

When Qi Yan applied the medicine to his wound, he couldn't bear it all over his face, and his movements were extremely gentle, pouring out the medicine carefully, fearing that it would hurt Xia Xun, and fearing that there would not be enough poured out.

He was nervous, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

His expression was indescribable.

Xia Xun could see that there was pity and love in his eyes, but he couldn't understand more.

After finally applying the medicine, Xia Xun ate up a box of parfaits.

Qi Hui brought a basin of clean water, Qi Yan washed off the remaining medicine on his hands, and asked him to retreat.

Even though she was injured, Xia Xun couldn't sit still, so she ran to stand in front of the Bogu shelf, checking the ornaments on the shelf one by one.

Qi Yan looked at his back, with a thousand emotions lingering in his heart, mixed feelings.

This was the second time that Xia Xun came to him with an injury. He was so seriously injured that he still wanted to celebrate his birthday.

Xia Xun doesn't seem to hold grudges.

Obviously always miserable, it seems that he still looks innocent and ignorant of the world.

He is used to bearing all the injustices that happen to him, as if he hasn't learned to hate a person yet.

Qi Yan's heart suddenly felt sore, as if the softest part of his heart had been pricked with a thorn.

His eye sockets suddenly became hot, and he actually had the urge to cry.

Qi Yan blinked, unable to believe it.

He couldn't remember the last time he wanted to cry for someone else.

He was stunned for a while, then slowly got up and walked behind Xia Xun.

When Xia Xun heard footsteps, she turned her head and looked at him with bright eyes.

He held up his burned right hand, like a bullied child seeking comfort from Qi Yan.


Qi Yan secretly shook his head.

Xia Xun never thought of relying on anyone, he always tried his best not to cause trouble to others.

He never reveals his sadness or sadness, and he keeps all negative emotions for himself to digest.

Perhaps it is because of this that Qi Yan... treats him...

"Xia Xun, let me ask you, when Xia Xing bullied you, weren't you angry?"

Qi Yan's tone was unusually serious:

"Obviously you are both young masters of the Xia Mansion, but just because you are a concubine, he can step on your head willfully and recklessly, don't you feel resentful?"

Xia Xun thought about it for a while, then waved at Qi Yan:

"I was not smart since I was a child, my head was not bright, I hated it or not, I can't think about such complicated issues! ... And, and—"

He sneaked a few glances at Qi Yan, but hesitated to speak.

Qi Yan told him to speak up.

Xia Xun is a little shy:

"Then don't laugh at me! I just thought, if you know that I'm hurt, you will love me very much! When I think that there are still people in this world who can love me, I don't think it's a big deal! And Xia Xing also suffered My fight! Even if it's even!""

After finishing speaking, he smiled at Qi Yan, still looking cheerful.

Qi Yan closed his eyes, the urge to cry became more intense, the soreness in his heart made him unable to breathe for a few times, the wooden rabbit in his arms seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

After a while, he let out a long breath:

"Let's not talk about that, the medicine I applied to you contains borneol, which is used for pain relief. Does your injury still hurt now?"

Xia Xun didn't pat her chest like usual, trying to say it didn't hurt.

He opened his mouth, but said nothing.

After going back and forth like this several times, he seemed to have made up his mind to be the boss, took a deep breath, and said to Qi Yan with a blushing face:

"I'm still in a little pain. If... if you could kiss me, I might not be in pain..."

The more he talked, the lower his head became, and in the end, it was almost buried in his chest.

Qi Yan didn't respond for a long time.

Xia Xun couldn't bear the awkward silence, stood up abruptly, and walked out.

"I was talking nonsense just now! You forget it quickly! I have to go back quickly! Otherwise, I won't be able to recite it all—"

Qi Yan grabbed his sleeve, Xia Xun stayed on the spot, not daring to look back.

Qi Yan said softly: "I heard it all, and I can't forget it, what should I do?"

Xia Xun was as stiff as a rock, motionless, her face was flushed, her eyes were tightly closed and she dared not open them.

He heard the sound of cloth rubbing behind him.

Then, a warm kiss fell on his lips.

Xia Xun suddenly opened her eyes wide, and all she could see was Qi Yan's face, which was very close.

—Qi Yan kissed him.

Xia Xun stared at him blankly, her eyes staring blankly.

Qi Yan stepped back a bit, blinked at a very slow speed on purpose, and then asked him with a smile:

"How is it? Does it still hurt?"

Xia Xun was stunned for a while, then suddenly "slapped" her face, and ran away in a panic like a bird.