Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 28: Heng Gaomu


Xia Xun looked at Qi Yan.

Even though he bandaged it tightly, the wound on Qi Yan's shoulder was still oozing blood, and the strip of cloth torn from Xia Xun's sleeve was soon soaked in blood, turning black and red.

If Xia Xun ignored him and left him, he would faint due to excessive blood loss.

If the pursuers arrived at that time, he would surely die.

But what if Xia Xun took him with him

If the pursuers came after them, they would still die.

No matter what you think, Xia Xun should leave him alone and go to the villages and counties ahead alone to seek protection from the government.

At least he survived.

Xia Xun clearly thought so.

When he came back to his senses, he had already pulled Qi Yan up from the ground and carried him behind his back.

He grew a little taller, Qi Yan was only half a head taller than him, but he was a circle bigger than him, fell into a deep coma, his whole body was very heavy, and weighed heavily on him.

The country road is wet and soft, and it is very difficult to take advantage of it.

With Xia Xun on her back, every step she took left a deep footprint on the muddy dirt road.

He walked very slowly.

He wanted to go faster, he clearly tried his best to stride, but his speed didn't increase.

After walking a few steps, Qi Yan on his back slowly slipped down, he had to stop, lift his back a little higher, and walk forward.

After tossing and tossing like this for several times, Qi Yan was jolted awake by him.

He was seriously injured and bleeding, and he was still in the mood to make fun of Xia Xun:

"Just you, reciting the Fa... Even the dead can be awakened by you..."

Xia Xun was exerting all his strength, his teeth were clenched, his cheeks were sour:

"...Stop talking nonsense! Come down and walk yourself if you have the ability!"

Qi Yan chuckled into his ear, his breath made Xia Xun itch, and almost threw him down:


Before he could get angry, Qi Yan fainted again.

Xia Xun raised her head, looked at the shady tree crown above her head, took a breath, and continued to move forward.

With his eyes fixed on the ground, he moved forward step by step, relying entirely on instinct.

There were birds chirping in the forest, and the wind blew across his face from time to time, beads of sweat slipped from his forehead, and fell on the ground, wanting to break into eight petals.

Xia Xun couldn't feel anything, the only thing she could hear was her own heavy breathing.

He is very tired.

His body is not as good as before. At the age of sixteen, he might be able to walk like flying with Qi Yan on his back.

But now, he can only move forward with hunched back and endure the stabbing pain from his back.

Xia Xun walked for a long time, but did not leave the woods.

In a trance, he wondered if he had lost his way and kept walking in place.

It wasn't until a stream appeared in front of him that he dared to believe that he was really walking forward.

Qi Yan didn't know when he woke up again. He raised his trembling hand and rubbed Xia Xun's forehead with the back of his hand, which was covered with sweat.

"Take a break..." He said angrily, "You... tired..."

Xia Xun didn't intend to listen to him:

"I... can still walk!"

Qi Yan didn't say a word, her arm fell heavily on Xia Xun's shoulder.

Xia Xun looked at him sideways, his eyes were sunken, his face was pale, his lips were puffy, and his expression was extremely indifferent.

Xia Xun had seen this expression on her face before, it was only seen by people who were seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Qi Yan could hardly hold on anymore.

Xia Xun put him by the stream.

He wanted to put down Qi Yan slowly, but he lost his strength, his whole body went limp, and he fell to the ground together with Qi Yan.

He was dizzy from the fall, and his tinnitus continued, and it took him a long time to get up.

He couldn't believe that his physique was so poor.

He helped Qi Yan, let him sit with his back against a big tree, took a handful of clear water, and brought it to his mouth.

The cold stream flowed between his fingers and between Qi Yan's lips.

Most of the water flowed away, only a little soaked Qi Yan's lips.

Qi Yan closed his eyes, licked them lightly, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"Did you... give me something good to drink...?"

Xia Xun picked up another pinch of water and poured it into his mouth:

"Delicacy from mountains and seas, cooking gold and jade."

Qi Yan smiled with his nose.

After pouring two pinches of water, the amount that flowed onto Qi Yan's clothes was far more than what he drank.

Qi Yan raised his trembling hand, trying to take out something from his bosom, stretched out his hand a few times, but couldn't even open his clothes.

Xia Xun tore off his clothes and groped in his arms:

"what do you want?"

He touched something cold and hard.

Qi Yan said: "...that's it."

Xia Xun took it out, and it turned out to be a jade belt hook.

He asked: "What are you doing in your arms if you don't wear it on your belt?"

Qi Yan was dying and said:

"This trip should not be too ostentatious... Before I left, I took it off..."

He looked up at Xia Xun, trying to focus his distracted eyes on him:

"You take it... let's go..."

Xia Xun has no expression on her face:

"With it, I can't go faster, what's the use?"

Qi Yan shook his head lightly:

"Take it, go back to Lingnan... This thing is enough for your travel expenses..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell into a coma again.

Xia Xun looked at the jade belt hook in her hand.

It is exquisite in workmanship and engraved with two dragons. It is worth a lot at first glance. If you take it to pawn, I don't know how much silver it can exchange for.

Not to mention the travel expenses back home, it should be enough for Xia Xun to go back to Lingnan to buy a big house.

Xia Xun carefully tucked it into her belt, then carried Qi Yan on her back, and continued walking.

Xia Xun is not a good man and a believer, nor does he want to be a living Bodhisattva.

He just wanted to send Qi Yan to the government, let the county magistrate take him in, and find a doctor for him.

When Qi Yan is delivered to the county government, he will find another opportunity to leave.

This time, he didn't go for long.

The breeze in the mountains brought the sound of horseshoes, and Xia Xun realized that there were pursuers coming.

This path was extremely remote, and he had walked for so long without even bumping into a single living creature.

At this time, the sound of galloping horseshoes could only come from the backup of the group of Baiyue people.

No matter how fast Xia Xun walked, she would definitely not be able to go as fast as them.

It's not that he has never thought of hiding in the forest, but the trees here are very strange, the branches and leaves on the canopy are quite dense, and the trunk is thin and long, even a cat can't stop it.

Xia Xun looked around, feeling a little desperate.

They are here to kill him, and they probably won't let Qi Yan go.

Xia Xun could guess the reason for their murder, but she really had no way of knowing who instructed them.

He is not afraid of death, but he also does not want to die in an unclear way.

Looking down at her feet, Xia Xun suddenly thought of something.

Before leaving, he deliberately took it with him, but he didn't expect that it would come in handy one day.

On the night of Yuzhu's death, a mysterious Hu man gave him a bird whistle.

He told Xia Xun that this whistle cannot be heard by humans, only birds can.

He also told him that as long as he thinks about it, he can blow the whistle, and he will come no matter the ends of the world.

Now Xia Xun is far away in the north of Binzhou, a hundred miles away from the capital, can he still make it there

For some reason, Xia Xun was very sure that he would definitely come.

Because Xia Xun gradually realized that, unlike the Baiyue people, the target of the Hu people was not herself, but Qi Yan.

When Qi Yan went to Lingnan, the Hu people followed him all the way to the capital.

He has a clear grasp of Qi Yan's whereabouts, he must know that Qi Yan has left the city.

It is thousands of miles from Lingnan to the capital, and he followed. Qi Yan went to Qingzhou, how could he not follow

Xia Xun stood where she was. Amid the sound of approaching horseshoes, she took out the bird whistle, took a deep breath, and blew it down vigorously.

There is no sound.

Ripples appeared in the treetops, and the wind swept away the fallen leaves at his feet. The Baiyue people who came on horseback appeared in sight, and he could even hear their voices.

Other than that, nothing else.

Did he guess wrong

Qi Yan slipped from his back and fell to the ground, Xia Xun no longer had the strength to carry him on his back, her knees gave way and she knelt beside her.

Immediately, the Baiyue people were talking.

They said that they would cut off their heads and send them to the capital to claim credit. Not only would they not be punished by the lord, but they would also receive a large bounty.

Xia Xun knelt on the ground, panting up and down.


He thought in a daze, the person who instructed them was actually in the capital.

He really wanted to turn around and see the faces of those people clearly. He wanted to figure out who killed him.

Could it be that being decapitated in the field is how he and Qi Yan died

Will Qi Yan's beautiful head be separated from his body, and then gradually rot

Xia Xun imagined that scene blankly, oblivious to the changes in the outside world.

He didn't realize that a person came out from the dense forest not far behind him.

On the shoulder of the man was a black crow, and he was holding a machete carelessly in his hand.

This kind of weapon from the Western Regions is gorgeously decorated, with several rubies inlaid on the golden scabbard, even in the shadow of trees without sunlight, it is still too dazzling to look directly at.

Xia Xun felt the sudden pause in the conversation of the Baiyue people, and slowly raised her head, only then did she see him.

He was radiant, smiling at Xia Xun, and Xia Xun knelt down on the ground like a tired old camel, gasping for breath.

He asked Xia Xun, "Have you thought about it?"

Xia Xun said out of breath:

"These people are here to kill Qi Yan... If you still want his life... you can solve them for me..."

The Hu man looked behind him and asked him, "How do you know I'm around?"

Xia Xun lowered her head:

"How about, wait until you get rid of them... I'll answer your question..."

He thought for a while, drew out his knife, and walked slowly behind Xia Xun.

Xia Xun closed her eyes and covered her ears, not wanting to hear him murder.

Hu Ren's sword skills were very good, and the expected screams did not come. Xia Xun only heard a few muffled groans, followed by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

After a few breaths, he stood in front of Xia Xun again.

Seeing the blood on his blade, Xia Xun was sure that he just went to kill a few people instead of picking two flowers in the garden.

Xia Xun stared at his knife in a daze, and the barbarian asked triumphantly:

"How is it? Isn't it beautiful?"

On the blade, intricate patterns are engraved.

But Xia Xun's focus was not on this, his head was in a daze, his eyes went black, he couldn't see anything, and he couldn't hear anything.

Hu people thought that Xia Xun was looking at his scimitar, but in fact, he was just trying not to faint.

Xia Xun expected that Qi Yan would be of great use to the Hu people, so she asked him for help.

But Xia Xun was also worried that if he lost consciousness, would he take the opportunity to take Qi Yan away.

In this chaos, Xia Xun can guess who's intentions, only the person in front of him, whose whereabouts are a mystery, he can't understand no matter how he looks.

There was a sudden "buzz" in his head, and Xia Xun knew that he was about to faint.

He reached out and grabbed the corner of the barbarian's clothes, exhausted his last strength, and said to him:

"Don't kill Qi Yan... If you kill him, you won't get anything..."

Throwing down these words, Xia Xun tilted her head and fell heavily to the ground, unconscious again.