Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 31: Painting Loufang


Qi Yan was half lying on the bed, and returned to the weak look when he was still injured.

Chen Jingyin looked at him worriedly, her face full of distress:

"I came out of the house in a hurry, and I didn't bring any wound medicine! Did the doctor say that I was short of any medicine? I'll go buy it for you right away! Ah, no... I didn't even bring any money..."

She was downcast, and after a while she cheered up again:

"I still have the jewelry on me! I can trade them for medicinal materials!"

Qi Yan said softly:

"Miss Chen, you don't need to worry about it. You will have everything here. Please return to Beijing immediately. County Lord Chen must be very worried about you."

Chen Jingyin bit her lower lip, tears were about to flow out.

"Leave me alone, hurry up and heal your injury! Looking at your current appearance, it's really..."

After a pause, he said:

"You don't have to worry about my father. He has encountered some troubles and errands recently. He is always sad and unhappy, or he hides in the study and sighs. I can't help him, and he doesn't have time to think about me."

Qi Yan replied a few more words, but Xia Xun didn't want to listen any more, turned around and left.

Xia Xun understood.

Qi Yan pretended to be weak on purpose, just to arouse Chen Jingyin's sympathy, so that he could get news about County Lord Chen from her.

He used to treat Xia Xun in the same way.

Qi Yan's attention was always on Xia Xun.

As soon as Xia Xun left, he immediately noticed that when he was talking with Chen Jingyin, his peripheral vision had been sticking to Xia Xun's back.

It wasn't until Xia Xun disappeared from sight that Qi Yan reluctantly looked away. He was a little dazed, and Chen Jingyin called him several times before he came back to his senses.

Xia Xun fled to the edge of the pool, staring at the goldfish at the bottom in a daze.

Zhi Gui followed half a step behind him, in a trance.

The two had their own concerns, and neither of them spoke.

Not long after, Chen Jingyin came out from Qi's banquet room.

Qi Hui was going to take her and the young man to rest in the other side room, passing by Xia Xun, Chen Jingyin walked straight towards him:

"Young Master Xia, Lord Qi said that you saved him from the assassin? You are so brave, I admire you very much!"

Xia Xun calmed down, and said lightly, "He lied to you."

Chen Jingyin froze, not knowing how to answer.

Xia Xun picked up a few fallen leaves and sprinkled them in the pool, attracting goldfish to peck them.

He asked bluntly: "Why do you like Qi Yan? Because he is good-looking?"

Chen Jingyin's face turned red.

She opened her mouth, faltering, and stopped talking.

After a long time, she turned her head and said to Xia Xun with a blushing face:

"Then I'll tell you, don't tell anyone else!"

Chen Jingyin is the daughter of the Duke of Chen County.

Unlike the sisters who were born in the first place, she has the title of princess, she has nothing, at most she can be regarded as a lady of a wealthy family.

There are many wives and concubines in Chen County, and there are many children. There are only two daughters from the concubine, but there are a lot of concubines.

The infighting between these daughters began at a very young age.

Chen Jingyin's mother was not a noble concubine, she came from an ordinary family, she was simple, she had no bad intentions, she was not favored by the mansion, and no one hated her.

Chen Jingyin was different.

She has been beautiful since she was a child, and when she grows up, she is even more beautiful than her sisters born in the first place.

Those two were conferred the title of princess, and their status was higher than hers, so naturally they didn't take her seriously.

Not necessarily others.

Openly ridiculed, secretly stumbling, Chen Jingyin has encountered many.

She has a generous and tolerant personality, never takes such trivial matters to heart, never gets angry, and doesn't intend to take revenge.

After a long time, everyone saw that she was not fighting or grabbing, and felt that it was meaningless to bully her, so they let her go.

A few months ago, she encountered a catastrophe.

When she was burning with anxiety and panicked, it was Qi Yan who rescued her.

Chen Jingyin said:

"At that time, my eldest sister was married to the queen's nephew. My father ordered all the sisters in the mansion to sew her wedding dress and make flower hairpins for her. The job I was assigned was to make flower hairpins. In fact, the craftsmen had already done it. The base of the hairpin is so pure gold, I just need to make a few silk flowers and decorate it, and it's done.

"This is the first time for me to encounter such a grand occasion. I dare not neglect it. I stayed up all night to make the biggest main flower. I showed it to my aunt just after dawn. She was very satisfied and praised my craftsmanship as the best in the house. , and rewarded me with a box of pearls for the first time.

"Three days before the eldest sister got married, it happened to be my father's birthday. There were a lot of guests at the house banquet, and many family members came. As the masters of the family, we naturally have to entertain them with all our heart. I will accompany my aunt and them in the courtyard. Enjoy the flowers."

After looking at the flowers for a while, Chen Jingyin's concubine sisters suddenly mentioned the silk flowers she made.

They said that her craftsmanship was exquisite and the silk flowers she made were luxurious and magnificent, a style they had never seen before.

The mothers-in-law and aunts were very curious when they heard it, and Chen Jingyin's aunt ordered her to fetch it for everyone to comment on.

Chen Jingyin didn't dare to disobey, went back to the room, and carefully fetched the bride's hairpin.

She hugged the wooden box containing the hairpins tightly, and walked lightly towards the garden, walking like walking on thin ice.

Before reaching the gate of the garden, those sisters suddenly appeared in front of her, insisting that there were butterflies on her head and wanted to chase them away for her.

Several people circled around her, fanned her head non-stop, and beat her hair with handkerchiefs.

Chen Jingyin was cautious, dodging in a panic, and said respectfully:

"Good sister! Don't bother me! Watch out for the hairpin in my hand!"

Unexpectedly, the sisters got even worse, not only didn't stop, but even started to pull her sleeves.

Chen Jingyin couldn't cope, she lost her grip, and the wooden box in her hand fell to the ground with a clang.

The bottom of the box was split in two, not to mention the flower hairpins inside. The silk flowers were scattered all over the floor, and the heads of the gold hairpins were crooked.

The faces of the older sisters suddenly changed, and they all accused Chen Jingyin, saying that she had caused a catastrophe and ruined the eldest sister's wedding, and that she had long been dissatisfied with her first-born sister and had deliberately broken her hairpin just now.

They kept talking, one of them pressed Chen Jingyin's shoulder, and wanted to escort her to complain in front of her aunt.

Chen Jingyin was so frightened that her face turned pale. Looking at the scattered silk flowers, she was so frightened that she even forgot her own name, and was pulled and dragged by several people, and dragged far away.

Seeing that the incident was about to be exposed to everyone, a man's voice suddenly sounded from the other side of the roadside hedge.

"I heard everything you did just now."

The flower fence was taller than a person, and the girls couldn't see the speaker's face clearly. After a short period of panic, the leading woman spoke first, and she asked sharply:

"This is the inner courtyard! As an outsider, how dare you trespass? Be careful, I will have you tied up! Send it to my father!"

The man said calmly:

"You guys are so busy bullying my sister that you don't even look at the road? Take a good look and see if this is the inner courtyard."

Only then did the older sisters care to look up at the road.

Just now they were busy dragging Chen Jingyin away, they didn't notice for a while, they had already walked to the outer courtyard.

The visitor said again:

"I don't know why you framed her, but I can tell you that once your aunt finds out about this, she will not let her go, let alone you. Miss Chen is married, and she married the queen's nephew , The big thing, was actually disturbed by the few of you? Guess, which one of you will be let go by the uncompromising Mistress of the Chen family?"

The sisters just wanted to take the opportunity to teach Chen Jingyin a lesson and suppress her prestige, but no one had ever thought deeply about the consequences of this incident.

After being told the truth by the visitor, everyone was speechless, and felt scared after realizing it, and the domineering arrogance faded in an instant.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

The man said lightly: "It's none of your business here, as long as you keep your mouth shut, I have my own solution."

The sisters looked at each other and quickly reached a consensus.

The main culprit in this matter was Chen Jingyin, she should have shouldered the responsibility, and now there are still people who are willing to take the lead for her, they are happy to watch the show.

They knew it in their hearts, and they left Chen Jingyin without making a sound, and left in a rush, as if nothing had happened.

Chen Jingyin sat slumped on the ground, wanting to cry but no tears.

Seeing the rest of the people leaving, the man appeared from behind the hedge.

Chen Jingyin looked up and said in surprise, "Master Qi Yan? Why is it you?!"

Qi Yan raised her eyebrows and asked, "You know me?"

Chen Jingyin nodded slightly, a little shy.

"My little girl, my little girl once had a relationship with an adult...My lord, I probably don't remember it."

Qi Yan looked at her, and then at the silk flowers that had been broken all over the floor. He didn't ask her why she was being bullied, and said to her directly:

"Listen, when you go to visit your mistress in a while, you say that Huachai is your sister's wedding crown, which is extremely precious. After thinking about it, you always think that it needs to be kept properly. This time, you will not show it to everyone. After three We will see the outcome of the wedding banquet in the future."

Chen Jingyin said blankly:

"Even if I prevaricate today, I will not be able to make a new one in three days..."

Qi Yan said calmly: "Have you ever heard of Xiu Nu Rao Bi?"

Raobi is a well-known embroiderer in the capital. She specializes in female red embroidery, and is especially good at making silk flowers. The silk flowers made by her hands can be said to be the best in Beijing.

When the queen married the eldest princess, she was specially invited into the palace to make the silk flowers on the phoenix hairpin for the princess.

Chen Jingyin must have heard of such a person, she nodded repeatedly:

"… certainly."

Qi Yan said: "I will ask Raobi to make a new flower hairpin for you, and within three days, I will ask her to deliver it to you."

Chen Jingyin couldn't believe it:

"But, but my little girl heard that Rao Bi has a weird personality. If she doesn't like someone, even if she promises a lot of money, she will never sell her embroidery. How about Mr. Qi—"

Qi Yan said indifferently: "I have some relationship with her, she will help you."

A few months later, in the small county government office north of Binzhou, Chen Jingyin stood facing Xia Xun with burning eyes.

She said to Xia Xun:

"Master Qi did not break his promise. Only two days later, I received the flower hairpin made by Raobi. Her craftsmanship is far better than mine. To this day, I still remember those few silk flowers. It was from then on. Since then, I have liked Mr. Qi so much that... I can't care about anything else!"