Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 34: Long day and evening


Xia Xun was lying on the bed, her forehead was burning hot.

His hand hurts, or rather his entire left side hurts.

His body seemed to be split in two, one half was placed in the fire and was burned by the hot flames, while the other half pulled away and left, lying on the bed, tightly hugged by Shao Bo.

Shao Bo sat on the footrest, holding Xia Xun's right arm. She changed the wet towel on his forehead countless times. The water in the towel got on Xia Xun's hair and flowed down the scalp.

Shao Bo kept patting the back of his hand, telling him that it was all right, someone would come to rescue him soon, and he would be relieved of pain soon.

In fact, Xia Xun didn't cry out for pain, he didn't even make a sound, he just endured the pain silently, just like many times before.

He hoped that this excruciating pain would pass as soon as possible, he gritted his teeth and tried not to make a sound.

Shao Bo patted him for a while, seeing his expression was still very painful, his heart was anxious for a while, and tears started to roll in his eyes again.

She left her parents when she was very young, and was never coaxed or cared for.

She didn't know what else to do to relieve Xia Xun's pain.

She silently shed a few tears, and suddenly remembered a memory hidden deep in her heart.

That was the only memory of her mother in her mind.

At that time, she was still very young, as if she was sick, and was held in her mother's arms.

Mother gently rocked her and sang to coax her.

She sang, it should be Hu people's nursery rhymes.

Shaobo couldn't remember the lyrics, but vaguely remembered the tune.

She knelt down on Xia Xun's bed, imitating her mother, holding Xia Xun's head in her arms, and humming the song softly.

Her voice was out of tune and her breathing was uneven, but this was the last way she could think of.


She wiped away tears.

She has another way.

Xia Xun just didn't agree with Xia Xing taking her as a concubine, so she desperately protected her. If she went to Xia Xing and said that she was willing to be his concubine, Xia Xing might be able to let her invite a doctor.

As soon as this thought came out, it lingered in Shaobo's heart and became more and more determined.

She thought that if Qi Yan didn't come for a long time, something might happen to her. She couldn't wait any longer. If she waited any longer, Xia Xun would die.

Since childhood, Xia Xun has been the best person to her. .

For him, she can do anything.

She put Xia Xun down carefully, jumped out of bed, ran to the mirror, and tried her best to dress up.

It was raining heavily outside the house, mixed with lightning and thunder, she didn't realize it, and rushed to the courtyard door in the rain.

"Open the door! Open the door! I'm going to find the second son! Open the door!"

Even though she slammed the door loudly, no one responded.

Shao Bo looked out from the crack of the door, and the guard who was standing outside was no longer there.

Distraught, she cried out:

"How can there be no one?? How can there be no one?! Someone open the door for me! Come, someone! Open the door for me!!!"

She called several times, but no one answered. When she was extremely anxious, she suddenly saw the guard.

It turned out that the man didn't walk away, but fell to the ground. His figure was blocked by the threshold, so Shao Bo didn't see it.

Shaobo was startled and frightened:

"This is—?! Wake up! Wake up! Get up and open the door for me! The young master is going to die!!"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded:

"Shaobo, back off, I'm going to break open this door."

— It's Qi Yan!

Shaobo was overjoyed, and hurriedly backed away, one of them lost his footing and fell to the ground.

She didn't care about the pain, she fell back with both arms and legs, to make room for Qi Yan.

With a loud bang, the locked courtyard door opened, and Qi Yan, leading Qi Hui and the butler, appeared in front of her like divine soldiers descending from heaven.

Shaobo burst into tears:

"Young Master Qi! You are finally here!"

The three of Qi Yan were wearing coir raincoats and black cloth masks covering their nose and mouth, only showing their eyes.

Under the leadership of the housekeeper, they entered Xiafu through the side door and touched the outside of Xia Xun's courtyard.

Thanks to Xia Hongxi, there are not many people left in the mansion, and it can be said that they can travel smoothly all the way. .

The guard outside the courtyard gate was also knocked out by them. Qi Yan originally hoped to find the key from him and unlock the door.

I searched all over him, but couldn't find it.

At this time, the housekeeper reminded that there is a back door in the small courtyard, and I am afraid there are people guarding it. It is better to deal with that person first, so as not to disturb him later and cause more trouble, and that person may have a key.

A few people ran along the wall to the back door, but there was no one there, the original guard might have followed Xia Hongxi into the mountain.

Several people stopped staying and quickly returned to the front door.

Qi Hui found a thick log used as a fence in a nearby flower garden, and the three of them used it to knock open the door together.

Qi Yan hurriedly asked Shao Bo:

"No time to talk, where is Xia Xun?"

Shaobo hurriedly answered:

"Inside the house! He's badly hurt!"

Qi Yan rushed in without looking back:

"I know! Otherwise, what would I do?!"

He ran to Xia Xun's bed, startled by the horrific burns on his hands.

But he quickly regained his composure. He took off the obstructing coir raincoat, carried Xia Xun on his back and ran out quickly.

Shaobo followed closely behind.

Qi Hui entered the room, kicked over the wardrobe, overturned the candlesticks, dropped a few teacups, took out the sack, and poured all the valuables from the shelf into it.

He had to act like a thief in order to let the housekeeper do his job.

Qi Yan had already arrived outside the courtyard. He had already discussed with the housekeeper, let the housekeeper stand still tonight, and report to the officials tomorrow morning, saying that thieves broke into the mansion, robbed valuables, and also robbed Xia Xun.

The butler is still a little apprehensive:

"But... I always feel that Xia Hongxi is not so easy to fool, just in case—"

With Xia Xun on her back, Qi Yan stepped into the rain without hesitation:

"You can rest assured, when Xia Hongxi comes back, he has absolutely no time to worry about Xia Xun's affairs!"

Shao Bo and Qi Hui followed him closely and disappeared into the night together.

Looking at her left hand, Xia Xun gradually withdrew from her memories.

His burns were healed, and his life was still alive, but his left hand was burned too badly. After it healed, the skin on the palm was tightly huddled together. For a long time, his fingers could only maintain a curled up posture, unable to straighten.

Or after he arrived in Lingnan, in order to survive, he did a lot of work and often needed to use his left hand.

Over time, the skin slowly stretched, and his fingers were finally able to open.

However, his hands became very ugly, covered with hideous scars, much weaker than his right hand, and unable to do fine work.

So, he has for many years, not made wooden trinkets.

This was obviously his greatest hobby when he was a child, but now he can no longer do it.

When Xia Xun was in a daze, Chen Jingyin had already left and returned to the wing.

It just so happened that Xia Xun needed to find Qi Yan for something.

He returned to his room.

Qi Yan was talking to Qi Hui, Xia Xun was straightforward and asked:

"How do you plan to deal with County Lord Chen?"

He was startled, waved his hand, let Qi Hui go out first, then turned his head and said to Xia Xun:

"It's not how I deal with him, how to convict him depends on His Majesty's will. The power of the sky is unpredictable, and I have no right to interfere."

Xia Xun said again:

"Then let me ask it another way. If His Majesty wants to deal with Duke Chen, what will happen to his children? Especially... what will happen to Chen Jingyin?"

Qi Yan looked up at him, the expression in his eyes was hard to discern.

He didn't answer directly, but said: "Mr. Chen committed a serious crime."

Xia Xun asked persistently, "Worse than my father's crime?"

Qi Yan said word by word:

"It's a much bigger crime than Xia Hongxi's."

Xia Xun murmured in a low voice:

"Then Chen Jingyin will definitely not be just exiled. She likes you so much, but it's a pity... have you thought about the way out for her...?"

Qi Yan's face darkened, and his expression suddenly restrained.

"No." He said very emphatically, "I don't care if she likes her."

Xia Xun was silent.

Qi Yan closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I never do things sloppily, and I never even think about my own future, let alone other people? The only time in my life that I look forward and backward is to—"

He shut his mouth and said no more.

Xia Xun shook her head subconsciously, and asked with a sigh:

"I have a question. I asked it before, but you didn't answer it. Now I'll ask you again... My second brother Xia Xing, did you kill him?"

Qi Yan's sharp eyes shot at him.

Xia Xun averted his eyes and did not meet his gaze.

He thought Qi Yan would not answer.

Unexpectedly, after a long silence, Qi Yan actually admitted:

"… Yes."

Xia Xun raised her head suddenly, with a look of disbelief:

"Why? When your parents passed away, he was just a child. Could it be that he also had a grudge against you?"

Qi Yan's expression was complicated, as if there was something unspeakable.

Xia Xun was dazed for a moment, and asked him:

"Are you going to tell me that you killed him for me?"

Qi Yan's eyelids twitched.

The death of his parents made Qi Yan's heart cry and he didn't want to think about it.

His vengeance against the Xia family was another insurmountable gap between him and Xia Xun.

He had planned to bury the details in his heart and never bring them up again.

For the rest of his life, he just wanted to try his best to make up for Xia Xun. He didn't dare to have too many extravagant hopes. He only hoped that the two of them could return to how they were before.

I never thought that Chen Jingyin would appear on the way.

Qi Yan knew why Xia Xun always mentioned her.

Because she is very similar to Xia Xun.

Qi Yan thought so too.

That's why he rescued her in the first place.

Qi Yan didn't have the slightest affection for Chen Jing, all the affection and love in his life disappeared with Xia Xun's death.

After Xia Xun's death, he felt that he was just an empty shell of paper. Because of his endless attachment and longing for Xia Xun, he barely lived in this world.

After Xia Xun returned to him, no one could understand his feelings.

A sentence of "lost and found" is not enough to explain one ten-thousandth of his state of mind.

Now, facing Xia Xun who was recalled by Chen Jingyin, Qi Yan made up his mind.

Gathering his mind, he said quietly:

"Not exactly, I will kill him sooner or later, but because of you, I have brought his death forward."

Xia Xun was right. Xia Xing was just a child when the Qi family had an accident.

Sometimes, children with evil intentions can do terrible things.

Xia Xing back then was such a little boy.

Qi Yan has an older brother. After their parents were framed and imprisoned, the two brothers had a chance to escape, but because of Xia Xing, the two were arrested and returned.

The elder brother died tragically, but Qi Yan survived by luck.

When mentioning Xia Xing, Qi Yan's eyes burst into flames:

"Xia Xing's heart was vicious when he was young, but when he grew up, he became even more vicious. He was able to use such a vicious trick to hurt you so badly! Tell me, can I spare his life? I only hate that I let him die so easily Already!"

Xia Xun had never seen such a Qi Yan.

He was full of resentment, and there seemed to be endless pain and regret in his chest, which made him burn every day.

Xia Xun asked in a daze: "Xia Xing... what did you do?"

His voice trembled.

The author has something to say:

The next chapter is about to enter V. After entering V, it will continue to be updated daily. The full-text subscription is expected to be no more than three yuan. Thank you to everyone who sees this. Whether you leave or stay next, I sincerely thank you all ,bow.