Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 36: Flower shed


Chen Jingyin had an unreasonable trust in Xia Xun, she said to him:

"My father raised a barbarian caravan in his mansion, and he often went to the Western Regions to do business for him. I have seen them a few times, but they just looked at them from a distance and never spoke."

Xia Xun asked again: "Do you know their names?"

Chen Jingyin nodded:

"They all had long names, some of which I can't remember, but they were all from the same family, so they all had the same surname."

She paused and said, "They are all surnamed Fu Meng."

Xia Xun's expression didn't change, he thanked her:

"Thank you, Miss Chen, I wish you... a smooth life."

Chen Jingyin smiled cheerfully:

"Why are you so serious? I'm going to go around the street and buy some food for Mr. Qi. He drinks medicine every day, and his tongue must be numb!"

She departed with the young man who had accompanied her.

Looking at their backs, Xia Xun clenched the bird whistle with her hands hidden in her sleeves.

That night, when there was no one around, he found a hidden corner and blew his whistle again.

This time, Fumeng Tancha came even faster. As soon as Xia Xun put down his hand, he appeared on the fence, looking down at him from a high position:

"Do you remember what I said last time? This is your last chance."

Xia Xun looked up at him, and answered the wrong question: "I know who you are."

Fumeng Tancha smiled contemptuously:

"Of course you know, I told you my name myself."

Xia Xun shook her head:

"It's not just your name, I know you're from Lord Chen."

Fumeng Tancha was taken aback for a moment, then grinned brightly.

He jumped down from the wall, swung his scimitar, and slowly walked up to Xia Xun:

"What are you talking about? Duke Chen is not the only enemy of Qi Yan, you can't just say that I belong to Duke Chen just because I want to kill him?"

Xia Xun continued:

"You belong to County Lord Chen, but you want to kill Qi Yan, but it's not for County Lord Chen."

Fumeng Tancha shrugged and said indifferently: "Whatever you say."

Xia Xun said to herself:

"On the surface, you are a businessman hired by Mr. Chen, but in fact you are a killer he secretly supported. Over the years, you and your companions have done many dirty things for him. The assassination of Qi Yan is one of them. Qi Yan Going to Lingnan before the banquet, Lord Chen was worried about the exposure of the jade mine, so he sent you to follow him all the way.

"When you arrived in Douzhou, you found that Qi Yan had met me, so you investigated my identity. You know that my surname is Dong, and that my brother and I are ordinary businessmen. That's why you said that you knew me in Lingnan. .

"Since you have been following Qi Yan the whole time, you will know that he only stayed in Douzhou for a few days and never went to Chen County Lord's mine. Even if he became suspicious, he would not be able to obtain any substantive evidence. The only thing he brought back to the capital was me."

Xia Xun spoke faster and faster:

"If you report this information to Duke Chen truthfully, he will never kill Qi Yan. After all, assassinating an official of the court is a felony, and he will not choose to do so unless it is absolutely necessary. So I guess, you must lied to him.

"You lied to him, saying that Qi Yan found the evidence, and I was the witness he brought back to the capital. Qi Yan kept me under strict protection, so that one day he would bring me before the emperor and state the crimes against County Lord Chen. County Chen Seeing that the fire could not be covered by paper, Gong simply cut the weeds and rooted out the roots, and ordered people to kill me and Qi Yan together, so as to prevent future troubles forever.

"Your task is to assassinate Qi Yan, while my life is entrusted to his subordinates far away in Lingnan. The county magistrate did this for nothing more than to interfere with the line of sight and cut off the connection between the two of us. Otherwise, I really can't figure out why Baiyue people come to kill me all the way, after all, I have a special status, and if I want to die, there is obviously an easier way, unless County Lord Chen doesn't know who I am at all."

After finishing speaking in one breath, Xia Xun let out a long sigh.

He closed his eyes and looked at the grass where he was, where a few crickets were chirping.

He asked Fumeng Tancha:

"Tell me, am I right?"

Fumeng Tancha didn't think so, and asked him:

"What you're talking about is all speculation. Why would I do that? I have no grievances with Qi Yan, so why would I lie to hurt him?"

Xia Xun hesitated and said:

"This is also something I haven't figured out. Let me say it casually, and you don't have to take it seriously. I guess you want to use Qi Yan's death to get away, and you don't want to do the murder and arson for Mr. Chen anymore. , you deliberately instigated him to kill Qi Yan, and in turn, used Qi Yan's death to blackmail him and let him let you go."

Fumeng Tancha's expression froze.

Although it was only for a moment, it was still captured by Xia Xun.

He said softly: "I guessed it."

Fumeng Tancha fell silent, his face became extremely gloomy, and the knife in his hand stopped shaking.

He released killing intent, and asked sullenly:

"You know so much? Should I kill you?"

He said he was asking Xia Xun, but in fact he was already ready to kill.

Xia Xun didn't care, and looked at him calmly:

"I came to you to tell you a way, a way for you to get rid of Mr. Chen without any effort, do you want to hear it?"

Fumeng Tanza stared at him intently:

"Are you so kind? What are the conditions? Just say it."

Xia Xun looked at him calmly:

"Don't worry, after listening to what I said, see if this method is really useful. If it is useful, I hope you can do me a favor."

Xia Xun told him that it was the emperor's will to investigate Lord Chen, and he had long wanted to use this excuse to eradicate Lord Chen.

Even if Qi Yan did not find evidence, as long as the emperor ordered a thorough investigation, the crimes of County Lord Chen would be exposed sooner or later.

Fumeng Tancha didn't need to kill Qi Yan, he just had to wait for a while, and County Lord Chen would be convicted in a short time.

When Mr. Chen is imprisoned, he will be free to leave without being controlled by anyone.

"How? Is this method very effective? Is it much better than what you thought?"

Fumeng Tancha's face turned pale, and he asked doubtfully:

"You didn't make it up to lie to me to protect Qi Yan, did you?"

Xia Xun said calmly:

"Believe me, I have nothing to lose. If the situation does not develop as I said, County Lord Chen is still standing. You can come and take my life or Qi Yan's life at any time. Isn't it easy for you?"

Fumeng Tancha thought for a long time, and finally decided to trust Xia Xun for the time being.

"Forget it, let's assume that what you said is true, I will not kill Qi Yan, but you can remember, if you lie to me, I will never show mercy to you."

He thought for a while, then said:

"You are young, and you have such a deep mind. You can deduce so many details with just such a little information, and you really hide it. I think you are better than Mr. Chen."

Xia Xun's expression was cold, showing no emotion:

"Because you are unprepared against me, and answer all my questions, so that I can take advantage of it."

Fumeng Tancha gave him a sideways look:

"Why do you feel that there is something in your words? Forget it, tell me this, what do you want me to do for you? Let me tell you in advance that it's too much help, and I won't help you."

Xia Xun took a deep breath and said resolutely:

"I want to go back to Lingnan, can you send me back?"

Fumengtancha looked surprised:

"You have arms and legs, why don't you go by yourself and have to be sent? You are not a little girl! Could it be that Qi Yan won't let you go?"

Xia Xun said:

"This is the first one. Second, the people of Mr. Chen may hunt and kill me along the way. The third and most important point is that I have no money and no travel expenses."

Fumeng Tancha tilted his head and sneered:

"Okay! I need to prepare for a few days. Mr. Chen is suspicious. He is afraid that I will take the money and do nothing. He will send someone to follow me and watch me. After I get rid of them, I will help you with this!"

Under the moonlight, he drifted away.

Xia Xun turned and walked into the room.

In fact, he did not tell the truth, he is not penniless, he still has the jade belt hook given by Qi Yan.

It's just that Xia Xun has other uses for it, and it can't be used as travel expenses.

Zhi Gui waited for him in the room.

Ever since she came to this county government office, she has been restless and restless.

He wanted to talk to Xia Xun several times, but he hesitated several times.

Previously, Xia Xun hadn't had the energy to pay attention to her strangeness.

Now, he could finally have a good talk with her.

Xia Xun took out Qi Yan's jade belt hook, put it on the table, and said to her:

"Zhigui, you accept this, and when you arrive in Qingzhou, you can leave."

Zhigui turned pale with shock:

"Young master! What are you talking about? This servant is a servant of Qi Mansion, where else can I go? It's because this servant is not serving you well, do you want to drive me away?"

Xia Xun slowed down her tone, trying not to look so aggressive:

"Zhigui, you are not from Qingzhou, right? Your ancestors should be of Hu people's blood. Besides, you are the one who revealed the whereabouts of me and Qi Yan to Chen County Lord's subordinates, right?"

Zhigui's appearance is typical of people from the Central Plains, but Xia Xun saw her up close, and her pupils are very light, which is clearly a characteristic of Hu people.

Zhigui was dumbfounded, and after a while he recovered his voice and said incoherently:

"Your maidservant, your great-grandmother is indeed Hu Ji, and you have really sharp eyes, you have discovered all of this... However, this servant girl has never been in contact with the Duke of Chen County, and her status is humble, so how could she know such a big man? I am afraid , I'm afraid it's because the slaves are joking!"

Xia Xun said lightly:

"If someone hadn't informed you, how could those Lingnan people have caught up with our carriage in such a short period of time. Except for Qi Hui, the only one who knows where he and I are going is you. Qi Huining would not betray even if he died. Qi Yan, so the person who informed you can only be you."

Zhigui was dumbfounded:

"Young master... you... you..."

Seeing her panicked look, Xia Xun understood most of it:

"You don't need to excuse yourself. I didn't come here to ask the teacher to blame me. I just want to prove my idea. Is it right? Now it seems that it is you."

Zhigui lowered his head slowly, and clenched his fingers tightly.

After a long time, she gave up on herself and said:

"Young master guessed right... it was indeed done by the servant girl..."

Zhigui told Xia Xun that just before Qi Yan left for Qingzhou, a barbarian found her and asked her to find a way to go with Qi Yan and report Qi Yan's whereabouts to him on the way.

Zhigui refused to agree at first.

But the man promised a lot of money, and he used Zhigui's blood to speak out, saying that she was obviously a descendant of the Hu people, but she was willing to be a slave to the Han people, which shamed her ancestors.

Zhigui didn't recognize the ancestor of the barbarian, but there was something in that man's words that really hit her.

After thinking hard all night, she agreed.

That day at the Binzhou Inn, after Qi Yan decided to divide his troops into two groups, she secretly wrote down the direction Qi Yan was going on a note and threw it under the table.

This is the contact method taught to her by the barbarians.

Xia Xun thought to himself, this person must be Fumeng Tancha.

He was so supernatural that he was able to overcome many barriers and bribe the servants of the Qi Mansion.

Later, Qi Yan and Xia Xun were caught up by the assassins.

"After Master Qi was seriously injured, the servant could not regret it. She was so ashamed in her heart that she couldn't eat and sleep because of the guilt! The young master has already guessed that the servant can finally let go of this tone. How the young master wants to deal with the servant, the servant recognizes it. There will be no complaints! I just beg you not to tell my parents about my death, I kowtow to you!"

She made a gesture to worship.

Xia Xun stopped her:

"Who said I want to kill you? What do I want your life for? I just don't understand, why do you do this? Qi Yan has always been generous to his servants, and the monthly money and reward silver you usually get will never be less, how come?" Would you betray your master for a few taels of silver?"

Zhigui shed tears and said to Xia Xun, crying:

"Because... I don't want to be a slave anymore!"