Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 39: Sprinkle machine


Xia Hongxi ran out in a panic.

Xia Xing was already in shackles, and when he saw him, he shouted for help:

"Father! Save me quickly! Father! The prison in Dali Temple is not a place for people to stay, you can't let them take me away!!!"

Xia Hongxi rushed to the Shaoqing of Dali Temple and hurriedly said:

"My lord Shaoqing, my son has always been obedient and obedient. He is an official and works hard. How could he commit a crime?! There must be some misunderstanding in this! Sir Shaoqing, please be careful!"

Shaoqing stood in awe and said indifferently:

"I'm just acting impartially, so I ask Lord Xia not to interfere. Besides, it's His Majesty's will to arrest Xia Xing. Is Lord Xia going to resist the order?"

Xia Hongxi hastily explained:

"I don't dare! It's just... what crime did the child commit? Please tell Master Shaoqing!"

Shaoqing snorted coldly, shook out the edict and read it to him:

"When Xia Xing was appointed as the judge of Water Transport, he used his power for personal gain, secretly profited, enriched his own pockets, and the evidence was conclusive. He was arrested by Dali Temple and brought to justice, and he was interrogated strictly."

Xia Hongxi's face turned pale after hearing this, and he was speechless for a long time.

Shaoqing closed the edict and asked him:

"Master Xia, do you still have any objections?"

Xia Hongxi trembling lips: "This, this..."

Shaoqing turned around quickly:

"Bring Xia Xing back to Dali Temple!"

The prison in Dali Temple is gloomy and cold, without even a bed board, only a few clumps of straw scattered here and there.

The straw was made many years ago, the branches and leaves have long since dried up, and the pillow hurts a lot under my body.

In Kusama, occasionally there are mice running past squeaking.

The mice here did not know what they had eaten, and they were all shiny and shiny, even more radiant than the prisoners in the prison.

Before Xia Xing came in, he couldn't have imagined that there is such a dilapidated place in the capital.

It was also the first time he saw such a big mouse. At first, he thought it was a weasel.

The big mouse is not afraid of people. When it sees a new prisoner in the cell, it moves close to him and keeps smelling him.

Xia Xing was frightened to death, jumped up shouting, and shrank in the corner of the cell.

Unexpectedly, there was a beetle nest in the corner. He stepped on it, and the beetles ran away in all directions. The scene was extremely terrifying.

Xia Xing's scalp exploded, and he burst into a scream for the first time in his life, rushed to the railing with his head in his arms, and shouted outside:

"Help! Let me out! Help! There are mice here! And bugs!!!"

No matter how hoarsely he shouted for help, no one outside answered.

Unwilling to give up, he shouted again:

"Aren't you going to interrogate me? Interrogate me now! You don't need to go to prison, I will say anything! As long as I can be released, I will tell you all the bad things my father has done!"

Still no response.

This is the method used by Dali Temple to interrogate prisoners.

The inmates who have just been imprisoned always have a little bit of luck, thinking that if they are not recruited to death, or if their family members are active outside, they will be released from prison safely.

After three days in prison, no matter what thoughts they have in their hearts, they will be gone. When they are interrogated at this time, they will often know everything and say everything.

No matter what Xia Xing yelled, no one would answer him for the first three days.

Xia Xing yelled non-stop, until his throat was broken, and in the end, he could only sit down in the straw pile in frustration.

After experiencing one blow after another, he couldn't help feeling sad, hugging his knees and curling up into a ball, as if he had really been wronged.

When Qi Yan came in, he saw such a scene.

Xia Xing heard the sound of footsteps, jumped up, ran to the railing with hands and feet together, and said to Qi Yan while holding the railing:

"You are from Dali Temple? Interrogate me quickly! I will recruit anything! I can tell you everything my father has done! As long as you, as long as you can change me to a cell! I don't ask for anything else, no A mouse will do!!"

Qi Yan looked at him indifferently, with contempt in his eyes.

"Xia Xing." He said softly, "I haven't seen you for so many years, and you are still as despicable as ever, which is disgusting."

Xia Xing looked bewildered:

"Who are you? Did you know me before?"

Put on a fierce face again:

"Despicable? What are you? Dare I say that I am despicable? My father did it by using the water transport to seek personal gain secretly! What have you got to do with me? I have been law-abiding all my life and have never done a bad thing! If I am despicable, the world will There are no good people left!"

Qi Hui raised his eyebrows: "You?! You are really brazen!"

Xia Xing was confident and confident, and asked him:

"I am shameless? What bad things have I done?? You said it!"

Qi Hui was so angry that he took a step forward, Xia Xing deliberately showed his face to him:

"What? If you can't make sense, you have to do it? Come on! Hit me! You have the ability to kill me! If you can't kill me, wait until I get out and see how I deal with you!"

Qi Hui pointed to his nose:


Qi Yan stopped him and said softly:

"Why do you need to talk too much with him? A waste like Xia Xing can't speak human words."

He didn't care about Xia Xing being despicable, and calling him a waste, he stood up suddenly as if his lung tube had been poked, and roared at Qi Yan:

"You are a waste! I have more gold, silver and jewelry in my house than you have eaten! What are you?!"

Qi Yan looked at him calmly: "What am I? Take a good look, who am I?"

At the beginning of Xia Xingqi, he felt that he was playing tricks and ignored his answers:

"I don't care who you are? If you want to be tried, go to trial, if you don't, get out! Don't bother me!"

Qi Yan wasn't angry, didn't speak, and just stared at him.

Xia Xing's back felt chills when he watched him, and he couldn't help raising his head to meet his eyes.

After a while, his original cynical expression suddenly changed, becoming serious and serious, and slowly, a panicked expression appeared again.

"You, you are...?!" Xia Xing couldn't believe it: "You are—Qi Yan!!!"

Qi Yan smiled slightly:

"So you still remember, I thought, you have long forgotten our brothers."

Xia Xing was terrified and terrified, and said tremblingly: "You... aren't you dead...?"

Qi Yan shook his head lightly:

"Did you remember correctly, it wasn't me who died, it was my ten-year-old brother."

Xia Xing slumped on the ground:

"You... Didn't His Majesty order you to never enter Beijing?! How, how could you—how could you be here??"

Qi Yan said lightly:

"Look, you misremembered again, the person who ordered me not to be an official was obviously the late emperor."

Xia Xing desperately shook his head, his voice trembling:

"Impossible... This is impossible..."

Qi Yan knelt down slowly and looked at him level:

"So afraid of me? It seems that you feel ashamed of me? You know what you have done, don't you? Unfortunately, you didn't have to die so early. Who told you to be with your vicious mother and want to With such a despicable trick."

Thinking of Xia Xun, Qi Yan's emotions finally had some ups and downs, and he asked coldly:

"Why? Why do you want to kill Xia Xun? Why do you always bully him? He is just an insignificant bastard, why do you hate him so much?"

Xia Xing was taken aback, and asked:

"You know Xia Xun? How do you know him? He never walks—"

He suddenly thought of something, and suddenly clapped his hands and laughed loudly:

"Haha! I got it! I got it! Hahaha!"

Qi Hui cursed: "Shut up!"

Xia Xing's wild laughter took a long time to stop.

He wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said maliciously:

"So he is your internal agent? Does he hate our Xia family, so he cooperates with you internally and externally to bring us down?? This heartless little bastard! I knew that he is just like his mother, an unfamiliar white-eyed Wolf—ah!! What are you doing?!!"

Qi Yan pulled out the dagger hidden in his sleeve, and stabbed Xia Xing's arm with a knife, leaving a blood hole as deep as the bone.

Without waiting for Xia Xing to react, he suddenly drew his saber.

Xia Xing clutched his wound and rolled on the ground in pain, cursing as he rolled:

"Bastard! You bastard! How dare you hurt me! When I get out, I have to skin and dismantle you! Dismember your body!"

Qi Yan's eyes were cold, like the most indifferent poisonous snake in the dark, he pulled Xia Xing's clothes and wiped the blood on the dagger with his clothes.

"Stop shouting, before you die, let me ask again, why did you kill Xia Xun?"

Xia Xing gradually stopped cursing, he stopped rolling, lay down on the ground, gasped and said:

"You want to kill me? I'm's not that easy! I'm a prisoner in Dali Temple. I haven't been interrogated yet. I died in prison for no reason. They won't...don't investigate! By then, I will!"

Seeing Qi Yan's eyes, he shut his mouth abruptly.

Qi Yan's eyes were full of disgust, it was an expression that would only be shown when looking at a dead person.

Xia Xing then knew that Qi Yan really wanted to kill him.

The fear of losing his life suddenly captured him, and after a short period of timidity, he suddenly broke out:

"What Xia Xun? It's just a bastard born from a lowly prostitute! He deserves the surname Xia? Our Xia family raised him, let alone make him a scapegoat, just want to kill him, and kill him if we say so! Return the wheel Unless you, an outsider, intervene! Even if you kill me, he will not survive! His hands have been burned by me long ago! Now that he is robbed by gangsters, he may have been torn apart a long time ago, and he is dead! "

Qi Yan nodded slowly, stood up while leaning on the fence, and looked down at Xia Xing:

"You are still the second son of the Xia family who killed my elder brother for your own personal revenge. You are indeed Xia Hongxi's son. I wanted to kill you with one blow, but now that I think about it, that kind of death would be too pleasant for you. "

Qi Hui understood what he meant, and cut the chains that locked the cell door with a single blow of his sword.

Xia Xing retreated again and again:

"What are you doing?! Come on! Help! Someone is going to kill me!!!"

The prison was silent, and the only thing that could be heard was the echo of Xia Xing's call for help.

Qi Yan walked into the cell, pacing and approaching him:

"Haven't you ever thought about who reported to His Majesty that you were negligent and secretly seeking profit? Have you ever thought that His Majesty will let you out alive after arresting you?"

Xia Xing pressed against the corner of the wall:

"You can't kill me! You, you—you dare! My father is Xia Hongxi! You!?"

He suddenly thought of something, and his eyes widened:

"Wait! And... and my father?! You still want to kill my father!"

Seeing Qi Yan approaching, Xia Xing was so frightened that he desperately begged for mercy:

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I can also be your insider! You let me out, and I will help you collect my father's crimes! I promise, no matter whether you kill him or kill him, I will never report to you. You take revenge! As long as you let me live, I can do anything!"

At this time, he didn't care about his identity anymore, and kowtowed to Qi Yan on his knees, the ground made a "bang bang" sound.

Qi Yan looked at his distressed appearance, sneered, and said softly:

"Leave these words underground and tell my brother."

He grabbed Natsu Ging's hair and lifted his face forcefully.

Qi Hui immediately handed over a small medicine bottle, Qi Yan took advantage of Xia Xing's powerlessness to resist, pulled off the bottle cap, poured all the medicine in the medicine into his mouth, and then threw him heavily on the ground.

Xia Xing kept pinching his throat, trying to spit out the medicine.

Qi Hui handed a handkerchief to Qi Yan, Qi Yan took it, and wiped the hand that had touched Xia Xing's hair.

What Qi Yan gave him to drink was a poison called "Qianji", this poison would cause convulsions all over his body and cause him to die.

The poisoned person's neck begins to stiffen first, and then the whole body begins to convulse. If he wants to move or talk, it will cause the convulsions to become more severe.

In the end, the poisoned person's limbs will convulse and arch, and the head and feet will be pressed together.

At that time, they will suffocate and die in pain.

Even after death, the corpse will still remain in a state of convulsions, and the death looks extremely grim.

The effect of pulling the machine took effect very quickly, and Xia Xing's body began to twitch uncontrollably.

Qi Hui stood between him and Qi Yan:

"My lord, the person who drank the lead machine died in a miserable state. You should wait outside first, and report to you after confirming that Xia Xing is dead."

Qi Yan stood still:

"I've been waiting for so many years. I've been waiting for this day. I must watch him die in front of me. Otherwise, how can I be worthy of my brother who died so tragically?"

Without blinking, he stared at Xia Xing until Xia Xing passed away in the cell in a terrifying gesture.

Qi Yan was as motionless as a mountain, and he didn't even breathe more than usual. The way he looked at Xia Xing's corpse seemed to be looking at a mass of dead flesh.

"Let's go." He finally spoke.

Qi Hui supported him, and the two walked out of the dungeon together.

Outside the prison, the moon was sparse, and the cool night wind was blowing on Qi Yan. Under the moonlight, he slowly stood still.

Qi Hui said to him:

"Don't worry, son, everything has been taken care of. Tomorrow the jailer will report that he committed suicide out of fear of crime. It has absolutely nothing to do with us."

Qi Yan exhaled wearily, but he didn't see any joy of revenge:

"This is just the first step. The next step is Xia Hongxi."

Qi Hui comforted:

"The grass has already been hit, and the snake is also startled. We simply follow the plan, and maybe it will be smoother than the previous plan."

Qi Yan shook his head:

"I'm not talking about that, I'm worried about Xia Xun's injury... Forget it, go back, Xia Xun should change her medicine."

In the vast night, the two rode on their horses and left without leaving a trace.