Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 41: Dark dust intrusion


Xia Xun was not prepared.

Are these Fumeng Tancha's people? Is this what he is going to make

more importantly…

Did Qi Yan already know about it

"You... when did you see it?"

Qi Yan was very indifferent, as if not worried about himself at all.

He said to Xia Xun:

"Yesterday, I felt something was wrong. When I came here today, I saw the location of the Tongchang tea room, and I felt a little bit."

He smiled and asked:

"Did you find the people outside? They really didn't do things carefully enough. There were traces of their horseshoes on the mountain road outside, and a can of oil was broken at the entrance. You can tell the smell as soon as you smell it. It was used to wipe the bowstrings." Oil."

Xia Xun was shocked:

"You have already seen it? Then why do you still come in? Why do you want Qi Hui to leave your side?"

Qi Yan clenched his left hand tightly:

"Seeing that your hands can move freely now, I am really happy. I was injured before, and you carried me to the county government. I am very satisfied... If you want to kill me, just tell me. Why go to such trouble?"

Xia Xun's heart was beating like a drum, and all the blood in his body was pouring into his brain. He could no longer think.

He heard himself say:

"I didn't intend to kill you. I just wanted to leave. If you let me go and let me go back to Lingnan, people outside will naturally not hurt you."

Qi Yan shook his head: "I can give you my life, but as long as I live, I will not let you go."

Xia Xun was in a hurry and said angrily:

"Why?! I just want to leave! Is this hard for you?!"

Qi Yan looked at him fixedly, and said without thinking:

"It's hard. It's more painful for me to watch you leave than to kill me."

Xia Xun was tongue-tied: "You—!"

Qi Yan raised his hand and touched Xia Xun's face with his fingertips, his movements were full of nostalgia.

For the first time, Xia Xun didn't dodge.

Qi Yan asked stupidly:

"Are you sympathizing with me? A dying man?"

Xia Xun gritted her teeth: "... As I said, I don't want your life!"

Qi Yan turned a deaf ear and urged instead:

"Hurry up, I've told Qi Hui to retreat outside the tea room, he's very sensitive, and he's going to find out something's wrong before long."

The sky was already pitch black, and the archers outside lit the torches, and the flames danced in Qi Yan's eyes.

Xia Xun stood up and overturned the table. The tea set on the table was broken and the oil lamp fell to the ground, no longer emitting a ray of light.

The room was pitch black, and Xia Xun was almost screaming:

"Don't you think I dare not kill you?!"

Hidden in his sleeve was a short knife, the handle of which he held in his hand.

Qi Yan walked towards him step by step, stepping on the broken porcelain pieces everywhere:

"Do it, dying by your hands is the happiest way I can think of."

Xia Xun never thought of killing Qi Yan, although he did it later.

He stabbed Qi Yan, but Qi Yan took him into the lake to protect him.

Xia Xun was rescued by Qi Hui, but Qi Yan was still in the lake, maybe he was still sinking, maybe he was already lying on the sand at the bottom of the lake.

Covered in water, Xia Xun sat blankly by the lake, watching Qi Hui lead people to capture all the archers, and also watched him order people to light up a fire by the lake, and jumped into the lake to find Qi Yan's whereabouts.

The night at the foot of Yunshan Mountain is so dark that even a little moonlight is not willing to shine, and the lake is darker than the sky, and even the dim starlight is swallowed up.

Since Qi Hui entered the water, one after another, many people he brought also jumped into the lake.

Not long after, Chu Anyu, the governor of Gyeongju, arrived with his officers and soldiers, and more people jumped into the lake.

The lakeside was noisy and chaotic, Chu Anyu led a small team and captured all the teahouse owners and staff who had fled to the back mountain.

Everyone is there, they're all standing upright, they're talking, they're panting.

Only Qi Yan was missing.

Xia Xun thought blankly, even if Qi Yan was transformed into a koi spirit, it is impossible for him to still be alive after such a long time.

Is he already dead

Xia Xun looked down at his chest, his chest was intact, and his heart was still beating inside.

But he felt extremely empty, as if his internal organs had been taken away, leaving him with only a pale skeleton.

His eyes were hot, and the urge to cry was so strong that he was sure he was crying.

But when he touched his cheek with his hand, his fingertips were dry, and even the lake that had submerged him before was dry enough to leave no trace.

Qi Yan died, but he didn't even shed a single tear.

When Xia Xun realized this, his tears finally flowed out.

He bent his body, put his hands on the ground, and breathed hard.

His tears were so turbulent, they poured out one after another, and fell heavily on the ground, making small holes one after another in the soil.

Xia Xun gasped for breath, her eyes widened in disbelief, she didn't know if she didn't want to believe that she shed tears for Qi Yan, or she couldn't believe that Qi Yan was dead.

He knelt on the ground, clutching the soil tightly with his hands, his back bent more and more until finally, he had to support his forehead with the back of his hands, so as not to fall limply and slide into the lake.

His tears couldn't be stopped, and the slight pain pierced his heart, and then, with an unstoppable force, it covered his limbs and bones in an instant.

He suddenly remembered something, raised his head tremblingly, and glanced around the lake.

Why didn't I see Fumeng Tancha

He took a few breaths, stood up staggeringly, and walked to the teahouse on the other side of the lake.

Chu Anyu's subordinates had noticed him a long time ago, when they saw him get up, they wanted to bring him to Chu Anyu for questioning.

Xia Xun was in a trance, pushed away the man's hand, tossed and turned, muttering to himself:

"Where is Fumeng Tancha...? I'm going to find him..."

The man stopped him and wouldn't let him go, he burst out of strength from nowhere and pushed the man back a few steps:

"Don't stop me! I'm going to find someone..."

Xia Xun staggered a few steps along the lake, and not far away, there was a sudden exclamation:

"Found it! My lord is here!!"

Xia Xun was startled, and ran forward.

Stumbling to the place where the shout came from, Xia Xun saw the unconscious Qi Yan in a field of reeds.

Beside him is Zhi Gui who is dripping water all over his body.

Zhigui didn't wear a robe, and his hair was not neatly combed into a bun like earlier, but was tied messily behind his head with a piece of cloth.

All her jewelry was taken off, her face was completely smudged, and water was dripping from all parts of her body that Xia Xun could see.

——Zhi Gui didn't leave, she was the one who rescued Qi Yan.

Xia Xun was so shocked that she became speechless:

" could—?"

Zhigui was so tired that he just panted for breath:

"When my servant was young... I learned Fushui, my servant... still remember!"

Chu Anyu's men quickly surrounded him, and Qi Hui swam out of the water, rushing over anxiously.

Qi Yan was seriously injured, he wasn't dead yet, but he might be dying.

He was lying on the ground wet, his hair was entwined with the mud, sand and water plants at the bottom of the lake, no matter how Qi Hui called, he would never open his eyes again.

His chest was still rising and falling weakly.

Was his chest really heaving

Or is it just Xia Xun's wishful thinking.

What happened afterwards, Xia Xun can't remember clearly, when he came back to his senses again, he had already returned to Chu Anyu's home.

There was a commotion all around, people were everywhere, voices kept coming and going, and it was hard to tell who was talking.

Someone walked up to him and said something to him, but Xia Xun didn't hear anything, only saw the man's mouth open and close.

After a while, the man sighed, glanced at him disapprovingly, and left.

Xia Xun stiffly withdrew her gaze and put her gaze back on the bed.

Qi Yan was lying there.

The clothes on his upper body were removed, revealing two horrific stab wounds. The edges of the wounds were soaked white by the lake water, and turned out ferociously. Inside the wounds, flesh and blood could be seen deep inside.

The doctor is roasting a small knife on the fire. He wants to use the knife to gouge out the flesh on the outside of Qi Yan's wound, so that the new wound will be exposed, so that his wound can be healed.

Xia Xun stared fixedly at the knife, which was held in the doctor's hand and penetrated deeply into Qi Yan's skin.

Even Qi Hui couldn't bear to watch, he closed his eyes tightly and turned his head to one side.

And Xia Xun has been watching closely.

The blade moved in and out of Qi Yan's wound, and the blade was quickly stained red with blood. The severe pain caused Qi Yan's reaction. Although he was not conscious, his body resisted.

He jerked his body up, instinctively wanting to avoid the doctor's knife.

When Qi Hui heard the movement, he could not give up, knelt down on the bedside, and pressed his shoulder.

Qi Yan couldn't move for a while, and the pain was unbearable, his hands stretched out in the air in vain, trying to grab something.

Before his arm fell, Xia Xun gave her own wrist.

Qi Yan grabbed it tightly and held it tightly in his hand.

He exerted so much force that Xia Xun's wrist even made a creaking sound.

It sure hurts.

Thinking this way, Qi Hui looked at Xia Xun.

Xia Xun leaned against the bed with a blank expression on her face as she let Qi Yan hold her, as if it was not his own hand that was turning purple.

He stared at the doctor's every move without blinking, until the rotten meat from the two stab wounds on Qi Yan's chest was cut off by the doctor.

The excruciating pain finally came to an end, Qi Yan's body went limp, and he fell powerlessly on the bed.

He just grabbed Xia Xun's hand and refused to let go.

The doctor wiped off the sweat from his forehead, sprinkled the prepared medicinal powder thickly on Qi Yan's wound, and with Qi Hui's help, tightly wrapped the bandage on him.

There are scars all over Qi Yan's body, and these injuries were all caused by his reunion with Xia Xun.

Xia Xun thought vaguely, it seemed that since he returned to the capital, Qi Yan had been injured.

Qi Yan's criss-crossing scars on his chest, back and back all have something to do with him.

The snow-white bandages were wrapped round and round, and the scars were hidden under them. Xia Xun gradually couldn't see clearly.

After treating the wound, the doctor looked solemn, called Qi Hui aside, and said solemnly:

"This lord is seriously injured. Even though I try my best to heal the wound, it is impossible to guarantee that the wound will heal. You still have to... be prepared."

Xia Xun also heard what he said.

He shook his head subconsciously, not believing it at all.

Qi Yan was still holding his hand, he was still so strong, how could he die

He looked at Qi Yan's profile.

He is resourceful and scheming, far smarter and sharper than Xia Xun.

No matter how you look at it, it should be Xia Xun who died before him.

Xia Xun is still alive, so he will not die.

Thinking of this, Xia Xun felt much more at ease. He rested his head on his arm, quietly waiting for the moment when Qi Yan opened his eyes.

He will wake up soon, and will soon return to the original calm and calm Qi Yan.

He would bend his eyes and smile at Xia Xun, just like many years ago, on that night when the crabapple flowers were falling with the wind, Xia Xun was full of anticipation and longing, bouncing up to him and giving him a burnt black rabbit.

The movement outside the house became more lively, and the human voice became extremely chaotic, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching one after another.

Chu Anyu led his officers and soldiers into the room where Qi Yan was staying.

Pointing at Xia Xun, he ordered:

"I interrogated the archer overnight, and they confessed that this person is an internal agent! Come here, let me arrest him!"