Guanshan Muyu

Chapter 54: Typhoon Chu


Shao Bo suddenly thought of something, sat up straight suddenly, and asked Xia Xun:

"Why did the young master come to the capital? Where do you live now? No, it's not safe to live anywhere! You can stay in the embroidery workshop, and the slaves can take care of you!"

Xia Xun hesitated whether to tell her what happened.

Shaobo said again:

"Although few people in the capital remember what happened to the Xia family, Qi Yan is still there. If he finds out, the young master will still be alive!"

Xia Xun swallowed the words again, and changed her words:

"...It's okay. I used to go out of the house. Seven years ago, not many people knew me. I'm afraid there are very few people who still remember my appearance. I... came to the capital for business. I'm staying in the inn these few days. You There are so many people here, it's not a quiet place, besides, you managed to gain a firm foothold, so don't let others know that you were involved with the Xia family."

Shao Bo proudly said:

"Slaves are not afraid! Blame him for being a ghost and a snake spirit, and with their courage, no one dares to come around Biyuan to play wild!"

With Xia Xun on her body, she will never see the little girl who could only cry again. She is bright and pungent, and she is the veritable No. 1 embroidered girl in the capital.

Xia Xun looked at her with a smile:

"Don't call yourself a servant anymore, and I shouldn't call you Shaobo, I should call you Mrs. Raobi."

Shaobo was worried:

"Is the young master really not staying?"

Xia Xun deliberately said:

"Don't think that you are the only one who has become stronger. If I don't have the ability to protect myself, would I dare to come to the capital?"

Shaobo said:

"Raobiyuan has taken in a lot of homeless women. If they didn't need the protection of slaves, slaves would have given up everything and returned to Lingnan with the young master!"

Xia Xun pretended to be proud and said:

"Don't underestimate me. My eldest brother and I have been in business for many years. Not only are we rich, we can also be regarded as a well-known wealthy businessman in Douzhou. I am rich! I am not poorer than you!"

Shao Bo looked at him for a while, and finally smiled. She wiped away the tears, smoothed the messy hair on her temples, slowly got up, bowed in front of Xia Xun, and moved, sat and lay down, all of them were beautiful and dazzling.

She turned back into the vigorous Mrs. Raobi:

"My lord is here, what advice do you have?"

Xia Xun sat upright and said seriously:

"Xiong Qian, a wealthy businessman in central Beijing, is getting married today. The wife he is about to marry is my elder brother's former wife. If the newly married woman can get a hairpin from Mrs. Raobi, then my wish will be forgotten."

Goodbye Raobi:

"Young master's sincere heart, I should understand it. You don't need to worry about it. I will immediately send the most gorgeous flower hairpin I made to Xiong's mansion. I will definitely not miss the auspicious time."

Xia Xun thanked her: "That's why I would like to thank Madam."

He took out Qi Yan's purse and was pressed down by Rao Bi.

Raobi said sincerely:

"When I was young, I was saved by the son. I have nothing to repay, even if I donate the whole embroidery workshop to the son, I would not hesitate to give it to the son. Why do I feel sorry for a flower hairpin? Besides, the Xiongfu has sent someone to send a box. Jin Yuanbao, I will accept it myself."

Xia Xun no longer refuses:

"Madam is a generous and generous woman. I have nothing to repay, but one wish. I wish Madam a smooth life. I won't bother you, so I bid farewell."

Rao Bi kept sending him outside the embroidery building. Before Xia Xun left, she asked:

"The son and the there a chance to meet again?"

Xia Xun said calmly:

"There is a meeting in the world. Madam doesn't have to force it. I will always remember Madam in my heart. That's enough."

He bowed to Raobi and left firmly.

Rao Bi stared at the direction he left, his thin figure walked through the crowd, and disappeared after a while.

That night, Qi Yan was working in the study when there was a knock on the door, but he didn't look up and said "come in".

The one who walked into the room was not Qi Hui or the servants of Qi's mansion, but Xia Xun who he never thought would come to him on his own initiative.

"Why are you here?" Qi Yan was surprised and delighted, put down the file in his hand, and led him to sit at the tea table: "Where is the gift? Have you bought it?"

Xia Xun took out an inkstone, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of him.

Qi Yan picked it up and looked at it:

"This square inkstone is made of exquisite stone, with smooth lines and exquisite carving. It looks like a good inkstone at first glance. It must be expensive. It's just a wedding gift. It's a bit..."

Xia Xun said, "It's not for my sister-in-law, it's for you."

Qi Yan was surprised and said, "Give it to me? Of course I'm very happy, but—why did you give me a gift?"

Xia Xun said lightly: "I saw Shaobo today, was this also arranged by you?"

Qi Yan was startled, and replied:

"I did think that you might meet her, but I didn't expect it to be so soon... So, she told you the whole story? Is that why you gave me the inkstone?"

Xia Xun said with emotion:

"Whether it's my sister-in-law or Shaobo, they have to thank you for being able to have today. You can keep the inkstone, but I bought it with your money, and all the money in the bag has been used up."

Qi Yan held the inkstone and couldn't put it down:

"Looking at it now, I suddenly feel that this Fang Yan is much more precious."

Xia Xun said in a low voice:

"My sister-in-law has remarried, and Shaobo is on her own. She no longer needs my protection. There is no one in Beijing that I care about."

Qi Yan slowly put down the inkstone.

Neither of them said a word, they sat opposite each other in silence.

The cool autumn wind blew, Xia Xun couldn't help coughing a few times, Qi Yan reacted, walked to the window and closed it, then turned his head slowly, trembling imperceptibly, and asked:

"Are you... leaving?"

Xia Xun didn't answer, but the answer was self-evident.

Qi Yan forcefully smiled:

"Before in Gyeongju, you had too many opportunities to leave, but you didn't leave. At that time, I thought, maybe you have unfulfilled wishes. Now your old people in Beijing are all well. I guess, you I want to go too... "

After a moment of silence, Xia Xun said slowly:

"Things in the capital are chaotic, hustle and bustle. Although Douzhou has many inconveniences, is it a quiet and small city, or is it more suitable for me?"

Qi Yan frowned, unable to hide his sadness:

"After so much... you still don't want to stay?"

Xia Xun lowered her eyes:

"I... don't agree with the geomantic omen of the capital, you see, even the doctor says I'm not acclimatized—"

Qi Yan finally made up his mind, he took Xia Xun's hand:

"Whether you have made up your mind or not, I will take you to a place. In any case, before you leave, I must tell you everything. You have the right to know everything."

Xia Xun thought that Qi Yan was going to take him out of the house, he guessed, maybe he was going to take him to the tomb of the Qi family's parents.

But Qi Yan didn't.

He led him and walked to the antique rack in the study, a porcelain vase on the turret.

As the porcelain vase rotates, the Bogu shelf separates to the two sides, and a secret door suddenly appears on the wall behind the shelf.

Qi Yan pushed open the door and pulled him into the dark room behind the door.

As soon as he entered, Xia Xun smelled a melodious sandalwood fragrance before he could see the interior clearly. He blinked and gradually got used to the darkness.

The darkroom is not big, and there is a Buddhist altar embedded in the north-facing wall, and Xia Xun's spiritual tablet is enshrined in the altar.

Qi Yan pondered and said:

"I also erected a memorial tablet for you at Baohong Temple, but I thought it was not enough, so I set up a big one at home. I will come to offer incense for you every day, every day..."

There was a lump in his throat and he couldn't speak.

Xia Xun walked to the altar and saw a wooden figure beside the incense burner. The features of the wooden figure were 90% similar to his.

"Is this me...?" He asked, "Is... you carved it?"

Qi Yan said to him:

"I have been carving for many years, and I have broken nearly a hundred pieces of wood before I can make this one like you."

Xia Xun murmured:

"Why... don't you hate my parents so much? Don't you hate me so much that you won't even come to see me for the last time? Why do you do all this?"

Qi Yan spoke with deep sorrow:

"—I was going to save you."

Seven years ago, on the day of Xia Xing's funeral, in Qi Yan's small courtyard.

Xia Xun had just fallen asleep, and before going to bed, he told Qi Yan that he was going back to Xia Mansion tomorrow.

Qi Yan agreed.

After Xia Xun fell asleep, he changed into his official uniform and brought Qi Hui into the palace.

Before dawn, the young emperor was already handling government affairs in the imperial study.

Qi Yan waited outside for quite a while before being announced in.

He kowtowed and knelt in the small area in front of the desk that was illuminated by the candle.

The emperor's voice came from overhead:

"I have already drawn up the decree to deal with Xia Hongxi, and tomorrow you can bring the decree to Xia Mansion to arrest people."

He moved his finger, and the eunuch immediately sent the imperial decree to Qi Yan to watch.

Qi Yan glanced ten lines at a glance, and quickly scanned the content of the edict, and broke out in a cold sweat after just a few glances.

The emperor's meaning was quite clear, he wanted to cut the weeds and exterminate the roots, and beheaded all the members of the Xia family to show the public, leaving no one behind.

Qi Yan closed the imperial decree and handed it back to the eunuch, his mind was running fast, and he organized the countermeasures in a few breaths:

"Your Majesty, I have a request for your Majesty's permission."

The emperor did not lift his head:

"Why? Do you think I punished you lightly?"

Qi Yan knocked her head on the ground:

"I don't dare, I just hope... I hope His Majesty can spare Xia Hongxi's two sons from the death penalty."

The emperor was a little surprised:

"I thought you hated Xia Hongxi poisonously, and wished I could destroy his nine clans. Why did you soften your heart when things came to an end?"

Qi Yan said in a deep voice:

"I have carefully investigated. Xia Xun, the third son of the Xia family, is actually a concubine. He is not favored at home. It is impossible for Xia Hongxi to tell him about the water transportation. Moreover, he is only sixteen years old. Considering his age, he is also impossible. He planned together with Xia Hongxi and used the water transportation to gain power for personal gain, so I dare to guarantee that he has no knowledge of Xia Hongxi's crimes, please learn from your majesty!"

The emperor's expression gradually became dignified:

"Then what about his eldest son Xia Wen? Don't you know about it?"

Qi Yan kowtowed again:

"The minister has verified that Xia Wen is the son of Xia Hongxi's deceased wife. He has not made any achievements in the court, nor has he served in the Water Transportation Department, so the minister thinks that he is probably innocent!"

The emperor threw away the pen:

"Ridiculous! It's just nonsense! You mean that Xia Hongxi's sons are all innocent! The crime was committed by Xia Hongxi alone, so punish him if you want to punish him, don't involve others, right?! Then I ask you, Xia Wenxia Xun Did the second son grow up in the Xia Mansion? Did Xia Hongxi provide all the food and clothing? Where did Xia Hongxi get his money? Didn’t he get it from the water transport? Even if his son didn’t know about it, the Every piece of cloth worn and every grain of rice eaten was greedily obtained by Xia Hongxi! Not a single cent of the money spent by everyone in Xia Hongxi’s family came from official money from the imperial court! Now you tell me! Innocent?!"

Qi Yan kowtowed his head loudly, and blood began to ooze from his forehead:

"Your Majesty! There is absolutely nothing wrong with what your majesty said, but I also want to ask your majesty, if Xia Xun could be chosen, would he choose to be Xia Hongxi's son? No matter how your majesty treats Xia Hongxi, he deserves what he deserves! I believe that your majesty is a wise king, Rewards and punishments are clearly defined! We will definitely not issue disproportionate punishments! Let people who only committed minor crimes lose their lives in vain!"

The emperor narrowed his eyes and suddenly had many doubts:

"Qi Aiqing, you came here today to intercede for the two of them, didn't you... did you take any advantage from them?!"

Qi Yan explained frankly:

"Your Majesty! Anyone in the world can take money from the Xia family and intercede for them, but I can't do it! Xia Hongxi killed my parents and elder brother, and I can't share the hatred with the minister! I hate it Drink his blood and eat his flesh! What I said today is only to protect the name of His Majesty's virtuous monarch! Otherwise, I can accept the order and just wait until tomorrow to see the heads of the Xia family fall to the ground! Why risk losing your head and disobey the holy will? ! Hope Your Majesty will learn from you!"

The emperor's expression was uncertain, Qi Yan's words were not unreasonable, but his behavior made him doubt his real motives.

After a while, the emperor opened his mouth and agreed to let the second son of the Xia family live.

"I don't need to kill the two of them, but the capital crime is inevitable, and the crime of living is inevitable! Also, if I find out that you have any secret involvement with those two people, I will immediately execute the three of you together!"

Qi Yan replied loudly:

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, if I have anything to do with the second son of the Xia family, there is no need for your Majesty to punish me, I will accept the punishment myself!"

The emperor sighed, picked up his pen again, and turned his attention to another memorial in his hand:

"...Okay, go down. Tomorrow you will personally lead the troops and take Xia Hongxi's head to meet me."

Qi Yan finally kowtowed:

"The minister leads the decree to thank you!"

Qi Hui was waiting in the corridor, and when he saw Qi Yan coming out, he immediately stepped forward to help him.

When he got closer, he saw bloodshot eyes on Qi Yan's forehead. He asked in surprise:

"My lord, what happened just now?? Did the matter get done?!"

Qi Yan half leaned against Qi Hui, and let out a long breath:

"... It's done."

Qi Hui took out the handkerchief and wiped the blood on his forehead.

Qi Yan held down the handkerchief and put it on his forehead, feeling relieved:

"Xia Xun's life... is saved for the time being."