Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 108


There were about ten people in total, and Qiao Lan entered the dormitory with two, Qiao Lan and Roman.

Luo Man covered his heart and said with lingering fears, "I didn't perform well that day, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to pass, but I didn't expect it to pass, no, I'm going to send a WeChat to the senior and tell him that I passed!"

Three people signed up, but Liu Cancan was not selected, and he was not in a good mood at first. Roman said endlessly, and Liu Cancan replied a little unhappily, "If you pass it, it will be over, tell the senior if you are annoying or not. you?"

"I said it's none of your business. The senior reminded me to prepare well. What's wrong with my salute now?" Roman glared, "Why didn't you choose to be angry with us?"

"Senior also reminded Qiao Lan, why didn't Qiao Lan send a message to Ji Su?"

Qiao Lan: …

It's nice to mention what she's doing.

Because of Tan Mo's reasons, Qiao Lan usually doesn't spend time with her roommates except in class and bedtime at night, so she doesn't know what happened, Liu Cancan and Roman have become quarrels every day, Qiao Lan started I can still persuade a few words, but I can't persuade me later, like another roommate, wearing headphones and pretending to be deaf.

It was a little cold outside, and Qiao Lan didn't want to make a phone call outside, but the dormitory was noisy again, so she simply sent a message to Tan Mo with a headset, text.

Qiao Lan asked what Tan Mo was doing, and Tan Mo sent her a photo of a book, "The Greatest Trader in the World".

[This book is not bad], but Tan Mo didn't ask her why she was chatting with text suddenly, and he was very cooperative and talked with her, but after listening to Qiao Lan saying that she had passed the interview of the psychological society, she felt a little bit more. It took a few seconds to reply.

Tan Mo looked at the word [Congratulations] he typed out expressionlessly, and finally deleted it and replaced it with a slightly better tone.


Although he didn't want to congratulate Qiao Lan at all, even worse, he even hoped that Qiao Lan didn't pass the interview, but Qiao Lan still passed, who made her so good.

But he has already told Qiao Lan that he doesn't care, and now he is showing an unhappy look to whoever sees it.

Qiao Lan is in a good mood after passing the interview. He doesn't need to make Qiao Lan in a bad mood. After all, he wants to be a perfect boyfriend every day, every moment, so that he won't make her angry and make her dislike it, so that he can stay with him forever. around.

Compared with Qiao Lan's liking, her own mood is actually not that important.

Tan Mo didn't realize that the book had been crumpled by him, so he controlled his irritability and asked her as naturally as possible if there were other people in the dormitory.

Qiao Lan replied, [there is one more]

Tan Mo felt that he felt a little better.

If it was a voice chat or a video, Qiao Lan might still be able to see something from Tan Mo's tone and face, but unfortunately there are only words now.

Tan Mo's tone was normal, neither unhappy nor weird, just like the most normal chat, Qiao Lan didn't notice it again, this topic was exposed, Qiao Lan talked about Tan Mo's birthday.

October 19th is Tan Mo's 18th birthday, it's very close, it's next week, next week's Sunday.

It happened to be the weekend holiday, and Qiao Lan felt that she couldn't stay in the school and soak in the study room as usual, so she still had to go out on a date on such a meaningful day.

Two days ago, Qiao Lan wanted to plan in advance how to celebrate Tan Mo's birthday. She could find local delicacies, or go to the movies...

After thinking about it for a long time, Qiao Lan was so depressed about her extremely lack of love experience. After thinking about it, it was just a few things. In the end, she couldn't open Zhihu, and finally found the aquarium, video game city, amusement park, horror house, etc. .

Qiao Lan wrote it down in a memo and kept it for future reference.

Qiao Lan took a screenshot of the memo and sent it to Tan Mo. Tan Mo didn't respond immediately and asked her what it was.

[Dating plan, I checked it specially], Qiao Lan said, [Momo, let's go out to play on your birthday! ]

Tan Mo stared at this screenshot of the mobile phone, and his heart was slightly sweet.

Qiao Lan recorded it very carefully, and it should have been selected after reading a lot, all the places he had never been to, and the places they had never been together.

Qiao Lan said that they can plan together and arrange a perfect birthday itinerary. They can go to the aquarium in the morning, watch a movie and drink tea in the afternoon, and go to the horror house in the evening.

Speaking of the House of Horrors, Qiao Lan was still very excited.

Tan Mo's smile overflowed from his lips unconsciously, and the unhappiness just now was diluted a lot by Qiao Lan's intentions.

Maybe he thinks too much. After all, not only Qiao Lan has joined the club, but B University is very busy with his studies, so there should not be many club activities.

Xie Hongyi cheered in his ear, saying that he had received a notice from the club, saying that he passed, and happily hopped around in the dormitory several times, while Kong Sha next to him had a lifeless expression on his face.

He and Xie Hongyi entered a club. If Xie Hongyi was not killed, he would not have joined this club. He thought it was impossible, but it turned out to be true.

The association of Xie Hongyi Newspaper is called the Zen Society.

Xie Hongyi said that he was fed up with seeing his roommate fall in love every day, so he wanted to sign up for a Zen club to calm down.

Who would have thought that it was really given.

Compared with Kong Sha's loveless life, Xie Hongyi was happy, and said with great interest that their club was very active, and they had already decided to go out for dinner this week.


Tan Mo was stunned.

He hadn't participated in any of these, and he didn't know the process of the club's activities. Only now did he realize that some of the club's activities were not in the school.

Qiao Lan's psychological society also has so many rubbish things

Before Tan Mo asked Qiao Lan, Qiao Lan really received news.

Roman asked her to look at the recently added social group discussion group. After Qiao Lan opened it, she saw that the latest group news was 99+ and also Aite's own.

This is the group that Senior Sister asked their members to join after the interview results. Qiao Lan opened the group chat and found that the chat was going on inside. When she scrolled up, it wasn't just Aite, but all members of Aite. In the club, every day to welcome new people, everyone has to have a meal together, and take this opportunity to really get acquainted with them.

The reservation time is 6:30 pm on October 18th.


Qiao Lan's still interested mood instantly dropped 80%.

Because Tan Mo's birthday is the nineteenth.

Although it wasn't the same day, Qiao Lan instinctively had the idea of leaving the whole day to Tan Mo. Unexpectedly, the dinner was scheduled just before Tan Mo's birthday.

The group owner is the current vice president of the Psychological Society. All the members of Aite asked everyone if they had time, and deducted 1 if they had time.

Qiao Lan flipped through the chat log from top to bottom, and it went straight to 1, because October 18 happened to be a Saturday, and generally everyone has time, let alone after the evening.

Not going to the first group activity is really unreasonable, but it is even more unreasonable to ask everyone to change the time for their own reasons.

After hesitating for a moment, Qiao Lan opened the private chat with the senior sister, and asked the senior sister when the dinner would be over.

The senior replied very quickly, [Everyone just has a meal, it won't be too late, you can definitely go back to the dormitory at ten o'clock. ]

ten o'clock...

It was still a bit late for Qiao Lan to say it, but she was the only one left in the discussion group who did not reply. Qiao Lan agreed after being silent for a while.

After replying to the senior sister, I told Tan Mo that he was going to participate in the club activities next week and Saturday. Tan Mo was quiet for a long time and did not see a reply.

Tan Mo really didn't know what to reply, and really, he didn't want to reply a word.

Originally in a bad mood, I finally thought that the two would be able to be together undisturbed on their birthday, but when I turned around, I got such news again.

He also wanted to say that there is nothing to do on Sunday, or go out on Saturday.

No need to say any more now.

From the beginning, perhaps because of Ji Su, Tan Mo didn't have a good impression of this psychological community, and now he is only bored.

Disgust at everything that bothers him, mixed with anger that can't be ignored.

He was really angry, even at Qiao Lan.

But thinking about it calmly, Qiao Lan did something wrong again.

It was the 18th, not the 19th. It was just a meal. Everyone went to Qiao Lan for no reason not to. It was normal.

Yes, it's normal.

Tan Mo repeated it in his heart over and over again, as if he was brainwashing himself. If he didn't feel uncomfortable after repeating it until the end, he would really believe it.

If these are normal, why is he angry and uncomfortable

So in the end, does it mean that he is the most abnormal

I don't want Qiao Lan to come into contact with other people, I don't want Qiao Lan to have any traces in her life other than herself, all the time belongs only to herself, let Qiao Lan only look at him, only him.

such an idea.

It's abnormal in itself.