Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 113


Qiao Lan had thought about how to make Tan Mo stop lying to her, so that he would feel safe and so on.

This is what she will do.

But that doesn't mean Tan Mo doesn't do anything.

Qiao Lan wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Tan Mo about this, but never found an opportunity.

She found that as long as she observed Tan Mo carefully, she could still tell whether he was telling the truth or lying, or based on Qiao Lan's understanding of Tan Mo, she could probably guess Tan Mo's more real thoughts.

During the weekend with Tan Mo, Qiao Lan didn't find much opportunity, also because the two days of Tan Mo were very real, he was very happy, Qiao Lan could tell at a glance.

Tan Mo was taken aback by Qiao Lan's sudden serious tone, he raised his head subconsciously, and met Qiao Lan's eyes, Qiao Lan stared straight at his eyes and did not allow him to dodge his eyes.

"I don't like this reaction."

Tan Mo was startled.

His eyes were out of control.

No one knew how much he was afraid that Qiao Lan would say that he didn't like these three words.

Qiao Lan saw the confusion and panic in Tan Mo's eyes, and couldn't help but feel distressed, but continued, "Do you know why? Don't lower your head and look at me."

Tan Mo's eyes that he wanted to move away trembled, and he aimed at Qiao Lan again, his voice became lower,

"do not know."

Qiao Lan sighed, her voice softened, and she said slightly hurt, "Because of this reaction, I can't feel your liking, and it makes me feel that you don't care about me that much."

"No," Tan Mo answered quickly, and some answers didn't require thinking at all, "I only care about you."

"Then why let me go so plainly?" Qiao Lan said, "If I were you, you would go to a place full of strangers I don't know, and many girls who think you are handsome. It will definitely be unhappy."

No... Not happy, Tan Mo stared at her, "Why..."

"Because I like you, it's very domineering and unreasonable, I don't like other girls looking at you, I don't like you occupying my time with you when I'm with other people, I don't like someone in the world I don't know The place secretly sees that you like you, so I definitely don’t want you to go. But if you have to go, I think about it, I will ask you what time it ends, and when you come back, I will ask if there are other girls who like you, always Ask me some reassuring questions, after all my boyfriend is so handsome and so good."

Tan Mo looked at her silently and did not speak.

Qiao Lan continued as if she didn't know anything.

"If I were you I'd be like this, I like you, so I'm going to show that I want to let you know I care. Say it calmly, I can't, unless I don't care, or I want to hide mine Thinking and pretending not to care, but since you love each other, you should be frank, and you should not hide or deceive. So Momo, is your reaction because you don't care about me or are you hiding your thoughts and pretending you don't care? "

Those dark eyes just looked at him like this, Tan Mo didn't dare to look at her like this, but Qiao Lan didn't allow him to look away.

Is it because you don't care or because you want to hide your thoughts and pretend you don't care

Tan Mo was cold all over, and his hands were stiff.

If he didn't understand Qiao Lan's intention at this time, Tan Mo would not be able to get into this school.

Qiao Lan said so much, but in the end, I just wanted to ask him why you lied to me by concealing your thoughts.

She found out he lied, found out he lied to him.

She said that the person in love should not cheat, but he cheated her.

Qiao Lan was disappointed in him.

The moment the word "disappointment" came to his mind, Tan Mo felt that his heart was writhing in pain.

What will happen after disappointment, will gradually become dislike, after dislike, break up? leave? never see you again

Tan Mo felt that the blood all over his body had cooled, and he sat there in a daze, not moving, and after a long while he spoke almost unconsciously.

"I don't care", I only care about you.

"Then why are you lying to me?"

"I thought you'd like this..."

I like him for being unselfish, like him for not being troublesome, and like him for being generous.

Think? so

Qiao Lan was really distressed when he looked at him like this. He just wanted to hug him and rub it, but he held back.

"It's the same topic just now. If you go to join the club, I'll just say "go", will you like it?"


"Then why do you think I like it?" Qiao Lan sometimes wonders, although she understands that Tan Mo is for her, but why does she think she likes such a reaction, "Tan Mo, I don't like it either."

This time, it's called Tan Mo directly.

And again I don't like it.

It was as if a knife had been stabbed again in my heart.

"It's different," Tan Mo said. After he finished speaking, he was silent for a while before continuing, "I and you are different."

Tan Mo was probably too desperate, and he even thought of the most unacceptable point in an instant, and some words that he never dared to say in front of Qiao Lan said it like a broken jar, "I'm not a normal person, I I can't understand other people's words, possessive, paranoid, extreme, and even paranoid, why should I lie to you, because I dare not let you know what I'm really thinking. I don't want you to go, if you don't agree, I will put you Take it back, what you say is useless, I don't want you to have friends, you have relatives, and I don't want you to see anyone but me..."

"Then do it."

All Tan Mo's words stopped because of Qiao Lan's words.

As if he didn't respond, it took a long time to say, "What..."

"I said do what you want to do." Qiao Lan looked at him, not joking, "Did I tell you when I started liking you?"

Tan Mo was stunned for a moment, "No."

"You asked me what to do if you couldn't stand up, that time," Qiao Lan said, "you asked me what to do, I said I would take care of you for the rest of my life, and then I realized that I like you."

Tan Mo's fingers trembled, it's actually... so early...

He always thought it was after he stood up.

"I remember when I first met you, I kept talking to you but you ignored me. At that time, you were much more difficult to get along with than now. I always felt that others were trying to harm you, and if something went wrong, I wanted to commit suicide. Now I can't understand people's words, it's unreasonable to walk completely according to my own thoughts, and I can't even stand up."

Qiao Lan's words were merciless, and Tan Mo didn't even know how to look at Qiao Lan after hearing this. He was so bad, so he didn't know what to do.

"But I still like you." Qiao Lan's tone softened, she reached over the table and touched Tan Mo's cheek, "Do you know how much you like it? You definitely don't know, you definitely don't know right What do you mean to me."

"...What?" Tan Mo became a fool who couldn't speak.

"I grew up in a mud-like family. It's dark, I can't go back but I can't see the front. You are a light, and the light that brought me out of the darkness is my salvation. You are always afraid that I will leave you. Yes, you are my light, even if a cactus doesn't need water, it will die without the light."

Tan Mo didn't know what it was like after death, he only knew what the rest of his life was like.

It is now.

Tan Mo felt that he had been in hell for a while, but was suddenly pulled back by Qiao Lan and took him to heaven.

How could a person like him be light or redemption? Qiao Lan was the light and redemption he was chasing. He even felt that putting these two words on himself insulted them.

But Qiao Lan looked at him seriously and told him that this was not a lie, but the truth.

"Possessive, paranoid about feelings, extreme, this is not a symptom of Asperger's disease, this is a disease of love, not only you, but me too. What I told you at the beginning was not just to deliberately guide You, but my true thoughts, I prefer you to say your own true thoughts when I say to go somewhere else, not what you think I will like. I have seen your truest side, and also It is because of your truest appearance that I hopelessly like you, and I like you only because it is you, if you disguise yourself as another person, it is not what I like."

"Are you going to continue like this and become a person who makes me unfamiliar and gradually dislikes me?"

"No", Tan Mo shook his head without thinking.

In every true love, no one will not feel inferior.

Self-abased to the point of abandoning yourself for the sake of the other party, trying to become what the other party likes.

But he never thought that the way he knew Qiao Lan liked was simply wrong.

Qiao Lan was probably still disappointed in him.

Because even he himself was disappointed in himself.

Tan Mo wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask. Qiao Lan saw that he was hesitant to say anything, asked him what he wanted to say, and then quickly said, "Don't lie to me!"

"Are you?" Tan Mo said with difficulty, "Are you disappointed in me?"

Qiao Lan smiled, "That's not true. I was a little sad and angry at the time. It wasn't your fault that you were angry with me, but I wasn't disappointed."


"Because I can't bear it."

Tan Mo's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly wanted to hold the person in his arms like this, and suppressed it in the end, "...I said why I was angry with myself."

"Because I'm wondering if it's because of me, because I subconsciously want you to get along well with everyone, so you do this, Momo, I'm sorry, I misled you, will you follow your heart in the future, what do you want to do? Just do it, don't worry too much."

Tan Mo finally woke up, but after hearing this sentence, he became stupid again.

After a while, he said, "You can do whatever you want."

Qiao Lan answered the question, "You just said that if I want to join the club, what do you want to do?"

"I don't want you to go. If you don't agree, I'll take you back. It's useless to say anything. I don't want you to have friends, you have relatives, and I don't want you to see anyone but me..." Tan Mo like a repeat Machine, dry answer.

"Yes, this," Qiao Lan wiped her hands with a wet towel after eating, "I don't want me to go, this one is fine, but the latter one is not."

"Do what you say you want to do..."

"Do whatever you want, so you don't have to hide it, but I will tell you what you can do and what you can't do. We are lovers, we can communicate and negotiate, you and I can make concessions, but no deception is allowed. , instead of guessing what I like and dislike, why don't you just ask me if I like it or not, I'll be happy to tell you."

Communication is the best solution. As long as two people have each other in their hearts, there is nothing that cannot be communicated well.

Tan Mo may be a little difficult to understand this sentence. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally figured it out. He finally made up his mind to try a new way of communication.

"Then I don't want you to go to the club this afternoon."

Qiao Lan nodded, "Yes."

"Then," Tan Mo said after a while, "then can you not go?"


Tan Mo: "…Why?"

"Because this is the punishment for you lying to me for so long," Qiao Lan stood up and pinched Tan Mo's face, "I asked you if I should go to the psychological club, but I insisted that I would go if I wanted to, do you regret it now? ."

Tan Mo's shoulders drooped down.

Think about it now.

I really regret it.