Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 120


After several discussions in the psychological club, a professor took a class and instructed the members before starting to prepare for the real work.

Psychological counseling for students.

Mainly the seniors and seniors above the sophomore year, the freshmen are responsible for listening, watching, studying, and fighting. Qiao Lan can shirk the previous meeting and dinner, but this time, she has to follow no matter what. And this kind of activity is not easy for Tan Mo to participate in again.

Tan Mo was really not happy.

Qiao Lan easily discovered Tan Mo's unhappiness.

Since she was not allowed to tell Tan Mo to lie to her again, Tan Mo's mood is usually put on his face, and he won't hide anything from her.

Qiao Lan was also a little embarrassed.

She remembered that her original intention of signing up for the club was because the club was helpful for learning the professional knowledge, and it turned out to be helpful. The professor gave them a special lecture two days ago.

But if you think about the original intention of studying psychology again, it is obvious that there is only one, and that is Tan Mo.

So, whether it's applying for psychology or joining this club, it's all for Tan Mo. Now Tan Mo is not happy for the club. Between the club and Tan Mo, Qiao Lan can make a choice without thinking.

If Tan Mo doesn't like it, it's not impossible to give up.

But recently... Maybe it's still not good, the club has been very busy recently, and it would be irresponsible to leave suddenly like this.

Looking at Tan Mo, who became silent because she was going to work, Qiao Lan touched Tan Mo's earlobe and said, "I'll go to the president to quit the club when I'm done recently, and I'll accompany you every day after I quit."

Tan Mo's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, when did I lie to you?" Qiao Lan smiled, "I'll go first."

Tan Mo couldn't help kissing her, "Then I'll pick you up at night."

Qiao Lan smiled and waved her hand, saying ok.

When I got to the club, as soon as I entered, I saw Roman running around behind Ji Su again. After seeing her come in and say hello, she followed Ji Su again.

Everyone was very interested in watching the show at first, but it took almost two months to catch up, so it was not surprising.

When everyone has arrived, we will start today's task assignment. The senior and senior will lead the juniors and juniors. The seniors and seniors will naturally call them when they are arranged. Qiao Lan did not go to join in the fun until Ji Su shouted. she groaned.

Qiao Lan looked up and was stunned for a moment, but Ji Su looked calm, "Today you follow me and Pei Beijia."

"Oh, good." Qiao Lan glanced at the senior sister who was standing next to Ji Su and smiled at her, and smiled back at her.

Because of Tan Mo's relationship, she is indeed "suspicious" of Ji Su, but these days it has been a rotation. These freshmen and every senior and sister can be in contact with them. It just happened to be Ji Su today, not to mention the other Another student.

After packing up, wait for Ji Su to finish arranging the work, followed by Ji Su and Pei Beijia out the door.

Qiao Lan walked beside Pei Beijia and listened to Ji Su and Pei Beijia talking. They said something very professional. Qiao Lan listened very seriously. After arriving at the place, Pei Beijia glanced at the phone and said something, so he left first, before waiting. Qiao Lan reacted and left in a hurry.

Qiao Lan frowned, didn't say anything, sat on another chair beside the table and checked the time.

Nineteen seventeen.

Ji Su flipped through the roster in his hand and asked her casually, "What's the matter, is there something urgent?"

"No", Qiao Lan put away the phone, "Senior, when will the students who came to consult will arrive."

"It's half past seven, and there are ten minutes left."

Qiao Lan nodded and said nothing, but moved the chair a little further away unconsciously.

Ji Su paused with the pen in his hand, tapped the paper twice with his fingertips, raised his head and glanced at Qiao Lan and suddenly said, "I don't know if it's my illusion, I think you're rejecting me a bit."


Qiao Lan really didn't expect Ji Su to be so sharp-eyed, and he didn't expect him to ask so directly.

After being surprised for a moment, Qiao Lan smiled slightly, "I think too much, I didn't reject the senior, after all, we don't have much communication," Qiao Lan said as usual.

"So it seems that I feel wrong?"

"That's not true," Qiao Lan shook her head, "Maybe it's the reason why I stay away from anyone of the opposite sex."

Ji Su nodded with interest, "Doesn't your boyfriend like it?"

"...There is a reason for this," Qiao Lan said, "but I think that since you have a boyfriend, staying away from other opposite sex is what you should do as your other half."

It's just that they are in love, and they have already used the other half to call each other? Ji Su was a little unhappy, but still couldn't see anything with a smile on his face, but continued to discuss this issue with Qiao Lan.

"It may be that our views are slightly different. I think that even if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, you don't have to completely abandon friends of the opposite sex. Even the other half has no right to allow the person you like to have your own friends."

"There is no conflict between having friends of the opposite sex and staying away from friends of the opposite sex," Qiao Lan said, "I think that no matter when a person is, they can't do without friends. Friends are an indispensable part of life, but I think After having a boyfriend, it is also necessary to keep a certain distance with friends of the opposite sex, the senior thinks."

Ji Su looked at the girl in front of him.

Pretty, smart, generous, direct, no matter what makes him feel particularly satisfied.

"You're right, then I have another question for you. If one day you were asked to choose between your significant other and a very important friend, what would you do."

"A more rational approach is naturally the right thing and not the person."

"Are you a rational person?"

"I'm not," Qiao Lan shook his head decisively, "I'm not right to people, I'm very protective and eccentric."

"Eccentric boyfriend?"


"Even if it was indeed your boyfriend's fault?"


Even if this may be really wrong, even if others say that she is blinded by feelings, even if such feelings are somewhat abnormal in the eyes of others, her choice will never change.

For any question, there is only one correct answer for her, and that is Tan Mo.

Ji Su suddenly didn't want to talk, Qiao Lan was still the Qiao Lan, the one who made him unable to do anything.

There was no way to get close before, and it was hard to get close, but it was useless to say anything, and it was too much to make him feel bad.

Fortunately, the first student who came to consult arrived, and the conversation between Ji Su and Qiao Lan ended here.

After following Qiao Lan for a few days, she was amazed at the secrets hidden in the students' hearts. She lamented that there are so many people in this world who think too much and are too paranoid. Everyone is doing psychological counseling while sorting out cases. After a few days of rest, all sit together to analyze the case.

In order to protect the privacy of the students, the cases were not signed. Ji Su and other seniors picked out the most representative and probably the most extreme cases to discuss together.

There was a case like this today.

I don't know which senior and senior sister dealt with it. Anyway, Qiao Lan has been with Qiao Lan for several days and has not met. The protagonist of the case should be a girl from the analysis of the incident. One sentence explanation is that the girl thinks that the boyfriend is too extreme, so she proposes to break up, the boyfriend Resolutely disagreed, and made a series of extreme actions to prevent her from breaking up.

What made the girl unbearable in the end was that her boyfriend came to warn her that if she mentioned the breakup again, he would commit suicide.

"He will keep scolding me and murdering me all the time. If he scolds and cry, I will say he is wrong, but he will always scolding me and murdering me. I can't talk to anyone other than him, including female classmates. If I don’t reply in the last minute, I will get angry. If I don’t reply to text messages for 1 minute, he will keep sending them until I reply. I can’t see it in time every time. It’s really crazy… Every time my friend is unhappy, I comfort When I was in the house, he would say, don't care about other people's affairs, but they are my good friends, he would say let them go to hell, I was really driving me crazy, so I wanted to break up for relief, but he threatened me Said to commit suicide…”

Recently, there was a suicide incident at school. The girl was really frightened by her boyfriend's threat. She didn't dare to mention breaking up again for the time being, but she was even more anxious and afraid of him because of her boyfriend's behavior.

Jisu asked the members to send the information to everyone, and let everyone read it carefully first.

For this kind of question, just like a few girls who made a speech immediately after listening to it, they felt that they had to share it, and they immediately divided it.

A grumpy girl just couldn't hold back and said directly, "Focus, split immediately, I don't believe that he will really commit suicide. Such a selfish person is simply reluctant to commit suicide."

When all the information was sent to my hands, I realized that things were not so simple.

Because according to the girl's account, the suicide that the boyfriend said was not a deliberate threat, he might actually commit suicide.

The girl listed a series of extreme behaviors of her boyfriend, which are absolutely impossible to do in the eyes of normal people, but he did one thing after another.

After everyone was silent for a while after reading the information, a boy said in the silence, "This boy, he is ill."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly said, "I'm not scolding him, I'm just stating the facts, saying that he is ill, which means he has a mental illness."

This conclusion has been unanimously recognized by everyone, because normal people cannot do such a thing.

Qiao Lan looked at the manuscript in her hand, listened to the chattering discussions around her, and did not speak.

Ji Su has also been patiently listening to everyone's discussion for a while, and then he began to say,

"Accurately speaking, being too possessive and paranoid is not a mental illness, but it also depends on how possessive you are, whether there is excessive suspicion or inappropriate behaviors like monitoring each other, and whether your possessiveness is strong or not. It doesn't seriously affect your state or anything like that. Of course, whether it's a mental illness or not, being too possessive is not a good thing in itself."

"Generally, people who are too possessive tend to have low self-esteem, and feel that they are not good enough for fear of being abandoned by the other party, so they want to control and possess the other party. These problems are generally well communicated and guided in the right way. To solve, the topic we are discussing today is not this, but another, not for possessive behavior, but for people with real mental illness."

"Here, I ask a question, people with mental illness, do you think they can have the same love as normal people."