Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 129: Extra five


Although Tan Mo said that he would get married as soon as he graduated, the reality still does not allow it.

Because even if Tan Mo graduated, he still did not reach the legal age for marriage.

Just over three months.

Qiao Lan wanted to laugh when she thought of this.

In fact, she is not too worried about getting married or not. She does not pay attention to the sense of ritual as Tan Mo does. Now she feels very good with Tan Mo every day.

It's really funny just to see Tan Mo's waiting days.

Qiao Lan's senior year was a little easier than the average classmates. Because of her excellent grades, Qiao Lan has long been a graduate student. Recently, she has even had time to help Tan Mo with work and translation.

Tan Mo has become busier than ever.

In the graduation season, all the students began to make plans for their future lives, but Tan Mo had already become an astonishing capitalist. The house that has been rented is about to expire. Tan Mo spent a lot of money to buy a new house and a new car. Qiao Lan suddenly wanted to go to the company to see Tan Mo when she was free. When she entered, the hostess at the door asked her who she was looking for. When he was about to speak, he turned around and saw Kong Sha who had just returned to the company after his work.

Among Tan Mo's roommates, Qiao Lan used to be most familiar with Xie Hongyi, but later, because Kong Sha has been working with Tan Mo, he gradually became more familiar with Kong Sha.

Kong Sha, who hasn't talked too much, is probably getting acquainted with Qiao Lan gradually, and can joke a few times after meeting.

Kong Sha smiled and asked Qiao Lan if he had to prepare some money soon, Qiao Lan smiled and said no, and asked him to prepare more.

Looking at the back of Qiao Lan going upstairs, Kong Sha suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Blessings are natural, but more of them are indescribable envy.

It was the same acquaintance in high school, but in the end, he failed to come together like Qiao Lantanmo.

When Qiao Lan was far away, the hostess carefully asked Kong Sha who this was. The boss would be angry if he went straight up like this. Last time, a new female employee ran to the boss's office and was fired.

Kong Sha glanced at Miss Manners and said lightly, "No."


What won't.

"This is the lady boss."

In mid-October, Tan Mo finally reached the age of twenty-two.

Tan Mo, who has graduated, didn't even go to the company. The boss just skipped work and took his girlfriend to get the certificate.

As a result, it turned back halfway.

"No," Tan Mo said, then turned the car back.

Qiao Lan was stunned, "What's wrong?"

"Not today," Tan Mo said, "Let's go tomorrow."

Qiao Lan thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure out why.

Tan Mo explained solemnly, "Today is my birthday."

"so what."

"It's too wasteful to spend birthdays and wedding anniversaries together," Tan Mo said, "Let's come back tomorrow."

This way you can celebrate your birthday and then your wedding anniversary.


How is he so smart.

Qiao Lan stared at her boyfriend's profile for a long time, then turned her head both amused and speechless.

On the day he actually got the marriage certificate, Tan Mo stared at the little red book in his hand for nearly a whole day.

Finally, he grabbed Qiao Lan into his arms and said contentedly,

"You can't run away for the rest of your life."

Finally at night, Qiao Lan came out of the shower and saw Tan Mo taking a wedding photo with his mobile phone for a long time.

Five minutes later, Qiao Lan found Tan Mo's first Moments on Moments.

The comments in the comment area exploded, high school and college, familiar and unfamiliar, amazed, congratulations, Tan Mo's first time paying attention to other people's remarks for the whole night.

Tan's father was watching TV when his daughter rushed downstairs, "Dad, brother is married?"

Father Tan was sluggish for several seconds, "Marriage?"

What to marry.

Who to marry

"Let's play around," said Father Tan.

"Everyone has the certificate."

Tan Mo finally looked at the phone for a long time. The boys and girls in the photo were all first-class and beautiful. Tan Mo looked at the girl in the photo and felt a little familiar. After watching it for a long time, he finally remembered a day many years ago. Stop him and ask him for Tan Mo's phone number.

Later, I heard from Uncle Chen that this child was Tan Mo's roommate, and later went to the same university together.

is a good boy.

Excellent and beautiful.

Father Tan is very satisfied.

But he was very dissatisfied with his son, and he didn't tell Lao Tzu when he got married.

Father Tan was depressed for a long time, and finally he took the initiative to call Tan Mo and did his best to arrange the next wedding for Tan Mo.

"By the way, get in touch with your daughter-in-law's house."


Father Tan was taken aback.

No, what's not

Tan Mo said lightly, she has no relatives.

"It's enough for her to have me."

When Tan Mo hung up the phone, Father Tan was silent for a long time with his cell phone.

He remembered that when he was young, he had no money, no identity, and no one to help him. There was also a girl who gently told him that it was okay, that it was enough for you to have me.

But later he had everything, but only no trace of her could be seen.

On the wedding day, Qiao Lan saw many old friends whom she had not seen for a long time.

Pei Ning, Bai Yu, Hao Ying, etc., and even Song Yao.

Qiao Lan didn't know if it was the butterfly effect caused by her appearance. Song Yao and Chen Yaoyang, who were supposed to be together in the book, failed to get together. Song Yao became Pei Ning's girlfriend, and Chen Yaoyang heard that Chen Yaoyang went abroad. , what happened to Qiao Lan is unknown.

Four years ago, Hao Ying cried and got drunk with Tan Mo. Today, four years later, Hao Ying shouted that Qiao Lan became more and more beautiful and became the main force of drunk Tan Mo.

Luo Man grabbed Qiao Lan's skirt with shining eyes, pointed at Hao Ying and asked Qiao Lan, "Lan Lan is your high school classmate! This is too handsome!"

A certain junior sitting next to him instantly turned black.

So that day, in addition to a few roommates of Tan Mo who blocked the wine, this junior who was not familiar with Tan Mo also joined the army of drinking wine, more precisely, joined the ranks of drunk Hao Ying.

Qiao Lan didn't know how Hao Ying got home in the end. All Qiao Lan's attention was devoted to dealing with Tan Mo who was already drunk.

Tan Mo grabbed Qiao Lan's hand and smiled stupidly at Qiao Lan. After laughing enough, he closed his eyes and whispered, "I want to kiss."

After speaking, he pointed to his lips soaked in wine, "Kiss here."

As soon as Kong Sha opened the door, he saw the always indifferent Tan Mo's silly appearance. He stiffened for half a second with irritation, then closed the door thoughtfully and walked out.

On the wedding night, as the saying goes, the bridal chamber has a candle night.

Actually nothing happened.

Tan Mo was so drunk that he couldn't even get up, let alone do anything else.

When he woke up the next day, Tan Mo clutched the quilt and nearly burst into tears.

Although I don't know how many times I made up for the honeymoon later, this incident became Tan Mo's lifelong resentment.

Drink wrong.

Tan Mo never touched a glass of wine again.

Although the marriage was early, the arrival of the baby was a few years later.

After all, Qiao Lan is still studying.

After all, Tan Mo loves his wife very much.

After Qiao Lan successfully graduated as a master's student and became a psychiatrist, Qiao Lan was finally ready to have a baby.

Tan Mo is always an activist.

Qiao Lan finally made a decision on her forefoot, and it didn't take long for Qiao Lan to win the lottery.

It can be seen that Tan Mo not only has high mobility, but also has high accuracy.

On their way home from the hospital, Qiao Lan asked Tan Mo whether he liked boys or girls.

Tan Mo said without thinking, "Girl."

Qiao Lan could completely guess the reason why Tan Mo answered this way, and smiled deliberately, "What if it's a boy?"

Tan Mo calmed down for a few seconds, "Look at his performance."

If you dare to steal your wife from him, don't blame him for being "excessive".

Fortunately, God favored this child, and a few months later, Qiao Lan gave birth to a little girl smoothly.

Tan Mo, who promised to pamper her after Qiao Lan gave birth to a daughter, forgot her daughter on the first day her daughter was born. She took Qiao Lan's hand and looked at the pale Qiao Lan's hand trembling slightly.

He didn't want Qiao Lan to hurt like this again.

The little baby who couldn't see beauty or ugliness at the beginning grew up day by day, and his eyebrows and eyes finally became clearer and more beautiful.

Just like Qiao Lan when she was a child.

Personality is more like Tan Mo.

To outsiders, he is cold and indifferent, and when he sees his family members, he is like a fluffy little cat, but after frying his fur, he is outrageously fierce.

When I went to kindergarten on the first day today, I cried a lot of children.

When Tan Mo went to pick up his daughter, as soon as he entered, he heard the murderous voice of his little daughter's milky voice.

"My mommy is the most beautiful in the world!"

In the morning, Uncle Chen and Auntie Chen signed up with the little girl, so the teachers did not expect this parent to be so handsome.

The teachers were all young girls, and suddenly saw Tan Mo's face blushing, and took the initiative to talk to Tan Mo.

Tan Mo easily picked up his daughter in one hand, "What's the matter?"

"My wife is indeed the prettiest."

The teacher who left behind who wanted to talk but was stuck in place by a sentence had walked a long way holding her daughter's long legs.


The next day Qiao Lan picked up her daughter from school in person. Several teachers finally met the most beautiful mom and wife in the world, and finally recognized them silently.

Forget it, people are really nice.

Running to be a star is enough.

Qiao Lan didn't know what happened yesterday. After settling her daughter, she kissed her round face, "Should we go home now or go to dinner first?"

"Go pick up Baba for dinner!"

Qiao Lan smiled and said, "Okay, let's have dinner together."

eat together, go home together,

Walk through the rest together, every tomorrow.

The author has something to say: it's all over here~ Thank you for your company all the way, see you in the next book~~~~~~

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