Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 13


Qiao Lan was inexplicable.

But after the paper was discovered, I didn't have the heart to think about the students behind me. I had to take two exams in the morning, and who was in the mood to care about others.

And in the morning there was Qiao Lan's least confident physics.

However, after Qiao Lan got the paper and continued to do it unimpeded, the heart that had been raised gradually fell back little by little.

Qiao Lan's recent studies are more diligent than ever before. In addition to the good foundation in the past, the results obtained now are far better than Qiao Lan's own imagination. After one and a half hours of exam time, Qiao Lan finished it again. Checked it again, and finally handed in the paper with satisfaction.

In the afternoon math and chemistry, the chemistry went smoothly. For Qiao Lan, who has already studied advanced mathematics, mathematics is really a bit simple, and it even takes half an hour to complete a complete paper.

The exam went well, and Qiao Lan handed in the papers in a good mood. I didn't hear the boy who asked her if she was good at math today, heaving a sigh of relief, and told the boys next to him that the math was stable this time.

"The girl in front of me is very quick to do the question. This time I follow her choice, it must be no problem."

As soon as Hao Ying remembered the last monthly exam, she had done so little in mathematics that she was almost beaten by his father and didn't even recognize his mother. It is impossible for him to study and get good grades in this life. He can only think of some crooked ways. He has long hands and feet, and his eyes are not at all short-sighted. on your answer sheet.

Now that the math test is over, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and sigh with my friends next to me. As a result, just after speaking, the two girls looked at each other, hesitated for a few seconds, and then approached Hao Ying.

"That... classmate, you just said that you copied the choice of the girl in front of you to fill in the blank."

Hao Ying glanced back at the two girls. He didn't know each other, but he was good-natured and good-natured. Everyone he saw was familiar, let alone girls. After a few words, he inquired about the classes of the two girls, and then asked the two girls. Why do you say this all of a sudden.

The girl hurriedly said with the look on her face that I feel sorry for you,

"The girl in front of you is from our class. Last month, I took the test in my class." The girl sighed, "Math is the worst. I got 66 points on the 150 paper, so I copied her. It’s really better to make up your own choices.”

Hao Ying: …

Suddenly dumbfounded.

After a long time, she covered her head, "No, I asked her how she was doing in math, and she said it was okay."

"The standards for the top students and the poor students are different. The top students think that 140 is ok, but the poor students may take 70 points." The two girls said, "Really, don't copy her papers again. already."

Hao Ying's ecstatic mood just now froze in an instant.

But I still had a good temper and said thank you to these two girls.

I thought I could finally get rid of the beating, but who would have thought that such a thing would happen!

Hao Ying was still a little unbelievable, and delusionally thought that the two girls just now deliberately scare him, so he ran back to look at the name of the girl sitting in front of him, and then ran to check the last test results.

Every time the grades of the attached middle school are published by the whole school, each student can check the grades through the campus network, and anyone can check them.

I found Class 13, looked down from the top, and finally saw Qiao Lan's name at the end.

Math 66, Physics 68, Chemistry 79, English 82…

It's all 150 points!

Hao Ying collapsed.

In the last monthly exam, I did 77 on the math papers, but this girl only got 66 on the exam. Where does the confidence come from to say that she is ok in math!

For a moment, Hao Ying seemed to have seen what she would face when the results came out.

This time it wasn't the men's singles. Maybe his parents would play the men's and women's doubles together. Hao Ying covered her handsome face. In a few days, when the results came out, this handsome face might be broken.

If he went back in time, he would definitely not copy the papers of the previous classmates, he would definitely answer the questions well...

God he wanted to cry.

When Qiao Lan came back to the classroom the next day, the big white tooth who was smiling brightly yesterday was gone. The handsome guy who looked like a certain star was like an eggplant hit by frost. When he saw him, his eyes were full of accusation and resentment.

What a handsome guy, his expressions are so rich every day like an expression pack, which also affects his appearance too much.

Thinking of this, Qiao Lan thought of Tan Mo inexplicably.

Tan Mo's hair is very long, covering his eyes and eyebrows, and his whole person looks gloomy and cold, not to mention the rest of the class, not even she can see his appearance clearly, only once, it is he who decides. When Ding looked at Qiao Lan, Qiao Lan found that Tan Mo's eyes were light brown.

That's a good looking boy too.

The next few courses of literature and comprehensive are the ones that Qiao Lan is very good at. Compared with yesterday's chemical physics, it is very easy. Qiao Lan sat and had nothing to do and gave himself a score.

The physics she was most worried about was not bad this time, so Qiao Lan felt that she could still look forward to the total score this time.

When I was going home, I met Qiao Lu again on the way. Qiao Lu was talking to a few girls next to her, and seeing her chin raised high, she didn't want to pay attention to Qiao Lan, and turned her head to answer the few girls next to her.

"What do you choose for the last multiple-choice question in geography?"

"I chose C."

"I chose D, C is wrong, the teacher didn't talk about it before... I can guarantee that this question is definitely C."

Qiao Lu was so sure, and the two girls next to her suddenly wailed. Qiao Lan thought about the last step of geography, which is to choose C, where did she choose D.

Qiao Lu and a few were still talking. One girl said that the math this time was too difficult, and Qiao Lu said it was okay. The girl next to her asked her how much she could pass the test, and Qiao Lu said that she should be able to pass 130.

With the envy voice, Qiao Lu's voice gradually faded away.

The next day went to class as usual, but all the teachers did not teach new knowledge these two days, but started to teach papers. This process was tense and exciting for the students.

Especially when the multiple-choice questions were taught at the beginning, the answers were fixed. Every time a question was taught, the students in the class either cheered or wailed. Qiao Lan's English class at the same table cheered for a class, while waiting for the math class. began to lose.

After class, Song Yao and Chen Yaoyang were instantly crowded with people.

"Song Yao, how is your math this time?"

"Yaoyang, lend me the physics paper!"

"Yaoyang, can you keep it first?"

Chen Yaoyang leaned back on the chair and smiled, "Almost."

Generally speaking, these subjects of Chinese Language and Literature cannot get too many marks. For mathematics, English, physics and chemistry, he can guarantee that as long as he can't, no one else will. He mainly relies on these subjects to get points. Relying on these few doors directly pulled the second-year-old by nearly 30 points.

This time the math paper is more difficult than the last time, and the score will only be more serious.

While the students were estimating their grades frantically, the teacher was constantly correcting the papers. The English teacher was the easiest, with a machine to correct the answer sheets. They were only responsible for correcting mistakes and writing compositions, so the English papers were the fastest.

Lao Liu counted the English papers of the two classes he brought, and prepared to hand them in to the teaching and research team leader.

The English grades of Class 13 were very good. The last draw was the first in the grade. The whole grade said that it was a full score of ten or so in several classes. There are only three in this class. Lao Liu is very proud of this.

Generally speaking, even if the front of the English paper is really correct, one or two points will be deducted from the composition, but the grade leader said that there is no need to nitpick and deduct points for students. If the composition is well written, full marks will be awarded.

This is not more to encourage those good students.

Now, one by one, the results are listed, and when Song Yao is listed, it is very good, same as last time, full marks.

By the time of Xue Yutong, 144, the full score was lost.

Finally, Chen Yaoyang, very good, the first in the grade is worthy of being the first in the grade, still full marks, still very, very good.

Old Liu sighed, this time the problem was difficult, and it was normal that the full score was one less than last time, but he was still a little disappointed, and other classes might not have a full score.

I didn't look for the papers, and recorded the results one by one in order. Suddenly, another paper with a perfect score of 150 appeared in front of me!

Lao Liu:! ! !

There's still one? ?


Pei Ning and Zhao Tong? The English of these students is ok.

Finally, his eyes finally fell on the name of this full score paper.

Not anyone I imagined, but, Qiao Lan!

Lao Liu was stunned.

Is it actually Qiao Lan

He remembered that Qiao Lan's English score was at the upper-middle level. It seemed that he had not passed the monthly test last time, but this time he actually got a perfect score in the test

Old Liu thought this was incredible and couldn't believe it, but suddenly he remembered that he had asked Qiao Lan to come up and dictate the words a few times recently. Qiao Lan was all right every time, and when checking the recitation, Qiao Lan recited it very quickly.

At that time, he felt that the student had finally studied well, and he was very happy about it.

Lao Liu thought that Qiao Lan's performance should improve this time, but he didn't expect it to improve so much, full marks! So it is said that hard work pays off, as long as you are willing to work hard, nothing is impossible.

Especially now that he is only in the first year of high school, and everything has just started, even if the students who did not study very well in the past, as long as they make good use of the time now, miracles will definitely happen!

Isn't Qiao Lan the proof

Ahem, that's why their class got three full marks this time. Lao Liu was excited. After he finished his grades, he called the class representative over and asked the class representative to find the papers.

The class had been waiting for a long time, and Qiao Lan's tablemate was nervous, and estimated her score with several classmates at the front and back tables.

Her English grades are very good. The last time she took the exam of over 130, this time the question is a little bit more difficult. Full marks!"

My roommate was a little jealous.

I heard that Song Yao went to the United States to stay for a year. In this environment, Song Yao's English must be much better than those of them. In the last monthly test, she and Song Yao's English fell by nearly 20 points.

As a result, Song Yao took another 150 exam this time, and she and Song Yao were not much different in other subjects, so she might fail Song Yao again this time.

The tablemate couldn't hide her disappointment, but the next second her papers were issued.

"Zhao Tong, one hundred and thirty-seven!"

"Wow, Tongtong is taller than last time!"

The few girls around were not as good as Zhao Tong's in the test. Zhao Tong's test paper was down. Although it was not a perverted score like 150, 137 was already very high!

The single subject score can definitely be ranked in the top five in the class.

Zhao Tong just thought that he might fail Song Yao in the exam, but now he suddenly has confidence again. If Song Yao doesn't do well in mathematics and physics, everything is possible

Taking a step back, even if you really can't take the second test, the third and fourth are fine. This time the English is higher than the last time, and the overall ranking may be higher.

Looking at Chen Yaoyang sitting on the table in front of him, Zhao Tong's heart beat faster.

When he looked back and saw that Qiao Lan's papers had not been sent out, he sneered in his heart.

Even if the English word dictation is correct every time, the test is not a dictation word, I don't know how many I can test this time, seventy? eighty? Maybe ninety.

Ninety percent.

Zhao Tong put away his papers, glanced at Qiao Lan with a complacent look, and then glanced at the class representative who sent the papers, "Hurry up, there are still people waiting."

"What's the hurry?" The class representative laughed, lowered his head and picked up the next paper, suddenly the smile froze on his face, and a swearing word burst out after a long time.


"What's wrong?"

The students looked over one by one and wondered.

"Qiao Lan..." The class representative said Qiao Lan's name hesitantly, glanced at the paper again in disbelief, and said slowly,

"Qiao Lan...One hundred and five...full marks!"