Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 16


Back in the classroom, Qiao Lan had already returned from the outside, and many students surrounding the classroom finally saw the legendary Qiao Lan.

But the legendary Qiao Lan did not have the joy of taking the first place in the whole grade at all. A tall, thin girl walked into the classroom silently, looking at the last row of the first group, as if she didn't. Look, he returned to his seat without saying a word.

Qiao Lan admitted that he was a little disappointed.

The head teacher just found her and said that Tan Mo didn't want to sit at the same table with her.

He said bluntly that he was unwilling and never explained any reason.

The head teacher is a good person, and is still comforting Qiao Lan, "Tan Mo is different from what you know. He had a serious autism since he was a child. Later, something happened to his family, and now his condition is more serious. He is willing to come to school, but Tan Mo's father spent a lot of effort to get Tan Mo to come to school, Tan Mo doesn't like to be close to people, so let him sit in the back alone..."

"You don't need to say anything, teacher, I understand."

She even knew more than the head teacher.

I know that Tan Mo is not an ordinary autism, and I know what happened to him, but it is inevitable that I will still be disappointed.

The head teacher didn't know what to say, and after thinking about it, he said, "About changing seats, I think it's good for you and Chen Yaoyang to sit at the same table. Chen Yaoyang's physical chemistry is very good. You and him are at the same table, and mutual help can be effective. improve grades!"

Qiao Lan: "..."

Teacher, please let me go.

Maybe it's because Qiao Lan's expression is too unlovable, and the head teacher can't bear to embarrass her anymore.

After all, it's the first place, it's a little privilege after all, "Then who do you want to sit at the same table with?"

"Whatever," Qiao Lan said. There were 45 people in the class, and she couldn't even name 40 of them.

The head teacher thought for a while, "Then Pei Ning, Pei Ning is also very good in physical chemistry, but his English is a little weak, it's not bad for you to sit together."

Qiao Lan didn't know who Pei Ning was, so that's what the head teacher said.

After Qiao Lan left, the head teacher sighed. He was still a little concerned about why Qiao Lan didn't sit at the same table with Chen Yaoyang. As far as he knew, Chen Yaoyang's popularity in the class should be very good.

Shaking his head and walking out of the office, he took two steps and found that the figure in front of him looked familiar. Isn't this Chen Yaoyang

What is Chen Yaoyang doing here

The head teacher didn't think much, and called out to Chen Yaoyang. Chen Yaoyang didn't want to answer, but he still stopped, looking at the head teacher with a handsome face and expressionless, "Teacher, what's the matter."

"This", the head teacher hesitated for a while, but still felt that he couldn't ask, so he could only encourage Chen Yaoyang as he walked, "Is it a little discouraged that I didn't keep the first place in the grade this time, the teacher thinks that I don't need to worry about it at all, just work hard and try to get back in the test next time. ."

First or second, Chen Yaoyang doesn't care that much now. He admits that he has been a little too relaxed recently. As long as he works harder on the liberal arts, the next time it will be his first, he is really not too worried.

He's irritable now...

"Teacher," Chen Yaoyang said after deliberation, "A seat in the afternoon..."

"Oh, oh, this, I was about to tell you, according to this ranking, you and Qiao Lan should sit at the same table, but for some reasons, the teacher decided to let Qiao Lan and Pei Ning sit, and you and Song Yao. , I think you and Song Yao have a very good relationship, so there should be no problem."

Chen Yaoyang: "..."

You said so, what else could he say

If he doesn't agree, that means he has a bad relationship with Song Yao

Chen Yaoyang didn't want to say a single word, the fire that had just been suppressed a while ago began to recover little by little. He passed the high-ranked exhibition board and saw Qiao Lan at the top again.

He looked away more and more gloomily.

The last class in the afternoon was the class meeting class. The students in class 13 were a little excited. After the second class, all the students packed their schoolbags and waited to welcome their new classmates.

Only Tan Mo sat quietly, as if it had nothing to do with everything.

After the class bell rang, the head teacher walked in with the report card, stood on the podium and cleared his throat, and said, "Today, we will arrange the seats according to the rank, everyone should understand the meaning of this sentence, but the teacher still has other things. A few points should be made clear. I know that some students are not satisfied with this method of arranging seats, especially the students with lower grades in the class. In this regard, there is one more thing I want to explain about the seating arrangement. "

"Students who are at the top of the ranking can sit with the students who are at the top of the ranking. However, if the students who have made great progress in the test, the teacher can adjust their seats as appropriate, so even if your grades are not good, as long as you make progress, you can still match your grades. Very good classmates are at the same table, which means that our seat change this time is not strictly according to the ranking."

Having said that, the students who were at the back of the class suddenly became more energetic, and the class buzzed with discussions.

"Okay, everyone is quiet, let's start lining up the seats now." The head teacher pointed to the position of the first shot of the group by the door, "Starting from this group, the first row, Qiao Lan, Pei Ning."

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the whole class fell on Qiao Lan.

Shouldn't Qiao Lan sit with Chen Yaoyang

Even Pei Ning, who was about to sit at the same table with Qiao Lan, was stunned, but he was introverted and didn't say anything.

And Qiao Lan was even more calm, the head teacher just finished speaking and sat in the first row with his schoolbag.

Tan Mo, who had been looking down at the book, had already stopped writing in his hand. His muscles twitched faintly on that face that was always expressionless, and his beautiful light brown eyes were confused for the first time.

Shouldn't she sit with Chen Yaoyang

But no one answered him, and no one would tell him.

Chen Yaoyang, who was supposed to sit at the same table with Qiao Lan, sat in the first row of the third group to the left of Qiao Lan, and the class flower Song Yao sat with him.

Song Yao's cheeks were slightly red, and her big eyes were watery and beautiful, but Chen Yaoyang was in such a bad mood that she didn't see it at all.

As soon as he turned his head, he could see Qiao Lan. She was working on a physics exercise book with her head lowered and a pen in her hands. She seemed to have no interest in where he sat, and the surrounding chaos had nothing to do with her.

Qiao Lan really doesn't like him

Even after hearing that Qiao Lan didn't sit at the same table with him, Chen Yaoyang didn't believe it.

After all, Qiao Lan's eyes were too obvious at the beginning.

And if it wasn't for being closer to him, Qiao Lan would have worked so hard to get this ranking.

But what Qiao Lan wants to do now, Chen Yaoyang really can't think of it.

After Qiao Lan and Chen Yaoyang's seat turmoil, it was no fun to change seats later. Everyone had new seats at the same table, and everyone chatted and chatted.

Only Tan Mo, the whole person's silence is more gloomy.

He raised his head and looked at a position as usual, but it was no longer Qiao Lan who was sitting there, but a tall and strong boy.

Qiao Lan sat on the other side of the door, while Tan Mo sat on the diagonal.

Qiao Lan became the person furthest away from Tan Mo in this classroom.

There were so many classmates and tall and strong boys in the middle, blocking Tan Mo's sight.

He couldn't see Qiao Lan's back.

The pen in his hand suddenly cut through the paper, leaving a long mark on the book, but Tan Mo himself didn't notice it.

In a trance, the last class was over. The classmates who stood up were taller, and they couldn't see anything. When they could finally see it, Tan Mo saw that Qiao Lan was still sitting in her seat reading a book.

Tan Mo, who wanted to leave, stopped again.

Tan Mo couldn't figure out why he didn't leave, and why he stayed here.

He also didn't want to think about the reason here, he stared at Qiao Lan, who had become so far away from him.

The mobile phone vibrated in his clothes. Uncle Chen, who answered him every day when he went to and from school, called him. Tan Mo glanced at the phone and pressed the call. He replied to Uncle Chen and asked him to wait.

School was dismissed at 5:20, and at 5:40, Qiao Lan finally put down the pen in her hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

Unconsciously, he turned back and looked in Tan Mo's direction. When he turned back, he remembered that at this time, Tan Mo should have left long ago.

But when he saw it, he found that Tan Mo was still there. Not only was he there, but the pale and fragile youth in a wheelchair was looking at her steadily.

Those eyes have never been emotional, but at such a long distance, Qiao Lan felt that the eyes when they looked at her were too hot.

Qiao Lan wanted to leave, but stopped after hesitating for a moment.

Since Tan Mo said he didn't want to sit at the same table with her, Qiao Lan's enthusiasm was somewhat affected, and she didn't know how to continue to communicate with Tan Mo. She even doubted whether her unilateral initiative was really appropriate.

She thought she was close, but for Tan Mo, did she just feel annoyed and disturbed.

But... Qiao Lan lowered her eyelashes slightly, and when she raised her head again, Tan Mo had already closed his eyes, and rolled his wheelchair to walk outside the classroom, his indifferent back, as if the burning gaze just now was completely fake.

Qiao Lan grabbed her schoolbag and chased after him.

"Tan Mo", Qiao Lan called out to Tan Mo.

The boy with his hands on the wheelchair stopped, the sunset fell on his pale and thin cheeks, and his voice was indifferent and distant, "What."


What were you just looking at

What did you want to do just now

Qiao Lan finally didn't ask, she dared to guarantee that Tan Mo didn't know.

"Tan Mo, do you like being alone?"


"Don't you like someone being too close to you?"


"Do you hate being too close to you?"


Qiao Lan was silent.

Tan Mo stared at Qiao Lan, why did he ask these, why did he ask such irrelevant questions, why didn't he continue to ask

Qiao Lan didn't ask.

Tan Mo stared at Qiao Lan's dark eyes, and asked the question that made him irritable all day, "Why didn't you sit with Chen Yaoyang?"

Qiao Lan was stunned for a while, probably because she didn't understand why she brought up Chen Yaoyang, but she answered honestly.

"Because I don't want to."

In no mood

Why not

Then who do you want to sit with

Isn't it because of him that you took the first place in the exam

Tan Mo didn't ask, but Qiao Lan understood Tan Mo's hesitant question.

"I don't want to, because I hate him," Qiao Lan said, as if to make fun of himself, "I want to sit at the same table with you, but the teacher said you don't want to."

Tan Mo suddenly looked up at her.

But there was still no expression on the face with necrotic muscles. Qiao Lan looked down at him and restrained her smile.

"Tan Mo, I didn't know you would dislike it so much. I didn't mean to make you feel so uncomfortable. I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I won't bother you again."

She looked at Tan Mo and smiled softly, just like the smile in the past, but this time, the smile in her memory was no longer the same.