Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 24


Qiao Lan stood at the entrance of the corridor, and after watching Uncle Chen walk away, he was alone in the dark for a long time.

She lived for 20 years in her last life, and she didn’t know who her parents were or what her surname was when she was a child. She even chose her surname at random. The best person in her last life was the kind aunt who helped her go to high school, and then she was admitted to college. Lan vowed to miss her for the rest of her life.

But before there was time, she became the current Qiao Lan. Just because she couldn't bear it, she cared more about Tan Mo a few times, but the young man gave her too much feedback.

Qiao Lan squatted down and buried her cheeks on her knees.

The book says that it is difficult for people with AS to have friendships, but once they do, they will become at a loss and don’t know how to maintain them, so adopt the simplest and rude way and be nice to you.

However, this is too good, Qiao Lan breathed a long sigh of relief. In the past 20 years, no one reminded her to wear thick clothes when it snowed, and no one reminded her to bring an umbrella when it snowed. Not to mention sending her home on purpose.

After about a few minutes of squatting, or maybe ten minutes later, Qiao Lan went upstairs and returned to Qiao's house.

It was past twelve o'clock in the morning, and only Mother Qiao was not sleeping and was putting on a mask. She glanced at Qiao Lan and said casually, "I don't know what time I'll be back, and I won't say where I'm going if I can't find anyone for a day. Keep your voice down. Your brother just fell asleep."

Seeing the back of Qiao's mother turning back to the room, Qiao Lan felt that she had returned to reality.

Qiao Lan thought that because of the quarrel with Tang Qin, she might return to the situation where she was alienated from everyone at the beginning, but later found that it did not seem to be the case.

They are all fifteen or sixteen years old. Generally speaking, everyone's nature is not bad.

But maybe it's because Tang Qin is neither Chen Yaoyang nor Song Yao. Her weight in the class is not big enough for the rest to alienate Qiao Lan because of her attitude. Of the few girls, none of them had much change in their attitude towards Qiao Lan.

Like Pei Ning, and a few classmates sitting on the right in front of Qiao Lan, they still met, greeted and talked as before. Qiao Lan was very good at English and math, and some of her classmates would come to ask Qiao Lan questions after class.

However, for Tan Mo, most students still try to stay as far away as possible, but there are also a small number of students who have gradually changed.

Qiao Lan talks to Tan Mo every day, but Tan Mo doesn't suddenly hit someone like Tang Qin said, he doesn't even speak loudly, he's not crazy, he doesn't look stupid, and the way he talks to Qiao Lan, he doesn't scary.

But everything, Tan Mo doesn't care.

The only thing that can make him care now is only one Qiao Lan.

Qiao Lan is currently competing with Pei Ning at the same table, as well as a few classmates in front of her, which is better than her memory.

I forgot who started, they were all boys and girls of the same age, and they were a little unconvinced and wanted to compare. The girl sitting in front of Qiao Lan made the question and added the judge, Qiao Lan, Pei Ning, and another boy.

The question is very simple. The ten Roman numerals are randomly ordered. The girls who gave the question read a total of fifteen numbers. The three people who write more correctly will win. The bet is simpler, two lollipops.

In Tan Mo's eyes, such a game is boring.

He had no idea what was the point of this time-wasting game.

But Qiao Lan was playing, so Tan Mo put down the book in his hand and watched them play.

The girl who asked the question wrote down fifteen numbers at random, then coughed twice while holding the note, "Listen, just read it again, 2, 4, 5, 0...2.8, don't continue writing, count down to tens. In seconds, ten, nine, eight, seven…”

Qiao Lan took out a pen and just wrote three numbers, when Pei Ning next to him suddenly short-circuited, "Ehhh, what's the fifth one?", and glanced at Qiao Lan subconsciously.

Qiao Lan pushed the person away, turned around, and put the book on Tan Mo's table.

I quickly wrote eight numbers, and when I reached the ninth, I suddenly couldn't remember whether it was 7 or 8.

The girl who asked the question glanced at what another boy wrote, and couldn't help laughing, "Your mistake is too outrageous, the countdown is over..."

Qiao Lan really couldn't remember, and was about to write a random number and make it up, Tan Mo whispered in a voice that only two people could hear, "846728."

Qiao Lan didn't even think about it and wrote everything Tan Mo said.

Tan Mo was stunned, so she wasn't afraid that he remembered it wrong.

The countdown for the girl in front was over, and she quickly removed the note from the three of them. After reading it, she laughed, "Why did you get the third number wrong, Pei Ning got the third number wrong, eh, Joe Lan is all right! I'll say that our girls' memory is not worse than yours at all. Look at what Qiao Lan wrote..."

"That's Qiao Lan's memory, okay?"

There was another commotion in front, and Qiao Lan turned around and sighed at Tan Mo with a smile, "Why are you so powerful."

The girl in front of her eyes was very dark and bright. She looked at him and sighed from the bottom of her heart. He was used to hearing people say he was crazy and stupid. He thought he was used to not feeling it, but when he heard Qiao Lan's words In a word, I still felt heartfelt joy.

Maybe because of the sentence, maybe because of the person who said it.

Tan Mo clearly remembers how much suffering he had to endure in school every day before he met Qiao Lan, but now it seems that life in school is no longer so difficult.

This is his most comfortable state outside of being alone.

On the weekends, Tan Mo didn't go to the western restaurant. He found a very good book and devoted two days to it.

On Sunday night, Father Tan came to see Tan Mo in his busy schedule.

Tan Mo did not live with his father.

When Tan Mo had no memory, his parents had already divorced. After the age of seven, as he grew older, his mother finally discovered the difference between him and other children, and took him to the United States for treatment.

A stay is seven years.

For his father, Tan Mo has no memory or feelings. After being taken over by his father, he couldn't bear the noise of his newly formed family. He found his father and told him with no emotion. I don't want to live with them.

So he lived with Uncle Chen, who had been taking care of him and his mother.

Father Tan would visit him occasionally.

He remembered that last week, Tan Mo suddenly didn't want to go to school. He wanted to talk to Tan Mo, but he found out that it was his one-man show. Tan Mo hardly spoke, and only spoke a few times, which was the most useless nonsense.

Father Tan could only ask the assistant to hire a psychiatrist, and after asking the doctor's attitude, he came to Tan Mo again.

He once felt that Tan Mo was autistic and xenophobic, so he asked him to go to school, to meet peers, and people. After talking to the doctor, the doctor advised him not to do this, and Tan's father hurried to find Tan Mo.

Father Tan remembered the words of the psychiatrist and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He looked at Tan Mo's icy face and asked him how the week was going recently.

Tan Mo looked up at him and said from the bottom of his heart, "Very good."

Father Tan was a little skeptical, because Tan Mo's expressionless face had nothing to do with being nice.

He didn't know that his son's disease was called Asperger's disease. He didn't know that it was difficult for him to receive feelings and express his emotions. He only thought that Tan Mo was a common autism, and he recalled the doctor's words.

Autistic children, because they resist the outside world and resist trouble, sometimes lie to avoid trouble.

Father Tan looked at Tan Mo for a long time, and after a while he sighed, "I didn't think about it at the time and forced you to go to school, but now Dad is slowly understanding it, and I know that you don't like going to school, if you don't want to go, then don't go. already."

Tan Mo glanced at Father Tan inexplicably. He clearly said it well, why did Father Tan seem to have not heard it.

So he repeated, "I said I'm fine and I want to go to school."

Rather than sitting here with Father Tan and saying these words, he prefers to go to school, and likes to look at the smiles of the girls sitting in front of him who turn their heads from time to time.

Not wanting to say anything to Father Tan, Tan Mo pushed the wheelchair back to his room.

Today is Sunday, and I will see Qiao Lan again tomorrow.

The next day, he came to the school as before, pushed his wheelchair into the classroom, but was stunned when he saw that Qiao Lan, who was supposed to be sitting in front of him, was replaced by another girl.

His seat was still there, but the person sitting in front was gone.

The weekly seat rotation, Qiao Lan was still in front of him a week ago, but when the week arrived, Qiao Lan also changed to another position.

She sat in the penultimate row of the second group, not very far from Tan Mo's position, but at this moment, Tan Mo had endless panic.

The new classmate at the front desk opened the window to the maximum, and the cold wind poured in through the window, and Tan Mo's uncomfortable face became paler.

In front of him is a book that he thought was very interesting yesterday, but now he can't read a word.

He couldn't help looking in Qiao Lan's direction over and over again. He could see that she was listening to the class and writing with her head down, but he couldn't see her hair, and he couldn't see her often turning around and lying on his back. The pair of dark smiling eyes in front of him.

It turned out that Qiao Lan didn't always sit in front of him. Next week, next week, he would sit further away from him.

A moment ago, he felt that campus life was very good, but in an instant, it returned to its original appearance, and it was even more unbearable than before.

He turned his head stiffly and looked at it again. Pei Ning was writing with a pen and talking to Qiao Lan.

Probably talking about physics.

When sitting behind Qiao Lan, Qiao Lan would ask Pei Ning physics questions from time to time.

In fact, he can also answer those questions. He won't think for a long time like Pei Ning to get the answer. He can tell Qiao Lan the correct answer in a very short time.

But now, he couldn't even hear what they were talking about.

Tan Mo used to hate Pei Ning, because Pei Ning could turn his head to see Qiao Lan's profile, and he could touch her arm with any movement, but no matter what happened in the past, there was no more unbearable moment for him. .

Because Pei Ning can not only talk to her casually, but now he can follow her to other positions.

And he will only get further and further away.

He stared at Pei Ning's back, and for the first time had a strong and directional thought.

He wanted to sit in that position.

When he turned his head, he could see Qiao Lan's position.