Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 28


Qiao Lu came home again, humming, remembering the last time her father scolded her for telling her not to wrong Qiao Lan without evidence, Qiao Lu saw Uncle Qiao's serious face and took the complaint back and waited for her father to watch it at night. During the news, I went to my mother, Aunt Qiao, to cry.

But this time, even the mother's expression was a little unexpected.

Aunt Qiao doesn't like Mrs. Qiao or the third sister-in-law, but she still has some reservations about the children of Mrs. Qiao's family.

Aunt Qiao is not too confused. She hates someone for a reason. For example, I hate Mrs. Qiao's vulgarity and eccentricity and the inferiority of the country people. But as for the children of Qiao San's family, what Aunt Qiao hates most is second sister Qiao and Qiao Yuan. The former is clearly a junior, but she is not ashamed but still proud, while the latter is just because she is a son. Too held up to the sky.

As for the remaining Sister Qiao and Qiao Lan, Second Aunt Qiao doesn't find it annoying. Sister Qiao has a docile personality, and Qiao Lan has never acted as a demon.

Except last time Qiao Lu told her decisively that Qiao Lan plagiarized.

But this time Qiao Lu said that Qiao Lan was plagiarizing, but Aunt Qiao was a little bit unconvinced. Just like what she said last time, if Qiao Lan copied it once, could it be possible to copy it a second time

Before this exam, Qiao Lu told her repeatedly that Qiao Lan would not be able to copy it this time.

As a result, Qiao Lan's grades are still very good.

While crying, Qiao Lu said that Qiao Lan's plagiarism was disgusting, and cried that other classmates didn't believe her, not even her father.

Aunt Qiao looked at Sapo scolding Qiao Lan's daughter, and her mood suddenly became a little complicated. She remembered the last time her husband told Qiao Lu with a stern face that he should not wrong anyone without evidence. Show here.

That's why Qiao Lu intensified and became what he is now.

Aunt Qiao sat on the sofa and finally began to wonder if she had done something wrong in educating Qiao Lu.

Qiao Lu cried for a long time, but found that she didn't get a response from her mother. As soon as she looked up, she saw her mother staring at her with deep eyes. She felt a little sudden in her heart and whispered, "Mom...Did you hear what I said..."

Second Aunt Qiao came back to her senses and said after a while, "If you don't have any evidence, don't talk about it anymore, and put your mind on others every day. It's no wonder that you have fallen behind in your exams."

Qiao Lu looked at her mother dumbfounded, her mouth opened wide, and her face was unbelievable.

Aunt Qiao only felt a little tired and didn't want to say anything to Qiao Lu, so she turned and went into the bedroom to talk to her husband.

That night, Qiao Lu was arrested and scolded by her serious father in the room for half an hour after being said by Second Aunt Qiao. Her eyes were swollen when she slept that night.

On the other side of the Qiao family, last time Qiao Lan took the first place in the exam. Mother Qiao showed off when she saw people, but she still felt unsure. Later, Qiao Yuan secretly told her that Qiao Lu told him that Qiao Lan had copied the first. One, Mother Qiao was a little skeptical after hearing this.

But doubt is doubt, what Mother Qiao wants is the capital to show off, whether you learn it yourself or copy it, but the only thing that worries her is that if Qiao Lan does not pass the exam this time, then she will be able to save face. Can't hang up.

As a result, Qiao Lan came back with good grades this time. Although she was not the first in the grade, the second in the grade was enough to make her face bright.

Qiao Yuan went to eat in the small restaurant of Qiao's father and Qiao's mother. As soon as he entered, he saw Qiao's mother's face full of spring, and when he saw the students, he asked them how many high school students they were. One, this time I didn't do well in the test, it was only the second in the grade.

Qiao Yuan originally thought that Qiao Lu was in a good mood again, but looking at her mother like this, her heart began to feel uncomfortable again.

Especially after your grades are down.

Qiao Yuan was the fifth-to-last in the class.

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother doted on Qiao Yuan again, and no longer cared about Qiao Lan's grades, but she felt that she cared about Qiao Yuan's grades. After Qiao's mother praised Qiao Lan with her forefoot, she saw Qiao Yuan's score with her back foot, and she was almost cerebral in anger.

"You didn't even pass half of your sister's test, she was born to me, why is there so much difference!"

Qiao Yuan was suffocated in the small restaurant for an afternoon. When he came back, he heard what Qiao's mother said. A white and fat face wrinkled into a ball and began to cry. When Qiao Yuan cried, the old lady next to Qiao couldn't bear it anymore. , holding her grandson and scolding her daughter-in-law, Mother Qiao couldn't stop scolding when she heard her son cry.

In the end, it became a family to comfort Qiao Yuan.

The next day, Mother Qiao gave Qiao Yuan fifty yuan to buy whatever he wanted. Qiao Yuan took the money with satisfaction, and raised his chin proudly to Qiao Lan and whispered, "No matter how good you study, Mom still likes me the most."

Qiao Lan rolled her eyes silently, just like your mother, she is really not rare at all.

Qiao Lan is not unfamiliar with Qiao's mother, but Qiao's mother has put her idea on Qiao Lan. Since Qiao Lan is studying so well now, Qiao Yuan can't keep up. It is better to let Qiao Lan make up for Qiao Yuan every day. She doesn't believe it. , Qiao Yuan is not as smart as Qiao Lan.

It was rare for Mrs. Qiao not to refute Mother Qiao's opinion. She also felt that it was reasonable. Qiao Lan can get good grades in the exam, but why can't Qiao Yuan? Qiao Yuan is a son.

Qiao's mother didn't think that it would be difficult. After all, Qiao Lan has always been very obedient. The next morning when Qiao Lan was going to school, Qiao's mother came out and said to Qiao Lan casually, "come back early in the afternoon, every day. Make up lessons for your brother at night."

After he turned around and was about to leave, Qiao Lan said, "I don't have time."

"Why is there no time..." Halfway through speaking, he remembered that Qiao Lan was now working part-time.

Mother Qiao heard that Qiao Lan worked in a western restaurant before, and was quite satisfied. In her opinion, whoever came to eat in a western restaurant was not a rich person. Qiao Erjie married a good family after working in a restaurant. Now Qiao Lan works in a more advanced place, and Qiao's mother is also happy.

But now that I bumped into her son, Mother Qiao immediately put Qiao Lan behind her head, and said with a stern face, "What kind of work do you still go to school, so that others will think that I lack your food or your clothes when they hear it? Now, your work is more important or your younger brother's grades are more important, our family only has a son like your younger brother, your younger brother's grades can't go up, you don't worry about being a sister."

What is she worried about.

Even if Qiao Yuan is the last one in the exam, it has nothing to do with her, and he still doesn't look up, "I said I don't have time, you can ask the teacher to make up for him."

"I don't want money from a teacher." Mother Qiao was very angry, "You don't feel bad that the money didn't come from you."

Qiao Lan wanted to laugh, it turned out that Qiao Yuan and Qiao's mother also felt distressed.

Since I am reluctant to ask a teacher.

"Then let Qiao Yuan continue to be poor." After speaking, he ignored the stunned mother Qiao and turned to go to school.

The air in the school is many times better than the smoky home.

Tan Mo is still the same as usual, he will come to school after the early self-study, but it seems to be a little earlier than before.

Going to school is still the same, but remembering that he no longer has to sit in the last row of the classroom, after he has a deskmate named Qiao Lan, going to school has a different meaning.

The failure of yesterday's lecture made Tan Mo a little worried.

He reviewed the textbook and the accompanying workbook again according to the current teaching progress. After sitting in his seat, he thought about it and turned to Qiao Lan to ask for her physics workbook.

Qiao Lan didn't know what Tan Mo was going to do, but he still gave him the exercise book.

Tan Mo opened the book, recorded every question that Qiao Lan had vacated, and then returned the book to Qiao Lan.

He can prepare in advance, and do everything in advance according to the current teaching progress, so that he can speak to Qiao Lan unimpeded.

Qiao Lan looked at Tan Mo's beautiful handwriting, and hurriedly said, "Don't be so troublesome." If something like a question would waste the other party's time and cause trouble to the other party, it would be a little uneasy.

Tan Mo's eyes stared straight at her, waiting for her to finish speaking.

"It's too troublesome, you have your own affairs every day, if it really doesn't work..." Qiao Lan thought for a while, "I can also ask Pei Ning."

Tan Mo grabbed the book back.

Pressing the book firmly, he pursed his lips into a straight line, "No trouble."

Qiao Lan looked at the stubborn profile of the young man, and sat back after looking at it for a long time, not to fight with Tan Mo.

In this way, a few days later, Qiao Lan clearly felt that Tan Mo's topic was superior to Pei Ning.

Because Tan Mo has been prepared for a long time, it becomes unimpeded when he talks again now.

Pei Ning is a high school student in the end, and his studies are not much ahead of Qiao Lan, but Tan Mo is different. Tan Mo knows a lot, so when he talks about a topic, he often talks about some other knowledge points while explaining a topic, which is very helpful to Qiao Lan.

There is also a big difference. When normal people talk about topics, they always say some irrelevant nonsense, but Tan Mo does not.

In their world, there is no need to say anything without it. Since it is a topic, there will be no nonsense when speaking.

The speed of the topic was instantly much faster than Pei Ning, and he didn't know how much more thorough than Pei Ning spoke.

Except that sometimes after Tan Mo finished speaking, Qiao Lan still didn't understand, and Tan Mo would stare at her silently with the pair of eyes that Qiao Lan praised as very beautiful.

Qiao Lan was seen wanting to cry without tears, and said miserably, "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid to you."

"It's okay," Tan Mo said, and after thinking about it, he added, "It's not too stupid."

Much better than he had imagined before.

Qiao Lan: …

Forget it, let's listen to the question.

Tan Mo used the fastest time to refresh everyone's views on him.

He still came to class, but he never had to listen to the class in class. The physics and mathematics teacher would occasionally click on him suddenly. Even if he was looking at English in his hand and looked up at the question on the blackboard, he could say the correct answer after ten seconds.

Amidst the exclamations of the classmates, Tan Mo looked down at his book again without any expression, and his delicate and beautiful profile face was clearly visible without the obstruction of his eyes.

The malice dissipated little by little.

Some students even changed their previous views on Tan Mo, and even felt that it was a particularly awesome thing to have such a genius in their class. Even if they had never spoken to Tan Mo before, it would not affect the praise in front of students in other classes. As soon as you brag about the power of Tan Mo, of course, you don't forget to brag that Tan Mo looks good.

Tan Mo's name, just like Chen Yaoyang and Hao Ying, was known to almost the whole school in just a few short days.

Good looking people are always in the spotlight.

Even the junior high school attached to the high school knew that there was a boy named Tan Mo in the first year of high school. He never listened to lectures in class, but he still got full marks in the exam, weird, crazy, and so on. Under the halo of the word "genius", he gradually became popular with everyone. forget.

Once in the school, the teenager who was avoided by everyone, when he reappeared on the campus in a wheelchair, he looked at him more than before.

Some girls were walking not far from him, chattering and keeping their eyes on him.

The boy's facial features are excellent, and his complexion is clearly unhealthy white. He has no expression. Looking from a distance, some girls whispered that he was like a delicate and beautiful specimen soaked in formalin, and some people said that if he The color of her lips is more rosy, which may be more like the mysterious vampire in the castle.

Tan Mo walked to the familiar disabled passage, a few girls were talking with a smile, and then a beautiful girl came over, "Classmate, I'll push you up, okay?"

Tan Mo's wheelchair quickly backed up and said coldly, "No need."

The girl was stunned for a while, Xu Shi couldn't help but think that she would be rejected like this. After all, she was very beautiful, and there were so many boys in the school who liked her.

But so many people around looked at it, the girl's face couldn't hold back, so she still moved forward with a smile, "I don't mean anything, I just want to help you..."

The unfamiliar atmosphere was too close, and Tan Mo's pupils shrank suddenly, "Go away."

The girl's pretty face became more and more ugly, she looked at Tan Mo with a pale face, "I said I just wanted to help you, are you sick..."

Qiao Lan came from a distance and saw the crowd in front of her.

She didn't have the habit of joining in the fun. She just glanced at it casually and saw Tan Mo, who was stiff all over her body. She froze for a moment, and then hurriedly pushed aside the crowd and squeezed in, "Let's make a move, make a move!"

I don't know what happened yet, but I saw the strange girl pointed at Tan Mo and cursed Tan Mo, saying that he was sick.

Qiao Lan's heart twitched, and she rushed forward to protect Tan Mo quickly, isolating the girl from Tan Mo, and turned around and squatted in front of Tan Mo to ask him how he was.

At the moment when Tan Mo saw Qiao Lan, he clenched the wheelchair's hand and finally relaxed a little bit. He lowered his head and looked at Tan Mo's dark eyes, "It's okay."

Qiao Lan breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

He walked behind Tan Mo and pushed the wheelchair, and looked coldly at the girl who had just said badly to Tan Mo, "Get out of the way."

Everyone watched the two go away in a daze, and then the discussion started.

"Who is this, Tan Mo doesn't even care about Sheng Shilu, yet he cares about her?"

"Qiao Lan, don't you know? The one who studied the giants."

"This is Qiao Lan, but not as good-looking as Sheng Shilu."

"Then Sheng Shilu doesn't study well like Qiao Lan."

Sheng Shilu originally made a bet with her friends, but she lost face in front of so many people. Her best friend who played with her came up to comfort her. Sheng Shilu stood blushing for a long time and said loudly, "It's not a disability, I can give it to me. I can't see it."

The classmates who were watching the lively around frowned or thought that what Sheng Shilu said was reasonable, and they talked a lot, and finally they all dispersed.

But I saw a lot of people that day, and it didn't take long for everyone to know it. Some people said it was ugly, saying that Sheng Shilu, a class flower in class 27, deliberately hooked up with Tan Mo, but Tan Mo said it.

Many people say that Tan Mo is too unmannered and his words are too ugly, but some people say that Sheng Shilu deserves it.

Although Sheng Shilu is beautiful, her reputation in the school is not very good. She has asked almost all the good-looking boys in the school, even Chen Yaoyang is no exception.

Many students didn't like Sheng Shilu, but the students in Class 13 didn't like it the most.

Because I heard that Sheng Shilu said bad things about Song Yao, and bluntly said that she was prettier than Song Yao.

Therefore, after learning that Sheng Shilu was rejected for hooking up with Tan Mo, all the students in Class 13 gloated over the misfortune, and felt that Tan Mo's "go away" was really cool.

But after that, I went back to the question that everyone used to talk about before, who looks better in the whole freshman year.

Song Yao, who was at the center of the discussion topic, glanced at Chen Yaoyang blushing, and was called out by the head teacher.

The head teacher's name is Song Yao, because of the Christmas party.

The Affiliated Middle School holds a Christmas party every year. Each grade is divided. Each class prepares a program, and finally selects a good program to perform in front of all grades on Christmas Eve.

The head teacher asked Song Yao to go out because he wanted Song Yao to appear in the thirteenth class.

Song Yao plays the piano very well.

This kind of showy thing, everyone wants to try.

The girls in the class are envious, but they have nothing to say. For a girl like Sheng Shilu, they can mock her for her poor study and say her character is poor, but Song Yao can't find anything wrong with her.

He is beautiful, versatile, and is also top-notch in his studies, and of course his personality is easy to get along with.

The only thing to be picky about is that Song Yao is not tall, she is one of the petite girls, besides being pretty, she is also very cute.

High school students do not need to study in the evening, but this evening requires all students to participate, but this whole scope still does not include Tan Mo.

Tan Mo is special in all principles.

He can come late every day, or he can skip class at will, and he doesn't even need to attend class, so Tan Mo does not need to come to this party.

Qiao Lan turned her head and asked Tan Mo what plans for Christmas.

Tan Mo thought about it, that day, Father Tan might take him back to the house over there again, and then have dinner with Father Tan's wife and daughter, who he didn't like at all.

On Christmas Eve like this, Tan Mo wanted to stay at home and read books.

So Tan Mo said, "There are no arrangements."

"Then why not," Qiao Lan said, "Come to school and let's watch the show together on Christmas Eve."

Tan Mo refused without thinking. There were 30 classes in the first grade, and thousands of students crowded in the auditorium.

"Okay," Qiao Lan was a little disappointed, but it wasn't too surprising. Tan Mo didn't like liveliness, and it was hard to endure such an environment.

As Christmas is getting closer and closer, the students are becoming more and more active. On Christmas Eve, a tall inflatable Christmas tree was erected in the school, and all kinds of snowflakes were pasted on the windows of every teacher.

During the daytime class, the students were a little restless, and the teachers turned a blind eye.

When the get out of class was over, it was even more lively. The students bought apples or oranges of good quality and gave them to their close friends or loved ones.

The entrance to the classroom of Class 13 was even more lively than the next few classrooms. There were more boys and girls giving apples than other classes, for Song Yao, for Chen Yaoyang, especially Chen Yaoyang. All the apples collected were distributed to each person in the class.

When they were evenly divided in front of Qiao Lan and Tan Mo, the two of them unanimously refused, no.

Chen Yaoyang, who was sitting next to him, paused in his voice, his eyes were cold, and no one else saw it.

Tan Mo silently watched the lively classmates in the class, then turned to look at Qiao Lan, wondering what he was thinking.

After the last class in the afternoon, the head teacher asked all the students to go home quickly for dinner, come to the class at 6:40 p.m. to move the stools, and then go to the auditorium together. Tan Mo didn't need to go, so he packed his things slowly as before. After finishing packing, Qiao Lan had already left.

Tan Mo's eyes looked gloomier than before.

He sat in the seat silently for a long time, then took out his schoolbag and prepared to go home. When he lowered his head, he realized that there was something more in the hole of the table.

Tan Mo pulled out the unknown thing, it was a greeting card with a big smiley face on it, Qiao Lan's name written on it, and next to the card was a very beautiful red apple.

Tan Mo's irritable mood all day melted away little by little at this moment.

He carefully packed the greeting card and apple, and then left the campus. After getting in the car, he did not go home, but let Uncle Chen drive to another place.

Qiao Lan returned to school after dinner, looked at Tan Mo's table hole, saw that the greeting card and apple were gone, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised. The table next to him was suddenly bumped, and Qiao Lan turned around inexplicably, and saw Chen Yaoyang frowning, looking like someone else owed him money.

Qiao Lan silently complained that she was sick, and pulled her chair further away.

After the class teacher arrived, Qiao Lan followed the whole class to the auditorium.

Whether running or sitting, Qiao Lan likes to sit at the back. In fact, she thinks it is more convenient to leave at the end.

There are too many students. The following classes have not arrived yet, but the party has already started. The boy next to Qiao Lan got the program schedule from nowhere, and excitedly said that Song Yao was the seventh to appear.

"Remember to take pictures later."

"I know."

"By the way, didn't the squad leader buy that or something?"


Just after speaking, the monitor who was shopping came back with a lot of black bags, and the students gathered together to see what it was.

Then I watched the squad leader take out a bunch of glowing hairpins from the bag.

girl:! ! !

boy: …

The head teacher cheerfully said that everyone has a share, and one should not be humble.

The girls burst into laughter and squeezed up to choose the hairpin they liked. Qiao Lan took one at random. It was a pair of antlers and wore it on her head like the other girls. Chen Yaoyang, who was next to him, looked back subconsciously, but looked at it a few more times. After a few seconds, he turned his head.

So Class Thirteen, with its luminous hairpins, became a beautiful sight in the first grade. The girls in other classes looked at Class Thirteen with envy, and some were still blaming their own class teacher and monitor for not being distracted.

The thirteenth class's Christmas party was very heart-warming, and the programs in the class were also very heart-warming.

Song Yao's solo piano solo.

She was wearing a white gauze skirt, her long hair was not tied up but draped over her shoulders. She made a hairpin with white feathers and pinned one side of her long hair behind her ear, making her more beautiful and pure. It caused the students below to scream again and again.

This is especially the case with class 13 students.

Qiao Lan wore her antlers, looked at Song Yao on the stage, and listened to the piano, she was really beautiful.

Thinking about it, someone suddenly patted her behind her, and Qiao Lan turned around and saw that it was a classmate she didn't know.

The classmate told her to go out for a while, that someone was looking for her outside.

Qiao Lan frowned, she couldn't think of anyone who could look for her, she didn't know anyone except her classmates.

But it still went out.

Quietly left his seat and walked towards the entrance of the auditorium. As he got closer, he saw a familiar teenager in a wheelchair under the purple-blue light of the auditorium.

Qiao Lan was stunned for a moment, and then he quickened his pace and ran over.

"Isn't it impossible to tell?" Qiao Lan was very surprised. The reason for running over was that her breathing was still a little unsteady. "Why did you come suddenly? Did Uncle Chen send you here?"

After speaking, Uncle Chen stood ten meters away, looked at her and smiled.

Qiao Lan smiled back at Uncle Chen, looked at Tan Mo again, and asked him tentatively, "Is there something wrong?"

Uncle Chen is also there, so Tan Mo is definitely not here to watch the show, he should be looking for her in a hurry.

Tan Mo didn't speak. He looked up at Qiao Lan, and then looked at the elk antlers flashing in her hair, reflected in the purple-blue light in the distance, Tan Mo suddenly felt that the glowing antlers were very cute, and just In front of Qiao Lan, the eyes that looked at him were also extraordinarily beautiful.

Tan Mo seldom pays attention to the appearance of others. Many people are very interested in whether they are beautiful or not. He never pays attention, but today, when he saw Qiao Lan's somewhat different appearance, two words popped out in his heart.


He couldn't help looking at it for a while, and after a while, he took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to Qiao Lan, "Your gift."

Qiao Lan was stunned for a while, "Just give it to me tomorrow, why did you come here on purpose?"

"Tomorrow is not Christmas Eve," Tan Mo still looked at her.

Qiao Lan smiled, then took the small box and said softly, "Thank you."

"No thanks," the boy glanced at the antlers on her head again, and then withdrew his gaze.

Qiao Lan walked out of the auditorium, watched Uncle Chen come up, and pushed Tan Mo's wheelchair farther and farther, until he couldn't see it, and then opened the small box in his hand.

A delicate apple pendant carved from jade.

It was a belated Christmas Eve blessing from the young man.

Qiao Lan, I wish you peace and happiness.