Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 29


A Christmas party slightly dissipated the tension from the final exam at the end of the semester. Until the party ended at ten o'clock in the evening, everyone moved their chairs back to the classroom, talking about the performance tonight. A classmate who is in the limelight.

Qiao Lan touched the pocket of her clothes uneasy, and carefully avoided the crowd.

She gave Tan Mo an apple, and Tan Mo also gave her an apple, an apple that Qiao Lan felt hot in her hand.

As Qiao Lan carried the chair and walked back, she had no idea what she owed Tan Mo, and it became increasingly unclear.

When she returned home at night, Qiao Lan saw that the door of her room was wide open, and Mrs. Qiao scolded, "Locking the door all day long, it's like hiding something shameful."

Qiao Lan originally wanted to hide the jade pendant in the room, but now looking at the messed up room, she took the idea back in an instant.

Carefully put the small box in the most secret place at the bottom of the schoolbag, zip the schoolbag, and put the schoolbag on the bedside table.

The next day I came to school. Today is the official Christmas. It seems that the students have not come out of the joy of the festival. This atmosphere will probably be subdued after the New Year's Day holiday is over.

Especially high school.

The morning self-study is also the language self-study of the head teacher. The head teacher stands on the desk and educates the students hard. There are only ten days left for the final exam of this semester. Those who were talking were still talking, and some were still playing with their mobile phones secretly.

The Affiliated High School does not allow students to use mobile phones during school hours, but there are regulations above and countermeasures below. More than half of the students in a class still carry mobile phones with them, and hide and seek with the class teacher and grade director every day.

After Christmas Eve last night, it snowed all night, and in the morning I walked on the campus, a vast expanse of white.

After the early self-study, the students who couldn't hold back for a long time rushed to the outside of the classroom to play snowball fights, especially the first floor of Class 13, which was especially blessed.

The students in the classroom ran seven to eighty-eight, and there were only a few left to sit in the seats, reading books and secretly playing with their mobile phones. Qiao Lan also took out the exercise book as usual, and started today's study. , It was not until Tan Mo came that he raised his eyelids and said hello.

It was winter in the north, and it was very cold outside the classroom. Qiao Lan was wearing thick clothes, but Tan Mo was still very thin. He just came in from outside the classroom, and when he sat down, Qiao Lan could feel his body. Cool chill.

Qiao Lan looked down at his hands on the wheelchair, without gloves, the excessively pale hands seemed to be whiter than usual.

As soon as Tan Mo looked up, he saw Qiao Lan staring at his hand. He subconsciously wanted to take his hand back, so he heard Qiao Lan ask him, "Isn't it cold to wear this little bit?"

Tan Mo shook his head honestly, "It's not cold."

He is really not cold. He is very sensitive to the sun and wind, but not very sensitive to heat and cold. Uncle Chen always wanted him to wear thicker clothes, but the thick clothes were wrapped around him, and the cloth was densely pressing against the skin. This feeling made him even more unacceptable.

But the fingers did freeze stiff.

When he talks, he always stares at each other habitually. Before, many people thought he was weird, but Qiao Lan never felt that there was anything. Tan Mo just looked at her while talking to Qiao Lan, his eyes couldn't help fell on Qiao Lan's neck.

It was empty and there was nothing.

Tan Mo suddenly stopped talking.

Qiao Lan was stunned by his straight eyes, followed Tan Mo's line of sight, only to realize that Tan Mo was looking at her neck, and after two seconds of reaction, she hurriedly explained, "I was afraid of breaking it, so I didn't wear it. ."

After speaking, he opened the bag and carefully took out the small box from the bottom.

The box is opened, and the moist and delicate jade pendant is well embedded in the small velvet box.

Tan Mo watched Qiao Lan take the box out of the schoolbag, stared at the jade pendant for a long time, and suddenly reached out and took the box.

He took the jade pendant out of the box, and took out the red string of the jade pendant from the bottom of the box. After stringing the jade pendant, he handed it to Qiao Lan.

Qiao Lan was stunned and hurriedly explained: "I have to work every day, and I will really break it if I am not careful."

"It doesn't matter," Tan Mo still kept his hands, and handed it forward a little, "Put it on."

Qiao Lan stared at the jade pendant in the boy's hand for a long time, and after staring at the boy's face for a long time, he reached out to take the jade pendant and tied the red rope around his neck.

The boy who had been nervous and stubborn, finally regained his peace. He probably wanted to laugh, but he didn't know how to laugh, and the corners of his lips evoked a slightly odd arc.

Qiao Lan never wore it, and Tan Mo couldn't help worrying whether Qiao Lan didn't like it.

Qiao Lan tied the red rope with her hands behind her back, and her hands were a little weak. He raised his head and looked left and right. There were only five or six people in the classroom. The closest one was Pei Ning, who was introverted and didn't play. After a moment of hesitation, he said, "Wait until I get home to wear it."

Tan Mo still looked at her and did not speak.

Qiao Lan had no choice but to turn her head and say to Tan Mo, "Help me with you, I'm not good at it myself."

Tan Mo's heart that had just calmed down was suddenly mentioned again, and he was stunned for a while and didn't respond.

Help...what you help Qiao Lan tie the red rope...

His fingers couldn't help shaking a bit, and he looked forward and retracted it hesitantly.

He was a little afraid.

Everyone was playing outside, and five or six people in the classroom were doing their own things. Only Pei Ning, who was sitting very close, seemed to feel something, and subconsciously glanced at Qiao Lan and Tan Mo. After a long time, he asked tentatively, "Do you want me to help?"

Tan Mo suddenly stretched out his hand, his fingers clenched the red rope,

"Need not."

Qiao Lan hurriedly pressed down on her body, so that Tan Mo could work harder.

Pei Ning, who was beside him, turned back again with a bewildered face, but couldn't help but take another look.

However, to help tie a pendant, Tan Mo's solemn expression made people nervous, for fear that he would accidentally drop the pendant without holding it firmly.

Tan Mo was really nervous.

During the time when they were sitting at the same table with Qiao Lan, they approached to talk about the topic. Qiao Lan also asked Tan Mo to wake her up when she was sleepy. Tan Mo always felt that this was close enough, but now, they can be far away. keep close.

Tan Mo's cold fingers holding the red rope were a little unstable, and when the fingertips accidentally touched Qiao Lan's warm skin, he subconsciously trembled slightly.

From time to time, Qiao Lan could feel the boy touching the cold fingers on his neck. She wanted to ask Tan Mo if you were really not cold, but she seemed to sense the boy's nervousness, so she lay down quietly without saying a word and not disturbing her. Tan ink.

After a while, Tan Mo said with relief, "Okay."

He quickly sat upright again, but after a while he couldn't help but glance at Qiao Lan, saw her smiling, and then looked at the jade pendant swaying gently on her neck, the cold eyes were much shallower. A layer of warmth.

This feeling is very subtle, just like when I saw my name and Qiao Lan's name listed together, I can't tell the satisfaction and happiness.

After the second class, the sun finally came out of the cold sky, and the snow finally began to melt little by little. The students played with the snow all morning and gradually lost interest. Talking eloquently, he brought the topic back to yesterday's party.

There were nearly 20 programs in the party, and there were many handsome guys and beauties, such as Song Yao from Class 13, Chu Jing from Class 1, beautiful girls of various colors, and Hao Ying, a star student from Class 5, who was caught by the class teacher to play a sketch .

Hao Ying played the role of a wealthy second-generation fluent. Taking advantage of current events at that time, a classic line "My dad is Li Gang" left a deep impression on the students that night.

Fifteen or sixteen-year-old boys and girls are always interested in beautiful girls and handsome boys. The party is over, but they are still discussing who looked the best yesterday. Finally, it gradually extended to the inventory of handsome boys in school. Beauty.

Because of yesterday's dreamy dress, Song Yao touched the hearts of many young men and came out on top in this inventory.

Qiao Lan wasn't interested in these things. Everyone thought that Song Yao was beautiful, but Qiao Lan agreed very much. She was really beautiful and excellent. It was cute when she blushed when she heard the theoretical voice of her classmates.

Tan Mo also heard it.

He is not interested in these either, but he is always interested in Qiao Lan.

Hearing the comments of other classmates, he glanced at Qiao Lan's face, and suddenly remembered the appearance of Qiao Lan wearing shiny antlers when she came out of the auditorium on Christmas Eve.

The purple-blue light shone on her face. Tan Mo, who had never had any opinion on beauty, thought Qiao Lan was very good-looking for the first time.

Doesn't it look good

He fixedly looked at Qiao Lan's profile, the outline of the face was very good-looking, the bridge of the nose was very high and very good-looking, and the curvature of the ends of the eyes was also very good-looking.

Being stared at by Tan Mo, Qiao Lan turned her head uncomfortably, Tan Mo met Qiao Lan's dark and bright eyes, and staggered his gaze, thinking that these eyes are the best looking.

He really thought Qiao Lan was beautiful, but why didn't any of the classmates around him mention Qiao Lan's name.

The most they mentioned was a girl named Song Yao.

It took Tan Mo two classes to finally know who Song Yao was.

He looked at Song Yao for a while, and then his eyes fell on Qiao Lan's face again.

A girl sitting behind Song Yao tapped Song Yao and whispered to her, "Song Yao, I found that Tan Mo has been looking at you for the past two days."

Song Yao was stunned for a while, and hurriedly glanced at Chen Yaoyang, "You must have read it wrong."

"It's definitely not wrong, he really has been looking at you."

Tan Mo, who has been "seeing Song Yao", doesn't know anything. The more he compares Qiao Lan and Song Yao, the more he discovers Qiao Lan's superiority.

The bridge of the nose is not as sharp as that of Qiao Lan, and the outline of the eyes is not as distinctive as that of Qiao Lan. Song Yao's face is too rounded, and standing up visually, her height is far less than that of Qiao Lan...

He really thinks that Qiao Lan has more points than Song Yao, but when everyone talks about those good-looking girls, there is never Qiao Lan's name.

After school in the afternoon, Tan Mo was sitting in the car. Uncle Chen, who was in front of him, was turning on the radio again to listen to the news. Tan Mo was silent for a long time, and suddenly said,

"Is Qiao Lan good-looking?"

Uncle Chen, who was listening to the radio, was really stunned for a long time, "What?"

Tan Mo was still expressionless, but he said something that shocked Uncle Chen, and repeated it again, "Do you think Qiao Lan is good-looking?"

Uncle Chen was so shocked that he didn't even notice what was said on the broadcast just now.

Why do you suddenly ask such a question without a clue? Why do you suddenly ask Qiao Lan how she looks like? What did he say that Tan Mo would be happier

Uncle Chen passed a lot of thoughts in his mind for a while, but finally decided to answer Tan Mo's question from an objective point of view.

"Actually, just looking at the facial features, Miss Qiao's facial features are very good." As an old man with normal aesthetics, he can still answer accurately, "However, Miss Qiao seems to be malnourished for a long time. You can see that she works every day, and the family conditions are sure. It's not good enough, so the nutrition has been unable to keep up, and it looks like there is no color, if the complexion is good, the whole person must be different..."

Uncle Chen was still talking, Tan Mo looked at the streetlights outside the car window and didn't know what he was thinking.

Christmas and New Year's Day made the students relax for many days. Finally, after the three-day holiday on New Year's Day, they began to slowly relax and focus on the final exam.

But as the Chinese New Year is approaching, Qiao Lan's part-time job is busier than before, and sometimes she returns home at night, even after one o'clock in the morning.

Tan Mo looked at Qiao Lan with a gloomy face, and Qiao Lan's complexion was worse than before.

Qiao Lan and Tan Mo have been sitting for a long time, and gradually they can see the different emotions on Tan Mo's expressionless face, not to mention that today's Tan Mo seems to be more silent than usual.

Qiao Lan turned to look at him and asked him what happened in a low voice. After a while, Tan Mo asked her mindlessly, "How long are you going to work?"

I don't know why I suddenly asked about part-time work, Qiao Lan couldn't figure it out, and answered honestly, "I should stick to it until the end of the first year of high school."

Tan Mo's eyes became more and more gloomy.

What exactly happened here

When Qiao Lan asked again, Tan Mo remained silent and said nothing.

Tan Mo won't lie. Once he encounters a question he doesn't want to answer, no one wants to pry a word out of his mouth.

As a result, on the second day, Qiao Lan came to study and waited until morning for self-study. Looking at Tan Mo who had just come in, he said good morning, and Tan Mo took out a box the size of a slap from his schoolbag.

Qiao Lan glanced at it and asked, "What is this."

Tan Mo pushed the box in front of Qiao Lan, "Here it is."

give me

Qiao Lan's heart trembled again.

She is really afraid of what Tan Mo will give her. She owes Tan Mo too much now. Every time she hears the word "give you" from Tan Mo, she feels that her conscience is being condemned. Last time she accepted it. After the apple pendant, Qiao Lan vowed to never accept Tanmo's things again.

Tan Mo saw that Qiao Lan didn't move and didn't open the box, and said, "Aunt Chen made it, for you."

Tan Mo reached out and opened the box. A well-packaged nutritious porridge was still warm. The shrimp inside could be seen through the transparent glass.

After a long while, Qiao Lan took a deep breath: "I ate breakfast."

Tan Mo fixed his eyes on Qiao Lan, thought about it and said, "It's okay", took out the box and placed it in front of Qiao Lan, "Not much."

The portion is not much, you can eat a little more after eating breakfast.

Qiao Lan: …

"I really ate breakfast, I'm not hungry," Qiao Lan repeated.

Not to mention going to the western restaurant to deliver money in the evening, and now delivering breakfast in the morning, even if she knew that it was Tan Mo's kindness, Qiao Lan really couldn't accept it.

Tan Mo's body was stiff, and the good mood that came in the morning disappeared in an instant.

Uncle Chen said that Qiao Lan was malnourished, so Tan Mo asked the nutritionist to specially match the recipes. Because it was not easy to carry large portions of nutritious meals in school, Aunt Chen finally made nutritious porridge.

He had seen many students in the class drinking porridge in the classroom before.

No one knew that when he came out with this nutritious porridge in the morning, there was a faint joy and expectation, but now Qiao Lan doesn't want it.

Tan Mo couldn't describe how he felt at the moment, he didn't understand this kind of complex irritability and anger, mixed with loss, grievance, and sadness.

He looked at the nutritious porridge blankly, and turned his head coldly after a while,

"If you don't like it, then throw it away."